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1.1 Bank
314 South Washington St.
P.O. Box 1620
Alton. WY 83110
RECEIVED 11/4/2008 at 3:01 PM
RECEIVING # 943416
BOOK: 708 PAGE: 517
1.t Bank
314 South Washlnglon SI.
P.O. Box 1620
Alton. WY 83110
1st Bank
314 Soulh Wa.hington St.
P.O. Box 1620
Alton. WY 83110
THIS MORTGAGE dated October 31, 2008. is made and executed between PAUL M KUCHAREK and KAREN B
KUCHAREK. HUSBAND AND WIFE (referred to below as "Grantor") and 1st Bank. whose address is 314 South
Washington St., P.O. Box 1620, Afton, WY 83110 (referred to below as "Lender").
GRANT OF MORTGAGE. For valuable consideration. Granlor mortgages and convey. 10 l.ndor all 01 Grantor's right, litlc. and Inter..t in and to
the following described roal propurty, tugether with all exi~ljng or subsequently eroctod or affix.ed buildings. improvements and fixtures: all
aasemoms, rigl'H5 of wüy. and appurtc,nances; 011 wlHer. water ,igh1S, wutorcourses and ditch rígh(s including stock in utilities with ditch or
irrigation rights); and all ottmr rights. royalties, and profits rslating to the real property, including without limitation all minerals. oil, g8S,
geother",al .nd .I",ilar mett.r., (the "Real Property") located in COUNTY County, State of Wyoming:
lot 1 of Wicki Up Estates, Lincoln, County, Wyoming as described on the official plat filed on June 9, 2008 as
instrument No. 939634 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
Tho Rea' Property or its address is commonly known as LOT 1 WICK' UP ESTATES, WY.
Grantor presenlly assigns to Londor rill uf Grantor's right, title, ond interest in and to ull present and future leaaGs of the Property am' all Hents
from the Property. In addition. Grantor grant. to lender. Uniform Com",erclol Cod. security intarest in the Personal Property .nd Renls.
GRANTOR'S WAIVERS. Grantor waiv~s all rights or uofor1ses arising by reasUn of any "ono action" or "onti-dofìciency" luw. or any othor law
which mDY prevent Lender from bringing any Detion against GranWt, including Ð claim for deficiency to the Oxtent Lendor is otherwise emitled to
a cloim tor deficitH1CY, before or after Lendür's commencoment or completion of any (oruclofwre action. either judicially or by exercise of a
powor of sule.
GRANTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS ANO WARRANTIES. Gralltor werrant. that: lal Ihis Mortgage i. executed at Borrower's r.que.t and not at
the requost of Lunder; Ib) Grantor has tho (ull power, right. and Huthority to enter into this Mortgage and to hypothecate the Property; Ic) the
provh¡;jons of this Mortgoyo do not conflict with, or rcault ill a dofault undof any agrecmem or other instrument binding upon Grantor and do not
rosult in iJ violuUonot any law, mgulntion, court decree or ordfH applicablo 10 Grantor; (d) Grantor hOB established adequate means of obllJining
from tiorrowcr on ¡) continuing basis ir·formßtlon about Oorro""úr',H financial condition; and Ie) Lendor hus made no reprospnt~tion to Grantof
about Burrowor (including without /imÍletÎon the croditworthiness of Borrowur).
PA YMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Exe."t a. otherwise provldod In this Mortgage, Borrower shall pay to Lender .lIlndebledness secured by this
Mortgogu as it boeomus duu, and Borrower and Grantor shall strictly porform all Borrower's and Grantor's obligations under this Mortgage.
POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Borrower ond Grantor agree that Borrewer'. and Granler's pos....ion ond us. of the
Property shallot!! governod by tha following provisions:
Possession and U$o. Until (he occurrenco of nn Event of Default, Grantor may 11 ramuin in possession and (:ontrol of the Property; (2)
use, operote or manage the Proporty; und 13, collect tho Rent¡ from the Propurty.
Duty to Maintain, Grantor shall mt.!intain tho Propeny In tenantable cQndition and promptjy perform a/l repairs, røplucements, and
maintenanco necossary to preservQ its valuu.
CompliancQ With E;whonmental laws. Gtulltor rcprosent~ und wnrrants to Lender that: (1) During the period of Grantor's ownership or
the Property, thero hat» been no usa, goneratlon, manufacture. ~torðge, treatmenl, disposal, release or throatoned release of Qny Hazardous
Substance by any person on, under, about or from tho Property; (2) Grantor has no knuwlodge of. or reason to believe that there has
been, except tiS proviously disclosed to und ucknowlcdgotl by lunder in writing, 'a) any bfeach ur violation of any Environmental Laws,
(b) any use, gonorøtion, munufacture, storage. trcatment, disposal. rele6se or threaumod release of an'! HH10rdou$ SUbStÐf'1Cfo1 on, under,
about or from the Property by uny prior owners or occuponts of tho Property, or (cl any fJctuol or thraatened litiyatìon or claims uf any
kind by any person relaling 10 .ueh matter.; and 131 Except as previouSly disclosed to and acknowledged by lender in writing. la) neilh.r
Grantor nor any tenant, contrflctor, agent or other uuthorized user of the Property shall use, generate, miJOufacture, storo, treat, dispose of
or releaso any Hazardous Substance on, under. about or from the Proporty; and (b) any such activity shall be conducted in compliance
with 011 applicablo federrJI, state, and local luws, regulations and urdinances, including without limitation nil Environmental Laws, Granlor
authorizos Lunder and its aøents to enter upon the Property to make such inspections and tas(s, at Gr8ntor'~ expense, as Lender may deem
appropriatc to detormine complianc:c of the Property with this section of th0 MUrlgoge. Any inspections or tests mode by Lender shall be
for lender's purpese. only and shaH not be !;onstrued to create any responsibility or liabilily on the part of lender to Grantor or to any oth.r
person. The representations nnd warranties contained herein ore ba:sed on Grantor's due cWiganct) in investigating tho Property for
Hazardous Substunces. Grantor heraby (1' roj(:ßSCs and woives any future claims against tender for indemnity or contribution In the
event Grantor b(!comes liable for cleanup or other costs unuer any 5uch lows; find (2) sgrces tu indemnity, defend, and hold harmless
Lonúor against any and ull claims, lossos, liabilitio9, damages, penalties, and expensu:s whiçh Londer may directly or indiroctly sustain or
suffer resulting from a breach of tt1íts section of the Mortguge or as a consuquence of any use, generation, munufucture, storage, disposal,
release or threatoned release occurring Jrior to Grantor's ownership or interest in the Propot1y, whether or not tho same was or should
huve been known to Grüntor, The provisions of thig section of the Mortgage, including tho obligation to indomnify and defend. shall survive
the P¡)YIHUf1( of th~' Indebtcdnu51§ IJnd the satisfacl,ion and recom¡eyance of the lien at this MCJrtguge and shall not be RUected by Lendor'6
oCl1uisítion of any interest in the ProPOrty. whether by foreclosure or otherwise.
NulsDnce, Waste. Grantor shaH no: cause, condur.t or permit any nuisanco nor commit, permit, or suffer any stripping of or waste pn or to
the Proporty or itny portion of the Pwpcrty. Without limiting the generality of thu foregoing, Gramor will not remove, or grant to any other
pnrty the right to rtõ1lnovo, tllIY (illd}~r, 1fIIurtlls (incluulng 011 and gas), coal, clay, SCOflD, soli, gravel or rock products without Lender's prior
wrincn con5cnt.
Removal of Improvements. Grantor shall not demolish or romove any Improvernol1ts frum the Real Property without' Lendor's prior written
consent. As a condition 10 the removal of uny Improvements, Lender mt1Y re-quire Grantor lD make 8rrangemcnts satisfactory 10 lender to
replace such Improvements with Improvements of 1]1 ItltI$t equul value.
lendar's Right to Enter. Lender and Lcnder's agents and reprQsontatives may enter upon the Real Proporty at lJII reasonable times to attond
to Lander's intorests and to inspect tho Reol Property for purposos of Grantor's complloncQ with !he terms onu conditions of this Mortgsge.
Loan No: 64003642
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Complianco with Govornmental R(!ql.llrements. Grantor shall promptly comply with all IBWS, ordinances. and regulations, now or heresf1er
in effect, of all governmental authorities ilpplicable to the use or occupancy or the Property, including without limitation. the Americans
With Disabilities Act. Grantor may contest in good faith any such law, ordinance, or regulation and withl10ld campHence during any
proceeding. includlnÇ,J approprialC ~ppeuls, so long 8S Grantor ha:; notHied Lender in writing prior to doing so and so long as, in lender's
50 Ie opinion, Lender's, ir1tcrcsts in the Property ore not jeopardizod. LondrJr may require Grantor to post adequate security or a surety bond,
roasonably sulis-factory to lender, to protect Lender's interest.
Duty 10 Protect. Grantor agrees neither to abandon or leave unattended the Property. Grantor shall do all other DctS. In addition to those
acts !Set forth above- in this scction, which from the charactor and use of tho Pmperty Bro reasonably necessary to protoct and preserve the
TAXES AND LIENS. Tho following provisions rolating 10 tho taxos and liens on the Propalty lire part of this MOf1gage:
Payment. Grantor $hall p~y whon dl.:e (and in all e....ents prior to delinquency) all taxes, payroll tu:xes, special 18)(05. Us~tu,sments, woter
chorges and sewer service charges iovied egolnst or on account of tho Property, and shall pay when due all claims for work done on or for
scrvìcus ronùurøù or material furnished to the Property. Grantor shall mainLain the Property froo of any lions having priority over or equol to
the íl,,¡tarost of Lundor under thie Mortgage, o:xcop' for those liuns specihcolly agreed to in writing by Lender, and o.xccpl for the lien of taxes
and aS$essmants not due 8S furtht:f fipocifî(!d in the Right to Contest paragraph.
Right to Cøntest. Grantor may withhold payrnont 01 any tux, assessment. or claim in conncction whh 0 good faith dispute ovor the
obligation to pay I so lony att londer'5 interest in tho Propurty is not jeopardized. if a lien arises or is filed os 0 result of nonpayment.
Grantor shall within fifteen 051 days after the lion a,lsas or, if a lien Is filed, within titteon (151 duys elter GrBntcr has notice of the filing,
secure the discharge of thu liun, OJ' if requested by Lender, deposit with Lunder ca~h or a sufficient corporate surely bond or other securitY
satisfactory to Lender In an amount sufficient to discharge tho litm plus any costs and rl:msonflble attornoys' fees, or other charges that
could accrue os a rosult of H foreclosure or sale: under the Hen. In any contest, Grantor shall òefand Îltialf and Lender and shull satisfy any
adverse judgment before enforcement against the Proporly. Grantor sholl nam(: Lander as an additional obligee under any surety bond
furnished in the contest proceedings.
Evidence of Payment. Gruntor shall upon demand f'urnish to Lender satisfactory evidence of payment 01 the taKes or assessments and shaH
aulhorize the appropriate governmental official to dolivor to Lender at any time a written statement of the taxes and assessments against
the Property.
Notico of Construction. Grantor shall notify Lender at least fifteun (16) days before any work is commoncod, ony services are furnished. or
any materials are supplied to the Propeny, if flny mechanic's lien. mütorlalmen'$ lien. or othor "en could be asserted on account of the
work, services. or matorinl5. Grantor will upon request of Lender furnish to Lunder advance assuroncos satisfactory to Lander that Grantor
can and will pay tile cost oT such improvoments.
PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The following provisions relating '0 insuring tho Prop"rty are a part of this Mortgage:
Maintenance of Insurance. Grantor sholl procure and maintain pollclos of fire Insurance with standard o><1:cndad coverage endOfSen1fð,'ts 011
a replacement basis tor tho iul/ insurable valuo covering all Improvements on the Beal Property in un amount sufficienL to a....old application
of any CQin~urarlce clause, and with a standard mongltgee clause in favor of Lender. Grantor shall ulso procuro and maintain
comprehensive gonoralliability insurance in suCh cuvOfuge amounts as lundur may roquest with Lender being namod DS additional ìnsureds
in such liability insurance polidos. Additionally, Grantor shall maintain such other insurance, including but not limited to hazard. business
interruption and boilor insurance Sf: Lender may require. Policies shall be written by such insurance companios and in such form as may be
reasonably acceptable to Lender. Grantor shall delìver to Lender conlficatol:l of coverage from oach in$uror contuinìng B stipulatìon 1hal
cove raga will not ba cancelled or diminished without a minimum of thirty 130) days' prior wrltton notico to Lender and not containing eny
disclaimer of the insuror's liabilitv for failuro to give such notice. Each ínsursnco policV olso 5hall includo an ondorsement providing that
coveragu in favor of Londer wíllnot I>e Impaired in any wny by any act, ornìssion or default of GHmtor or any other person. Should the Roal
Property be locntod in an area designated by tne Diroctor of tho Federal Emcrgenc.:y Munagamont Agency os a- spacial flood hOlard erea,
Grantor agrt~es to obtain and maintain Fodaral Flood Insurance, if ovoiluule, for the full unpaid principal bnlanco of the loan and any prior
lions cn tho proparty securing Ihe loan. up to tho maximum policy limits sol under the National Flood Insuranco Program. or as otherwise
required by Londer. and to maintain such insurance for the torm of the loan.
Application of Procood&. Grilntor shall promptly notify Lender uf nny 1035 or ÔUIf1UHIJ to the Property it the estimated cost of repair or
replacemant exceeds $1,000.00. Lender may make proof of loss if GramOf toils to do so withIn lifteen 1151 days at the cosually, Whether
or not Londr1"s security is impairt!d, Lender may. at Lander's election, rocuive nnd retaÎr'\ the proceeds of any insurance and applv the
proceeds to thO roducÜOr1 of the indebtedness. p8ymonr of any ·'ien affecting tho Pruperty. or the restoration Bnd rOPQir of the Property. If
L~mdor elects to apply the proceeds to refilOratlon and repair. Gruntor shell repair or replace the damugud or destroyed Improvements In a
manner satisfactory to Lender. Lander shftH, upon sutlsfflctory proof of such expenditure, þlJY or reimbursu Grnntor from the procoeds tor
the reasonable cost {Jf repair or rostoration if Grantor is not in default undor this Mortgage. Any proceeds which have not been dìsbursed
within 180 days after thoir recoipt :lnd which lendQr has not commit tud 10 the repair or restoration of the Property shall be us ad first to pay
any amount owing tu Lender under this Mortgage, than tu pay accrued ifllerast. and tho r.meinder. if any, sl1ol1 ba applied to the principal
bahmce of tho Indeb~odn9ss. If Lender holds any proceeds after payment in full of the Indubtednoss¡ such proceeds shall be paid to Grantor
as Granlor's interests may appear.
LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. If .IlY ection or pro"eeding is commenced lhat would metorlally affect Lender's intere.t In tha Properly or if Grantor
fuils to comply with any provision of this Mortgage- or uny Related Docum(~nts, încluding but not limited to Grantor's failuro to discharge or pay
whon due any a.mounts- Grantor is requirod to discharge or pay under this Mortgago or any nBlated Documents, Londor on Grantor's behalf may
Ib!Jt shall not bu obligated tol toke uny action that Lender deems approprlalO, including but not limited to dischargino or paying all taxes, liens,
s(H.;urity interests, encumbrances and other daims, 8t any time lavieù or placed Oft the Proporty ond puying all coSt6 for insuring, maintaining nnd
preserving the Property, All ~uch expenditures inc;urred or paid by Lunder for such purposes wilt then boar imerest at tho rate charged under the
Note trom the date incurred or paid by L.ender to tho date of repayment by GrDn~or. All such expenses wiJJ become a port of the indobtedness
,,,,d, at Lender's optio". will IAI bo payabla on demand; (81 be added to the balance cf tho Ncte and ba apportioned among and be payable
with any installment payments tfJ become d'"Iß during either (1) Ihu term of any oppljeuble Insuranco policy; or 12) tho remaining torm of the
Note; or ICI be traBted BS e baUoon fleyment which will be due and payabie at the Note's maturity. Tho Mortgage also will se"ure payment of
Ihuse amounts. Such right shall be in addil;o" to all othar rights and ramedies to which Lendor may be entitled upon Derault.
WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TiTlE. The following provisions relating to ownership of the Propef1y are a part of this Mortgage:
Title. Grantor warrants thet: (a) Grantor holds good and marketable title of record to the Property in fee simple. free and claar of all liens
and ancumbranco5 other thon those set forth in the Heal Property description or in allY title insuranco policy, title report. or final tìtJo opinion
issued in favor of, ¡md accopted by, Lender In connection with this Mortgllge, and (b) Grantor has tho full right! power, and authority to
oxecute and daliver Ihi. Mortgage to Lender.
Dufense of Tltlo. Subjoct to 1he aXI~eptÎon in the paragraph abovo, Grantor warrants and willlorever defend the title to the Property against
the lawful claims of aU persons. In the event any action or proceeding is commenced that quostions Grantor's title or the interest of Lender
under this Mcrtgage, Grontor shall defond the action at G"'ntor's expense, Gromor may ba Iha nominal paf1y in such proceeding, but
Lendor shull be entitled to pUfticirW1e in the procoodil"l9 und to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choico, and
Grantor will dolivm, or cause TO be delivered, to Lender such instrun~nts as Lendor rnuy request from timo to time to parmit such
Compliance With Laws. Gruntor warrants thilt the Property ¿nd Gruntor's use uf the Property complies with all existing applicable laws.
ordinancCJs. and regulations of govQrnmental authorilios.
Survival of Røpresent8tiol1s and Warrunties. All reproscnttlt;ons, warrantics. and agrccmcnhi rmuJe by Ora1(Qr In this Mortgage tihal!
survive the execution and delivery of this Mortgage, shall be continuing in nature, nnd shall remain In fun force and effoct until such time as
Borrower's Indabtedness shall be fluid in full.
CONDEMNATION. The following provisione relating to condemnation proceedings are a pOf1 of this Mof1gage:
Proceedings. If any proceeding in condemnation is filed, Grantor shall promptly notify Lander in writing, and Grantor shall promptly teke
such steps as may be l1ecetlsary to defend the action and obtuin the award. Grantor may bo the nominal party in !f.uch proceeding, but
Lender shall be enlitled to par!lcipule in the procaeding and tu be repre"onled in the proceoding by counselor its own choice, and Grentor
will deliver or cause to be deliverod to Lunder !l.uch instruments and documentation us may be requested by lender from time to timo to
permÎt such participation.
loan No: 64003642
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Application of Net Procueds. ";III or any pan of lhe Property is condemned by eminent domain proceedings or by -any prococding or
purchèJsa in lieu at, condomno(ion, Lender may at its ejection require that aB or any portion of the ntH proceeds of the awurd be applied to
tho Indobtadnuss Of the repair or fustorntion of tho Propuny. The net proceeds of the award shall moan the award after payment of all
rcasooó)blc costs, expenses, and onorm:yt;;' fees Incurrod by l.t.!ndcr in connection with the condemnation.
IMPOSITION OF TAXES. FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. Tho following provisions relating 10 governmenlai tuxes.
fees and charges are a part of thir:¡ Mortgage:
Current Taxos. Fees end Charges. Upon re(1Uest by Lender, Grantor shull oxecute such document!) in addition to this MortgÐge and take
whatover other aclion is rcqw]sted by Lander to perfect and continue Lender's lien on the Heal Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender tor
all taxes, as described below, together with ulJ oxpenses incurred În recording, perfecting or continuing this Mongøge, including without
lirnitotlon 011 tOKes, fccs, documentury stamps, and other charges for recording or registering this Mortgage.
Taxos. The following shall constituto taxe~ to which this section applies: (1J a spocific tax upon this. typo of Mortgage or upon all or any
part ot the Indebwdnass secured by this Mortgage; (21 a specific tllX on Borrower which Borrower is authoriled or requirod to deduct
trom payments on Ihe Indebted"a.. secured bv this type of Mortgage; (3) u to" on this type of Mortgage chargeable "gainst the Lender or
tho holdor of the Note; and (4} í specific tax on a!i or any portion of "the Indebludne:is or on pøymums of principal and interest made by
Subsequent Taxes. If uny tllX 10 which this section applies is enactod subsequent 10 the dute 01 this Mortgoga. this event sholl have Ihe
same erroct a. all Event 01 Default, and Lender moy oxerclse any or all or its available remodie. for an Event of Default as provided below
unless Grantor eithor (1 I pays the lOX botor. it becomes dolinquent. or (21 <:ol1tests the tax os provided above in the Ta"es and Liens
sl.:ctiun and deposits with Lender ,ash or a sufficlont corporate suroty bund or other security salísfactory to Lender.
SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. Tho lollvwing provisions relming to Ihi. Mortgage as a security agreem.nt ora a part 01
Ihi. Mortgage:
Securrty Agroement. This in$trununt ijih81 constitute a S(!curity Agreem~nt to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixturos. ami
lender shall hove 811 of the right8 cd a securod purty under the Uniform Commercial Code us amended from timo to time,
SBcurity Intørest. Upon reQuost by Lender, Grantor shull toke whatover action Is requostQd by Lender to perfect and continue Lender',
:jf'!curity interest in the Runts and Pcn;onal Pmr}9rty. In addition to recording this Mortgage In the reul property rocords, Lender may. Dt any
time and without further auU,oril.l.1tion from Gran101, file executed counturpuns, copies or reproductíons of this Mortgago 05 u financIng
statement. Gramor sheil reimburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perfccling or continuing this security interest. Upon default. Grantor
shall not remove. sever or detach -(he Personal Property from thv PrUparty, Upon dofuult, GranTor shall assemble any Ponmnal Property not
affixcd TO the Property in a monnor and at a place masonubly convenient to Grantor and Lender and mako it availuble to Lender within throe
(3) davs after receipt of wrinen de11and Irorn Lender to tho extant permitted by applicable law.
Addresses. The mailÎnø addresses of'3rantor (dabtor) and Lendor {secured party) humwhlchinform'ltion concerning the security imorest
granted by this Mortgage may bo obtÐined (oach liS required by tho Uniform Commercial Code) are as stated on the first page of this
FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEY-iN-FACT. Tho following provision. relating to further D..urance. and ettorney in·fDct ere a part of this
Further Assurances. At any tima. and from time to time. upon requust 01 Lender, Qruntor will make. exocute and deliver. or will cause 10
be made, executed or delivered. tel Londor or to Lender's designee, and whon requested by Lander, caU$e tl,) be tiled, recorded, retiled. or
rerecorded, as tho ca$O muy be, at such timos nnd in such offices and places as lender may doom appropriate. any ønd all such mortgages,
deeds of trust, security deeds, s~curity agrcemor11s, financing statements, continua lion statemonts, instrumonts of further assurance.
cortìfìcates, and othor documents as may, in tho &010 opinion at Lander, be necessary or desirable in order to eftectuato, complete, perfect,
conrinurJ, or preserve (1) Borrower's and Grantor', obligations under the Noto, this Mortgagc¡ and the Rola1cd Documonts, nnd (2) the
liens and security interests created by this Mortg"se es Ilrs( and prior liens on the Property. whethor now owned or hereafter acquired by
Grentor. Unless prohibited by law or Lander agrees to (he contrary in writing. Grantor shell reimburse Lender for all costs and e"penses
incurred in connect!on with tho matters referred to in this pari)gruph.
At1:ornoy~in·Fact. It Grantor fail$. tQ do any of tho things roferred to in the precaúing paragraph, Lender may do so for and in the name 01
Grantor and at Gruntor's expanse: For such purposos, Gfilntor hcroby irrevocably appoints Lender a5 Grantor's 8ttorney.in~1act for the
purposc of making, oxecuting, deFvering. filing. recording. and doing all olhor things as may be nl3cessary or dosirable, in lender's 50le
IJpinll1n, 10 accomplitih the mattors wferreu to in the preceding parngroph,
FUll PERFORMANCE, It Borrow.r and Grantor pay ollthù Indebtednes. when due, Dnd Grantor otherwise performs all tha obligations impo.ad
upon Grantor under this Mortgage, Lender shall execute and doliver to Grantor a suitablo satisfactíon of this Mortgage and suitable statements
of termination or any financing stsleme:1t on file evidencing Lendor's security interest In tho Rents and the Porsonul Property, Grunter will pay.
jf purrnllted by applicable law, any reasonable termination fee as dctermined by Lander from tÎmc to timfJ.
EVENTS Of DEFAULT. Each ot the followin9. ¡n Lender's option, shall constItute an Event ut Detault undur this Mortgugu:
Payment Default. Borrower fails to m£lke any Pilyment when duo under the Indebtedness.
Default on Other Payments, Failuro of Grantor within the time required by this Mortgage t'C make any puyment for tiJ)(6S or insurancè. or
any olher poyment necessary to prevont filing of or to effect dischargo of Iotny lien.
Other Defaults. Borrowßr or Grantor fails to comply with or to perform tiny other term. obligation, COvenant or c:ondilian contained in this
Mortgage or in any of the Rclated Documents or to comply with or to perform any term, obligution, covonant or condîtion contained in any
Qlher agreement between Lender and Harrowor or Grantor,
Dufault in Favor of n,lrd Parties. ShQuld Borrower or any Gruntor default under any loon, extension of credit, security agreement. purch¡se
or sales agroement, Or any other agreemont. in lavor of any other creditor or parson that mav maTerially affect ony of Borrower's or any
Grantor's property or Borrower's a~ilily 10 repay the indebtedne$S or BOffower's or Gr.ntor's abilily to perform their respective obilgotions
under this Mortgago or ¡my related ctocumunt.
False Statements. Any warranty, repmsentation or stDtoOlent made or furnished to Lcnäor by Borrowor or Grantor ar on Borrower's Of
Grantor's behalf under this Mortuage or the Related Documents if; falsc or mitlolendlng in nny ff1uterial rospeCl, either now or ot tho time
made or furnished or becomes 1815(; or misleading at any time thcrei1fter.
Dofeat;ve COllatorelizatlon, This Mortgago or any of the Related Documents ceases to be ín full force and effect (inducting failuro of any
coJlatoral document to create a valid and perfected security interast or lion) al any tîme and for any reason.
Death or Insolvency. The death of Borrower or Grantor, the insoJvencv of Burrower or Grantor, the appointment of a roceiver for any part
at Borrowar's or Grantor's property, any assignment for The benefit of creditors, uny type of creditor workmJt, or tha commencement of
any proceeding under arw bankruptl;y or insolvoncy luws by or against Borrower or Grantor,
Creditor or Forfeiture Proceedings, Commencemont or foreclosuro or forteitum proceedings, whether by judicial proceeding, ::Stdf~help,
repossession or any or,hor method, oy any creditor of Borrower or Grantor C)r by any govoff\mental agency against any proporty securing the
Indebrcdneus, This includes u yørn?shment of any of ßorrowor's or Grantor's accounts, including deposit accounts, with Lender, Howovor,
this Event of Default shall not appl't' it ~herÐ is 3 good faith dispute by Borrowor or Grumor 85 to the validity or roasonHbleness af the claim
which is the basis of the creditor or forfeiture procceding and If Borrowor or Grantor gives Lendar written notice of thø creditor or forfeiture
proceeding and deposits with lender monies or U tiurety bond ror the creditor or fodeiturc procßodjng~ in an amount deTermined by Lender,
in its sole discrotion, as being an ¡,¡uuquo\e reservQ or bund lor the dispute.
Breach of Othor Agreoment, Any brl:ach oy Oorrowor or Cr~ntor under ¡he- terms of ,my lJlltaf ö\IUtHIHmt belweon Borrower or Grantor and
Lender thor i6 not remedied within any gruco period provid(~d thercÎn, including withDut limitation any agreement concerning any
indobtedness or oth(1( obligÐt'ion of Borrower or Gran10r to Lender, whelhcr existing now or later,
Events Affecting Guarantor. Any of the precuding evems occurs with respect to any guarrmllJr. endorser, surety. or accommodation party
lit any of the Indebtedness or any guarantor. ondorser, surety, or accommodation party dies or bucomes incompetent, or revoketi or
disputes the validity of. or liubllity undor, OilY GUélranty of th«: Inde-btednoS:i.
Ad\lür$8 Change. A H1t1.leriaJ advonw chunge occurs in Gruntor's financial condition¡ or Lender beliQve!; the prospect of payment or
performanco C)( the Indebtednm.s is impalrod.
aq A.BUI 1UBSUO~ lfj'ns R8se3 lie U! pUB paJ!nhsJ £"1 \uasun:¡ I~~ns ÐJa4M SO::JUOI8U! luanbasqns at luasu('l~ 6lJ!nuquo3 81ntnSU(JfJ löU 1184&
aaU81.ui Auo Ui Japua, Aq tua.uoa 4ans jO fiu!luaJ6 041 'afia6lJo¡.<J Si41 Japun pOJ!nboJ .! Jepuel o Iua.uoo a41 J.Mua4M '.uoiloa.uOJl
BJn\n¡ Aut 0\ 60 suoUa6qo I,JO\\lOJO jO ÁUB )0 JO 1i146p S,JapUB1 10 ÁlIe ~o JfMUM 0 Olnl!\SUO~ ¡¡uqs 'J01UllJD pue JAPUOl UOSMlsq
6uueap jO nSJnon ÁU; JOU '.ioþuol Aq JiMjRM Jopd ON 'a6n6îJOW 1!4\ 10 UO!S!AOJd 10410 ÁUH 10 UO!SI^oJd lP'41lH!M O:JueudwO::J l:"1J1S PUDWOP
01 BS!MJ9410 lqRp 8,JSPUÐl 10 J9^!eM e a¡.n1!1KLJ0:1 JO Ð:)!pn~aJd 10U lRlllì a6e6uow $1141 JO UO!5!^oJd e 10 lOpWq Aq JO^tIfM \J '146p Ja410
,c,UB JO ¡qB!J 4;)"5 '0 JSAIRM 0 se Q1RJedo ß4S 14611 ^uo 6uJsIOJOXO uJ Japuol )0 1J'ud 841 UO uoss!wo .:0 .1.oI9p oN 'Japual Áq pauli!s pUB
6U1!)M U! ua^!B 91 J9^!ÐM 4:}ns UOUf) o6e61Jow S!tU JDpUn sJ46p Auc PO^IBM SMHt 01 pðwaap aq lOll ;1°45 Japwq 'J8pUa, Aq JeA!uM oN
'a6aIlIJoV>j sI41 UI SlIO!1o"iIQo lIa JOI .1<i¡.lIodsaJ O! MO¡aq 6u¡ußIS JOluaJD
l:3BB lUlU SUROW 8141 'JRMnJJog ÁJBha PW) 4:"\eo UB8W IInqt JnMOIJng 01 1~;'IUaJÐOJ Ifll pun 'Jl)1UOJD AJ;:'^Q pun 400;:' uoow (104" JOIUCJÐ
Q) SðaU9JajBJ 110 fJUD "SJQ^8S. pUll 1U!OI aq Ð4s nf¡o6uow 5141 JClpun J01UBJD pUU JaMOJJ08 O suú}nfi!(qo IIV 'A1mqen dJÐADS pUG ¡UIOr
'lIlJIWMM jO a191S
',c,\lIno:) lIIO~U!1l0 &lJnn:1 &4\ to UO!\::JIPspnf 041 01 1!UJqnfi 0) _1sanbôJ S)OPUÐl lIodn fìêÞ9JÔn JOIUIJJD 'lnsN.U¡ 8 S! ßJ3L1 i 'enU8^ 10 0:31°4:)
jO 81alS 8~1 U! Japuo, Aq palda..a uooq .a~ 86&6IJnW 0!4J. ·,uol.I^OJd "0' o 6\'lIjUOO 81! 01 plaSaJ InG~I'" SUlwoAM o OIVIS .41 o ...01
a41 ·..oIIOJOPOj Aq paldw88,d IOU lual08 a41 01 'pue JOpUO, 01 alqeo!lddo ..allolopO Aq pauJa^D6 oq li!M o8aðIJew '141 '..o,6UIUJOAOÐ
'oDaðuot^, S!l41 '0 S'uO!s!hoJd
e4t eUJop JO I.Jdletu! 01 po on aq 01 IOU am pua AIUO ..00dJnd eoualuOAuo. JOj OJa a6ofiun¡.<J 0¡41 UI .lIuIPom/uO!lda::¡ ·.6ulpaaH UOlldo:)
'AlJedoJd 941 jO uO!I.Jado 041 411M
UOIHJOUUO;:) U! SPOUl SBJn1!puadxa llStW liB SSBI Á1JartOJd Ð41 WOJI rnd!O:J3J 4$0;:) lie URSlU D4S ..OWOOU! 6ul11uado ION.. ïUlnboJ 11°45 Japusl
sa IIR1ap puo lUlO, 4:)0& uJ lusA le:)slj snOI"-turl 5,J01U9JO RLJpnp AuadoJd 841 lUOJ pa^!Q.09l AUJO;Ju 6U!lBJadn ¡au :10' 1uaW¡rtølB pOIJ!Uð::J
ø 'lsonbsJ lJodt1 'JapuGl 01 48!UJnj IIB49 J01UDJD Inouap!s&J S,JOllIAJÐ lIBlf1 J9410 sosodmd JOI p&sn ~I AuadoJd &41 JI '5)Jodol:f renuu'f
"W8lUPUUWB JO UO!HlJo1/C 041 Aq punoq JO pafiJB40 aq 01146n09 s9!uod JO Avud 041 ,c,q paUñ!9
pue 6U!¡!JM U! u9^!ð RIDlun OA!\~eJa aq !lOllS aðafiuo&r\J RIll' 01 luawpUAUle 10 lO U()!10J&IID ON 'o6a6~JoA, s~ql lI! 41JO' las GJallULU 041 01
.. .aluad "41 jO IUaWeeJ6n pua 6uIPUnlSJapun o'11L10 041 '.\"1119L1oa ·.luaWMOa pOI"IOfl Aua 411M JOllIOÕOI ·.6a6uo¡.<J sI41 'olualllpuowlf
:.fio6uoV>j "!41 jO IJnd ß oJa OliOl91AOJd snnAuouooslW 6U1MOIIOj 04J. 'SNOISIAOUd Sn03NIf"3:)SIIN
·.JoluaJD UO Ot LlO^16 oa!lou .q 01 POl1","P
81 J01UèJÐ AUR 01 JAPU01 Áq m,^!6 O{\!lOU ÁU!i 'J01UOJO aua UB41 BJOW S! OJ041 :I! 'Mol All pDJ!nb¡)J JO pap!AoJd OS!MJ8410 SSOl{) 's5iOJppe lUBJJn:)
*,J01UOJD JO BaW!1119 1P. pOWJOUI Japuø1 dOô)f 01 sa9JBo JD1UÐJÐ 'sasodJnd 3:J!10U JOJ 'SSaJpþD 9,.\1106 94\ ø8uU4::J 01 6! &:1U(){) 0l.1 JO Ð50dJnd
84\ lInH 6U!^J!~8ds 'saJ\JAd J0410 041 01 a:J!10tJ uanpM IJWJOJ 6U!A!6 Aq íil6u6poW $141 Japun Sí):)!10UJO SS8Jppn !iH a6u811:J Ânuf Auod AuV'
·n60fi\.l0¡.<J sl41 jO lIu!uuðaq a41 Jaou u",04. S. ·o.aJppa ',JOpLlO, O} Ilia. oq IIn48 o6.6IJo¡.<J .141 JaAO 1,lp~pd .a4 40!4'" liaU Aua ¡O lapl04 Aql
llIOI .Jnoo¡.aJoj jO BoollOU jO sedo. 11'1 'ollaðlJOI'\I 0lql jO fiU!UUIII.q AlII J.ou UMo40 ....nJpP. 041 01 pel.OJ!p 'p!.doJd a60100d II"W pOJal.!fioJ
JO paJ.J1J8~ 'ssel:> lSJ~ 89 'UP.W 801815 pS1tUn a41 U! pa150cJnp U94M. 'paUdul H /JO 'JaJnO~14B!UJa^o pazu6o;:JQJ AOUOJIBU e 41M P01!sodtlþ
UÐ4M '{Mel ,(q pAJJnbOJ ðSlMJ8410 saDlun) DI!WJSOÐJ9fÐ1 Áq pB^!a::uu ,tnnl:). UD4M 'pBJBh!lap ÁÐn1:Jo u94tJ\. D^!100UB øq lIoqs pUB '6U!IJM U! u8^!8
aq J!n4. DIGS ¡O .0110U Aue pUB IlnaJol! O a'!IOU Auo UOnal!UlU lno411M IIUlpn¡alll '06aß\.I0¡.<J .!'Il JopLIn Uo,,!fi nq 01 paJ!nboJ ao!tOu AuV 'S3:)IlON
. Mill Aq pop!AOJd own. J0410 lIa 01 uOIHPpa UI '.¡SOO !JnM Auo Aod 11!" oSlO J01U'JJD
'MII ÐlqDOddo J.q pOUJWJad lual)(O 041 0\ 'A:JUUJnSU! 811!1 pUB 98DJ InS!Ii'Jdde pun 'SlJOdðJ .tiJOA¡MJnS '(sllodoJ ÐJnsol=>aJoJ t1U!pnl;:)uI! S}JOcJrU
81111 6U¡U!91qo apJO:)iU ðU14:JJeaS '0 1S0:! a41. 'sa::J!^JOs Uö!1~Ol1o:J ¡U9wßpn!-1sod pa1ød!:'J!]un Aue pUB 'slAsride '(UO!l:3UnrU! JD A01S 0!1DWOlna
,c,U8 8\UQÐ^ JO AJlpauJ 01 51.JOJja ßU!pn:JlI!) S6U!pa9:}OJd Á~ldnJ)fueq JOi snsuudXD pus SaD) ,JiAaUJ01:ø illqnuaSaaJ 6u!pnQu! '1!OSMR n
8! OJa4110U JO JU4104M s9&uadxo leBaJ Ii,JapUíq pun sa(ll ,sAaUJoll0 0lqDuose~u S,JSPUO'l 'MS'I Dqøilodde JOpun Sl!W!1 Auo o11:>a!qns JO^ÐM04
'UOnD~!Wn tn041!^' 'opn:)u! 4c1BJBnJort S!t.\ Aq paJa^o~ s-f)suad)(3 'PledoJ !\un tun\!puadxo 9l} 10 G1.ep 84i UJOJJ 81eJ OloN 941 \0 1SÒJÐHJI
Jooq m~8 pUB pUBwap U(l AqeAud ssaupa1qnpuI GlU O _uad u nWOf.)Dq 1f94& S146p SI! JO 1uawa:}JojlJu '041 JO lSÐJallJ! 51! JO UO!1::1D10Jd 941 JOj
'W!1- Aua \ø AJRSSO:)8U ¡U8 UOIU!do &.Ji>PUBl U! 1ell\ SJn:'Ju! Japual SDJiuAd')(t) 0lqeuoSn8J 110 'Mel Aq PiU!q!l¡OJd \OLJ '1UðlXa all\. 01 pue 'paAIO^U!
6! ua!l:Ju llno:J AUR IOU JO JÐ4l04M 'Radde Auu uodn pus P.!J1 19 SÐÐ ,sAaUJol1n SQ DQØUOSRSJ a6pnfpe Aew 11no:> 041 Kit luns 4::1nC JôMOMU
01 pall!}UO oq 1104. JOpUO, 'aBa61J0¡.<J 1!41 o lu"al 041 jO Au. aOJOjLlB 01 UO!IO. JO llns A". .0lnmoui Japuo, jl ·...ued.3 :..O~ .sAOUJOUIf
·...upalqopu 041 6uim.0. AnaeJ!pUI JO Alla.J!p 10JO\a1loo J9410 ALlo I,uiolle peeoolC!
01 JO/PUR JDSJOpUÐ JO ÁIBlnS 'JOIUUJ9n6 'Ja~nw·o~ J0410 AUQ 16U!UßØ Jo/pue JðMOJJOe JO/PU9 lOWBJD ISll!u6e All:JðJ!n p03aoJd 01 JapUa1
~O AlllfqB pUR S'4ßp 9lf110PllZAj JO ~!W!I 0\ ARM ).UII U! JO 'lneliO JO 1UO^3 ue 6U!MOOj JOPU91 01 8qe!EhO salPSlUaJ pUB 814611 041 1.:J!J1IHU
JO I!W!! 01 .. 00 panJI.Uoo oq 1104. OOj..J8410 JO aßaIlIJOV>j 0'41 Japun 6u/410N 'so¡peweJ St! o.IOJa.o pua II~alep " OJOIOOP 01 14Rp O,JOpUO,
\:)SHb 10U IIR4S 'UJJOJJød 01 OJnl!R SlJ01UDJÐ J01~1iI 'S6DBuoW $141 Jopun J01UOJÐ jO uonu6!1qo un uIJopad 01 U0I10" 0'>(81 01 JO S9Jnl!puach(A
a)BW 01 UO!1:1&I& UIiI pun '^paW9J Ja410 AUR JO ~lnSJnd apn:JX'O \OU lIe4S Ap9LU8J Aue ansmd 01 Jspurq Aq UOll;:)Ð!3 'S8pØWBtJ JO uonø813
'Å1JodOJd laal1 a41 O a,a. Aua
qliM UOil.unfuo~ UI .pOW oq Aew .~tJariÖJd laUO$IOd Oln In oles AUIf ·uo!!!.od.!p JO a¡o. a41 jO mu!! 041 OJOloq .Aup ¡Otllt.! 1'..1 to UaA!ft
aOllou uaOUJ ua4s eO!IOU 0lqauoo.au 'epeUl oq 01 ., Au.doJd leuosJod e41 10 uO!!!90d.!p pepUalu! J0410 JO 0189 eloApd Au. 4'14M JOIIS
ÐWi¡ 041 JO JO AuadoJd ,oUO.JOd 0l1 o 0IOS .!!qnd Aua o 008'0 puo Olll!! e41 ¡O eo!!ou o,qouo.aoJ JOIUaJ!) ÐA!R 11"4' Jopue, 'o,as O 0'!10N
'AIJDdoJd a41 o UOIIJod Auo JO 118 uo .Iao oUqnd Aua Ie Plq 01 pOII!!Ua oq lIa4" JepUO, ·SA/a. OlaJada. Aq JO 010.
8UO U! ·AlalaJ8de. JO J941a601 AuaOOJd 041 )0 uod Auo JO II. 11.. 01 aeJI .q 11"'10 Japua, 'seipaw.J puo 611/6¡J 'I! 6u,siOJo.a ul 'polla4.,.llI
AuadoJd e41 Me4 01 146" lIa pua Aua aAlaM AqaJolj JOIUOI!) pue J.MOUOg 'Mal a¡q.oIf'Jdo Aq paUi"".d \"al)(' 041 oJ. 'Allodo'd 041 jO ÐDS
'Alinbo ui JO MalIa oIQ0J!oA" JO OloN 041 JO .fi0611OV>j 0!41 uI POPI^o"l oOipawo, Pll" "14fi" J0'110 lie aAa4 lIa4s JÐpIIO, ·.olpaUloy Ja410
'Japuo, 10 PLlOUJ.p 041 uodn AleloipnwUlI AIJodoJd a41
ðlø08^ (Z) JO 'AuadoJd a41 o osn 941- JO. !B1UeJ aIQ9uOSe¡U R ),od It) J041!0 'UO!ldo S,J8pU8119 'ne4s pu~ A\JadoJd 841 .O JasÐ4~)Jnd 841 JO
JOpUð, jO eOUaJans IU Iuauo! . eUJo.oq 11.4. JOIUOJD 'JOlueJD 10 J.MaHog jO Ilnuap uodn AUBdoJd a,,1 jO uo!.oaa.od 01 pOlmuo sewooaq
OS!MJ0410 JOpUB, JO OAOqO pOPiAOJd .a Plo. "¡ AIJadoJd aliI JO¡¡O AlJI!doJd 041 o UOI.SO.sod ul sUiawaJ JOluaJD jl 'aouo,a¡¡ng la MUOU01
'LJO!1~OS 6141 Uj pap!^oJd &1461J 94\ lO 88:JJ9'1<Q 041 WOJI pEM8::JOJ Slunowe lie lO UO!1B~lIddß' J8ue JÐpua1 01-
Bnp ssÐupalqapu Øql U! BUIU/OW9J ),:)UA!tJ!JOP .~UIiI' JO) )UAw6f'1n! e ulelqo At!'w -t0pusl 'Mel ÐlqU::J!lddo Aq paH!WJod II '.}.u8wðpnr A:JU8!;)!l0Q
'D1n101& Aq papI^oJd so tunfio¡oalol "tIOS PUD 1UÐWaS!\.J9Apn.. JO IIDIDS JO
J&Mod.. Aq ),lIeO!Sl:Jads puu 'Slo£ GPlpnf-uou Áq AµðdOJd 041 o µed Aue III JO liB UI1SAJa¡UI 9,J01U9JD 0901:,.9JOl AeU! Jepus, 'OIDS IU'3!pn(OON
'AµadoJd tun 10 lJEJd Auo JO liP. U! lsaJSlUI S,J01UUJO 8u!&0I::lOJOI aaJoap ololpnr D U!91qo Al2w JapuiJl 'BJnllol:)OJO;lIY!:)lpnr
'JÐA!B:)SJ R S9 6UAJOIi tlIOJJ uasJed ø AIUønbs!P lOU fle4s Japu81 Aq 1118WAoJdw3 ·1unnuJIf IFJ"Ue1sq"s e Áq f:SaUpalqnpu aql SpâD:JXQ
AIJodoJd a41 jO "",aA IUaJadda a41 IOU JO J841a4M IS!'. lIelis JaAia..J a 10 1UouJ\u¡oddo a41 01 14ft" O,J.pIlO, 'Mal Aq POI1IWJ.d jl puoq
lnoll!M 8^JB& Aow Ja^!a~aJ a41 "SSaupalqnpu al1 lIiule6e 'd!4SJ8^IÐ:1êU 941 O 180;:) 841 BAnqa PU8 JO,\C 'spas:3öJd 94) Adds pue Â1JadoJd
e41 WOJ .Iuay 041 loalloo 01 puo '.18. JO eJn.ol..JOI IIUIPOaoJd A1JedOJd oql "10Jado 01 'AUodOJd aql oAJo.aJd pue 10alOJd 01 JàMOd
041 41t.. 'AIJadoJd 041 jO \.IOd Auo JOlla o uOiss.ssod a~al 01 POlll!odde JaA!OOaJ R aA." 01 146p 041 a^"4 lIa40 JOpUO, ·JOA!0.8U IUloddlf
. Jt)^ln~aJ e 1.16nOJ41 JO 'lua6e A'1 'UCSJe::i ul Ja4~,a 4tJoJ8oJlldqns !i'lIl Jopun
5146" Sll a.,OJ.oo Aaw J.puel 'pOI.oO pU8ll1ep e41 JO opunoJII JodoJd Aue lOll 10 JÐ4104M 'ap8w eJe 9tUOUlACd a41 4'14M JOj ouo!lollllqc>
041 4.lla. IIU4S puowap O,JOpUS, 01 o,uod.oJ ul Jepue, 01 "..sn Joqlo JO .Iuoual Aq Slu.wAed '.paeooJd 0'/1 I~ÐIIO~ pua owa. 041
ô¡o!1oBeu 01 pus J01UOJO ~o 31UCU alÌ1 U! 09Jð4J lwH.lJÂad ul pa^!a~aJ slUmUnusU! Ð9JOpUa 011~9J·U!·AGuJoue SJO~URJÐ se J8PUÐl SOlUUB!50P
Alqa.oAOJJ JOlueJD u041 'Japua, Aq pOloallo. .Ja alu0l! 041 I 'Japuo, 01 AJI.OJIP 090 osn JO IUOJ O OIUOUJAod A~Olll 01 AlJadoJd a41 jO Jaon
Je410 JO lueuol Aua .Jlnba. Aow Japue, '1461J Oil! O 0.uoJe4IJn UI ·...upalq.pul e41 19U¡860 'Stso. S.JOpUO' aAoqo puo JOAO '.pBaooJd
\9U 941 Ádrlø PUD PIC!!dun PUB anp Ised !1UnOWA BUlpn.:1U! '$1UO\J 941 1~allo~ pun 'fC!:)!pn!--uou JO le!:'J!pnr J(J~nÐ4M '¡)Jnsol:JoJot.J0 A::'Iuapued
a41 lIupnp QUipnloul 'AuodoJd 041 jO uOls.as.od 0~81 01 'J01l,"JO JO Jo..oJl08 01 aailou ln0411" '146" e41 .h04 1I0q. wpur., 'sluau loall0:)
'opo;:) 1"!OJeillu,o::¡ UJJOHUIl Bljl Jopun
Auod pÐJn~as 8 to sa!paL1JAJ pUB 8146p 941110 OAF.!lJ IIU4S JÐpU'., 'A1JAdoJd InUOsJOd 041 ~o \.lad Auø JO UP. 01 100dsðJ 41!M 'Se!paW8~ :):In
'Aed 0) p;J!nbaJ øq PlhnM J0MOJJOa 1941 AllRuad luoUlAedaJd A.UEf 6u!pnl:JU! 'al'¡nAod pUB onp AIÐleIPSWW!
SSÐupa1qapu 9J!1ua 041 BJ8:)ap n1 J01luUÐ JO Jo-MOJJOA 01 8;)!l0U \nó4l!M uOlldo 51! 18 14Bp n41 EMØ4 Ð4S JÐþua1 'U8UpOJqupll O}R.tBOO:'V
:MU A.l1 paþ!^oJd so!paWSJ JO s1q6p JÐ410 ÁUB at UO!l!ppa U! J60!powaJ puø 514B!) 6U!MOIIOJ 041 10 SJoW JO auo Auu 99!:>JtlXâ
Aaw 'UOildo _,Jopua, 18 'Jepua, 'JOljnOJ041 OUlII Aua 18 pUO llnCJoo jO Iua^3 U8 Ie aOUIIJm"o 041 Llodn ·J.~11\f~30 NO S3103W3Y ONIf SJ.HE>1IJ
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loan No: 64003642
Page 5
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grarllod or wllhheld In the sole discretion of LendN.
Severability. If 8 court of compc:tf.:nt jurisdictiQn finds any provÎsion of this Mortgage to be iIIe-gall Invalid, or unenforcesblc as to any person
or circumstanco, thut finding shall not' make the offending provì~ion illegal, invalid, or unenforceable as t,o any other pDrson or
circumstance. If feasible. the otfcnding provision shall be considered Inodiliud so that it becomes lugal, valid and enforceable. If the
olfending provision cannot tm so modified, it shall be considoltid deleted from thiti Mortgage. Unless úthorwhJe required by low, the
iIIcgnlíty. jnvulidity, or unenforccability uf any provision ot this MortgHgO sho!! not sUoct rho I0901ity, validity or enforccuuility of any othnr
provision of this Mortgugo.
Merger. Thoro shall bu no merger ot the Intorost or estatu creuteu by this MUrlYiigo with tiny othor jntertf~Jt or estate in the Property 8t any
tmw hu!d by or for the benefit of lli}l1dor in any capacity, withoul tt1U written consent of Lanuor.
Succossors and Assigns. Subject to an'( limitations slated in this Mortgugl;! en transfer of Grantor's Inlerest. thi:¡ Mongil\:Je shull be binding
upon nnd inure to tho bone fit (If tho purties, their $UCCCSl::iors anti u!;isigns. If ownurshlµ 01 ¡he Property iJ"u;ome1:i vested in a µtJr~on other
than Grantor, lunder. without notice to Grüntor, may deal with Grantor's successors with roference to this Mortgage and tho Indebtedness
by way of forbearanco Dr extension without rc!oltsiny arantor trom the obligations ot this Mortgage or liaoilltv undor the Jndebtedness.
Time is of tho Essence. Time is of tho essenco in the performance of this Mortgage.
Waiver of Homostoad exemption. Grantor horeby roleases and waive, all rights and benefits of tho hrlmesteðd exemption laws of the State
of \/'Jyomil19 85 to alllndcbtcdnass secured by this Mortgago,
DEfiNITIONS. The following cnpitçsHzed words and terms shall have the following meanings when used In this Mortgilgo. Unless spocifically
statod to tha COfllrury. aU referencos to dollar amounts shall meit/1 UfT1Qunts in lawful money of the United States of America. Words and terms
used in the singular sholl includf;! the plural, and thEl plurvl shall includo the singular. 8S the context mny require. Words ond terms not otherwise
defined in this Me>rlgage shall have tht) moanings attributed to Buch lerms in the Uniform Commercial Code:
Borrower, Thu word "Borrowor" means PAUL M KUCHAREK and includos all t;I.Hiigners and co~rnukers signing tho Note and aU their
successors and assign!).
Default. The word "Dcfauh" mOlWt; the Default 56\ forth in this Mortgage in the section titled "Dutault".
Environmontal laws. The words "Environmental Laws" m(![Jn uny and eJi stale. ttfderal anà loc,ul tHBtules, regulations and ordinanccs
reluting to the protection of human health or the environment. including without limitation the ComprehCl'UiivQ EnvironmentQI Response,
Compon.u!Íon. und liability Act of 1980. as amonded. '¡2 U.S.C. Section 9601. P.t seq. ¡"CERCLA"I. the Superfund Amendments ond
Reauthorization Act 01 1986. Pub. L. No. 99·499 ("SAHA"I. the HUlurdous Matoriels Transportation Act. '19 U.S.C. Section 1801, et seq.,
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, tH seq., or mhor applicable state or federal laws. rufus, or
regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
Event of DafauJt. The words "Event of Default" moan any of the evants of (j~fuult 8tH torth in this Mortgage in the events ot default
section 01 thìs Mortgngu.
Grantor. The word "Grentur" mee,," PAUL M KUCHAREK "nd KAREN 8 KUCHAIIEK.
GUDranty. 'The word "Guaranty" means the guarrmly from guaranlOr, ondorser. surety, or accommodation party to lender, including
wíthout limitation 0 guaranty ot all or patt of the Note.
Hazardous Substances. The words "Hulurdous Substances" mean material$ thlH, becuu::¡e of thoir quunlity. conCÐlnration or physical,
chemicul or Infactious charucterinics, may cause or pose a present or poternial IUllarú to human heolth or the envlronnlOnl when
improporly USlJd, treated, s\orod, diaposed ot, gcnurutod, mÐnutactur~d, transported or othorwise handled. The words "Hol.ardous
Substances" an:~ usnd in their very broadnst sense and include without limitation ðny pnd all ha'zurdous: or toxic substances, materiels or
W¡)8(,e as dulined bv or listed under the Envlronmontul Lü'Ns. The term "Hazardous Substances" also incud~s, without limitation. petroleum
and petroloum by·prouucts or OilY fraction thereof nnd asbestos.
Jmprovomønts. The word "lrnprQV'Jrnems" means aU oxisting and futuro improvements, buildings, structuros, mobile homos affixed on the
Real Property, facilític~. udditions, :cplacumttnts an.d other construction on the Real Property.
tndebtedness. Tho word "¡ndebtedncss" 'I1HHH1S all princip£II, inlert:5t, and other turmuntu. costs and expenses payablo under the Note or
Related Documents, togothor with 011 renowals of, extensions of, modifications of, consolidotions of and substitutions for the Note or
Related Docu,nents and any amounts 11xpended or advon(;od by lender to discharge Grantor's obligations or Ðxpensos incurred by Lender \0
(mffJrce Grantor's obligations under this Mortgage, togethor with Inlare$t on such amounts as provided In thf$ Mortgago.
Lundef. The word "lender" me-Ems 15t Bank, its successors and assigns.
Mortgage. The word "MortgUgd" means this MongtJge between Grantor and Lender.
Nota. The word "Now" meens the promissory "ole dated Octuber 31. 2008, in the original principal amount of $67,000.00
from Borrower to Lendar. togettJor wHh all renewa!:i of, extensions of, rnodlticøtions of, rufinoncìngs ot, (ior1lwlidatlons of, and substitutions
Personal Property, The words "Pcrsonfll Property" mean all equipment. fixturus, and othor Drtl¡;os 01 personal property now Or heroortor
owneu by Grantor, and now ur hereafter attached or affixed to tho Reul ProperlY; togother with all accossions, parts. and auditions to, all
replacements of. i:md all substiluliot18 for, any of :Juch property; and lOguther with al/ pruceeds (including without limitation all immrance
proceeds and refunds of premium$) from iJny sale or other disposition of tho Pro¡:.)tHly.
Proper1y. The word "Property" JT'I03ns collectively the. ReiJl Property and the Pursonul Propony.
Real Property. The wonls "Real Property" moan the real property. interests and rights, as further descrJbed In this Mortgage.
Relut$d Documents. Thl':! words "Rclated Documents" moan nil promissory notes, credit agroements, 108n agreements. envlronmoJ1teJ
agreements, guaranties. security iJgreemsnts, mmtgilgos. deeds of Trust, security deeds, collslera! mOf1Qugos, ünd aU other jn~tru(T1ent',
ugreements and documents, whether now or hereafter e,)(islÍF19, executed in connection with tho Indebtedness.
Rents. The word ., Renltl" means all presont £1m! future rems. rtwcnues. Incomo, issues. royaltip,s, profits, and atl'cr benefits derived from
tho Property.
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