HomeMy WebLinkAbout943469 I 62283 ~-----------------------7 -lHickman~ @ldl1tleG =SINCE 1904= - V '"I~ kndlìtle _C9mpany SINCE 1904 COû640 AFFIDA VIT I, ESTHER SIMPSON, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the United States of America over the age of21 years, and a resident of WYOMING. -) That I was well and personally acquainted with LLOYD SIMPSON in that certain Warranty Deed dated 3/23/2007 and recorded 4/6/2007in Book 653, at Page 704, as Filing No. 928202, in the office of the Recorder of LINCOLN County, WYOMING. That I was well and personally acquainted with LLOYD SIMPSON in that certain Warranty Deed dated 5/3/2006 and recorded 5/4/2006 in Book 618, at Page 785, as Filing No. 918059, in the office of the Recorder of LINCOLN County, WYOMING. That I was well and personally acquainted with LLOYD SIMPSON in that certain Warranty Deed dated 9/21/1955 and recorded 10/4/1955 in Book 12 P.R., at Page 242, as Filing No. 216531, in the office of the Recorder of LINCOLN County, WYOMING. That I know of my own knowledge that LLOYD SIMPSON in the said deed and LLOYD SIMPSON mentioned in the attached Certified Copy of Certificate of Death was one and the same person. This affidavit is intended to terminate the HUSBAND AND WIFE, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS and HUSBAND AND WIFE, IN THE ENTIRETIES, WITH RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSHIP on all the following described property: LEG,'\L DESCRIlYflON A I "L\'/'C.'l [ED AS EXIUBI]"S "X', "13" & ..('" Exhibit "A" Tax Roll No. 34180530306500 I::xhibit "If' -fax Roll N\). 341 <) I O~W00420(J Exhibit "C" Tax Roll No. 34191140011500 Dated this )8#V day of October 2008 A.D. ~)' --~ ESTHER SIMPSON RECEIVED 11/7/2008 at 9:37 AM RECEIVING # 943469 BOOK: 708 PAGE: 640 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY df 62283 INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WYOMING SS County of LINCOLN ) é06641. ) On the )r¡t'v day of October A.D. 2008 personally appeared before me ESTHER SIMPSON the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the sanle. Commission expires: loj J f!JLO / ( Residing in: 1Jf¡xJÙ I /ÆJ~~ ~-- .a1l~UUI"lu..n 'I'.UU¡""''''''. :: D.Fontøn· otIJry Pl.lbHc ;: - . ~ = E County of 8Ù\te of :: ;: Unooln Wyoming = ~ ~ :: My Oornmlsolon plros 10/11/2011 :: ~.II.I..¡ØIIIIIB.I.la...I.IIIIIIIIIIIP df I I I I I I ¡ I I ., I Î ¡ ¡ ¡ I ¡ I & " ~ I ~ ~ " ¡ ~ ~ " i I 4 ~ ~- Vi ~ EXHIBIT "A" 600643 Lot 38 of STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT 18, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as shown on the officiaJ plat thereof filed May 3, 1979, as Receiving No. 523540, in the Office of the Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Plat No. 236. EXHIBIT "B" (:Oô644 Lot 29 of South brook Ranches, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat filed on 9/5/1998 Instrument No. 222722 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. EXHIBIT "e" ûOô64S Beginning at the Southeast comer of Section 11, Township 34 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence North, 795 fect; thence West, 2,274 feet; thence South, 774 feet; thence West, 345 feet; thence North, 317.25 feet; thence West, 1,341 feet; thence South, 21 feet; thence East, 1,320 feet; thence South 338.25 feet; thence East, 2,640 feet, to the Point of Beginning. I I