HomeMy WebLinkAbout943384 Oct 29 2008 12:05 P004/018 NTL-2104 STANLEY K.'DARDIS SHÄRÓN A. .DARDIS '926; WBnGEWOOD DÌUVB WOODBURY, MN SSl2S WARRANTY:DEED, 00'" A/'- v4:.L:;:;; WJW HOLDINGS. LLLP, A NOTRH DAKOTA LIMITED LIABILITY LIMrmD PAATNERSHIP AND ALPINB VILLAGE PROPBR.TIBS,~, A'WY(jM1NO L1MITED LIAB.IUTY COMPANY, ' Onmtor(s) of FARGO, Cgunty ofCASS, State of-ND, hereby CONVEY AND WARRIIN'l'to STANLBY K. DARDIS and SHARON A. DARDIS, ·HUSBAND AND WJFE, Gtantee(s) ofWOODØUR.Y, Coimty oiWASHINOToN, State ofMN for,the, SUUl,ofTBN PÒLLARS AIm,OTH;BR OQOD' AND V ~UABLB CONSIDERATION, the following , described tract'of lån4·In.LINCOLN co'Unty; Statè 'of Wy6miiig, , hereby releuÌDg and waiving all rights under and by,virtUe ~ftJie'1i011}cS1iad exemption 'laws oft1ic,Stata ofWyommg, to Wit: : . " LOT 96 .ALPjN'E,V.tt..LA(ìS' SUBDIVISIÒN NO.1 PLAT·2,AMENDBD.12TH FILING RECORDBD ON JULY 11, 20Ò7AT DÒÒUMBN¡NUMBBR931l49,INmB OFPICB OF THE cLERK. LINCOLN COUN1Y, WY0¥iN~: " . . , , Subject to eæements, reà1rictions and. rlgh~ Df'way of recold, and. taxei for ~e year 2008 and thereafter. .. . . f~~ Witness, thehånd(8)'o~Sllid,~tor(B):'~S . .?-~ ,~ ,WJW HOLDINGS LLLP : By: JIM: BULLIS RECEIVED 11/3/2008 at 3:58 PM RECEIVING # 943384 BOOK: 708 PAGE: 415 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Stateof'~V County of' '.' , . . 1 On Or:t 741 'Løot,. P~iQ~IY, app~ b~fO~:J~lC;'JIM B1:iLIiS, who, being by m~ duly sworn. did say ~ he is,the ~~r/M~er of ~~ ~QB P:ROPBRTIES, LLC,AND WJW HOLDINGS, LLLP"and that th.C .&~¡Hnstrumont WIll' iigned in behalf of llaid Limited Liability Cgmpany by the authority of i~s Artig el o.~ OrgaiUzatlon and Operating A¡rc'~mè~ Dud the aforesåid lndividualllCknowledged to me that . s .ld Company. executed the s!UJle. . , Residing:. Expires: ~lJlÔ1<- . otarial Offiçœ ' ' , . TERESA KUZNIA Notary Public . State of North Dakota My Commission Expires Sept. 24,291P ~'. ...