HomeMy WebLinkAbout943524 {\ RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) KEYBANK ACCOUNT 96445101757786 KNOW ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, KEY BANK OF WYOMING a corporation, of the LINCOLN of County and State of Wyoming, does hereby certify that a certain Mortgage, bearing date the 25th day of September, 2002, made and executed by Kenneth F Redd And Lance J Redd, as mortgagors, to KeyBank National Association, Key Bank of Wyoming as Mortgage, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of$I,OOO,OOO.OO as therein stated, which Mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming, on the 27th day of September, 2002, Book 500 at Page 227 and having recording number of 884403 and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to-wit: 006696 SEE A TT ACHED EXHIBIT A is, with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgagees does hereby and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises coveyed and mortgaged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, KeyBank National Association, fka Key Bank of Wy' to be signed by its Paids Specialist, this 24th day of October, .D. 2008. By: STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss: ) COUNTY OF ADA On this 24th day of October, 2008, before me personally appeared Marilyn Davis - Paids Specialist to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, that she is the Paids Specialist of and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said Paids Specialist acknowledged said instrument to be the fi:ee act and deed of said corporation. _'\\1œr¡~",,~ Given under my hand and notary seal this 24th day of October 2008. NOTM'{ PUt;UC f,1 , STATE Or HìAHf) f.!f . ,/J ð- MAl' .".,K\\'.ifZ . ~¡ ~ W~ "imJ¡~"'~!i:.?j Notary Public My commission expires on ,¡; -I 7 -.;l /) / I STATE OF WYOMING, ) ) ss: COUNTY OF ) This instrument was filed for record at ,A.D.20 o'clock_M., on the , and duly recorded in Book day of on Page County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds By Deputy Clerk No. Fees, $ RECEIVED 11/10/2008 at 2:30 PM RECEIVING # 943524 BOOK: 708 PAGE: 696 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY .... . .' .' . .... . . . 232 . ,:':08844fja , ' " , '/I' . ."".. ....L..· .' . ,.... .... . '" . , , , .., .. , .. ..' ..', . 09/25~02' WED 14:i~ FAX 330 489 5321 .', ., CANTON CLC ElRIBIT A The land refi:m:d to J.n chb CODll':D1tmcœ is .Ituated In mil Swe øt WyOØ1/n.. CoIW)' of I.JocoJu, and Is dfllSc.dbed 811 follows: A portion of the E~~ of Seat:1on 4, T.UN Rl18W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, WyoIl\~9', being more pa:rt1aul~ly d..~ibec1 .a fallow., aeg~nn1ng at a point in the NO~th line of said SE~, sa~d þoint being 3S9.99 feet N Sge4~'04' W from the E~ gOrner of said Section 4: thence running s 0·3S'5~' S, 1855.16 te&~l thBnce N 26858'09' W, ~524.30 fe.t, thence North 440.00 teet, t:h~ce S 8'84~'04 1 E, 37'.1>3 feet, t:hence N02:'th 60 ·:1:8.1: to the N~l:h line of said s~, t:hence ~ing S 99G42'04" E, alang last said North line, ~93.69 feet to the point of beginning. BXCSi'TlNo 'l'.EmUIIi'RoM: the land contaúulCl in W~lU1ty Deed recorded J\tly 24, 2000 in Book 449PJ\ an page 129 of the records of the Lincoln County Clark. ALSO A portion of the ~~ of Section 4, 'l'33:tf Kl18W of the 6th P.M., LincQln County, WyOlT\:l.ng, being IIIOJ:. partiCUlarly dllsC!:ribed a. fOllows, Beginning at a paint in the east of said S~, said point being 238.71 feet S O¡39f34/1 ¡¡:, ~rom t1:l. Bast Quarter Comer of said Section 4; thence :running s 0"39'34" !I, along first: said East: lina, 1.089.30 feet; thene. continuing along said Bast line s 0°37'258 E, 133B.42 feet to ~he SOQt:heas'C corner of 8aid Section "1 thence N 0°38'52/1 W, 1855.16 reet to the North line gf said SE~1 thenae :t'\U1.n1.r1g S 8.9°42'04" B, IIlong laBt said North line, :t..9l.:UI fe.et to a po:!.nt 20B. 71 feet: N 8'843' 04 n W, from said Bast Quart:er corner of Sec:ztion "; thence S 0839'34' E, 238.71 teet; thence S 89"42'04" S, 208.71 feet to the point of beginning. EXCICPTlNG 'I'~ the l~d. contained .in Warranty Deed recordl!lc1 August: ~B, 1.994 in aook 3S6PR on p.ge 243 of the records of the Linc::oln CO\&nty CJ.erk. Legal Description ConttnUed. I IaJ002 i~'Oô697 oJ (Page 7 of 7) I ,. . : ;.' . , , :,~.,. .. ".= ". , ;:.', :.. , ~6;Ö3: ~ '.' "\1.J.~~...; . . ¡".~':7;r.~. -'.:. , .. ,233 , .. .. .. . , .: " . . ' 09/25/02 WED 14:28 FAX 330 489 5321 CANTON CLC ImIIBI'lAA CODt.Uu1.d. 'ALso A portion of t.h. SJI~ "" a..tioo. "'31. "'""W of 6th P.M.. Lincoln Ccunty, Wygmin~, being more PKrticuiarly described as follows I hginning at a p°i.Þ.t .i.n the Southeast: cor.n.e~ of said Sect:ion 4, thence N 89°30'3.9" 11', along th4 South li21e of .aid Section 4, 506.5,9 feet tD a petDt on the ccmt.ar line of the Bedford. Turnexvile Road, CO~ty Roa.ð :1.2-123, thence N 38°~1'10n W, along said oenter line, 227.24 feat to the beginning of a 1432.294 foot radius curve to the l-ft at Road Statioþ 169 + ll.i ahead and 169 + 08.04 back; thence Northwesterly along last Said curve through a central angle of l.9~lO' an arc dis~ance o~ 479.1665 feet to a tAQgent; thence N 57°21'10· Wi along said taÞgaQt .070 feet to a tangent curve to tbe r.1ght; t.hence a~ong said Cur?e baving a radius of ~432,394 feec; thance along sa:!.eI ow:ve t:lu:ough a CII:t1t:raJ. ;U:1g1. 0: 1.5"1.7'38' an arc: di8t~. of 382.3i7 feet; thence N 63-01'51" E, 8~O.7) feet to the WeSterly line of Parcel B t.hence S .26-SB'Ogft 1i, along last said "'eaterly l.tne 1254.533 feet ~o ~. point or beginning. '·000698 ~003