HomeMy WebLinkAbout943526 "f u ::i £bÔ ~.G ~~ 8 ~o u ~~ . ...;:>- ~ .~_ d ~oo .- ~ ~ .2e~ "" <.> .- V) 'æ,q 8 0>''0 '" ,,~ c:: ~J ro cq tS OJ ~ O':¡;; "Q t':; .~ <IJ ~~ ~ STATE OF ¿Jf~ COUNTYOF~ SS. éOv700 AFFIDAVIT TERl\UNATING ESTATE , ", .{' \ Hemmert I, .... )\ \ LG...\So~ FKA Jill being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of ~) J ON\. \ 1"-- ~ - Affiant herein. \ U , and the Erick 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book i ~I PR on page ;;¡;.¡¿; I is reco,rded a Warranty Deed. The Warranty Deed , dated the .-L. day of ~ I q CfC( conveys unto Hemmert ill-ðfl:.:lci-..\ ì \ \ 1...{.~v'Ir\ c:s+ , Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties with full rights of survivorship the following described property, to-wit: See attached Exhibit "A" 3. Thatsaid L\\ch ~e~~'\.<-~~ on the I':> day of be:. .\c~~ ~ . ':;oc.:;J , died and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true an correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record., is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". 4. That by reason of death ofsaid t:...\ìC-~ -L:::\Mmc.\4. by reason of 2~9-102 W.S. (1980), the decedents interest and Htle in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in ..J\ \" Wt-eilV\ 11'<\ e..f"'-\- continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NOT. Dated I (- 0 S - 0 ß &~ ~w~4ASfV ';;ka Ji 1 Larson . nka State of Ldyf7YYU¡y)..9) ,J) _ . ,_ . n )ss. County of\J.-!/M.DVn) 0úl L . the foregoing illstrUJ1leJU was su~s¡ribed anp Sworn to me by ~ 1 ~/YY JJ.Jd:: ~ -..>DC. .:rc:t.?~an this"::; OJ day of N~ . 6)00 g ~ - n Witness my hand and oCflcial seal. My Commission Expires: ~~/v~ Notary Public 9 - /6- / J RECEIVED 11/10/2008 at 2:45 PM RECEIVING # 943526 BOOK: 708 PAGE: 700 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ':.'·:'~~'~:"·"·""}~1'·~ff"'l).'~~'..T'~·~'~';C:"~~''''~r~:,,,tt.o!¡~r~~~~~_: ("..('JI';¡li~ ;( tWEHS NOTARY PUBLlC~~ l';O!11l1'\: (If St t f I l.,ln¡;;oin . ,', c,.,.·"""", ['." """""O'b:;':" ~'--'. '-,,'"1'· ~"':"~J.',I>"~)tc:..A~¡vt¡'~f'~~~:' 02012566 86WWRRANTY ?$9.::2od ,~~~ PEr.FI"¡;.D ì' CLC:;' I..\I'.ICOU" e;JÓ"t. ' 99 JU\~ I \ 1\11, \ \: 0':; ~~DWi\GNE\~ KEMMER'tn, WYOMING , EXHIBIT A úOú701 Rick Sessions, a single man, and Barbara Sessions, a single woman Grantors of Afton, County of Lincoln, state of wyoming hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: Erick Hemmertand Jill Hemmerç husband and wife (}, ').\1 3 8 1 ÐOOK'-::.~!:~PR PAGB____... Grantee of Box 152, Afton, HY 83110 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration--'------- the following described tract of land in County, state of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption ~aws of the State, to-wit: Lot 4 of Block 35 of the Glen Kennington EtAl Addition to the Town ( f Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. Subj ect to reservations and restrictions contained in the United states Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. --- WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this 8' day of -.\ ~N.¿ , A.D. 1999 ~\ ~ I !.to)) €..l1 tJ VWl R1Ck Sess ons ~~~s~J ---------------------------------------------------------------------.------ STA'l'E OF WYOMING :ss County of Lincoln On ~he 6th QMY at June I A.D. l~iø, p~r'Qn'¡l¥ .ppo~~ed b$~Q~e me, Rick Qeijsion~ ~nd Barpara Ses~ions, known or identi~ied to me to be the persons whose names are subsoribed to the within instrument, al1d acknowledged to me that they executed the same. j'''''''PEH''1 ruNES . HOI~RY PUgllC - ~;'''''''''') C,",~ of SI,t' of Uncoln VlIOl'lln, I.\y Comml"Io. Exo;ru S.pI.18, 1999 -:....,.,. ~~~ ~~~. Penny ~ones My commission expires on Sept 9. 1999 LAND TITLE COMPANY "i'I, ~ ',,'" ..~., .'. ./L · ',' .' , .,($' ~... ........ VA 2-89 11/99 15M -, .- - This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in the office of Vital Records Services, Cheyenne" Wyoming, ' DATE ISSUEÖ: NOV j 2:;'C? q~k'~ Lucinda McCattreV ~ Deputy State Registrar This copy i4 not valid unless prep.~red on P..þ::~<~~~h ~:~n~Ave~:::~f~~r di9PI8;f~.~}h~ di_~!r':;_~) and -~~Bnat~~:"~6he Depu~y State Regi5tn~.Í",