HomeMy WebLinkAbout943554 , Mail tax statements to: Merri Ann Napper & Terri Jo Hart Co-Trustees The Ling Family Trust, U/A/D 12/11/1989 2649 East 1650 North Layton, Utah 84040 RECEIVED 11/12/2008 at 12:14 PM RECEIVING # 943554 BOOK: 708 PAGE: 792 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY When recorded, return to: Rowe & Walton PC Robyn Walton Attorney at Law 915 South Main Bountiful, Utah 84010 00079:~~ Land Serial No. 12-3518-30-1-02-103.00 SURVIVOR AFFIDA VIT, CERTIFICATE OF IDENTITY & CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY MERRI ANN NAPPER & TERRI JO HART, hereinafter referred to as "Affiants", having been duly sworn, on oath, deposes and says: 1. That Affiant, Merri Ann Napper is over the age of eighteen (18), is a resident of Davis County, State of Utah, is competent to testify to the matters herein, and does so from personal knowledge. 2. That Affiant, Terri Jo Hart is over the age of eighteen (18), is a resident of Washoe County, State of Nevada, is competent to testify to the matters herein, and does so from personal knowledge. 3. That Affiants are Successor Co-Trustees to THE LING FAMILY TRUST dated the 11th day of December, 1989, and that up until the date of her death, MARJORIE J. LING was the Trustee of said trust agreement. 4. That MARJORIE J. LING died on the 8th day of September, 2008; a certified copy of the death certificate acknowledging her death is attached heret:o and by reference rl1ade ¿¡ part hereof. 5_ That MARJORIE J. LING conveyed any and all interest in the below- described property to MARJORIE J. LING, Trustee or Successor Trustees of THE LING FAMILY TRUST, dated the 11TH day of December, 1989, by a certain Survivor Affidavit, Certificate of Identity & Certificate of Incumbency recorded the 7th day of November, 2005, as Receiving No. 913496, Book 603, Page 880, covering the following property situated Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: PLAT EIGHT (8), LOTS TWENTY-THREE (23) AND TWENTY-FOUR (24), IN STAR VALLEY RANCH, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. 1 That MARJORIE JEAN LING, named as the deceased in the certified copy of the death certificate hereto attached, is the same person as MARJORIE J. LING named in said Survivor Affidavit, Certificate of Identity & Certificate of Incumbency above referred to. That by reason of the death of MARJORIE J. LING, and pursuant to Article VIII., of said Trust Agreement, the Affiants, MERRI ANN NAPPER & TERRI JO HART, have become the Successor Co-Trustees of THE LING FAMILY TRUST, dated the 11TH day of December, 1989. That the Affiants do hereby accept the incumbency to serve in said capacity as Successor Co-Trustees of said Trust; that by reason of the death of MARJORIE J. LING, and the terms of said Trust Agreement, Affiants as Successor Co-Trustees and with the power and authority vested in them by reason of said Trust, do accept the above-described property as Successor Co-Trustees of said Trust Agreement and the position of Successor Co-Trustees and agree to perform all duties and functicl1s accC':!::"ding to 3aid trust instrument.. The Undersigned, as Successor Co-Trustees of THE LING FAMILY TRUST, dated,the 11TH day of December, 1989, do hereby remove the name of MAJORIE J. LING, Trustee or Successor Trustee of THE LING FAMILY TRUST, dated the 11TH day of December, 1989, and said property shall be titled from this date forward as: MERRI ANN NAPPER & TERRI JO HART, Co-Trustees of THE LING FAMILY TRUST, dated the 11TH day of December, 1989, of Layton, County of Davis, State of Utah. DATED this ~C(+Wday of O~, 2008. .. 6. 7. 8. 9. 7{UMi ~ ~ MERRI ANN NAPPER, Co-Trustee, THE LING FAMILY TRUST, dated the 11TH day of December, 1989 STATE OF UTAH :ss. COUNTY OF DAVIS ...0""'79'1' ~) \Ì t,.¡.j On this ~tHt.. d¡::y of O~ 2008, pp·rsonal1.y appeared before me MERRI ANN NAPPER, Co-Trus'tee, THE--LING FAMILY TRUST, dated the 11TH day of December, 1989, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to on this' instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. 2 ~~ NOTAR UBLIC Residing at Davis County " DATED this c2C{~ day of O~ , 2008. ~æT~e, THE LING FAMILY TRUST, dated the 11TH day of December, 1989 vTAU STATE OF HETv''ÀDA O~tS : s s . COUNTY OF 'WÃ3IIOB ) ;.....O·~794 IL 0 ;¡,. On this ~~ day of .Q(.;fo~, 2008, personally appeared before me TERRI JO HART, Co-Trustee, THE LING FAMILY TRUST, dated the 11TH day of December, 1989, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to on this instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. I-,'!$;~ - - Ñõi;rÿPûblì-;- - -,1 J I~" ~) CHERYL HASLAM I 'J ~\ 915 S Main Street I ~ ... ", Bountiful, Utah 84010 I \.... ....""~?" My Commission Expires I . "" ...~ November 7, 2008 I L _ _ STATE OF UTAH ---------- 3 ~~ NOTARY LIC Residing at WaOflO€ County OM S CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: 2008010232 Marjorie Jean Ling COû795 DECEDENT INFORMATION Date of Death: September 8, 2008 City of Death: Kaysville Age: 82 Place of Bìrth: Weyerhauser, Wisconsin Arll\ed Services: No Spouse's Name: Industry/Business: Residence: Mother's Name: Facility or Address.: Time of Death: County of Death: Date of Birth: Sex: Marital Status: Usual Occupation: Education: Father's\Name: Facility Type: 10:30 Davis November 5, 1925 . Female Widowed SchoolTeacher Bachelor's Degree Beauford Emery Kern Home Education Kaysville, Utah Mary Angeline Ships hock 1105 North Bedford Dr. . ":'(::';i,:,ot' INFORMANT INFORMATION ./, ; " '. . Name: Merri,.Medco9.~·/r~r '-:~'>-.,_.,>. :::,-:_, ,:,:., "',_' Rel~tio~ship~: Mailing Address: 11 05 Nortþ,B~df9rd Dr., K:~ysvill!';"JJt~hf:!4p37.~ 2 .,. " '-" ',.' ...~ ,'. " -'- - .';. ," " '.. ,. ',' ,." - -, . , ,- y " ·';;~¡',1g¡l> DISPOSITION INFORMATION Method of Disposition: Place of Disposition: FUNERAL HOME Funeral Home: Address: Funeral Director: CAUSE OF DEATH Congestive Chronic atrial Tobacco Use: Medical Examiner Contacted¡:N~;".,. ) September 9, 2008 \ This is an exact reproduction of the document registered in the State Office of Vital Statistics. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border, V & R images in top cyclo/ds, ultrª__violet fibers and hologram Image of the Utah State Seal, over the word~ "State of Utah". This documenf dlspl~ys the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar and the County/District Health Officer. ~. .';c'~ Ga~dWards . í Director/Health Officer County/District Health Department ~ê~ Barry E. Nangle, State Registrar Office of Vital Statistics I I~I ~IUIII 11111 11111 ""I ~III ~IIIIIIIIIIIII *06l6l0664* \ "