HomeMy WebLinkAbout87669303014494 RECORDING REQUESTED BY L TIlE JACKSON STATE BANK AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO 8 TIlE JACKSON STATE BANK P.O. BOX 1788 ~lr'"; i,~ . .,.... ~,...~ Loan No. 8330945 Title Order No. Escrow No.- [SPACE ABOVE ~SERVED FOR RECORDER] ASSIG ENT OF DEED OF TRUST / MORTGAGE FOR VAL[~ RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby grits, assigns ~d tr~sfers to COUNTRYWIDE HO~ LOANS, INC. 450 A~RICAN STREET, S~I VALLEY, CA 93065 ~1 beneficial interest under that ce~ain Deed of Trust / Mortgage dated JULY ]Z, Z00t executed by FORREST It. NEUE~G, A SINGLE MAN , Tmstor / Borrower to THE JACgSON STtTg BA~K, A W~OMING BANKING CO~ORATION , Trustee / Mo~gagee ~d recorded as Instrument No. 874617 on 7/~7/01in Book / Reel468 , Page / Image 780 , of Official Records in the County Recorder's office of LINCOLN County, WYOMING , describing land therein as: LOT 17, REES SUBDIVISION AS SHOWN BY TIlE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF RECO~ED SEPTEmbER 1, 1955 IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF LINCOLN COUNTY, ~OMING, AND BEING PART O[ TIlE NORTH HALF OF TIlE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (NI/2SEI/4) SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 118 WEST OF THE SIXTIt PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN PARCEL N~BER: TOGETHER with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, ~d all rights acc~ed or to accrue THEREUNDER. THE JACKSON STATE BANE Dated: ~(S~na~re) (Print Sa~& Titl~ '~;~'r',-~:'::~' (Signature) (Print Name & Title) ST~ WYOMING , CO~Y OF TetonD ,./ } SS. ~~~.~ before m~~ ~', personally appeared ~ ~ ' / (Notary ~mne ~d Title) erem nXn pe%onally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) ~ ~ ~e person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in bis/her/their authorized capacity(les), and that bi.her/their signature(s) on tbe instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, execu~the instrument. /- WITNESS ,ny h~ Ged official sea~ Signature }} My Commission Expires t%b~ }a~y 20, 2o02~}  ~~ (Notarial Seal) DOCPREP SERVICES, INC, ASSN1 0417