HomeMy WebLinkAbout944184 QUITCLAIM DEED 00û253 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Edwin T, Allred and Michael J. Allred as successor Co-Trustees of the Von D. Allred Revocable Trust dated December 2, 1986, of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, grantors, in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, conveys and quitclaims unto Ivy Marie Allred, Trustee of the Ivy Marie Allred Trust dated September 10, 2008, for an undivided 1/4 interest, Michael J, Allred and Sheryl L. Allred, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, for an undivided 1/4 interest, C, Mark Allred and Darlene Ann Allred, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, for an undivided 1/4 interest, and Edwin T. Allred and Linda Sue Allred, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, for an undivided 1/4 interest, of clo Edwin T. Allred, 13296 South Berry Lane, Draper, UT 84020), grantees, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as they have or ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: The real property described on the Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. , "1 f ~.. ' Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. / Ý.' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal this b rIt, day of December, 2008. RECEIVED 12/16/2008 at 11 :36 AM RECEIVING # 944184 BOOK: 711 PAGE: 253 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ¿~g~ Edwin T. Allred, Co-Trustee ~..C£/ 1 STATE OF V¥'\\ COUNTY OF ~~ êOû254 S5. On this \111- day of December, 2008, before me personally appeared Edwin T. Allred, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn and put upon his oath, did say that he is the successor Co-Trustee of the Von D. Allred Revocable Trust dated December 2, 1986, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said trust; that said trustee had the authority under the terms of the written trust instrument to execute the instrument on behalf of the trust; and said trustee acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said trust. Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written in this certificate. vtþ.hl1iL 1%1 d--- NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: DDWbQ)( \ ~ , 1-fJ I D STATE OF U~h COUNTY OF \~Ø~ ss. NOTARY PUBLIC MICHELLE BUCK 1344 W.lt4t175 South Rlverd.Ie, Utah 14405 My Comml..1on Explrel October 18, 2010 STATE OF UTAH On this k7rday of December, 2008, before me personally appeared Michael J. Allred, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn and put upon his oath, did say that he is the successor Co-Trustee of the Von D. Allred Revocable Trust dated December 2, 1986, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said trust; that said trustee had the authority under the terms of the written trust instrument to execute the instrument on behalf of the trust; and said trustee acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said trust. Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written in this certificate. J()if~pjt ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC 2 NOTARY PUBLIC MICHELLE BUCK 13.... Welt ..875 South Riverdale, Utah 84405 My Commllllon expires October 18, 2010 STATE OF UTAH My commission expires: ()(;\-{)~ \\0, f2,~ \ D · .----.---.--. EXHIBIT "A" ûOû255 ~~, w~ Lot 1, W~SE~, Lot 3, and Lot 4 (Excepting therefrom the East 36 acres thereof) of Section 6, T 31 N, R 118 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming; and AlSO, Beginning at a point on the North boundary 1 ine of the SW~ of Section 6, T 31 N, R 118 W, 6th P,M., Wyoming, 134 rods East of the Northwest Corner of said SW~ and running thence. South 80 rods, more or less, to the South boundary line of the North half of said South- west Quarter, thence East 26 rods, more or less, along said South boundary line, to the East boundary line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 6, thence North along said East boundary line 80 rods, more or less, to the North boundary line of said SW14, thence West, along said North boundary line, 26 rods, more or less, to the point of beginning, and AlSO, Beginning at the Northwest. Corner of the SW!iliE~ of Section 6, T 31 N, R 118 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence East 80 rods, more or less, to the Northeast Corne~ of said SW~~, thence South 80 rods, more or less, along the East boundary line of said ~¡NE~, to the Southeast Corner thereof, thence N 45° W (approximately), 113.137 rods, more or less, to the point of beginning, together with a 2 rod wide perpetual right-of-way easement through the Southeast Corner of said SW~~, for ingress and egress by grantees and their heirs, suc~essorsl and assigns, to and from grantees' other lands, over, across, and aJ ong the follo.ving descrilied triangular shaped strip of land: Beginning åt the Southeast Corner of said SW~~4 and running thence West 2 rods, thence North 2 rods, more or· less, to grantees' property boundary line, thence S 45° E, 2.83 rods, more or less, along said property boundary line, to the point of beginning. And further granting unto the grantees, and their heirs, successors, and assigns a perpetual Right-of-Way Easement, to be shared witlJ the grantors, anè t.f-¡eir heirs, successors, and assigns, for ingress and egress over, across, anà along the West 134 rods of the North 2 rods of the ~ of Section 6, T 31 N, R ,118 W, 6th P.M" Wyoming (Excepting therefran the West 241 feet of the South 1 rod of said tract), together with a perpetual Right-of-Way Easement, to be shared with grantors and their heirs, successors, and assigns, over, across, and along that 4 rod wide right of way and 60 foot wide right of way, sho.vn as Tract No.1 and Tract No.2, respectively, in that certain Page 1 of 3 Easement Agreement executed as of the 24th day of January, 1973, by the Tcwn of Afton, a MUIÚCipal Corporation; Star Valley Recreation, Ioc" a Wyoming Corporation,' Ted C. Frome and Betty B. Frome, husband and wife; Sarah J. COû256 Allred (aka Saclie J. Allred), a widow; Leron H. Allred and Rosalyn P. Allred, husband and wife; Lee D. Ekman and Shirley D. Ekman, husband and wife; and Alan William Larrpe and Sharon Gae Larrpe, husband and wife, and recorded May 18, 1973, in Book 104 of P.R., Page 569, Recording No. 447198, to share with the grantors, and their heirs, successors and assigns, such rights as grantors have under said Easement Agreement as heirs and successors in interèst of Sarah J. Allred (aka Sadie J. Allred), for access by grantees and their heirs, successors and assigns to grantees' lands, over, across, and along said 4 rod wide right of way (Tract NO.1) and 60 fCXJt wide right of way (Tract No.2), respectively, for ingress and egress fran the U, S. Highway 89 to the East boundary line of the ~ of said Section 6, And also further granti11g unto the grantees, and their heirs, successors, and assigns, a 2 rod wide perpetual right-of-way easement, to be shared with the grantors and their heirs, successors, and assigns, over, across, and along a strip of land two (2) rods in width along the bottom of Elbow Canyon, the centerline of which shall be the centerline of the bottan of said canyon (and said right of way to extend one (1) rod each side of said centerline), being on or near the centerline of an existing road, from the East boundary line, of the NW% of Section 6, T 31 N, R 118 W, 6th P.M:, Wyoming, to the U. S. Forest boundary on the East of said Section 6, for ingress and egress along said right of way from the East end of the 60 foot wide right of way shOwn as Tract No. 2 in the aforementioned Easement Agreement (of January 24, 1973) to said U. S, Forest boundary, for access to said U. S. Forest and grantees I lands by grantees, their heirs I successors, and assigns, and their guests, business patrons, and clients; And also granting unto the grantees, and their heirs, successors, and assigns, a one(l) rod wide perpetual Right-of-Way Easement, to be shared with the grantors and their heirs, successors, and assigns, over, across and along the East one (1) rod of Lots 2, 3, and 4 of said Section 6, and the East one (1) rod of Lot 1 of Section 7, T 31 N, R 118 W, 6th P.M., Wyoming, said right of way àJong the East one (1) rod of said Lots 2, 3, and 4 of said Section 6 and the East one (1) rod of Lot 1 of said Section 7 to be for traversing by foot and horseback only from the East end of the 2 rod wide Elbc:M Canyon right of way, where it intersects the u. S. Forest boundary, Southerly to the North boundary line of Lot 2 of said Section 7: and the use of any m:Jtorized vehicles along said East one (l) rod is her~ prohibited and shall not be considered permissible. Page 2 of 3 _h ...._."_.~.._._~..... _.._. n. And hereby excepting and reserving unto the gr an~ors , and their heirs, successors, and assigns, a perpetual Right-of-Way Easement, to be shared with the grantees as set forth in the foregoing, over, across, and along "'0&257 all those 4 rod wide, 60 foot wide, and 2 rod wide \,; rjghts of way described in the foregoing for ingress and egress by grantors and their heirs, successors, and assigns to and from said U.S. 89 Highway to the . u.s. Forest boundary on the East of said Section 6 and along the East one ( 1) rod of said Lots 2, 3, and 4 of said Section 6 and East one ( 1) rod of Lot 1 of said Section 7, subject to the prohibition of motorized vehicles along the East boundary line of said Section 6 and 7, it being understood that the above-mentioned Right-of-Way Easement along the East 1 rod of Lot 2 of Section 6 does not extend, for use by either the grantors or grantees, North of the 2-rod wide Elbow Canyon right of way, but said 1 rod right of way along the East end of said Lot 2 of said Section 6 is unàerstood to e>.."tend Southward only from the intersection of the Elbow Canyon right of way along said East boundary line. The limitations above mentioned applying to the use of the one-rod wide right of way along the East boundary line of lands bordering the U. S. Forest Boundary shall not apply to a landowner I s use of his CMn lands, Page 3 of 3