HomeMy WebLinkAbout944213 ,..'~ b" '. .·.cc·,,,;.....~ 'J 1 r \, '''(1 ,e" . cr \..1-0.... .. -.¡-r::t \~) \.~f:.F.~C"'.; ", r 'j. (,i"'..1H1i::" 'f\'\S doe", t·'.. ,-; sc,{o'H 'j> " ~\\~"~e1\Ùe:~\:~~I.l!te.5'jO\\\;¡' NOTE AND DEED OF TRUST/MORTGAGE AGREEMENT TO M1END TERMS L.L.C./P.L.L.C. 33,) THIS AGREBMENT is made and entered into this 18TH 20 08 , by and between FEATHERED HOOK PROPERTIES. LLC as Grantor (s), whose address is 115 VALLEY VU DR. AFTON. WYOMTNG and THE BANK OF COMMERCE, as Beneficiary,. whose address is 1770 E 17TH STREET IDAHO FALLS ~ IDAHO I to modify a - DEED OF TRUST ¡MORTGAGE dated 8/31/06 recorded 9/5/06 & 1/17/07 as Instrument No. 922153 & 926150 records of LINCOLN County, WYOMING, by which the Grantor(s) conveyed the real property therein described to ALLIANCE TITLE & ESCROW (as trustee) , to secure payment to Beneficiary of the promissory note therein identified and also such other sums and/or the performance of such other obligations as provided in said Deed of Trust/Mortgage which by this reference is incorporated herein for all necessary and proper purposes. REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A day of NOVEMBER ./, -.ì /ì Grantor(s) and Beneficiary now desire and do Deed of Trust in the following respects MATURITY DATE ON MORTGAGE CHANGED TO 11/18/09 AMOUNT ON MORTGAGE CHANGED TO $919,000.00 hereby modify the original RECEIVED 12/17/2008 at 3:44 PM RECEIVING # 944213 BOOK: 711 PAGE: 335 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY All the terms and conditions of the original Note and. Deed of Trust/Mortgage, shall remain in full force and effect except as herein modified. THE BANK OF COMMERCE By: ~T-~~~' l STATE OF VïA1t COUNTY OF ,$~ L-Jt1L.(.. BY: ANTHON T. STAUFFER MEMBER On this 2-&(1:i;.. day of AA:JV~Î!¡j"t--1L. , 20 ~( before met a Notary Public in and for said state( personally appeared A,vf\-!\J.V ï \\",,~p(c:...í. known.. to me to be the IV\AJ1I\w.;v(,.... AAIí.Mß(i-ÿ respectively( of the L.L.C.jp.L.L.C. that executed the within ìnstrument or the person(s) who executed the instrument in behalf of said L.L.C./P.L.L.C.( and acknowledge to me that such·L.L.C/p.L.L.e. executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF( I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written( __..~~~) NOTARYPUBLIC ~ , . KADE WALTON ~ary Publ~c : ' 48755 Highland Dr , , ';. 6aJtLakeClty,Ulah 84117 Res~d~ng at $+¿...~ LA-t,v.tC.-. " My Commission Explr.. ,., March 22,2011 Mv (:omm l!,;.<; 1 on F.xnl res '3/7-~¡'.2..-.'" I STATE OF UTAH -- . STATE OF COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE On this .\\\\\91lW11ff/¡jgy of DECEMBER ( 20 08 I before met a Notary Public in and for said sta~'è'>' per~~l~ appeared DANIEL A. SCHWAB known.. to me to be the MF.MBF~ ................. <f!¡:- respectively( of the L.L.C./P.L.L.C. that executed the within instr~ ¡6r t~peD. ~:s) who executed the instrument in behalf of said L.L.C./P.L.L.C.( and acknow.:£è~.è 10;Tj_ e ..tiha~(~~h L.L.e/p.L.L.e. execu~ed the s..,me. . . . IN ~1W~s~. 'R~F, J12:~:ave hereu~to set~/ha9-cf(änd a~'fJ:.xe.1 my off~c~al seal the day and year ~n th~~.·tJ~t~~.. 'ât~fft~'f above wr~tten( V;" i (, y:,/. / ':C~ ....... ". ~''"'~'.: JJ.,,,,:: . /1 . ~.' ð"'--~ -(..' - .~.""\". ~". ~..n...~._ ~ '-..-.,.../ c':/,1.:~.:'...::_ "'.,~~> Notary P lic "~~'., ''¡(~!Ç)' Residin. at IDAHO FALLS, ID My Commission Expires 12/30/2009 COUN'J. '-. r~' VILLE Cn this '.LU ëray of DECEMBER . 20~, before me, a Notar~ for said state, personally appearea:- , RYRON D WISCOM~ to be the VICE President of THE BANK OF COMMERCE 0 Idaho Falls, Idaho, and to me that said corporation had executed the foregoing instrument. IN WITNESS WREREOF, I have hereunto set lIlY hanq a'nd a~.fixed my official seal the day and year ; n this certificate first above written. (' 1('; V ¿..~ -'---.,jUU .c in and to me known acknowledged RE/MOD-16 \\\\\\I! I II" 111/1 :-.:~\\\\ SH,t::- /11;;,,, .;¡;:. ..........I:::.f.( .~:,. $' .... ..... ~\.~:. þ:}e~.f~ed 1f('¡~3"ï-.~:O'\ .:: :.:1. "@ ,;¡, '" . 'l,,,, -' ~.- J;>' G ':I~ ~ : f'~, ::.: ;;:-1; ~ i<,)'i".~ :~~::::: :;;. II' ". \)~ \I¡~ ~'M : '-':-:::: S Q'. (". "" .:.p:;: ...- :;;(\ "I ~C¡ . 't,...;.'1>.,".. ~;:;. /.Jf ...... ......~.. $" -::;. <'?'l ......... ,,,'::- "~' .. LtO '.' 'I¡,¡, q \\\\\ 'I/¡"III fj ¡, 11 \ \\\\. Notary'p Residing at IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO My Commission Expires 12/10/7009 330 Exhibit A 337 PARCEL 1 Township 32 North Range 119 'Vest of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, \Vyoming: Section 11: The South 65 rods ot" the Northwest Quarter ALSO, BEGINNING at the West Quarter Corner of said Section 11, and running thence South, 80 rods; thence East, 2 rods; thence North 80 rods; thence West, 2 rods to tbe POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2 Part of Section 14, Township 32 NOlib, Range 119 West, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Soutlrwest Sixteenth Corner of said Section 14; and, running thence North 00 10'36" \Vest, 1320.33 feet; thence N 00 10'25" East, 509.17 feet; thence South 89 57'13" East, 1331.02 feet; thence South 00 09'10" West, 509.17 feet; thence South 0010'56" West 207.77 feet; thence South 85 25'38" West, 825.91 feet' thence South 00 10'56" West, 489.26 feet; thence South 06 25'47" West, 560.56 feet; thence North 8954'05" West 439.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING