HomeMy WebLinkAbout876701 State of Nevada ) '-'"" ...... ~; [",~! CLER}:( County of CL.~£~.~' TS 't0 I 0[ rx"r i? AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP ,,b. ~ .... i".~?:' ~.. ' ,"~':.' , ........ ~ ....% ',~ r ~ ~ .... '~ ~ ~ '. ,,' ~ ~ ~;~. t' "~ I~ ~orokh7 Berr'oT~r, bein~ of lawful a~o and duly sworn according ko iaw~ upon my oath, depose and That under the da~o of November 20, 1978r for valuable cons&derak&on~ ~aren Reiger~ an unmarried woman~ b7 deed of tha~ da~er whSch deed was duly f~lad of record Office of khe ~5ncoln County Clerk, on ~anuar~ ~B, ~n Book ~ B2 of Pho~os~a~Sc Rocord8 on Pa~o 1 83r conveyed to Dorothy Berroyer~ an unmarried woman and Edith L. an unmarr&ed woman~ as joint tonanks w~th r~hts of surv~vorship~ the foilowin~ described properkyr to-wSk: Lots Forty-Seven (47) and Forty-Eight (48) of Prater Canyon Estates, Unit No. 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Dorothy Berroyer and Edith L. Smith became the owners of the above described land, and title thereto vested in them continuously . from the date' of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death, of Edith L. Smith, on the 8th day of July, 2001. That by reason of and upon the death of Edith L. Smith, also known as Edith Louise Richardson-Smith, title to the above described real property vested absolutely in Affiant, Dorothy Berroyer, as the survivor. Affiant avers and certifies that Edith Louise Richardson-smith, is the identical party named with the Affiant in the aforementioned deed whose death terminated her interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. DATED this. J day of .~//~/4~,~/ , 2001. -- , ~D6r~thy Be~roye~ Subscribed and sworn to before me and .in my presence by Dorothy Berroyer, this :'~ day of O(~f~e/ , 2001 . ~~~WITNESS my hand~ and official seal.~~/~ ~ Appointment No. O0~5~ ~ Notary Public '~ [~y ~ppt. Expiros Oct. ~0. ~ My Commission Expires: ~-\0 STATE OF NEVADA -- DEPARTUE.T OF HUMAN RESOURCES TYPE NUMRE H IN Lasl FILE .~.~.~.~ ~ Edith Louise RIC~RDSON-SMITH .~c~,~ July 8. 2001 ~Clark a~. N. Las Vegas ~. Lake Mead Ho~ ~ital .~ (s~,~) ~. Inpatient ~. Female ~' White ~. ~ 0~mus~ ........... .,.~ : ~.Feb 25. 1920 ~ 12 D~vorced  '~. Trailer Park '~ Nevada '~, . Clark ,~. Las Vegas ,~.~3~0 Anderson Lm ~. No  ~I~ Yes or ~" William Woodrow Wilson ~, Tres~a Blackburn ~ Dorothy Berroyer ~a~ 34~3. Anderson Lane, Las Vagas,~.Nevada..89'106 ~ Burial ,~.Memory Gardens Cemetery ,~ Las Vegas Nevada 925 LaB Vegas Blvd. N. ,~,~, ~. Bunker~ Mortuary Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 .j ~ ~ d ~ - .me, ~ma aha ~a~e a~ dbe t~ th ...... 2.-, y.~mn ~alh ~urred J ~ ~ J~ DATE SIGN~ ~ o~ NAME O~[N~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~J 22b. J ,,~ O K~ONOUNCEO DEAf) Mo,- ~ ~ NAME ~0 ADDreSS OF' ~m~~ ..... ~~ ~ -- - 22~ m~ ~ ' , ' ', /~ c~, ' ~ . .' ' ~O i res Or ~o,I CORONER (~i~ Yes or N~} . STATE "EGISTRAR NO. 2 0 5 6 3 4 O~'~?~;"70& 889 "CERTIFIED :7'0 BE A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF 2'HE DOCUMENT ON FILE WITtI THE REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATIS2YCS, STATE OF NEV~A." This copy w~ issued by the Clark County Health District fi'om State ce~ified documents as authorized by the State Board of Health pursuant to NRS 440.175. RA[~D' S~k~F'''~' 0 ~ THECLARK Reg's[rar of Vita, S~at~s[ics CO~TY; ~HEALT.H DIsTRicT ~ By: .¢ ~ Dale ~ssued: " ", AUG 08 2001 CLARK COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT 625 Shadow Lane P.O. Box 3902 Las Vegas, Nevada 89127 702-383-~223 Tax ID~ 88-0151573