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Mail tax notice to
Diane B. Rowe
210 N. Mall Dr. .~IO
St. George, Utah 84790
This Quit Claim Deed (the "Agreement") is made and effective on the a day of November, 2008,
Diane B. Rowe (the "Grantor")
Diane B. Rowe CharitableTrust dated November 17, 2008, Diane B. Rowe, trustee
For and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00), Grantor grants to Grantee all the real property situated in:
Lincoln County and State of Wyoming and described as follows:
Part of Section 14, Township 31 North Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on
attached Exhibit A prepared by Surveyor Scherbel, L TD labeled "description for The Rowe Family Trust Rowe
Family Trust Tract."
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part' s hereto have executed this Agreement on the date fIrst above written.
~. ~¿ ~¿xil#) ~uWË.
Authorized Signature -'
Diane B. Rowe
The Diane B. Rowe Charitable Trust,
Diane B. Rowe, Trustee
STATE OF ¿¡¿-~
On the / 7 day of
: ss.
/I/O ¿/ ¿:./l/ 8 6-£
, 20 .tLL personally appeared before me
Diane B. Rowe the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
~ .,' 2338 MONTIRO CIR
" ,.' MY COMM IXP. 1010312010
My commission expires: ~ ~ 2. ~
/" Notary Public
Residing at:
RECEIVED 12/23/2008 at 3:09 PM
RECEIVING # 944311
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Template: Clerk Records
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That part of the SWV~WY4 of Scotion 14, T31N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming,
being part IJf that tra.ot of record In the Office of the Clerk of Linooln COWlty in Book 326
of Photo81atlc Reèonb on 1'&110 151 and in Buok 441 of Photo.tatio R.ecords on page 544,
dosoribeclas follows:
BEGINNING at a spike on the conterJine of Bittør Creek Ccnmty Road No. 12-140, N43'.
3IS'-2Q-B, ~6.23 feet from the southwe5t comer of .Bid Sc:otìon 14;
thtllX N79"-3li·21"B, 30.35 feo4 to a point on tho eaatGrly right-of-way line of said
County Road¡
thence continuingN79°-31'-2¡"B, 320,00 feet, along an exiating fenoe line, to a point¡
thenœ SIO°·28'.3.9"E, 140.00 fcot, to a point;
thenoe 879°.31'-21 "W, 298,45 feot, to .. point on 'lÙd easterly right-oi-way fine;
thence continuin¡N79°.31'-21''B, 30.35 Ceet, to a spike OD said OCIIterlino;
tltonço N19'-IJ'·52"W, 141.65 feet, along said centa"fi~ to tho SPIKE OF
ENCOMPASSING an I\[ca of 1.09 acres, more or 1l1li8;
the BASB BEARING Cor thi. survey Is the welt lme oC tho SW!l4 of Section 14, T31N
R1l9W, being NOOo·41 '-34"E¡
it is tho intent of thi. descriplion that the caUed·for monumeo.Þ, and not the C¡lU¡tin¡ fe¡¡çe
linOll. control the location of the property lines;
ead1. "spike" marked by B 3/B" x 12" steel .plke referenced by a 5~' x 24". .teel
relnmœlng rod with 2" aluminum oap inacribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBBL L'ID AnON
WY PLS 5368", with apP1'Oprlate delailBj
each "comer" folUld as described in the Corner Rc:oord filed Of to be med In the Offiœ of
the Clerk of Lincoln County;
each ''polnt'' marlted by a 5/8" x 24" steel relnfOnling rod with a 2" alllmlnum cap
~bed, "SURVEYOR SCHEMBL LTC AFI'ON WY PLS S3CiS". with appropriate
12/19/2008 12:30 PM
The Diane B. Rowe Charitable Trust
This Irrevocable Unitrust Agreement is made and entered into by and between Diane Rowe of Saint George, Utah
(Grantor) and Diane Rowe of Saint George, Utah (Trustee), as of the date that this Agreement is duly executed on
behalf of the Trustee.
(A) UNITRUST PERCENTAGE. The Unitrust Percentage, which shall be used to determine the Unitrust
Amount for purposes of this Agreement shall be Seven percent (7.00%).
(B) UNITRUST RECIPIENT. The Unitrust Recipient for purposes of this Agreement shall be Diane Rowe of
Saint George, Utah. Unitrust amounts calculated in accordance with methods specified in the Payment ofUnitrust
Amounts section in the Trust Provisions paragraph of this instrument shall be distributed to Diane Rowe for life,
subject to the last regular payment provision of Paragraph 1 below.
(C) SCHEDULE FOR CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTION. Any amounts which are to be distributed under this
Agreement according to this Schedule for Charitable Distribution shall be distributed to qualified exempt charities as
follows: 100% to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of Salt Lake City, UT.
(D) INITIAL TRUST CORPUS. The assets specified in Attachment "A" to this instrument have been
transferred to the Trustee and shall constitute the initial trust corpus. This corpus and any additions to the corpus
shall be administered by the Trustee as a single fund.
(E) TRUST PROVISIONS. The following provisions shall govern this Charitable Remainder Unitrust:
(1) PAYMENT OF UNITRUST AMOUNTS. During every taxable year of the Unitrust the Trustee shall
pay the Unitrust Amount, which shall be determined according to Paragraph 2 hereof. Payments ofUnitrust
Amounts shall be made in equal quarterly installments, payable at the end of the selected period during each taxable
year of the Unitrust. The Trustee shall pay the Unitrust Amounts to the Uniu;ust Recipient during the period
indicated above. Notwithstanding other paragraphs herein, the obligation to pay Unitrust Amounts hereunder shall
terminate with the last regular payment preceding the death of the last noncharitable beneficiary.
(2) DETERMINING THE UNITRUST AMOUNTS. If 100% or more of the initial trust assets qualify as
'Unmarketable Assets' under Section 664 and applicable regulations, defmed as assets that are not cash, cash
equivalents or assets that can be readily sold or exchanged for cash or cash equivalents, then for all purposes of this
Agreement, the Unitrust Amount shall be an amount, paid quarterly, equal to the lesser of (a) the trust income for the
respective taxable year (as defmed in Section 643(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and regulations
thereunder) and (b) the Unitrust percentage (set forth above) multiplied by the net fair market value of the trust
assets valued as of the first day of each taxable year, decreased under paragraph 5 or increased under paragraph 6
hereof. If trust income for any taxable year exceeds the amount determined under (b), the Unitrust Amount shall
also include the excess income to the extent that the aggregate of the amounts paid to Recipknt(s) in prior years is
less than the Unitrust percentage of the aggregate net fair market value of trust assets for such years. The above
payout method shall be used until the end of the earliest year in which occurs the sale of Unmarketable Assets to the
extent that, immediately following such sale, the remaining Unmarketable Assets total less than 100% of the total
fair market value of all trust assets. As of the January 1 immediately following such sale, there shall then be a
change of payout method from the above income exception method to a Section 664(d)(2) payout method as
described below. On that January 1 or upon the trust creation if the value of Unmarketable Assets is less than 100%
immediately after the initial contribution, the Unitrust Amount shall thereafter for all purposes of this Agreement be
an amount equal to the Unitrust percentage (set forth above) multiplied by the net fair market value of the trust
assets valued as of the first day of each taxable year, decreased as provided in paragraph 5 or increased as provided
in paragraph 6 hereof. Unitrust Amounts shall be paid in equal quarterly installments from income and, to the
extent that income is not sufficient, from principal. Any net income of the Unitrust for any taxable year in excess of
the Unitrust Amount shall be added to the corpus at the end of such year.
(3) TESTAMENTARY RIGHT OF REVOCATION. Under the terms of this Charitable Remainder
Unitrust Agreement, The Grantor reserves no inter vivos or testamentary right of revocation with respect to the
principal or accumulated income, as defmed in Section 643(b) of the Internal Revenue Code and the Regulations
under that section.
(4) ADJUSTMENTS IN EVENT OF REV ALUA TION. In the event that the fair market value of the
assets constituting the corpus of the Unitrust, as determined by the initial valuation or any annual revaluation as
provided hereinabove, is thereafter determined to be in error, the Unitrust Amounts which were paid to a Unitrust
Recipient shall be adjusted within reasonable time after fmal determination is made as to correct fair market value of
such corpus by refund to, or additional payment by, the said Unitrust as may be required so that only those Unitrust
Amounts shall have been paid which would have been paid if the initial valuation or any annual revaluation had
been correct.
(5) TAXABLE YEAR AND SHORT TAXABLE YEARS. The fIrst taxable year shall commence on the
effective date of this Agreement and shall end on December 31 of the same year. All subsequent taxable years shall
commence on January 1 and, except for the fmal taxable year, shall end on December 31 of each respective year.
During any taxable year of the Unitrust which is less than twelve months in duration, the Unitrust Amounts to be
paid hereunder to the Unitrust Recipient shall be a fraction of the amount determined by multiplying the Unitrust
Percentage by the fair market value of the assets constituting the corpus of such Unitrust at the beginning of that
year, of which fraction the numerator shall be the number of days in such short year and of which the denominator is
three hundred sixty-fIve (365) or, if February 29 is a day included in the numerator, of which the denominator is
three hundred sixty-six (366).
(6) ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS. The Grantor and other persons may at any time contribute
additional property to the Unitrust provided that such property is acceptable to the Trustee. If any additional
contributions are made to the Unitrust after the initial contribution in trust, the Unitrust Amount, as determined
under paragraph 2 above, for the taxable year in which the assets are added to the trust shall be determined by
multiplying the Unitrust Percentage by (a) the net fair market value of trust assets (excluding the assets so added and
any income from, or appreciation on, such assets) and (b) that proportion of the value of the assets so added that was
excluded under (a) which the number of days in the period which begins with the date of contribution and ends with
the earlier of the last day of the taxable year or the date of the last regular payment pursuant to Paragraph 1 hereof,
bears to the number of days in the period which begins on the fIrst day of such taxable year and ends with the earlier
of the last day of the taxable year or the date of the last regular payment pursuant to Paragraph 1 hereof. In the case
where there is no valuation date after the time of contribution the assets so added shall be valued at the time of
In the event of an. additional contribution to the Unitrust as a result of the death of an individual whose gross estate
for Federal Estate Tax purposes includes the property passing to this charitable unitrust as such additional
contribution, the Trustee's obligation to pay the Unitrust Amount with respect to such additional contribution shall
commence with the date of death of that person, but payment of such Unitrust Amount may be deferred from such
date of death to the end of the taxable year of the unitrust in which such additional contribution has been fInally and
completely distributed into the unitrust. Within a reasonable period after such time, the Trustee shall pay, in the
case of an underpayment, or shall receive from the income recipient(s), in the case of an overpayment, the difference
between (a) any Unitrust Amounts actually paid by the Trustee, plus interest, compounded annually, and (b) the
Unitrust Amounts payable, plus interest on those amounts compounded annually. The rate of interest shall be the
rate then specifIed by the Treasury Department for underpayments and overpayments of unitrust interests as stated
in the Regulations under Code Section 664.
(7) DISABILITY OF RECIPIENT. If at any time any noncharitable benefIciary to whom the Trustee is
directed in this instrument to pay Unitrust Amounts is under legal disability, the Trustee may pay Unitrust Amounts
over to the Recipient or for the Recipient's use to a guardian or to any adult person with whom the Recipient resides,
without responsibility for expenditure of such Unitrust Amounts.
(8) NO DEATH TAXES PAID FROM TRUST. No federal estate taxes, generation skipping transfer
taxes, state death taxes or other estate, death or inheritance taxes (from now on called "death taxes") with respect to
any party to this trust shall be allocated to or be recoverable from the trust. The Grantor imposes an obligation on
Grantor's estate to pay death taxes from sources other than this trust and agree to so provide in Grantor's will or in
another way. This provision may be enforced by a noncharitable beneficiary, the trustee or a charity, acting alone
or together.
(9) TERMINATION OF UNITRUST. For all purposes of this instrument, the Unitrust, and its last
taxable year, shall terminate upon the expiration of the last period during which Unitrust Amounts are to be paid
hereunder, provided that such shall not be later than the last day of the period specified in Section 1.664-3(a)(5) of
the Federal Income Tax Regulations. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the Unitrust shall not
continue beyond the time of death of the Unitrust Recipient.
all property constituting the Unitrust, including all income received or accrued but not theretofore distributed, shall
be distributed as set forth in the Schedule for Charitable Distribution (which appears in Section C hereof).
(11) CONFORMITY TO FEDERAL TAX LAWS. With respect to the Unitrust herein established, in any
conflict, Treasury regulations shall prevail over generally accepted fiduciary accounting principles and any
inconsistent provisions of this Unitrust Agreement. Without limiting the generality of these provisions, if Treasury
regulations shall specify a method or time of valuing the Unitrust's assets, or a way of making payments from the
Unitrust, which differs from the provisions herein contained, this Unitrust Agreement shall be deemed amended to
conform to the Treasury regulations. The assets of the Unitrust shall be valued, managed and invested consistent
with the intent that the Unitrust be exempt from taxation, and that it shall be entitled to applicable charitable income,
gift or estate tax deductions. Except for the payment of the Unitrust Amounts to the Unitrust Recipient, the trustee
is prohibited from engaging in any act of self- dealing as defmed in Section 494 I (d) of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, from retaining any excess business holdings as defmed in Section 4943(c) of the Code which would subject
the trust to tax under Section 4943 of the Code, from making any investments which would subject the trust to tax
under Section 4944 of the Code, and from making any taxable expenditures as defined in Section 4945(d) of the
Code. The trustee shall make distributions at such time and in such manner as not to subject the trust to tax under
Section 4942 of the Code. In addition, nothing in this trust instrument shall be construed to restrict the trustee from
investing the trust assets in a manner which could result in the annual realization of a reasonable amount of income
or gain from the sale or disposition of trust assets.
(12) DISTRIBUTIONS TO CHARITIES. No amount other than a Unitrust Amount shall be paid to or
for the use of any person other than an organization described in each of Section 170(b)( 1 )(A), Section 170( c),
Section 2055(a) and Section 2522(a) (hereafter 'qualified exempt' organizations). Grantor retains the right by a
written instrument to add qualified charities to and remove charities from the Schedule of Charitable Distribution
and to change percentage allocations to all charities. If a Grantor is a current income recipient, then a Grantor shall
retain the right to direct the Trustee to distribute an undivided percentage of trust assets to qualified exempt charities
on the last day of any trust taxable year. The adjusted basis for Federal tax purposes of any trust property which the
trustee distributes in kind to charity must be fairly representative ofthe adjusted basis for such purposes of all trust
property available for distribution on the date of distribution. All principal and income to be distributed under the
Schedule for Charitable Distribution shall be distributed in the specified percentages only to those organizations that
are qualified exempt. The share of any specified charity which is not a qualified exempt organization shall be
distributed in proportion to the remaining percentages by the trustee to the remaining named qualified exempt
charities, if any. If no specified organization is qualified exempt, the share shall be distributed to such qualified
exempt organization or organizations as shall be selected by the trustee in the sole discretion of the trustee.
(13) ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNITRUST. The trustee is authorized to retain the Trust property, or
may sell the property and reinvest in such property as the trustee shall deem advisable. The trustee shall not be
required to diversify as to kind or amount. Unless prohibited by federal law, the trustee shall have the power to
invest in zero coupon bonds, an annuity contract, an LLC, partnership or life insurance policy on the life of the
Unitrust Recipient or Recipients, as applicable. Solely for the purpose of complying with Section 664 of the Code
and applicable Treasury regulations, the trustee shall be authorized to amend this trust by written statement attached
to this instrument and delivered to the current income recipients. In managing the trust assets, the trustee shall have
the power to select and compensate professional advisors or administrators and to delegate appropriate trust powers
to them. In addition, solely to the extent that these powers do not conflict with other trust provisions, the Trustee is
authorized the trust powers specified by law.
(14) ACCOUNTS AND REPORTS. The Trustee shall keep current accounts accurately reflecting the
position of, and the receipts, disbursements and other changes in, the income and corpus of the trust, which shall be
available for inspection during all reasonable business hours by any Unitrust Recipient currently receiving payments
of Unitrust Amounts hereunder or his duly authorized representative. In addition, the Trustee as of the end of each
taxable year of the trust and as of any other date the Trustee deems beneficial, shall keep the said Unitrust Recipient
or his duly authorized representative, infonned of the contents of such reports by accurate written statements. To
the extent pennitted by law, the Trustee shall not be required to provide reports or infonnation to remainder
recipients prior to trust tennination.
(15) TRUSTEE. Diane Rowe of Saint George, Utah, shall serve as Trustee of the Unitrust herein
established. If No Independent Trustee as defined under Sections 664,674 and 672 of the Code is acting with
respect to this trust and the trust holds any asset that does not have a readily ascertainable fair market value, includes
a discretionary power to allocate capital gain to income or principal, or holds any insurance contract or annuity
contract, then an Independent Special Trustee as defmed under the above Code sections shall be appointed by the
Trustee in a written document referring to this paragraph. The Independent Special Trustee shall have sole
responsibility for valuation of assets without readily ascertainable fair market value, for making allocations of
capital gain to income or principal, and shall make all decisions regarding withdrawals, surrender, options, elections,
allocations to income or principal, and dispositions with respect to any insurance or annuity contract. The
Independent Special Trustee shall have no powers other than those specified in this paragraph. A Trustee shall be
entitled to compensation for services hereinunder according to the Trustee's schedule of fees in effect at the time
such services are rendered. No bond or security shall be required of the Trustee in any jurisdiction. The Trustee
shall not be required to file an inventory or annual report with any court with proper jurisdiction. If at any time a
trustee is a corporation, the position of trustee may be assumed by a successor corporation with trust powers. A
successor trustee shall not be required to examine the administration or actions of any prior trustee and shall not be
liable for such administration or actions. Grantor retains the right by written instrument submitted to the Trustee to
remove any Trustee and designate any successor Trustee.
(16) GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement and all rights and obligations under it shall be detennined in
accordance with the law of the State of Utah except to the extent that such may be in conflict with United States
laws and regulations with respect to income, estate and gift taxes which shall govern in the event of such conflict.
In Witnes Whereof, the grantor has signed this Agreement, accepted all trust provisions ànd transferred the trust
corpus as . in Attachme and the Trustee has accepted this trust through the signature below.
/ Date II/; 7 J 0 š-'
/ /
st of the corpus specified in Attachment "A" to this Charitable Trust.
Date oj;7)y
Subscribed, sworn to and acknowledged before me by the trustee Diane Rowe on AId l/ / ? , UI Y.
I ;\\ 2331 MONTIRO CIR
. .' MY COMM IXP 1010312010