HomeMy WebLinkAbout944312 ÜOô605 CERTIFICA TE OF PURCHASE Pursuant to Power to foreclose by advertisement ainld safe' eQ<nltai~~ê'cl! ~ : 1 thai\\ e'¢r.Ua1Í.l~ Mortgage, dated May 7,2004, recorded May 11, 200'4 in Bo'Ø& '-54,. Paige 841@i i'lIl' tale' Lincoln County, Wyoming Clerk's Office from KefitJ!enh L CFaJm! aiJ1::¡j. A I)'tiIF Cralm to' Bank of Jackson Hole, as modified on February W, 200S, w~feful mo~iltl'ie·attii0'f11 ww& recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk's office O"IJ! Febr\l1;a!ry ]6" 20~:5 at Bo'0'& 519, "3!ge' 86, the undersigned, as Deputy Sheriff of Lim:oln CO'I!Hlity, WyO'mi'l'1'g, hi's S( '~cli f.lIÙ~' property hereafter described according to' law, at the' front el! 1try Ð,ftlixe'l!..il ! leo'll¡q¡ C(!)IU!J.llìUy CourthclUse in Kemmerer, Wyoming, at 10:00 o'clock a,m., on' the 2nd C!lia:y o'trVenmb'e1f;. 2008. The undersigned does hereby certify that the undenigned so'lld d !¢' ¡rea¡F ¡no'l!l'¢1fty described below, after due and legal notice given, to' Bank o'fJacIi'.s()'nl Hlo'lle',. the' mortgagee under the mortgage foreclosed, for $797,60'2.21, the'litvg¡i¡:e!tt bied! a:t tIl1e' ¡i)'IIIIb>r~e: auction conducted by the undersigned, The real property sold is situated ilJ! Lincoln: CO'líJil!Jty, Wyo1!J!1li1f.1\g ail1;d! i:S' ¡:¡: 1(!)1te particularly described as fonowa: See Exhibit A attached hereto. } The undersigned hereby certifie's that the purchaser is entttßed to' at S )¡¡e'J1~jfjj"'s clIeecll for the property at the expiration of the statutory perio'd O'f re'~em:pti¡o'n¡, ul~I!¢~ t)l¡:e: property is redeemed prior to that date as provided by law. ¡;~~EOF' 1 h... ......'.d ,hi. C<I1ifi'aI' of ""_IIIi>~ day of , I ,2008. ~~~- ~ STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) T. oregoing instr~.me~t was SUbscrib~rworrl to' Þefo're me by , ..' , Sheri~heriff this- day ciJ:jt.. :laO's:. Witness my hand and official seal. M. ASHI.EY .' NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPI DECEMBER 4. 2011 4400626_I.DOC RECEIVED 12/23/2008 at 3:11 PM RECEIVING # 944312 BOOK: 711 PAGE: 605 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY \ ..:.'.'1'. Oescriptíorr: PðrCel B Ameridf;1\.{ 00&606 00061.8 A portion of the prQperties a$tef~rred 10 in the ~'ðed recorded in Book 45BPR, on Page 31~, arid in BdoK 447Pþ',. on f1;¡¡gé 314, Wfltrl./w Öffíc~ Of. the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within !Me SE114 áf Section 23·, T34N, R 1 19W, . of the 6th P.M., Thayne, Lincoln Cðunty. WYOming, the metes and bound$ being more particulárly deScribed as follows: BEGINNING at an Aluminum cap on IrM Þipe marking á· point in the' E~5t; RJgh~ Of-Way line of U.S. Highway 89, said Po¡n~ of Beginning: bei:rlg 1,652.4:3'feet. . N20"20'27"E frofT!!he a. lJvj, type Monument marking tM Paul N. S~hérbElI: RI..S 164 1986 lo~atiör1 for thê SOuthWest Com~r of said SE114,. af.so said Point. of Beg'inriing being, 2,609.9ðfée! N5.2·Z5'3BJ~ from. the 6.LM. IYP'eMonume.r'1f marking Ihe Paul N: Schemel RlS 164, 1976 locatlQrj fort~eS~utha~st Cerner of tM SE1/4; thence N7S"OO'OS"e, 2'.M.18 feet to an Aluml:nuff't Cap \''In, Iron Pipe rn8rkin¡;) a pöint in Ii! West Ifos of Tract No.2, - Dana,lànds, (jf rha .Star Valley . . Chea.$ê Corporation property as referred to In the Deed íEicorded; In SOOk.337PR, on Page 661, With said Office; thencs SO·28'04"W, afong said We,st Jie;,18~.57 feet to an Iron Pip~, marking a comer of. said Tract No'.~; tf.1:ence~ N89·24: 5~ W, along a line of said Tract No.2, 190.03 feer fo an Iron Pipe ~narklf1g: a pOInt 111. said East Right-öf.Way line; thétJce N23"S8'43"W, along, Sáld Ee:sf R ght-of~Way, 147.4$ féet to th e Point of Begil1rifrtg, . ,'. O¡fscrip{¡õrÚ:iårcel A Am~l1ded A portfon of thi:! propertIes as r($(ermd 1Q In Chø Deed rscordsd in: B06k. 458PR;. on Page 316, snd In Book 447PFì, on Þsge 314. wIth tfl$ Offlc:~ o'ftha CJérk of L.fnc:oln Caunty, WyomIng, wilhin ths SE1/4 ofSsctkIl'I23, T34N, ~1;'19W; ¡)f. Ihe aUI P.M., Tl1ayna, Lit'lcalt'l CQ'unty, Wyoming, (h$ mate§ and bcroJ1;(,ts- belr.1'g more particularly described as fOllows; ElEGIN~ Na at änj.it~mrnum Cap on Iron Plpf5 ';'a-rklng: a. þ'oínt" ItMJ1~'~a:$'t ~;Ight;.. of-yvay ¡ne of U,S, Highway 89, saId PQlnt o{ SS'ginnifiQ bel'ng 1,632,43' fe!JII N20'20'27"E, from thfi a.l.M, type Monf.im~Nt marking efts Pao:r N, S:chElr/¡ar RlS 1 S4, 19a6 location for the SOU!lW(êS( Ccmer of said SE1f4. also :;;n:tdi P'ckr' of . Sagi~ning beIng, 2,609.98 fQet N52"Z5'38'W, fmm !he' B'J....M. typ'e M(jn~h'1ent marking the Paul N, Scl1a.rbel RLS 194,19'7'6: IOCâtfM for th'e $Ó¡,¡;tlle¡¡{$'f¡ Corner of Séld SE1/4; thartCé N23":58"43:'W, (JIONg: s~kl Sâst Right-a(.Way /:...irie,. 147.4g feé! 10 an Aluminum Cep 6n lro'n Pip's markfrrg (.trð S'o1¡thwssf CÖrrT>3'r of [he r~ayne Village Center: thè'TlCf! NßS"01'45"e;, a:/ong fl.1'a- S'out '¡ Une: .j1 sa'ltj: Thayne Village Center, ?13.!31 feet to an' k~n P¡pe ;m;ttklrrg 8 Northwest COl1isr of. Tract No.2· Dana Lands, of t~9 StarVallay CMesê CorpöratJÓn, prÖpf1f.'.yag; referred lain Lhe Dead réCOrded iii Boak 337PR. on; Pa'ga 6t>1,. witl'f sa/d Ol'tice', thence SO"28'04'W, along a west line or said rract No, 2, 1i13.GS feet t<:J ar. AI;~lT1inum Cap OM Iron Pipe; thence S7g'OO'05'W 256,1a feet fo [he Palm òf Beginning. . - -,.. n. EXHIBIT I~