HomeMy WebLinkAbout944333 ASPEN CHALET HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION ANUNAL MEETING MINUTES-AUGUST 24, 2007 OOû684 The annual Aspen Chalet Homeowner's Association meeting was attended by Dennis Hale, Debbie Sender, Joe Sender, and proxy authority for James and Nadine Byars by Dennis Hale. The fIrst item on the agenda and discussed was Ammendents to the Aspen Chalet HOA CC&Rs. The fIrst amendment to be read in concerns section of the CC&R's titled: "Well and Water Lines." a. This amendment would replace the current "Well and Water Lines. "a." section. The amendment reads as follows: a. The Lot Owner's Association shall be responsible for operating, maintaining, repairing, and replacing the common well, water storage tank, and all water lines within and along the common roadway and for all costs associated therewith and necessary to operate and maintain the well, water storage tank, and water lines in a good state of repair so that the water remains potable and fIt for human consumption. This includes electrical charges necessary to operate and maintain the well. When more than one Lot (Owner/Owners) is accruing electrical charges for well water production, Owner/Owners shall be charged an amount divided by the number of gallons used as determined by the meters and a fair division of any other electric charges charged by Lower Valllo::Y Energy. The amount charged per gallon shall correlate to be the same amount as charged by Lower Valley Energy. The Lot Owner's Association shall allocate to and assess to each Lot Owner a proportionate share of said costs based upon percentage of water used, amount of land owned or other methods voted to be fair unanimous by Lot Owners. Initially, and subject to change only upon approval of 3/5 of the Lot Owner's votes, the Association shall assess each Lot Owner, once they have hooked into the water system a monthly charge as follows: $7.50 per each %" Line $15.00 per each 1" Line $30.00 per each 1 'l4 Line $40.00 per each 1 'l'2 Line Each Lot Owner who ties into the existing water system is required to install a curb stop water shut-off valve within 5 feet of their water meter box. At present, Lot 95 is able to turn off their water at the meter in the well house. Any assessment billed to a Lot Owner shall be deemed late and assessed a late fee of 1.5% per month if not paid within 30 days. Any assessments charged by Aspen Chalet Homeowners Association are separate from and in addition to any assessments or HOA fees charged by Alpine Village Subdivision. After discussion of the amendment, Dennis Hale made a motion that the amendment be approved. The motion was seconded by Debbie Sender and carried by all present. The second amendment discussed was the section in the Aspen Chalet CC&R's titled, 4. "ROADWAYS" a. RECEIVED 12/26/2008 at 11 :54 AM RECEIVING # 944333 BOOK: 711 PAGE: 684 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY The new amendment would replace theA. ROADWAYS "a" section only and would read as follows: OOv685 4. ROADWAYS Lot Owner's Association will be responsible for the common roadway known as Chalet Drive, which runs trom the Highway 26 apron to Lot 94. Operating, maintaining, replacing, repairing and upkeep of this road will be paid for by Lot Owner's according to the size of their lots and/or the amount of road use generated by themselves, their tenants, and/or visitors or customers to th~ir lots. Snow removal will not be the responsibility of the Lot Owner's Association, but will be the responsibility of the individual Lot Owners as decided upon among themselves and to be contracted and/or removed by Lot Owners and/or their tenants using the roadway. Aspen Chalet Lot Owner's Association will not be responsible for repairing or upkeep of the driveway which runs off-of Chalet Drive and in tront of present cabins located on Lot 95, or any present or future driveways running into any of the Lots, including 91, 92, 93, 94, and 95. Debbie Sender made a motion that the amendment be approved. Dennis Hale seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously carried by all present. 2. SECRETARY/TREASURER A bank account to hold the HOA monies was discussed. The amount in the HOA at this time is $195.00. Opening a bank account was discussed with a two-signature requirement on the account being used. Debbie Sender would continue to fill the position of secretary/treasurer. Dennis Hale would act as co-Secretary/Treasurer and fill the second signature requirement. All positions would be voluntary and unpaid positions. A motion was made by Debbie Sender that the proposal b~ approved. The motion was seconded by Dennis Hale and carried unanimously ~ NAME FOR OUR HOA Discussion was held concerning the name of our HOA. A motion was made to use the name, "Aspen Chalet Homeowner's Association". The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. 4. Discussion was held concerning assessing Lot Owner's who are not now connected to the water system a yearly amount of $50.00 to help to build up our HOA bank account. Any lots now or in the future who are hooked up to the water system would be charged the amount originally quoted in the Aspen Chalet HOA CC&R's. This amount would be charged as soon as they hook up to the water system. Dennis Hale made a motion to approve the proposal. The motion was seconded by Debbie Sender and carried unanimously. The first Aspen Chalet Home Owners Association Meeting was adjourned. As Lot Owners, we appreciate the willingness of all the members to wo~k together successfully and pleasant experience this has been for all of us--as well as keeping our property values up. Aspen Chalet Homeowners Association Notary Page.:! of 3 00\1686 These signature pages signify all signatures required for requirements of filing of amendments to Aspen Chalet Homeowners Association as vQted on August 24, 2007. ~JL~~ DEBBIE ANN SENDER STATE OF ARIZONA ) ) COUNTY OF YAVAPAI) ACKNOWLEDGED before me on the /5~ay of December, 2008. WITNESS my hand and official seal. . -,;:,;;;0.:"-,-. '..,,~. ._.....-0;. ;;oFFiC1AL SEAL" L ,s[· M. Gilds "10t<FV Public-Arizona Yav¡;¡oai County . My G{)í~!"1:~;¡::~) ¡::~!)iff!S 9/26/2009 ..,.. -.-. '.~""..I":.~'-;':'" ':;':"~... My commission expires: ~ JL Aspen Chalet Homeowners Association Amendment Page Page 2 of 3 These signatùre pages signify all signatures required for requirements of filing of Amendments to Aspen Chalet Homeowner' Association CC&Rs as voted on August 24, 2007 // / ." STATE OF WYOMING } ) COUNTY OF SWEETWATER ACKNOWLEDGED before me on the _day of December 2008. WITNESS my hand and official seal. I ,..' ß ;J-¿t ¡<ð ~. ... ," -. My commisSion expires: 000687 OOô6SB Aspen Chalet Homeowners Association Notary Page 1 of 3 These signature pages signify all signatures required for requirements of filing of amendments to Aspen Chalet Homeowners Association as voted on August 24, 2007. / DENNIS HALE STATE OF WYOMING } } COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me on the&day of December, 2008. WITNESS my hand and official seal. JANICE K. EARHART County of Lincoln NOTARY PUBLIC State of Wyoming ..) ! :{ <./ j¡ ;.. ..~. / /., .; .,.(.:J . 4 ~..;.(ft'~u 11--1.'1' l' .i! 5';,.-- 7 ~ /lr- cl c./- ;./NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires August 13, 2010 :.-..... . My commission expires: (2Ù,j'-tdl-/3 J.CI IC)