HomeMy WebLinkAbout944341 QUITCLAIM DEED ûOú733 THIS QUITCLAIM DEED, Executed this 15th day of December 2008, by the Grantor, Star Storage, LLC whose mailing address is Box 183, LaBarge, WY 83123 to the Grantee, John and DeAnn Fredrickson whose mailing address is Box 183, LaBarge, WY 83123. WITNESSETH, That the said Grantor, for good consideration and for the sum of $ 0 paid by the said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the said Grantee forever, all the right, title, interest and claim which the said Grantor has in and to the following described parcel of land, and improvements and appurtenances thereto in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: Lot 8 of the Yeaman 3rd Addition in the Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming, EXCEPT FOR that part described on the attached exhibits. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: r---.., I \ t ! À:\ \" L.XJlC Witness 1L7lIL-- I ..,........ \ ~.... ....,..., \ I :: "'/ "A_ ~:V'~ (::;r .--'- Grantee /-:;) ~,;}"Cì;,') /} /1 11=/7 -7! _ .~~>: \ f7(i.-KJZ I' C ~--?-~_.. "~" I.-.¿~. WItness" Gr tor ß~LL- ~/?}l~" . <;(~ .:£?,S On before. 11)'--' '. ".I Ih4r.:. ., p rS~nallY appeared r personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of sa lsfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Affiant: / Known Unknown I; \:; ill Pf()d\lc¢'d: é. c.;.~ t . ~:'1;:- .. (:;,! . [Sead.: \'1 I: .I~t ¡p:' t{ I \ /'f ' " 01,' ... ' .,' ",' " '<, ';¡ 1.1 ~ '¡r ' -:':~ . ¿'~¡ i"\ .',. " ¡ II j /J . - ¡;;¡Ju~: ¿;~ 7 ;?ò/:2.. If/Lt L~tr¡J Î I RECEIVED 12/26/2008 at 12:45 PM RECEIVING # 944341 BOOK: 711 PAGE: 733 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY DESCRIPTION FOR JOHN AND DEANN FREDRICKSON, husband and wife FOR 00&734 ADDITION TO LOT 2 OF YEAMAN ADDITION To-wit:-- That part of Lot .R of the Yeaman Third Addition to the Town of LaBarge, Lincoln County, Wyoming as depicted upon the plat recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County as Plat No. 20-D described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of said Lot 8 identical with the northeast comer of Lot 2 of the Yeaman Addition to the Town of LaBarge as depicted upon the plat recorded in said Office as Plat No. 20-A; thence SOoo-I4'W, 115.00 feet along the east line of said Lot 2 identical with the west line of said Lot 8 to a comer; thence S89°-46'E, 110.00 feet to a comer; thence NOoo-14'E, 115.00 feet to a comer on the north line of said Lot 8 identical with the south line of Lot 1 of said Addition; thence N89°-46'W, 110.00 feet along said line to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; each comer marked by a .5/8x24 ins. steel reinforcing rod with aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD PLS164 BIG PINE'{W:\:"" and appropriate 'details; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.29 acre, more or less; all in accordance with the Exhibit "A" attached herewith ánd made a pårt of this description; File: Fredrickson des. Professional Land Surveyors Paul N. Scharbal Wyo. Registration No. 164 Utah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6605 Scott A. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Idaho Registration No. 8026 Ulah Registration No. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 5368 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Mon, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs. Idaho Monlpeiier, Idaho "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" , .,'T' c 0.. ~ QQ \I) ....... ~. t\ ~~ ~ ~M ~ ~; ~ ~~ ~ w~ ::;:: VI .... ..... ~ ~ CI) :::) SCALE: 1" = 200' 00ü735 WEST 900.00' Y AND H TRAILER COURT -1- ~ c:; K. t\ ~ o ,!:) 't ¡- ~ 't 0) It) ~ ~ . (;) .0 't ¡- ~ ~ 200.00' ::: ~ : -2- ~ - I :it '8 ,200.00 I ci I -3- ~ ~ 200.00'~ Lc) C 200.00' ~ _7- o I -4- ~ ~ I ,0 YEAMAN 200.00 - SECOND '-l ADDITION ! 50' i ~ 50' ACCESS EASEMENT S89'46'00"E 410.00' 300.00' YEAMAN TH/RD ADD/nON -8- 205.00' N89'46'00"W 494.39' 'ltA'MAf!{ RJJAD S89'46'00"E 495.00' Ii'> CBRT/!FlCATB OF SURVEYOR STA TE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY OF SUBLETTE )55... /, PAUL N. SCHERBEL OF B/G P/NEY, COUNTY OF SUBLETT£, STA TE OF WYOMING HEREBY CERTIFY THA T TH/S PLA T CORRECTL Y SHOWS THE RESULTS OF A SURVEY MADE BY ME ON 29 SEPTEMBER, 2003. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR REG/STRA TlON NO. 164 ~"'25"YOR PRAHIV B>¿ OAñ'ñ'ÐV 0AH'$6W S~~L, LTD. ,PClI'í'r. IA L= ,C41E'{;'(!;W>¿ _ill. PROfeSSIONAL LANO SlIRJ4:nJ.RS OAT£.' T I1r.r IH oar #2.96 BlC PlN£Y -- NAñ'BLE!I:w. H?1:J. 'fi£Z.O BOGW,' lElElWONE J07-276-JJ#7 FÆE: J'l}IIMN AarIitW E:INfIIT L.B;;« .u; .'MtJONJ.w 'IIpf1l C-OMPUTER (C-AD) DRAFTING P,O, BOX 4267 307 276-3374 ø(. SIGN DESIGN - GRAPHIC- ART MARBLETON, WY 83113 , :BXHIBIT "A" SHO~GPARTOP ~ADDmON AND YBAMANTHnm ADDmON TO TIm TOWN OP LABARGE LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING SHEET / OF /