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Dee 19 200B 16:39
DBCBMBER 22, 2008 . between the Mortgagor,
, .
(herein "Borrower"), ønd the'Mortgegee, FIRST EDUCATION ~~. , a corporation
organizld and existing under the lewe 01 STA'l'E 011' m~~lPJi{ITE~ STJlTKS , whose
.dd~88is 120 WRST CARLSON, CHØYBNNB, wy 82003-7000 ~.O. BOX 20030.. .
(herein ,"Lender"). . '
WHEREASi Borrower is indebted to L:en'der In the princ;iølll sum of U.S., 420,000.00, \yhlch
Indebtedness il evldenoed by BorroWer's note dated 12/22/08 ønd extensions 8nd renewals thereof
(herein "Note"), providing for monthly instillments of principal: and' interest, with. the balance of
Indebtedn..., if not 800ner paid, due 8~d pavable on . 0] .'O~!17: . .-
, .
TO SECURE to Lender the rep.y~ent of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest
thereon: the þ8yment of all other Bum.s, with Interest theréon. ødvanced I", 8ccordM1Ce herewith to protect
the seourlty of thl8 Mortg.ge¡ find the performanoe of the covenants end agreements of Borrower herein
oontalnèd, Borrower'doe. hereby mortgage, grant end i,WÆdP Lender. with power of 8als, the following
desorlbed property located in the .County of . ' , ' 6tet. of Wyo.ming: .
Xt:mlN':t'tCAL Wt'l'H ''t..01 48 ALP:p¡Œ: v.ILLAGB StJBDI1J]:S:rON NtlMBBR ONE
(1) PLAT TWO (2) AlIŒNDED WiTHIN NWl/4 ,01' SICTtON 19, T37N, R,118W, 'RBCORDBD
.' . .
RECEIVED 12/29/2008 at 4:41 PM
RECEIVING # 944386
BOOK: 712 PAGE: 35
which hss the addreas of
,'Wyoming '8)1.29 (herein "Propertv Address");
¡Zip Codel
TOGETHER with all the Improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all ealements,
rights, appurtenanoes and rehts, ell of which .hall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property
oovered by this Mor.tg.ge; and III/ of the foregoing, tog.ther with BBi~ Property (or the lea,ehold estate If
thl~'Mortgege 18 on Ile.lehold) øre hereinafter referred to 8S the "·Property_" '
. Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawfully sels~d of. the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to
mortgage, grant and convey the Property, and th8t the Property Is una"oumbered, exoept for encumbrances
01 record.. Borrower covenantlll that Borrower warran~ and will defend generally the title to the Property
against all claim. and demands, s'-Ibject. to encumbran~e'S of r.oord. .
UNIPORM COVENANTS. Borrower. and leryder covenant .nd _gre. 8& follows:
1. Payment of Pringlpal and Inter.t. Borr.oV,Ver 'shall promptly pay when' due the prinoipal and interest,
Indebtedness evidenced by the NotÎ!l ånd l'!It8chargøs as pr~videø.ln the Note.
2. Funds for TeICH and I..urena. Subjø.ct to applioable law or II written waiver by Lender, Borrower
shall pøy to Lender on the day monthly paymants at prinO/p.el aI'Jd inter~st are þayable under tha Note, until
the Nate is paid in ,full, a sum (he,eln "Funds"), aqual to one-twelfth of t~e yearty taxes and assessments
(Including condominium' and planned unit development assessments. 11 any) which, may attain priority over
this MortgllgB and ground rent' on t"e Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium Installmants tor
hazard Insurence, plus onawtwelfth 01 vearly premium Instal.lmants for mortgage Insurance, If any. all 8S
r..eon8bIV estimated initially and from time to tIme by Lender on the bllis of sossamant. and bills and
rea80nable estimates thereof. Borrower shall,not'be obligated to make auah payments of FundI to Lender to
the extent that Borrower makes such payments to the holder of a prior, mortgBge 'or deed of trust If such
holder Is 8n institutional lender.. " ,
. IIWV:103 U'¡\1I1II184ILL
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," I " :.
If Borrower pay. Funds to Lend"!r, the Fun~s shall be hEild in· 81'! Inst1tution t"e Qe,P0lltl .or. aooounts of
which are In8ured or guaranteed by a Feder'al or state '.ganay. (Inoludlng ,Lander If Lender .Is suoh en
In8tltutlon). Lender shall apply th~ Funds to pay 'ssid taxea, 18~SSsments, Inlurønce premiUr;nB and grou.nd
r.nts. Lender may not chsrge' f9r '0, holding and applying the Funds, '~nalyzlng .Iald account o~ verifying and
Compiling said åssessments and bills, unl~88 . Lender psys S.orro\ÎV':tr.lnter~ on ~hs 'Fu!,!da and applloable law
permits µ'nder to mak. luoh B ·oh,rg., ~rrower and Lender may agree In wrltl~,g Bt the time of eXliScutlon
of thle Mortgage that Int.rest on the Funds shell be paid to '!30rrower, and unlis. such agreement is made
or applicable law requIres suoh interest. to Ite paid;. L8bdèr shall, ~ot ~. required to pay Borrower any Interest
or earnlngl on the' Funds. Lende.r shall give to Borrower, without ,èharg,¡ ~ ar;tnual.accounting of the Funds
showing oredits ¡p,d debita' to the Funds a~d the purpo.~· tor Whloh'. ,~I:t: debit 'tc), the Funds wee made.' The
Fundi are pledged a8 additional 88~i,lrity ,fanh. Bums .ecU~ed· by thl, Mòrtgage.. .."... . , ,
If the amount of the Fund. held by Lender ~ together, wlth:'the ,future' monthly. Installments of. Funds
payable prior to the due 'dates of taxes, as.e88ments, Insurance :premlums end' gro~r'ld rents, shall exceed
the 'amount requIred to ,pay Reid,the., assessments" .lnllureno~.pr8mlums 'end ground rents a8 they fall due,
such eXOB81 shill! bl, at' Borfowet's option,. elthtr promptly..rep"ld.,'.to Jkmower..'or ,credi(ed to Borrower on
monthly. Installments of FUl'!ds. ·If ·the ·,moUnt of the f:u,",d. h.'d,:.,bY. ~n~8r: shall, not be sufficient to pay
bixel, Bi....mente, Insurance premiums· and grourld ·rent8..~I..th~y fait due, Bor;roWe~ shall pay. t9 Lender
any amount neoeesary to,mÏlke up, tht dafclenoy In'one or mora p~ymlnt8 a~.Lender mav.,requU:e.
Upon .payment In full of all '¡ums S8Curid by, this ~ortgage,' Lender shIll promþtly r.fund to Borrower
any Fund. held by Lender. If· under p,ragreph 1 7 hereof the· prop.!ilr:tv. ,II sold ~(, the. P;operty Is ot~erwlle
acquired by Lendør, Lender shall apply, no la~er than Immedla~e'y pri~r to·th~ sale.of..the Prop~rty or Its
acqubdtion by lender, ·any'· Funds· held by Len:cfer '8t the:tlme 01 application ,a,s"8 credIt agafnst. the ilums
.ecuredbythls'Mortgøge.. '. '. h, ........, : :..... ...... . '. " ' . .
3. . Application 'Of Paymentø. Unles8 apphcebl.e law provlde~ otherwise, . all payments. re~8lved by
Lender unc(er the Note and parBgraphs' 1 and 2 h~rel;)t shall be, "applied 'by LElnder first In payment of
amounts payable to lendar bv Borrower under parøgraph 2 ·heraof, then ·to Int",eBt payable on the Note.
and then to the prlnolpal of the Note. '. . ,: . . . .."'... ' , ' ....
4. Prlo, Mortgagflll and 'Deed8' of Trült: Charges: Lien..· Bør.r()wer. :Bi1ë~1I pèrform 2111 of, Borr~wer',
obligations undør any, mortgilge, deed of trust- or other seour.lty :agr~ement with a lien whlch"has prlQrltv
over thli Mortgøge, ncludlng' ,Borrower'. coven~nt8 to make payments when' due., Borrower' shsll 'pay 'or
, cause to be paid all taxest 81Ie88mentll!. and other cha~g8s. 'fines and Imp,oRltlon8 attributable to the
Propeny,whlch msy 8ttaln a p~lority ovet'thls Mortgage, and leasehold paymønt& 0'- ground r~nts, if any.
5. Hazard I~.urance. Borrower shall' keep the Improvements :now existing or ,hereafter erected on the
Prop-:ty Ineured agaln'8t loe. by, fire, haz,rd. ,lnc;luded within. the.term8 "eXtsnded coverage", flood and
, suoh ~ther hazard. 88 Lender may require and In such amounts ,"d' for auoh period. as Lender may requlrs.
'The Ineuran~ oarrl.,. p~oviding the inøurance shall ~e çh08en by Borrower subject to ¡approval by
Lender; provIded, that such approval ,hall not be unrea,sonably withheld. ,All ineuranøe policies 4Ind renewøJs
thereof shell bl In 8 form acceptable to lendér 'snd shalf Include., ~Ind.rd mortgage clauss in. favor of and
In a form lI~aeptabl.·to Lender. Lénder .hell have th, right tó, hold the policies end r",newale .thereof, sUbjøct
to the terms of eny mortgage, deed of trust or other sëcurlty agreement with a li8n whléh' hall priority over
this Mortgage. In the ever.it o.f 10.', ,Borrower·ahall' give prol11pt n~tlce to the .Insurance carrier' and Lender.
Lender may make proof 011os81f not-made promptly by BorroWer. ' . " . . '. '.
If the Property Is abandoned bY'Borrower, or,lt Borròwer fells tó. re8pOhd,to lInder within '30 dava from.
the date notice is maUld by Lende( ,to Borrower ·that· the Insurance' c8~rjer ~r8 to settle a claim' for
Insurance benefits. Lender Is author:lzed'. to c!)llect and applý. the '.iri8ur~nce 'proce~8 . at, Lel'lder's pptlon
either to restoration or repaIr of the Pr.op'erty or to' the sutTIs secUred::by this Mortgagei,. . " : .
,6. Preaervlltl,on and MaIntenance C?# Prope.rty:· Le88ehol~sr' Condominiums:': Planned Unit. D~elop-
menta. Borrower shell.kHp the Property ·In good repair and ."all: not ~ommlt w~8te· or p8Fmlt !mpairment or
deterioration of the Property ,end. shIll. oomplv wlth..the· provisions Qf .any ,lea.,., If tl:tls MortQ4Ige is on a
'easehold. If thl~ Mongage Is ·on a unit In 8 'oondomlnlum or 8,"plannåd"u"l~ develppmeot, ,.Borrower. 8haJl
perform all 01 Borrower'. obligations under the declaratlon..or 'ooyeJ:lants or~atlng .:or governing tl'\. condo-
minium or planned unit development, .the· by-laws. and reguimlon. of the 'condominium, or planned unit
development, and,oon8t1tuent dool.ments. , '.' .,.,. ":.' ..":..,
7. 'rat~n of L:ender's Security. If· Borrower. fall8 to· perform ths ¡ äoven'8nts end agreements
contained In this Mortgage, or. If any aotlon.or proceeding I. commenced ,which materially øffectt LMd4!r'.
Interest In the Propeny·, then, Lend~r, 'lit L,.nder'. ·optIon, upon ,I'otlde, to Borrower,. may møke .uch
eppearllnoe., disburse 8uch sums,· I"cludlng reasonable attor,neyi'. fees" and.' take luch action as is
neo..,8f'V to protect LBnder', Int~r:88t. .If 'Lender røqulr~ mortgage 1!"8urance ~. a ~ondltlon. of making the
Idan secured by this. Mortg~g8', Borrower shall pay the premiums r,qulr.-d to malntåln such ,irll5ursnce In
effaot until Buch time 118 'the' requirement for such Insurance ter,mlnetee In aDOordancø with Borrower.'s and
' lendsr'. written egrHmønt or eppliaabl. law.. . '" .' . .'
EWV20! ILAIaliRI1I4tU.
Dee 19 2008 16:40
Any amount. disbursed by lender pursuant tQ this perEigreph 7, with interest the'reon, 8t the Note ratEl,
shall beaåme addltlDnal indfilbtednøss Df BDrrDwer secured by this MD!1gage. Unless BDrrDwer and Lender
agre,' to other terms -of peymønt, such am-ounts .h~1I be pflyable upon notioe from . lender to Borrower
requesting pflyment thereof. Nothing oo'"tøl"ed In this p.aragreph 7 8hall require Lender to inour any expense
or take Bny açtJon 'hereunder.' .. , .
8, I.,apactlon, Lender may make Dr caUSI tD ba made reaSDnablø øntrles. upon and Inspections of the
Property, provided ~It LlIf1der shall give Borrower notloe prior to flny such h,epeotlon specifying rnloneble
caus. therefOr related to Lender's Interest In the PrDperty. .
8, CondlllTlnldlan~ The prDceeds of any award Dr olaim for damages, dlreot or oonsequential, In
conneøtlon with any oondemn~l.on or other .takl"g of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyence In lieu
of oondemnøtlon,ere hereby 88Slgnedønd shall be peld to Lender, subject to the terms of any mortgage,
deed of tru.t or other ,eourijy agreemel1t with alien which has priority ,over this Mo"gage. .
10. Barrawer Not ReI....: ForbHnlnce by Lender Not e WeIv,r. extension of·tho time for payment or
modlflalrtiDn of 8mortizat!on of the s~ms s~cured by this MDrtgage grented by Lender to any suC?oøs&or if1
Intere.t of Borrower shell not operate to release, in any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and
Borrower's BUCClssor. In Interut. Lender shIll .not be røquired to commence proceadings 8galnst such
eucoellot' ot' t'etus. to extend tim8 fot' payment or otharwis8.modify IiImortlzltion of the Bums secured by
this Mortgage by rea80n of any demand mid. by the' o~lglnll Borrower Ind Borrowel"s 8ucceseots In
Interest. Any forbearence by Lender In exercising eny right or remedy hereunder ,or otherwise afforded by
epplicllble law, Ihall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. .
11. SucaIHOb and AllBlgn. Bound: JoInt end Se"er. Ueblllty, Co-øigner.. Ths CDVef1ants IInd agr8a-
menta herein contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shall Inura to, the respeotlve ·SUçCB550rs and
le819n8 of Lender arid BDrrDwer, subjecUo the provisions of paregreph 18 hereof. All covenants and agree-
ment. Df BDrrDwer ·shall be jDlnt and several.' Any BorrDwer who co-signs this Mortgage,' but does nDt
exeaùte' thø. Note, (a) is co-signing this Mortgage only to mortgage, qrant Bnd oonvey that BorrowBr's
Interel,tt In the Property to 'Lender under the terms 9f this Mortgage, (b) 18 not. personally liuble on the Note
or under this MDrtgage, and (a) agree5 that Lender an.d an.y other BorrDwer hereunder may agree to extend,
modify, forbellr, or make any other aaaommodotlons.with rei}erd to th~ terms of this Mortgage or the Note
without that BDrrower's oonsent 'S'nd without relea.ing that ~rrower or modifying 'Chi, Mortgøge Eta to t~at
Borrower's Interest. In the Property. .
12. Notice. Except for any not.lce required .under appliceble law to be given in snother menner, (a) any
notice to Borrow..r provided for in this Mortgage shall be given by delivering It or by ~øiling such notice by
certified mail acldr8slliJd ·to BDrrower at the Propertv Address or. a.t suen Dther address liS Borrower may
deslgne'te by notice to Lender. ~s provided herein, and .(b) any notl~e to Lender 8hall be' given by certified
mall to Lender's addrelS stated herein or to such other address 8S Lender· may. designate by notice· to
Borrower as provided ~ereln. .Any notice provlde.d for In this Mortguge shall be deemed to hsve been given
to Borrower ór Lender when given In the manner designated. herein. ,
13. Governing Law; Severability, The state and localluw8 appllcsble to this Mortgage shall be the IUW8
of the Jurisdiction In which the PropertY Is located, The foregoing sentcmce shall not limit the sppllcabllltV of
Federal law to ml, Mortgage. In the event that any provl8lQn or clau.e of this Mortsage or the Note
conflicts with appllaable IIIW, such conflict shall nDt affect Dther provisions 'of this Mortgage Qr the Note
which oan be given effect without thl aonfllcting prov/slon¡ IInd tD this end the prDvlsions of this Mortgllge
and t~e. Not. are declared to be severable. As u8ed .hireln, "costs" ¡ ·expanses" IiInd "~Drneys' fBes"
Include alllum8 to the'e)(tent nofprohlblted by applicable law or· limited herein.
14. Bo",~werr. Copy. Bot't'owet' shall be furnished a conformed 'CDPY of the Note and of this Mortgage
at the time of Ixaautlon or after rBoDrdation hereof.
1&. Rehabllitlltfon loIBl Agreement. Borrower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligations under any. !,ome
r8habUltatlon, Improvement, repair, or other' loan 'sgrsemEtnt which Borrower enters into witb Lender.
Lender, at Lender'. option. may require Borro.wer tD execute end deliver to . Lènder, in a fDrm ~ccept.ble to
Lender, en as81gnment of .ny rights, claims or' defense. which BorrDwer. may have againlt parties' who
supply libor, materiels or services In connectIon with Improvement8 m'ade to' the Property.
16. Transfer of Property or a leneflclallnterost In Borrower. If all or 'any PI" of the Property or anv
interest in It Is sold or tr8n~erred (or If a beneficial Interest In Borrower Is' sold or transferred and 'Sorrower
is not. natural peraon). without Lender's prior written consent, L~nder may, at its option, require Immedløte
payment In full of all sum8 .ecured bV this Mortgage. However, this option shell not be exercl.ed by Lender
It exercIse Is prohIbited by fedêrsll.w 18 of the date Df this Mortgage. . .
If Lender exercl... this option, Lender 8hall givø Borrower notice of aCDelenltlan. The notice shall
provide a period of not .lU8 than 30 days from th~ date the notice is delivered or mailed within which
Borrower must pay all sums· secured by ·th1s Mortgage. If Borl'ower falls to'· pay theaø sums prior to the
expiration of this periOd. Lender may Invoke any.remedies permitted by' this Mortgage withDut further notice
or demønd on Borrower. ' .
1!WY~:lILA_ B84tLL
Dee 19 2008 16:40
. . OOû038
NON-UNIFORM COVENA.NTS. Borrow~r and Lender further-covenant'and agree Ø8 follows:
17. Acaøler8tlan: ltem.diM. ~~Pt.. pro\rided In paragràph 1...,hereof; upOn,B~owì!lr'. bre~ of any
DDvenønt or agreement of Borrower In this. Mortgage, 'lncludlng, the :QO".na~· ~ pay when due 'any sum.
.ecured by this. Mortgage, Lender prior to acCal..n ahall give'" notice"to Borrower lIS provided In
parlgraph 12 he;eof IIpoolfylng: (1) the breloh; (2) the'lotion required to cure luch bl'lNlCh: (3) I date, not
I... than 10 days from the dateitle ~otIM ''',rMll.d·to BorI'Ower; ·bY' which suGh breach mu.t be cUnld;.lnd
(4) that failure to cure .,..ch breach on or before ·the date specified in:the.notico may result In acceleration of
the 8ums IIICIUred·by. thll Mortgegl. The notJce .hall further inform' .Borrower: of the right .to feinatlte after
loaeIetatlon and the right to bring 8 øourt action to 88.811' the; nønex.iaf8nDII. of . defllult or any other
d.f.., of Iowower to .aael..tJon· and. late. 'If the braec'r'!.. nòt: è:Iured. on or· b~. the, date .peçlfled In
the notlae, Lender,' lit Lender',',. option. may .declerl· 811 of ~e··sum.:"..cured. by this. Mortgqe· to be
Immedllltelv due and payable WIthout' further d,mlUld ønd mav .ln~akli: the power, of 'a8Ie and, any ather
remedl.. permitted by 8Pplli:øble.lew. Lender shall be'entltled to:·COlltct:aD teaaonable aøats.ønd apen...
incurred In pursuing the rem8cH.. 'p~vlded i':1 this paragl'llph .1,; Including-, bu:t not li~ited to, reaeoneble
attorneyl~ feu. . . .' . .., .... . ., . , . .
If Lender inVOkM itI. powe,' of 'BI8, Lender·.lhal give notice of ' Intent to. fòreclose to Borrower snd to
the p..on· iI'I po.....lan of· the Propeny, If 'dlfferent, in icaardenoe With øppllceble 18W. Lender Iha. inllll a
copy of 8 nOfløe Df the 8al. to ~W8fl'1n ·tlte .manner Rl'OVIded.,Jn paFllØr~ph 12 ·Þereøti Lend. ·....11 pubUah
the natloe of '11e IIftd the Pt'Gi'H!rty· ,hili be .old ,In tha manner'.preiOribed by IIpplloable ·IMY.. Lender or
Lender', design.. may puroha.. tilt PrOPertY"lIt øný' ,II..· .,",11, proêeeda. ·þf the safe thall.be applied In the
foUowIng ordar:. fa) to ill re..onlllble· 'Ø08ta . and exPen... of.· the ".ale, including, but not· limited to,
r8MDIHIbJe ettomey."feU' end qoâts at dtffrevld8llae; (b) :to: all IÜftl(lleCúred by this. Mortgage; end (c) tha
exeeu, H any, to the p'l'Ion'~ perlDn, 'egally entitled thereto.. . '."". , . . . .'
. 18.' Borrow.,', "'ght to .....,.tate. Notwfthstandlng L.nd8r~s. :8Qoelerstion Ofthe lums· 880urød by .thl.
Mortgage due to Borrower'_ breach,· Borrow~ ·Ihall·.h~_ .thEi' 'right· to· have any·.proceedlngs ~gun by
Lender to enforce this Mortgage· qlloontlnued lit anv time. prior. to the larller·.to :ocour of (I) the fifth day
before sale of the Property pUi'suant to the power of. saie contained· In ,this Mårtgage or (Ii) entry of I
judgment. enforcing this Mortgage if: '(a) Borrower pays Lend',. aU sL!ms Whlçh' Would :be then due under thl.
Mortgilgø and the Note had no' acclllfÌ;~lon' occurrad;··.(b) ·Borrower..cures '111 br.88ohes. of any other
covenants or agreements of Þorrower cantelned' In this Mortgage; (e) Borrower pays. all reasonable
IxpensBR Incurred by Lender In en10ralng the eovanent8'. and ,agreements of· Bar.rower . cont81~8d In this
, Mortgag., and In enforcing Lender'. rem.dillS å. provided 1""P8t'8gr~ph 17 hereof,. Including,. but not limited
to, ra880naQle attorney." faas,; and (d) Borrower takes' .~h' action 88 Lender mav realOnably require to
naur. that the lien of thl. MO!'1ga'ge, Lønder'llnterellt In the r:'roperw . and .Borrower', obligation to pay the
sums .ecured by this Mortgage shall contlnue·unlmpalred. Upon such'payment iIInd oure· b.y Borrower, thle
Mortgage and· the obligations "$Oured hereby shall remain .In· full' force end effeat a8 if no IlC08leretlon had
occurred. . . . . '" ,..... . .... .
19. Aallgnmltnt of Renta; Appolntn)ant of Receiver: Lender., in Pa"'~on. As adØltlonå" securltv
hereunder, Borrower hereby ...Igns JO Lender the rents of the 'Property, provided' that Borrower !lhall, Þtlor
to aooeleretJon under paragraph ". hereof or abandonment of ..the ProPlrtv,.have th.e right to oollect and
retain such rents al th.y become due' arid' þavJble: '.' . . '. :. .', . .' . . .
Upon acceleration under paragraph 17 hereof tJf. abllndonment of the Property, and at any tlmè prior to
the 'explratlon of any period of redemption followi.ng JUdlclalll8le, ~d8r, In pereon, bv,agent or. by judicially
appointment reaolver. shall be entitled. to enter upon', tlke· pall&,.ilon. of ·and·. managil the Property and to
collect the rentl of the Property inoludlng those pI.t.due.: AIU.ntø:aallected· bv:Lender or the reoelver &halt
be applild firtt to payment of the coeta of' management 01 tbe. ProP8rtY· and' collection of rent.,' including,
but not limited to, reee.lver'. fe'8, premiums on receiver'. bond':lnd r.eøsonable ~orÎ'l'Ys' fees, and then
to the surn. eeoured by thl.· Mortgsge.. lender' end th~ 'fecelv,,,, shIll be . liable ,to DOcount only for 'thoBe
rente actUBlty received. ':" " ...... '",..,..' . . . .
20. RaI~. Upon payment of all .ums·neured by· this Mortgage, Lender shalf releHe this Mortgage
WlthDut oharge to Borrowe~. Borrower shell pav all.CDstS Of't8CordatIOr1¡ If any. ". .
21. Wllver of HamOfttld. Borrower hereþy waives åll right of homett.ad Ðxen,1p1:l.on in th.e Property.
Dee 19 200B 16:40
Borrower end Lend~r request the hold8t ·of any mortglilg8, de8d of truat Dr other encumbrance with a
lien whloh has priority over this Mo"gege to give Notice to Lender, lit Lander's addr.ess set forth on page
on& of this Mortg8ge, of any defat/It u!"der the sup'tlor encumbrance and of any sale or other foreolosure
action. . ,
REOF¡ Borrower has exeouted this Mortgage,'
. .
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WITNESS my hand and offlol81le81.
My Commission expires; ';/ ~ 126 \2...
Notary I'ubllo
My Commission Expires 03131/2012