HomeMy WebLinkAbout944405 i"") ~, r '. 11r30/Z008 23;17 13078830002 EANK OF STAR VALLEY PAGE Ð7/13 6010817367 QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, Thai Richard CuthricU Qnd Stephanie Cuthriell, as Joint Tenants (:·GÛ113 of tile County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in consideration ofTen aud 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is bereby confessed and acknowledged, have remised, released, convey and forever quitclaimed and by these: presents do for my heirs, executors and administrators, muise, release and forever quitchúm unto Stephanie CuthricU whose address is P.O. Box 4485, Bedford, wY 83112, heirs and assigns, forever all such right. title interest, proþcrly, pÓssession, claim and demand as I/we have, ought to have or hereafter acquire in or to all of the following described premises, to-wit; That part of Section 20, T34N Rl18W. Lincoln County, Wyoming de3etibed On attached Exhibit A titled, "Description for Richard CuthlielJ and Stephanie Cutbnell, Remainder Tract", dated September 4, 2008. Hereby releasing and waiving aU right¡¡ under and by vjrtue of the homestead eXemption laws of the State of Wyoming. "'-7/Í Dated this ~ day of State ofWyomil1g ) )ss County of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrwnent was acknowledged befo{e me by RiDharJ Qti ;}¡ftell 81,11 Stephanie Cl.lthriell, this ~ 4 day of ]), ~ . 2008. .,-.4~..:, .u' ~'t.... Witness my hand aod official seal. ~~ St- ARON WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYtìMING MY COMMISSION e;\,p¡r¡¡¡S JurlE :14, 20' :z ~õìf£;-~i'ê': - ECEIVED 12/30/2008 at 12:19 PM R RECEIVING # 944405 PAGE: 113 BOOK: 71~NNE WAGNER wy LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. Stale of Wyoming County of Llnwl n NOlary Acknuwlcùgmcnt S5 úOô1.1.4 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by this 2-0 WitncS~~¡fU~ ~ry c My commission l:xpires: l..... -2£2ll MINDY LYMAN NOTARY PUBLIC . STATE OF COUNTY OF WYOMING LINCOLN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY 1,2011 ....... 11i3B/2ÐÐ8 23:17 Prn(n~" lanF.l I.ðncl õVNIi')"OI'P hul N. 8c/1.r~1 Wyo, R,~I'\roUan ~. ~~. Ut1h RDQI""'1Ion No. 1670 IdAho Re~lø~QIIOO NO. 3m N'YJd. Rirglsll1IllDn No. 680G ~?rtl\. Soh",",,1 'iVY". i'logl'IrDilon No. a999 JOehD R.plelra'JOO\ No. 8026 lll.h R9~"'119".n No, 372111 MilRLOWr II. SC\.lrRßEL {o/yo. R.91 lr lI~n No. 5366 5\'''''')'0' ScNr~~1. LTD. he_n. Wyoming ~IA Plnty. W)'O"llno ,,,,,,,".... Wyomlnþ .~,. HQI ~l:IrI"9., l;;Iptl() loIon,..II.,. Idaho 1387883613132 BANK OF STAR VALLEY PAGE 13£1/13 s~~ DESCRIPTION FOR RICHARD CUTHR.J.ELL AND STEPHANIE CUTHRÅ’LL RElVWND.ER TRACT ÜOiì115 To-wit: - - Thai part of the sm/,¡sm~ of SE:cliQt1 20, TJ4N Rl18Vvr, Lincoln CO\.Hlty, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clork of Lincoln County in Book 594 of Photostatic Records on page 367, described as follows: BEGINNING at a spike on the east Jiuc of said SEY.8E~, NOoo-33'-36"W, 770.4J fect, from tbe southeast comer of said Section 20; thence N62°-39'-25"'\V, 185,80 feet. to a point: thence S78°-42'-01"W, 329.22 feet.. ta a point on th.e wcstcrJy bank of the Bedford Ca.naJ; thence S41 o-39'-J2"E, 330.01 feet, along said westerly bank, to a pnint on the south line of said tract; thence S89°-47'-37"W, 525.9.4 feet, alon,g .said 30mh line, to a rebar; thence NOO°·12' -55"'\\', 723.85 fecI, nlong the wost line of said tract, to a rebar; thence 872°-59'-29"E, 831.05 feet, along the north line of said tract, to a pipe on said ea$t líne; thence SOoo-33'-36"E 253.1,4 feet, aJong said east line, to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING; ENCaMP ASSING an area of 8.50 acres, mOTe or I.ess; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the east Uno.:: of the NEXi of Section 20, T34N R118W being NOoo-ll'-48"W; TOGETHER w.ith right of ingress, egress and utilities OVer, \mdcr and across a strip of land a six ty (GO) feet in width for bc.ing thirty (30) feet each side of the fo.l1owing described centerline; BEGINNlNG at a rebar at the inters~ction of the westerly right-of-way line of Bedford Nòrth C01!nty Road No, 12-12J and the south line of said tract in. Book 594; /:, , thence NüO°.33'-36"W! 240.43 feet, along said \1y'esterly right-of-way line, to a point; the ca.ster]y¡ and westerly right-of.way lines of the above described easement to be shortened or le1Jgthened as necessary to create a cont:ìJJuous easemeut w.ith a minimum \~'idth of sixty (60) feet to meet the southerly line of the above described Remainder !Tract and the southerly line of said tract in Book 594; AND ' . TOGETHER withtbat twenty (20) foot irrigation easemellt of record in said Office in Book 374 ofPboto~tatic Records on page 287; AND RESERVING unto, the Grantors, theif heirs, successors and assigns Q perpetual right of 1 ingress and egr.ess !aod maintenance for irrigation purposes over, under, and across to a strip of land in width ten (10) feet, idel1tic1Il with the south tt:Jl (IO) feet of the; ó'1boVl1; d¡;scribcd Remain9cr Tract appurtenant to the House Traçt as depicted on the below referenced plat; I \TR\34-] 18-20\Slcph.onic CuthTiell "Modification In any way of the foregoing de:scription terminates liability of the surveyor" 13878830002 PAGE 85/13 11/38/2008 23:17 p,.t.,ak>noI LMd SurvtY'>11 Poul N. ~çh.rl>el Wyo. lIeglttløUon No. IØ4 I} ;,þ R.9"'",lkon No. '~7D IdJho RtOIsIt~li"" "'.. J9\1O Ne_ods ReplW'aUQII No. Baas Smn A, £Oh9rb91 NVt.I. R_,II",....I'" f,JI'I. ~OA. ~.r.o RoOI.IIOllan No. b021 )<.h /I.~I"'l'IIon No. J72111 ~RLDWb^.SC~.Raq~ /fyo. ~OI"I",tlon No. 5Jßß 3vI'I'YO' Soh"b.l, LTD. ,,,.,.. Wyamloi "II PIn.v. WI"'''''.O _..n. Wyoming .,Vft Hot !!prInOt, 1081'10 ~""I >.I"". Idoho BANK OF 5T AR v'ALLEY DESCRIPTION FOR RICHARD CUTHRIEJ...L AND STEPHANJE CUTHRÅ’LL REMAINDEa TRACT PAGE TWO éOû11G SUBJECT to an easement for Bedford North County Road No. 12-121; each "spike" marked b)' a 3/8" x 12" steel spike refcrenced by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" alumimlm cap inscribed. "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LID AFTON wy PLS 5363", with appropriate details; e;ach "comer" found us described in thç Corner Record fikd or to be filed i.n the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "pipe" marked by a 1" iron pipe with yellow plastic ca.p inscribed, "PEILS 698"; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steeJ reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFT ON \¥1' PLS 11810", with appropriate details; each "rcbar" marked by a 518" sled rdnforcíng rod with 2" aluminllOl cap inscribed, "LLOYD B. BAKER & ASSOC1ATES PEILS 698 THAYNE, WYOMING"; aH in accordance with the plat prcpar~d to be filed in the omcc of the Clerk of Lincoln County tjUed~ ' CUTHRIELL AND STEPHANIE CUTHRlELL F AMIL Y EXEMPT T THE SEl/4SE.lI4 SECTION 20 T34N Rl18W LINCOLN COUNTY 17 Novcmber 2007, .as revised. o ~ . Q,,~ ~ ; ! !:.. \TR\~4·118·:W\Stl'ph~~i~ C\I\nrìtll "Modificatlol) in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"