HomeMy WebLinkAbout944407 6010817368 11/38/2868 23:17 13878838882 BANK OF STAR VALLEY PAGE 86/13 QUITCLAIM DEED (:'Oó122 I I KNOw ALL MEN TIŒSE PRESENTS, That Richllrd CuthtieUsnd Stepbllnie CufhrieJl, as Joint tenants of the Counly of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in co.nsidcratJon ofTen and 00/100 Dollars ($10,00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and ackQowlcdged, havi: remised, released, convey and forever quìtclaimed and by these presents do for my heirs, executors and adm.i.nistrators, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto Richard Cuthriell wbose address is P.O. Box; 4292, Bedford. WY 83 I 12 heirs and assigns, forever all such right, title interest, propeny, possession, claim and demand as X/we have, ought to have or ht:rea.1'ter acquire in or to aU of the following described premises., to-wit: That part of Section 20, T34N R116W, Lincoln CoUlrty, Wyoming described On a~ched Exhibit A titled, "Dèscnption for Richard Cuthrlell aod Stephanie Cuthriell, Hou,¡e Tract", dated September 4, 2008. Hereby relea$ing aod waiving allr,;ights un~er and by virtue of the homeJtead exemption laws oftha State of Wyoming. '-'\1' ¡ '''. ~ \, Dated tlris ~ day of ,2008. State of Wyoming ) )ss County of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrument \Vt13 aoknowlcdged before me bY~61~(4ð 8111hftell Md Stephanie:: Cut.brieIl, this e/lJ./ day of :J)t2.. C ,2008. seal. SHARON WALKER COUNTY OF LINCOLN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 14, 20 ---------. My Conul1lsslon Expires: RECEIVED 12/30/2008 at 12:21 PM RECEIVING # 944407 BOOK: 712 PAGE: 122 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Notary Aclmowlcùgmcnt Stale of Wyoming County of ~ OOû1.23 55 The foregoing instrument \vas aekno'.'/ledged before me by l<A'eJ1ard Cuthnòll , this 1-lo day of~, 20Jl3 Witness my hand and official seal. Jiµ¡~ ot ry lie My commission expires: 2 -I - :20 I ) . -- MIND L: -_·......~ftý PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMI~~~ION EXPIRES FEBRUARY 1,2011 11/3ß/2eea 23:17 ProroJal1nCl1 LMd »uNe)'M ""IJN.~c"'/1IeI' W\~. "'''_I». 184 IJbrlh RÞellktl"" No. 1070 !diM RAIIolro1'\icIn Hn. nlJO Nw.. RI.IUIr.h--'lD1 No. 8/fn/i 8aaIr A. "'IIMWII W~Q. JbI~ bI Ho. un Id.JrwI RlgI.""'n No. 5021 \Alta RtOl...Øon No. ~12111 ......O¥/[.. SCItE.lel VI.')oa. Rntblntlllln No. '3ca .............-.Lro A~.... ..,...." ;8""~'_" J""_w....... u... ... JpoI\¡Jll. I"''' M/I'Il&IflW, hi..", 13B78S3eeÐ2 BANK OF STAR VALLEY PAGE 82/13 r --K I c.karcÀ DESCRJPTWN FOR RICHARD CUTHRIELL AND STEPHANIE CUTHRIELL HOUSE TRACT To-wit: - . That part of the SEV.SEv.. of Section 20, T34N RIl8W lincoln CO\1.Oty, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office ot the CIerk of LineoIn County in Book 594 of Photostatíc Records on page 364, descdbed as foIlows' BEGINNING at a pipe on the east line of said SEJ!.SEV. NOoo-33'-36''W, 545.65 feet, iTom the southeast corner ofcsei& Sèctlon 20; thence S89°-47'-37"W, 270.72 feet, a]ong the south hue of said tract, to a point on the westerly bank of the Bedford Canal; tbence N41°-39'-32"W, 330.01 feet, along said westerly bnnk, to a po.int, And leave: said westerly ba.nk; thence N78°-42 '-0 r'E, 3:29.22 feet, to a pomt; thence S62°-39'-25"E, 135.80 fc~t, to a spike on the east \1.\10 of said SE 1/48E1I4; thence SOO°.33'-36"E, 224.76 feet, aJong said east line, to tbe PIPE OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING fin area of2.47 acres, more or JeJs; the BASE BEARING for tbis surveY is the east tino of the NEY. of Section 20, TJ4N Rl18W, boÎngNOoo.ll'-48"W; TOGETHER with that twenty (20) fool irrigatì.on easement of record in (laid office in Book 374 ofPhotoslatic Records o:O,l?ago 287; AND r~: .,. " ~ TOGETHER with a ten (10) foot irrigation easement over, under and across a. strip ofJand ten (10) fe!lt in width, with the southerly 'Iine described as follows. BEGINNING at the southwest pomt ofthe above described House Tract, thence S89°-50'.40"W, 523.40 feet; along the south line of said tract in Book 594, to a rebar; the northerly T.lght-of-way lme of the above described casement to be shortened or lengthened as necessa.ry to create a cODtí.nuoLls easement with a minimum width of ten (l0) feet to meet the westerly line of the above described House Tract Ilnd the westerly hl\~ of s3id tract ill Book 594; RESERVING unto Ihe Grantors, their heirs, S¡¡cceSsors and assigns II perpctuaI right of ingress, egress and utilities over, undor and across the east sixty (60) feet of the above: described House Tract apptlrtcmuH to the Remainder Tract as depicting on the below referenced plat; SUBJECT to an easement for Bedford No.t1h COllntyRoad No. 12-121; each "pipe" m.arked by a 1" ir~ii pìpe wiili yellow plastic cap inscribed: "PElLS 698"; each "corner" found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoh1 County; ITRI34-113-20\Slophani. CUlhrl,1I "Modification In any way of the foregoing description terminale& liability of the surveyor" Oû1.24 .' 11/3e/2Ð68 23:17 ,-~......~ . P"IIfH.3ct1I1t>11 W)'o.A'~iø..Ho.tB4 Uta~ ROiI"II'II qn No. 1roo 1#,,1'10 ltafl.'''IIol\ Ko. 3900 n."'d'"'Qllþl\kmtlo.680S SIOIIA.acherbll w,.. A.gl.lI"IIIo, No. mg laaho ""'"lIGn No, (IOl$ Il1ol1 R. ¡is...... HQ. mill MAl\lO~ A. ~cHeR.1i1. W)"'.R"IIIfII"",,,O'lI'Jo.,;teø S"'''')'ØrlJd\4/b.l,l.tg. Anon, Wro""nv .~ 'N-¡, YI)O..... .I~tln. 'Nya",(n, Lna Ho1 ,þI1l'1Q'. !d.II, ~pnlu,1dMa 1387B83e062 BANK OF STAR VALLEY PAGE £1'3/13 DESCRIPTION FOR RICHAR.D CUTHRIELL AND STEPHANIE CUTHRIELL HOUSE TRACT PAGE rwo each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap ínscribod, "SURVEYOR SCHEMEL L TD AFTON WY PLS 11810", with appropriate details; eacb "~pike" marked by a 3/8" X 12" steel spiko referenced by a 5/B" x 24" sieel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS .5368", witb appropriate dctails; each "rebar" marked by an alum.ìnuln surv-kap Sìlrvc:y marker inscribed, "SURVEY POINT PEfLS 3514"; ¡ . \11\.\34·' IS·20ISU'Jlh..l. CuthrieU "Modification In any· way of the foregoing descrlptlon terrnlnate.s liability of the surveyor" eo" 1.25 ."