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David M. Amolds
Chevron Mining Ine,
116 Inverness Drive East, Suite
Englewood, CO 80112
(303) 930-4040
-Above This Line Reserved For Official Use Only--
RECEIVED 12/30/2008 at 3:48 !PM
RECEIVING # 944423
BOOK: 712 PAGE: 230
This document prepared by
After recording return to:
City of Kemmerer
( Corporation)
For ten dollars ($10.00), and other valuable consideration, cash in hand paid, Chevron
Mining Inc., flk/a The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., a Missouri corporation, 116
Inverness Drive East, Suite 207, Englewood, CO 80112, ("Grantor"), hereby conveys to The
City of Kemmerer having an address of 220 Wyoming Highway 233, Kemmerer, Wyoming
83101-9700 ("Grantee"), the surface only of the land described in Exhibit A, together with all
Vi improvements located thereon, lying in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming,:
GRANTOR warrants title to the property against any person claiming by, through, or
under Grantor, but not otherwise.
Dated this ZN D day of
:DF'--CEMß~(t. ,2008.
~Zff,~8ct (»
Keml IS Fork SWD 11-11-08
) SS.
I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for Arapahoe County, Colorado, hereby certify
that James A. Tarazoff, whose name as Attorney-in-Fact for Chevron Mining Inc., a Missouri
corporation, is signed to the foregoing instrument, and who is known to me, acknowledged
before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the instrument he, as such officer
and with full authority, executed the instrument voluntarily for and as the act of the corporation
on the day it is dated. r\
Given under my hand this{~ ad day of M~ll~,~ , 2008.
My commission expires: 07)r;;¡ j..~6()9
My Commission ExpIres 07/2112009
To Special Warranty Deed
From Chevron Mining Inc. to City of Kemmerer
A parcel of land being a remnant parcel and being west of the presently existing west right of
way boundary of U.S. Highway 189, east of the Kemmerer Golf Course Parcel as described and
recorded in book 206 PR on page 214, north of the Kemmerer Youth Fishing Pond Parcel as
described and recorded in book 325 PR on page 43 as Parcell and south and west of the
Mackaben (Hams Fork Grill) Parcel as described and recorded in book 674 PR on Page 204 and
south of the Neislen Parcel as described and recorded in book 251 PR on Page 84 all on file in
the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. Said parcel being part of Tract 63 and the NW~ of Section
13 of the resurvey of T.21N., R.116W., of the 6th P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County,
Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the comer number 4 of Tract 63 of the resurvey ofT.21N., R.116W., where is
found a standard U.S.G.L.O. brass cap, Thence S 20°49'28" E, 1717.33 feet to the southwest
comer of said Kemmerer Golf Course parcel where is found a 1 Y2. diameter aluminum survey
cap embedded in a 6" diameter concrete post; Thence N 81 °39'28" E, 801.34 feet (N 82°01 '12"
E, 800.50 feet record Kemmerer Youth Fishing Pond Parcel and N 84°00' E, 800.50 feet record
Kemmerer Golf Course Parcel) along the common boundary of said Kemmerer Youth Fishing
Pond Parcel and Kemmerer Golf Course Parcel to the southeast comer of said Kemmerer Golf
Course Parcel where is found a rebar with a plastic survey cap stamped "LS 2616". Said point
being the Point of Beginning of this description. The common comer monument of Sections 11,
12, 13 and 14 of said T.21N., R.1l6W. bears N 15°44'56" W, 1390.78 feet ITom said point of
beginning and is monumented by a 3" aluminum cap stamped "PLS 482, 1991" with other
appropriate markings.
Thence N 26°50'50" E (N 26°47' E) along the monumented easterly boundary line of said
Kemmerer Golf Course Parcel, 811.55 feet to a point where is found a 5/8" diameter rebar with
2" aluminum cap stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, 2008" set this survey;
Thence S 85°45'48 E, 28.08 feet (27.03 record) to the northwest comer of said Mackaben Parcel
where is found a rebar with aluminum survey cap stamped "PLS 3999";
Thence S 26°44'36" W, 324.54 feet (S 27031' W, 324.77 feet record) along the westerly
boundary of said Mackaben Parcel to its southwest comer where is found a 5/8" diameter rebar
with a 2" diameter aluminum cap stamped "CCI, PELS 5465";
Thence S 85°44'37" E, 368.00 feet (S 84°51' E, 368,04 feet record) along the south boundary of
said Mackaben Parcel to the southeast comer of said parcel where is found a rebar with a 2"
diameter aluminum cap stamped "CCI, PELS 5465". Said point being a point on the
monumented west right of way boundary ofD.S. Highway 189;
Thence S 4°18'05" W (S 5°09' W record) along said west right of way boundary of U.S.
Highway 189, 27.35 feet to the PT of a curve to the right of said right of way where is found a
standard 6" x 6" concrete right of way monument;
Kern TIS Fork SWD 1 I-I 1-08
Thence 598.64 feet along the arc of a non tangential curve to the right of said west right of way
boundary to the PC of said curve to the right where is found a standard 6" x 6" concrete right of
way monument. Said curve to the right having a radius of 1382.39 feet, an internal angle of
24°48'42" (24°19' record) and a chord of593.98 feet which bears S 16°42'40" W;
Thence continuing along the monumented west right of way boundary of U.S. Highway 189, S
29°08'23" W (S 29°58' W record) 216.22 feet to an angle point on the east boundary of said
Kemmerer Youth Fishing Pond Parcel where is found a rebar with a 2" diameter aluminum cap
stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, 2008" set this survey, From said angle point a standard 6" x 6"
concrete right of way monument bears S 29°08'23" W (S 29°30'59" W record), 213.39 feet.
Thence N 4°03'23" E, 235.22 feet (N 4°18'25" E, 235.39 feet record) to an angle point on the
north or east boundary line of said Kemmerer Youth Fishing Pond Parcel where is found a rebar
with a plastic survey cap stamped "RLS 2616";
Thence N 49°29'40" W, 366.74 feet (N 49°17'28" W, 366.97 feet record) to the northerly most
comer of said Kemmerer Youth Fishing Pond Parcel;
Thence S 39°01 '26" W, 119.30 feet (S 39°13'38" W, 119.37 feet record) to the point of
Said parcel contains 5.69 acres more or less.