HomeMy WebLinkAbout944446 QUIT CLAIM DEED 00&299 CANYON LIMITED, a Wyoming partnership, of P.O. Box 631, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101, Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen Dollars ($10,00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, CONVEYS and QUIT CLAIMS to JERE P. BORINO, a single man, as his sole property, whose address is P.O. Box 5, Diamondville, Wyoming 83116, Grantee, all of Grantor's right, title, and interest presently owned or hereafter acquired in and to the following described real property, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights, under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to wit: L·i..-f Resurvey of Township 24 North, Range 116 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming: Section 7, Lot 4 subject however to approximately 11.68 acres of that conveyance of the fractional part of said Section 7 by Warranty Deeds from Alvin Adams and Margie Adams, husband and wife to Mrs. Mary C. Carrollo dated March 2, 1951 and recorded August 28, 1954 in Book 7PRonPage 464 in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming (Davis No. 2 reservoir site). Total area of Lot 4 transfer being 15.68 acres, more or less. Section 18, Lot 1 and Lot 2. Totaling 54.70 acres, more or less. Total area to transfer to Borino being 70.38 acres. more or less subject to the road easements for ingress and egress over, across and through said property that is reserved and granted to Ron J. Cattelan and Jean Marie Cattelan, husband and wife and Thomas D. Crank and Corina E. Crank, husband and wife, as part of this same transaction this same day and year; ~ 0::: ~ W <{ 0::: W ..- ~ ..- t;7I ..- CD~ffi :2 ..- w - 'IIt··z :x= co ~wt9 ~ to ~<{ 0 0::: 0 0>1l.5: w N w -.J -- ..- 'I:t: Z 0 C") Ñ t9 z~ ..- z NL5Z 02: -. :J WW ..... 0 >0 :;¿ 0 -w 0 z Wo::: 0 -.J t) IJ) 0 W 0 c:: Z :,j TOGETHER WITH the following easements: A road easement for ingress and egress through Grantor's property in Lot 2 and the SWl/4NEl/4 of Section 7 of the Resurvey ofT.24N., R.116W. ofthe 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming for the benefit of Grantee's property being Lot 4 of Section 7 and Lots 1 and 2 of Section 18 all of the Resurvey ofT.24N., R.1l6W. ofthe 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming said easement being 50.0 feet wide, with boundary lines offset 25.0 feet each side and parallel to the following described centerline. The boundary lines of said easement extending or truncating at the property line of Grantor. Commencing at the east 1/4 comer Section 12 of the Resurvey ofT. 24 N., R. 117 W. where is found a standard US.G.L.O. brass cap; Thence N 0° 13' 3 0" W along the common boundary line between R.116W. and R.11 7W. distance of395.43 feet to the Point of Beginning . Said Point of Beginning also being S0"13'30" E, 871.39 feet from the N1/16 of said Section 7 on the west boundary line of said Section 7 where is found a 3" diameter aluminum cap on a 2 W' diameter aluminum pipe stamped "Crank Companies inc PELS 5465" with other appropriate markings. Thence N46°11 '16"E, 143.32 feet; Thence N34°42'19"E, 215.64 feet; Thence N4T52'48"E, 335.68 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 117.27 feet along the arc of said curve to the right. Said curve to the right having a central angle of 61"04'50", a radius of 110.00 feet and a chord of 111. 79 feet which bears N78°25' 13"E; Thence S7l °02'22"E, 83.58 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 00\)300 170.21 feet along the arc of said curve to the right. Said curve to the right having a central angle of9T31'15", a radius of 100.00 feet and a chord of 150.39 feet which bears S22°16'45"E; Thence S26°28'53"W, 171.36 feet; Thence S2°50'13"W, 107.81 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 187.67 feet along the arc of said curve to the left. Said curve to the left having a central angle of 43 °00' 43", a radius of 250.00 feet and a chord of 183.30 feet which bears S18°40'09"E; Thence S40010'30"E, 146.07 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 78.97 feet along the arc of said curve to the left. Said curve to the left having a central angle 0[30°09'50", a radius ofl50.00 feet and a chord of 78.06 feet which bears S55° l5'25"E; Thence S70020'20"E, 130.23 feet; Thence S79°21 '44"E, 116.14 feet; Thence S59° 10' 12"E, 127.54 feet; Thence S4T12'24"E, 76.75 feet to the PC ofa curve to the right; Thence 4.84 feet along the arc of said curve to the right to the Point of Tenninus. Said curve to the right having a central angle of 6°09'50", a radius of 45.00 feet and a chord of 4.83 feet which bears S44°07'29"E. Said point of tenninus being a point on the curve and a point on the east-west centerline of said Section 7. The C1/4 comer of said Section 7 bears S89°37'2l"W, 321.31 feet from said point of tenninus. The C 1/4 of said Section 7 being monumented by a 3" diameter aluminum cap on a 2 12" diameter aluminum pipe stamped "Crank Companies Inc PELS 5465" with other appropriate markings. Said easement being2,823 feet in length more or less as shown on the map identified as Attachment E which is attached hereto and made part of this document by this reference. TOGETHER WITH the following: A road easement for ingress and egress through Grantor's property in Lot 3 and the NW1/4SEl/4 of Section 7 oftheResurveyofT.24N.,R.116W. ofthe 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming for the benefit of Grantee's property in Lot 4, Section 7 and Lots 1 and 2 of Section 18 all oftheResurvey()fT.24N., R.116W. ofthe 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming said easement being 50 feet wide, 25.0 feet each side the following described centerline. The boundary lines of said easement extending or truncating at the property line of Grantor. Commencing at the center Y4 comer of Section 7 ofthe Resurvey ofT. 24 N., R. 117 W. where is found a 3" diameter aluminum cap on a 2 12" diameter aluminum pipe stamped "Crank Companies Inc, PELS 5465" with other appropriate markings; Thence N 89° 37'21" E along the east-west centerline of said Section 7 a distance of 321.31 feet to the Point of Beginning . Said Point of Beginning also being S89°37'21" W, 979.40 feet from the C-E1/16 of said Section 7 where is found a 3" diameter aluminum cap on a 2 12" diameter aluminum pipe stamped "CraIÙ( Companies Inc, PELS 5465" with other appropriate markings. Said point of beginning being a point on a curve to the right. Thence 73.04 feet along the arc of said curve to the right. Said curve to the right having a central angle of93°00'10", a radius of 45.00 feet and a chord of 65.29 feet which bears S5°27'31"W; Thence S51 °57'35"W, 31.33 feet; Thence S69°00'01"W, 76.09 feet; Thence N85°41 , 14"W, 108.39 feet; Thence S81 °13'36"W, 212.10 feet; 000301. Thence S70050'41"W, 144.61 feet to the PC ofa curve to the left; Thence 40.27 feet along the arc of said curve to the left. Said curve to the left having a central angle of 46°08'37", a radius of50.00 feet and a chord of 39.19 feet which bears S4 T 46' 23"W; Thence S24°42'04"W, 95,33 feet to the PC ofa curve to the right; Thence 44.48 feet along the arc of said curve to the right. Said curve to the right having a central angle of25°29'05", a radius of 100.00 feet and a chord of 44,11 feet which bears S3T26'37"W; Thence S50011 '09"W, 45.74 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 56.86 feet along the arc of said curve to the left. Said curve to the left having a central angle of65°09'40", a radius of50.00 feet and a chord of 53.85 feet which bears SlT36'19"W; Thence S14°58'31"E, 90.15 feet; Thence S12°48'27"E, 155.63 feet to the PC ofa curve to the right; Thence 94.92 feet along the arc of said curve to the right. Said curve to the right having a central angle of 44°31 '08", a radius of 122.16 feet and a chord of 92.55 feet which bears S09°27'07"W; Thence S31 °42'41"W, 109.55 feet; Thence S42°02'41"W, 47.14 feet; Thence S29°00'09"W, 176.44 feet; Thence S44 ° 11 ' 42"W, 129.56 feet; Thence S30028'00"W, 79.50 feet; Thence S23°09'36"W, 52.54 feet to the point of tenninus. Said point of tenninus being a point on the common boundary line between Lot 3 and Lot 4 of said Section 7. Said point oftenninus being N89° 45'56"W, 208.62 feet from the S 1/16 of said Section 7 where is found a 3" diameter aluminum cap on a 2 Y2" diameter aluminum pipe stamped "Crank Companies Inc, PELS 5465" with other appropriate markings. Said easement being 1,864 feet in length more or less as shown on the map identified as Attachment F which is attached hereto and made part of this document by this reference and both easements combined being 4,687 feet in length more or less. WITNESS, the hand of said Grantor this 31 sl day of December, 2008. CANYON LIMITED, a Wyoming Partnership -~ ¡}dJ , THOMAS D. CRANK, Partner STATE OF WYOMING BY:C~ C~ CORINA E. CRANK, ) Partner By: COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) )ss. ) On the 31 sl day of December, 2008, personally appeared before me Thomas D. Crank and Corina E. Crank, husband and wife, signers ofthe foregoing Agreement, who acknowledged to me that they executed the same, as a partner of Canyon Limited. ~"I"'.of.''I..~~~~rJ~' J'.'"",''..(Jro;~'tllë·"'')''l DEBRA A. HANSEfj.;}'JJTAHY PLUdC ,: ¡f/: "~ \'h~:~> ""'~" ~ COUNTY OF ¡~. ",.;\ S ',' y lYr, UNCŒ.N (¡"'{:~,:)?1 vÙë;~~:,¡(i ~ MY Cmf.MISSIOfJ EJ(¡;iRES ;lid}/;, r2DIL..; ., ) ., ~ #I ,*.~41"'''':;''''''' j) cd'} I) IL /1 J/ njY1.--~ il-"YV Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~:3/.J<¡ {WI/ I I ûO{i302 By: ~ žÆ {/~ R ~ iTTELAN, Partner By: AN MARIE CATTELAN, artner STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN On the 31 st day of December, 2008, personally appeared before me Ron J. Cattelan and Jean Marie Cattelan, husband and wife, signers ofthe foregoing Agreement, who acknowledged to me that they executed the same, as a partner of Canyon Limited. r, õtßRA~CHXtfst¡,~,.,'i', ::',~~',3 1,;:¡"iyp'ûÒ'L¡F>-l ~f.¡);;'~ ~ 1¡ COUNTY OFly .\"' ", \~ SPIf Or ., lll'~OU~ ~,(:'.;\'î WiC"':''') , :4"" . 't:}/,.~::.:;_:.{;:-~ ·-¡~.II'~ ~ l~'~ £m,;M!SSION EX'I;;;~ES ~YJ~'Ji~ _..,#t#"'''''#t~ "X ,.' lYtlJ,rw., /) /-I(]!Y1A<?/rV Notary Public My Commission Expires: ,3~J<.¡!:J(J/1 / I By: ~flJs-·<= Partner STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN On the 31 st day of December, 2008, personally appeared before me J ere P. Borino, a single man, signer ofthe foregoing Agreement, who acknowledged to me that he executed the same, as a partner of Canyon Limited. DÈßRÃÃ.HÑ~T;~:;¡y·'púâr'ê·l .t~'':.I:' :...;~ COUNT'! OF ~~" "'\.'~', <'\ ST,~TF OF 'r>,. f ' ~ . " I ,.... 1 M ~ /I' . fi '1'1", llrl"ûLN ,',<, "[" W(U,,1iIU ~ MY COMMISSION ~'~~;~~~~ <' ,,,'"J _I~~~.. ¡:) 0. /"'} íl, /l /I D 'nA <"(yO Notary Public My Commission Expires: 3 ill.f!<:JÓ /I / ç.oor-<:;J '" W\® viò W orc''t- ~M t > . "ç. :;:¡:u¡ ~ àJ ," - ~o ~(\ . :a:¡ èu \D w~ N:lCÌ C'J \Ó b C'J 0 . ,U¡ (Y) I-w g:N 0 - ,~ e](-, Z S 00'32'16' 'vi z: 55,40' ~U") 0:'" u(\ : Wo wo '" Z III' Ò N 34'42'19" E ~ 215.64' - --........ ~ POINT OF: BEGINNING SEC, 12 N 00'13'30" W 395,43 ' N 89'26'28' 'vi 1321,72' S 89'33'52' E 1310,2783 FT [J Z .... æ [J ~ N 4752'48" E 335.68' 4t N 00'21'46' E ~ 65,50 FT --;0 ~! ~/!.:1" f:; q / BLM N, úOv~03 560' ò N 88'32'04' 'vi 939.30' STDN[ CENTERLINE AS DESCRIBED ~-.::r2fo:--=J;. _ _ _ _2~~'_ ~ _ _ __-±- I . ' TYPICAL EASMENT DET AIL w CD "/~ / ~~ C'J" 001 /" ;- II CI C1 CJ C4 C5 c ð It: . 0" Ma-. (.,<'1 -(\ 'M g~ !å fj " N 89'26'17' 'vi 921.47' /" S 71'0 '22" E Ò\ r 83.57' § " k C ANK IY' J\~ S 26'28'53" W /' ® lj171.J6' L ! 02'50'13" W 1;-- 07.81' ,~ C-N 1/16 S 89'43'01' 'vi 2593.11' S1I2NE1I4 S 70'20'20" E 130.23' S 79'21'44" E SEC 116.14' , S 4712'24" E 76.75' 7 S 40'10'30" E 146.07' N 89'37'21" E 904.55' N 89'37'21' E, 1300,71' 979.40' -E III' ~~ r-.\O ........ ........ [X [X S 89'45'56' 'vi 1304,87' S 59'10'12" E 127.54' POINT OF TERMINUS 3:: @g á? ~ t ~ t! ......0 ~I::; r00 or<) o~ N\tI1I4SE1I4 WI- . u.. ~I(\ " 0 -a-. (\ co ocr' 00 z~ (f) S t/16 SEC, 7 "S IlL' 89'45'56' 'vi 900.55' BOR NO BLM ~ 0- W ã-,L.. ~ ," 9 1 a-. -0 ....CO ø :-0" (\ . ~~ (\ . , a-. (Y)\D 00 , 0 OM ATTACHMENT E ~o 0C'J ~ ~M 0.... V) (\ If') , (\ z g.... VI N nn'1~'1~' r ~ !!! Vi ~ I " S t .~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ( ~ i ~~( ACCESS ROAD EASMENT THROUGH LOT 2 OF SEC. 7 OF THE RESURVEY OF T.24N., R.116W., 6TH P.M., UNCOLN COUNlY, WYOMING FROM THOMAS D. AND CORINA E. CRANK TO RON & JEAN CATTELAN AND JERE P. BORINO SHEET 2 OF' 4 52' E ~ iFT ~ ~ if .:> 0 l ~ ð W S , 0, ð (")Q\ (.,"1 -(\J Q:: , (") g~ t;¡ (,? B y'1~ èu " ~, / ~ Q\ SEC, 2~ ~' of> [::J ~ Z ...... æ " I:J I ø:¡ ~6'28' 'vi / Yie ,72' 4J E ~ cT ~"/ tit! ~!~.. ~ '" j" / S S 12'48'27" E 155.63' H. 0) ,,/~ / ~~ (")f'- oM /" ;~ CENTERLINE AS DESCRIBED ~-~rffi~--=;b, 25.D-T ----1--------1 TYPICAL EASMENT DET AIL 500' ò " N 89'26'17' 'vi 921.47' 000304 -N III' S1I2NE1I4 SEC, 7 PIONT OF BEGINNING := N 89'37'21' E, 1300,71' C 979.40' 1 S 51'57'35" W S 69;30b;3J,'" W 76.09' N 85'41'14" W 108.39' S 70'50'41" W 144.61' N\./1I4SE1I4 WI- , u.. g;/(\J , 0 ~Q\ (\Joo 00' 00 (") z- -[ 1/16 N 89'37'21' E 1300,71 FT ';-'0 ~r:;; l"Jo bl"J o~ S 31'42'41" W > > 109.55' "\0 ........ ........ a:: a:: S 29'00'09" W 176.44' S 30'28'00" W 79.50' S 1/16 SEC, 7 BLM ): ~~ "1"0 ;""M (\Jill . (\J g- (,? if :!i ~ '" I ~. 5 ATTACHMENT F t ¿ .~ ;'b ;¡: I"'" o o ~ ~ ;'b ; >: (/) CATTELAN S 42'02'41" W 47.14' '42" W S 89'45'56' 'vi 1304,87' N 89'45'56' E 1304,8691 FT S 23'09'36" 52.54' POINT OF TERMINUS ): W f- ~I~ -00 (\J . , Q\ 00 0(") - ø BORINO '/ ' -0 :-'f'- (\J . (")~ , 0 0(") 0- BLM VJ z N 00'35'15' E 51.36 FT S 89'54'34' 'vi 896,75' 1/4 N 89'54'26' E 1309,04' N 89'54'26' E 1309,04 FT SEC. 7 OF THE RESURVEY OF T.24N., R.116W., OF THE 6TH P.M., UNCOLN COUNlY, WYOMING CURVE TARI ~ NUMBER DElTA ANGLE C1 93'0010 C2 46'08 37 C3 25'29'05" C4 65'09 40 C5 ......·31 08 RADIUS 45.00 50.00 100.00' 50.00 122.16 ARC LENGTH 73.04 40.27 .......48· 56.86 94.92 CHORD LENGTH CHORD DIRECTION 65.29 S 05'27 31 W 39.19 S 47'4623 W .......11' S 37'26 37" W 53.85 S 17'3619 W 92.55 S 09'27 07 W ACCESS ROAD EASMENT THROUGH SHEET LOT 3 & NW1/4SE1/4 OF SEC. 7, T24N, R116W 3 6TH P.M., UNCOLN COUNlY, WYOMING FROM []F RON AND JEAN CATTELAN 4 TO THOMAS D. & CORINA E. CRANK AND JERE SORINO