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· Y' T:1:S (~Qc¡'rr':'::'lit is b~ing reee:~d~d by t'..lli<lúce Ii.Ie ant: Escrow of V,'yoming. LLC as a courtesy only WARRANTY DEED ûOö43~ Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner, Trustees of the Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated M~y 16, 1997, , Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner, Trustees of the Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated : January 8, 2004" grantor(s) of Thayne, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To L & V Investments, a Utah Limited Partne~shipj grantee(s), whose address is: P.O. Box 1304, Ogden, Utah 84402, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: "SEE ATTACHED EXIDBIT A" Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Witness my/our hand(s) this ~ Û day of ()~ ,20Õ&> . Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner, Trustees of the Dean F. Heiner and-Cheryl V. He' er Family Revocable Trust dated May 16, ~7 ' I~¡I. ~ -&J~ By: Cheryl V. H ner, Trustee Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner, Trustees of the Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner Family Revoc Ie Trust dated ~e January 8, 2004 ~ ~ ~-"', ;61~-'7ð?M~ By: Quinn Reiner, Trustee State of Wyoming ) ) ss. ) County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this3 cJ day of ~ ~ , 20 0 P , by Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner, Trustees of the Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated May 16,1997 and Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner, Trustees ofthe Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated the January 8, 2004. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: b· ~ 0 . d. 0 II My Commission EX~i;es June 20, 2011 ~ ¡J.~~ Nota Public JILL H. LARSON County of' Lincoln NOTARY PUBLIC State of Wyoming ~ Streamline Deed - Warranty WY © Rev. 5/29/2007 RECEIVED 1/5/2009 at 4:03 PM RECEIVING # 944502 BOOK: 712 PAGE: 431 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY EXHIBIT A Description: Willow Creek Wilderness Ranch Lot 2 ûOû432 A portion of the Heiner ETAL property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 493PR, on Page 384, the Jurgensen property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 290PR, on Page 336, and the Heiner ETAL property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 622, on Page 176, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within Section 17, T33N, R118W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the boundary being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 2001 location for the Northwest corner of the SW1/4NW1/4 of Section 16, of said T33N Rl18W; thence S0024'50"E, along the West line of said Section 16, 1,618.00 feet; thence N87°58'41"W 1,065.66 feet; thence N0014'42"W 1,476.69 feet to a Point in the Center Thread Line of Willow Creek; thence Easterly, along said Thread Line the following: S28°24'05"E 94.68 feet,S53°07'36"E 66.09 feet, S28°07'07"E 28.41 feet, S42°08'41"E 105.66 feet, N87°08'30"E 34.29 feet, N 7 4 ° 4 2 ' 51 "E 3 2 . 2 7 feet, N 4 8 ° 14 ' 19" E 4 1. 8 0 feet, N57°00'37"E 33.90 feet, N76°20'46"E 24.23 feet, N49°51'00"E 105.73 feet, S75°42'44"E 47.52 feet, S35°26'26"E 37.09 feet, S75°20'18"E 31.21 feet, N69°41'29"E 36.04 feet, N36°34'42"E 28.58 feet, N12°21'59"W 28.81 feet, N18°21'53"E 38.62 feet, N66°34'16"E 15.97 feet, N70011'47"E 61.23 feet, N31°01'48"E 35.85 feet, N24°44138"W 31.97 feet, N73°34'37"W 8.98 feet, N16°45'24"W 27.56 feet, N82°06'41"E 132.96 feet, S42°42'34"E 72.03 feet, S43°55'59"E 69.21 feet, N85°03'31"E 28.21 feet, S2°41'27"W 21.14 feet, S64°59'23"E 53.69 feet, N58°03'42"E 52.75 feet, N47°55'49"W 41.62 feet, N60033'45"E 31.59 feet, N19°34'46"W 58.59 feet, and N4°17'12"E 35.34 feet to a Point in the South line of the NE1/4NE1/4 of said Section 17; thence S88°39'48"E, along said South line, 103.98 feet, to the Point of Beginning, Encompassing 35.00± Acres of land. GRANTING and RESERVING: A 60 feet wide Non-Exclusive Right-of-Way Easement, for Ingress, Egress, and Utilities, the Center Line being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a Point in the Center Line of the 30 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement, as referred t9 in the Affidavit Certificate of Owner, recorded in Book 460PR, on Page 738, with said Office, said Point of Beginning, being 1,599.87 feet S61°37'34"E from the U.S. Department of the Interior _ Bureau of Land Management, 1978 location for the Northwest Corner of said Section 17, also said Point of Beginning, being 1,413.42 feet S59°38'20"W from the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management, 1999 location for the Northeast Corner of the NW1/4 of said Section 17; thence S15°25'02"E 131.69 feet; thence S6°39'18"E 104.47 feet to the beginning of a 160.00 feet Radius Curve to the Left; thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Left, through a Central Angle of 72°50'48", an arc length of 203.43 feet, said curve having a chord of S43°04'42"E 190.00 feet; thence S79°30'06"E 76.80 feet; t"!Oû433 thence S55°38'23"E 570.04 feet to th~ beginning of an 80.00 feet Radius Curve to the Left; thenc~ Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Left, through a central angle of 53°06'03", an arc length of 74.14 feet, said curve having a chord of S70050'15"E 71.52 feet; thence N82°36'44"E 84.59 feet; thence N81°05'59"E 376.02 feet; thence S88°32'01"E 369.62 feet to the beginning of a 90.00 feet Radius Curve to the Right; thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 71°01'14", an arc length of 111.56 feet, said curve having a chord of S53°01'24"E 104.55 feet; thence S17°30'47"E 121.82 feet; thence S23°20'42"E 155.10 feet; thence S31°51'23"E 141.97 feet; thence S37°15'40"E 58.07 feet; thence N52°44'20"E 11.74 feet to the beginning of a 40.00 feet Radius Curve to the Right; thence Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 34°23'16", an arc length of 24.01 feet, said curve having a chord of N69°55'58"E 23.65 feet; thence N76°03'15"E 278.38 feet to the beginning of a 135.00 feet Radius Curve to the Right; thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 30°36'59", an arc length of 72.14 feet, said curve having a chord of N88°53'26"E 71.28 feet; thence S75°48'04"E 143.49 feet; thence N89°56'34"E 425.58 feet to a Point in the West boundary of the above described Parcel. GRANTING and RESERVING: A 60 feet wide Non-Exclusive Access Road and Utility Right-of-Way Easement, being 15 feet Southerly and 45 feet Northerly of the following described Center line: BEGINNING at a Point in the West line of the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 7, said Point of Beginning being 738.29 feet N0042'47"E, along said West line from the B.L.M. Type Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 1998 location for the Southwest Corner of said SW1/4SE1/4; thence N82°34'05"E 297.57 feet; thence S89°06'20"E 98.76 feet; thence S78°09'45"E 122.63 feet; thence S74°09'29"E 157.44 feet; thence S66°33'22"E 911.56 feet; thence S50012'50"E 248.47 feet; thence S57°04'11"E 198.96 feet; thence S57°33'19"E 371.24 feet; thence S46°30'39"E 144.52 feet; thence S72°41'39"E 419.46 feet, thence S69°36'33"E 294.88 feet; thence S72°46'57"E 540.30 feet; thence S66°42'53"E 382.40 feet; thence S82°34'11"E 135.18 feet; thence N85°58'25"E 78.37 feet to the Beginning of the above described 60 feet wide Right-of-Way. TOGETHER WITH: The 60 feet wide Easement, as referred to in the Easement recorded with Receiving Number 931960, in Book 668, on Page 280, with said Office. GRANTING and RESERVING: An 80 feet wide access Easement, along Willow Creek, through Willow Creek Ranch and Willow Creek Wilderness Ranch. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record.