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CERTIFICATE OF SALE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) 00ò250 I, Shane Johnson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, do hereby certify that I have sold at public auction according to the statutes, on January 20,2009, the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming: 'Í Lot 150 of Nordic Ranches Division No. 10, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on the official plat thereof. Under a power of sale contained in the mortgage and as provided for under Sections 34-4-104 and 34-4-105, Wyo~g Statutes (2009), the undersigned was directed to receive the sumof$ (~..C¡' 9~? ~ . The nam~ of the purchaser was ~o ""; '^') Co ",-^-w''-1 cµ"-"'- Cr-1 }yIL;1- Pb ~ IDI cc> e...u ~l nt <b'dkQ?:::' ----Þf3- and the amount 01 the sale w'as $ i ~:>( g ¡ r ~ / .') r 0 Ç> 0 ~3 Such purchaser was the highest bidder at the sale and the sum of $ <7'- J J I 0 ð ,.~ was the whole price paid for such property. The purchaser is entitled to a deed for the property at the expiration of the statutory period of redemption unless property is redeemed prior to that date. Dated this 20th day of January, 2009. ShaneJOhnson'Sheri~~ By: J. ÖLw({ Title: CJep1J- STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this 20th day of January, 2009, by ~ \ ' (~'tOJQ.\/'tC-\~ as ~~r( \+'':3 for the Lincoln County Sheriff s Office. (~ (\lY['Uì,\;ì,\(,-.¿;) ll(,,~Ll Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~~~~"""'.;"-r.,_. SAVANNA L. HAWKES~ÑÜìAAy PUBliC COUNTY OF LINCOLN RECEIVED 1/20/2009 at 10:09 AM RECEIVING # 944763 BOOK: 713 PAGE: 250 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY AFFIDA VIT STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. ) 006251 COUNTY OF NATRONA James R. Bell, foreclosing attorney for Wyoming Community Development Authority upon his oath deposes and says: 1. Written Notice of Default and Intent to Foreclose was mailed to the owners of record at their last known addresses by certified mail, return receipt requested, on December 2,2008, at least ten days before the commencement of publication of the Notice of Foreclosure Sale, as follows: Jeremie R. Richards PO Box 392 Freedom WY 83120 Jeremie R. Richards 757 Lariat Drive Etna WY 83118 Peggy L. Richards PO Box 392 Freedom WY 83120 Peggy L. Richards 757 Lariat Drive Etna WY 83118 2. Written Notice of Foreclosure Sale was mailed to the owners of record at their last known addresses and to all other holders of recorded mortgages and liens subordinate to the mortgage being foreclosed which appear of record, if any, by certified mail, return receipt requested, on December 17, 2008, which was prior to the first date of publication on December 24,2008, and at least twenty-five days before the scheduled foreclosure sale, as follows: a) Owner of Record: J eremie R. Richards Jeremie R. Richards PO Box 392 757 Lariat Drive Freedom WY 83120 Etna WY 83118 Peggy L. Richards Peggy L. Richards PO Box 392 757 Lariat Drive Freedom WY 83120 Etna WY 83118 b) Junior Lienholder: WCDA PO Box 10100 Casper WY 82602 3. In making this Affidavit, Affiant has relied upon a Foreclosure Guarantee issued to the Wyoming Community Devel,opment Authority dated November 17, 2008, and an Endorsement dated December 29,2008, and has;not conducted an independent search of the information contained in the Foreclosure Guarantee or ofthe public records to verify its accuracy. DATED this 14th daX of January, 2009. ~.J/ Ja es R. Bell STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF NATRONA ) NOTARY PUBLIC ADA JONNASSEN STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF NATRdNA C mmi.¡"~~~Il!f~~£,l 05 2011 Y commission expIres: - S- - II ~ Signed and sworn to before me this 14th day of January, 2009, by James R. Bel EMMERER GAZETTE OOG252 Kemmerer Wyoming ,FFIDA VIT OF PUBLICATION :emmerer Gazette :emmerer, Wyoming NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NarICEJSHEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Wyoming Statutes, Annotated, Sections 34-4-1Q4 ~d34-4-105 (2008), that a certain mortgage dated June 5, 2002, whichwW!>executed and delivered by Jei:emie R. Richards and Peggy L. Richards; husband and wife, to First National Bank-West, and recorded in the County Clerk's Office, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on June 6, 2002, in Book 491PRatl~age 236 as Rec. No. '881575, and vvas then assigned to Wyo- ming CommilnityDevelopment Authority onlune 5, 2002, and the As~ign- ment was recördedin the çounty Clerk's Office, Lincoln County, Wyoming, oll'.June; 6¡200~.;ítín¡ßQ~kA-91PR;,at;Page;249 as Rec. No. 881576, will be fQ¡:¢clos¢d'ÞM,?li~¡il,~!1MÞ.~W.gbest Þidder'at'.à public' auctioItöf, the ,þh~mises described purs1ilø,ntlt~,,, powef,of sale' coniai.ned ~n, the mortgage., .'.j The premises that 'are described in the mortgage are as foJlows: Lot 150 of N()rdic Ranche~ Division No. 10, Lincoln County, Wyoffiing, as describe4 ()ntbe Qfficial plat thereof. The mortgage contains a'street. address. fpr the above. property of: 757 Lariat Drive, EtnaWY'83118. . . ....... ", The above'sâle will be conducted by the Sheriff or the Sheriff's Deputy at the front door of the CoUrthouse in Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, at 10:00 a.m. on January2Q; 2009. Jeremie R. Rièhards and Peggy L. Richärds have defaulted. in the teÌ1ns of the note and mortgage and the undersigned claims $133;014.18 princípal and interest due on'the mortgage, plus per diem interest of $20.34oh the unpaid balance to the date of sale, plus reasonable 1 ' . " . . . attorney's fees and expenses of sale. , Thepropeny; being'Joreclosed upon maybe subject to 'other liens and encumbrances that vvill not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser shoui4 research the status, of title before submitting a bid. , " '. DATED this 17th day of December, 2008. WY0!DÍDg Community Development Authority, Mortgagee , BY:)ames R. Bell MURANE & BOSTWICK LLC 201 North Wolcott Casper WY 82601 (307) 234-9345 I Fax: (307) 237-,5110 . . . Attof!1ey for Mortgagee Publi~h: December 24 and 31, 2008, and January 8 and ,15, 2009 1224C ROSEMARY CAPELLEN· NOTARY PUBLIC County of ~ State of Uncoln WI Wyomin, My Commission E~pres May 5.2012 STATE OF WYOMING ) ss. County of Lincoln I, Michael Jensen, do solemnly swear that I am the publisher of the Kemmerer Gazette,' a weekly paper of general circulation, published once a week at I Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming; that the notice attached hereto, and which is part of the affidavit, was published in saId newspaper for --.L insertions, the first publication having been made on the ~ day of ]:]0 I' 0 1'\1\ ()(')¡ ) A.D., 20---º-8-, and the last pub1ication on the ~ day of C(fj'U1a.hlt; A.D., 20--º-1-; that said nolice was " published in a regular and entire issue of the paper(s) in which it was pub1jshed; and that said n"otice was published In the newspaper proper, and not In a supplement. '~ \ A.. ~ I\. _ ~ichael sen, Pub1isher Subscribed in my presence and S\l-;orn to ( / 006253 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Wyoming Statutes, Annotated, Sections 34-4-104 and 34-4-105 (2008), that a certain mOligage dated June 5, 2002, which was executed and delivered by Jeremie R. Richards and Peggy L. Richards, husband and wife, to First National Bank-West, and recorded in the County Clerk's Office, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on June 6, 2002, in Book 491 PR at Page 236 as Rec. No. 881575, and was then assigned to Wyoming Community Development Authority on June 5, 2002, and the Assignment was recorded in the County Clerk's Office, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on June 6,2002, in Book 49lPR at Page 249 as Rec. No. 881576, will be foreclosed by a sale to the highest bidder at a public auction of the premises described pursuant to a power of sale contained in the mortgage. The premises that are described in the mortgage are as follows: Lot 150 of Nordic Ranches Division No.1 0, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on the official plat thereof. The mOligage contains a street address for the above propeIiy of: 757 Lariat Drive, Etna WY 83118. The above sale will be conducted by the Sheriff or the Sheriff s Deputy at the front door of the COUlihouse in Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, at 10:00 a.m. on January 20,2009. J eremie R. Richards and Peggy L. Richards have defaulted in the tenns of the note and mortgage and the undersigned claims $133,014.18 principal and interest due on the mOligage, plus per diem interest of $20.34 on the unpaid balance to the date of sale, plus reasonable attorney's fees and expenses of sale. The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid. DATED this lih day of December, 2008. Wyoming Community Development Authority, Mortgagee BY: ~ ~.1Lf J am~. Bell MURANE & BOSTWICK LLC 201 North Wolcott CasperWY 82601 (307) 234-9345 I Fax: (307) 237-5110 Attomey for Mortgagee Publish: December 24 and 31,2008, and January 8 and 15,2009 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF NATRONA ) 00ô254 James R. Bell, foreclosing attorney for Wyoming Community Development Authority, upon his oath deposes and says: That there is no agreement between himself and any other person for any sharing or division of fee and the fee added to the debt is only as compensation for services actually performed in the foreclosure proceeding and that he is an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Wyoming and that he resides in Wyoming. DATED this 14th day of January, 2009. ~.uI James R. Bell STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF NATRONA ) Signed and sworn to before me this 14th day of January, 20 My commission expires: (O~ j- 1/ NOTARY PUBLIC ADA JONNASSEN STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF NATRONA C mmi i n Ex i 5 1 7007 268~ ~-,]2 0035 1359 .. Q¡ Q ~¡ (J) -nì m n ûOö255 ~ j:~ (þ g ::J ::J ~, 1'!. a ~ a. ... ~ r:: (J): OJ: - jjj ¡¡¡eo eo~ () l': .iir m .......¡ ~ 3C ,"; .. ~ eo3 >- tv > : !-oj V\ IJj 3.J: :?' I JJeo en 0 >-3 ~ ... ~ .......¡ eo~ >¡j ........ >-3 r -g"§ tIi Z @", ?=' 0 ~ ~ 0.« 0 ::0 Ro _« ~ :;0 Z ~ ~ ?J >-<: ....¡ trJ I:d 0 ::r:: >-<: 0 00 !-oj ?J ~ ~ en r.FJ. 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I ' '4 ~\ Here PS Form 3800. August 2Q06 '.Set! Revers", lor Instructions IRS 1999 BROADWAY STE 1722 DENVER CO 80202-3008 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811 , February 2004 00&258 ~ " ~ ¡~ x B. Received by ( Printed MDt C D. Is delivery address different from item 17 If YES, enter delivery address below: () D~J r[i~ I '-'~ tV ~ ,~ I,. t! ~ ;}, 'j Domestic Return Receipt o::(J ru :L m o o f"- Sen o o f"- 3. Service Type D Certified Mall D Express Mall D Registered D Retum Receipt for Merchandise D Insured Mall D C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes ~ Here .~ ~- --~--- --- ~;'-'--"'" " "" ',.. ",';' '!", ""', 7 See t:leverse lor InsltUctlòns S Form 38/J0,'AU!lUst ¿DOG '", " I H , ' , 7007 2680 0002 0035 1366 :1 ;1 ,~ í alf'I/A ~ 12/17/2008 5, $00 000 Pk~:¿·1:~t~ .- ~~\Ï~ ZIP 82601 011011605712 Tc WCDA PO Box 10100 CASPER WY 82602 ru o Return Recelpl Fee I o (Endorsement Required) o Restricted Delivery Fee CJ (EndorsemRnl RAnt rirørl\ o::(J ..n ru sir;; orP ëitÿ; þ WCDA PO Box 10100 CASPER WY 82602 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 102595-D2-M-1540 at I Î2cc If I~-Ic¡-f 3. Service Type ~Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mall D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.a.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 7007 2680 0002 0035 1328 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02·M-1540 ·~ CfJ$JTÆP$[IJliÁ ~ PvSTLlLSERvrl,."f) 000259 Hº.m~ I H!1Jp I $.,i.9IL!n Track & Confirm FAQs ... .~.,,,.,,,,,,-,,._¥. . ._._~.. 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Go". __._._~_.___~__.._..~.... _,.~_."._~_.A'__'~'_____~_.__._._.._.__ ....__....~__._.._..____.__.__.___ø.___.____.~.__....__.___..__._...._.~_____.____._.___....____ Si\¡¡,M,![.! ç.Q[!.~ª.!;.!,.u& EQ[[!I.&, QQy:,\..,SQ[y.!ç!),* ,!.!2.R.:; Er!Y.ªø..PQliø T¡¡[mH.LU:;~. N,;¡(i.!2[!".!..(\.,f'JI:'[[!.!<;¡L,AççQ,\1.11.!§ Copyright@ 1999·2007 USPS. All Rights Reserved. I~o FEAR Act EEO Data FOIA 8'" ~~if: 'i!!!ï\.....,' ·~Îtf':" ;j" o :L ITl o o 12/17/2008 5a1.e- ~ $00.002 ." I!t It II. ., ~~,&, ?I iF, J ZiP 82601 01101 -¡ 605 ì12 ru o Return Receipt Fee I :s (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee o (Endorspmon' Oon""o'<' <0 ...D ru Total PEGGY L. RICHARDS PO Box 392 FREEDOM WY 83120 r- Sent Tc o o r- sirëèC or PO I Cirÿ;ši, ~s Forhl30ho, AugúSÚ!òos' '. ,~' ' :",' " < See ReVérsefor Instructioni;' http://trkcnfrml.smi.llsps.com/PTSlnternetWeb/lnterLabelInquiry.do 1/1312009 ....CI!$!FD~¡4r,fS. 1:IiiiiII. Pv~ ¡ì.1.L S..,«VrCE.;¡ 00&260 !:t.q!IlI!, ItI.!11P. 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Service Type o CertffiedMall 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return ReceIpt for MerchandIse o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 7007 2680 0002 0035 0932 Domestfc Return ReceIpt 102595-02'M_1540 ---.--- -- - -------- ûOÜ265 !:191m! I Hem I $[goJo .'. ...__... ....'¥....._....w....... ..__..~'._.., ~ .,..... ... '.¥m.__.'.~.~._.."___.~__....,...v.~__. "'^.,.~'._.,,_...______.........~ "'_'.~__V"·_.' ....._._~..~__...__.."..."._.__~....._......___w,..·,·.····__·__·,-.... Track & ,C:onnrm S'B,arch Results Label/Receipt Number: 7007 2680 0002 0035 0925 Status: Notice Left Truck & Confirm We attempted to deliver your item at 12:22 PM on December 5,2008 in FREEDOM, WY 83120 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it wiil be returned to the sender. No further information is avaiiable for this item. Enter Label/Receipt Number, I Go>' (~!i~!1!!!.11al (J~!~~!!¡; >..) {. 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Cirÿ~ šiãiã,' zip';';!""""""" -. uu. -........ .--....... - - -.... -... u.. -- ÞS Form 3800, August'2006 , See Reverse for Instructions http://trkcnfrml.smi.usps.com/PTSlntemetWeb/lnterLabelInquiry.do 1/13/2009