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GWR Construction Inc.
1373 36th Street
Ogden, Utah, 84403
Notice is hereby given that GWR CONSTRUCTION INC. ("Claimant"), whose address is 1373
36th Street, Ogden, Utah, 84403, is seeking to enforce this lien against the following described
property ("Property"), located in Lincoln County, Wyoming: BLM Building 430 Hwy 189 N.,
Kemmerer, Wyoming, 83101. The Property is reputed to be owned by Kemmerer BLM, LLC,
whose address is believed to be P.O. Box 548 Franklin, TX 77856. Kemmerer BLM, LLC is the
company responsible for payment of the services and materials.
The following labor, services, equipment and/or materials were performed and/or furnished by
Claimant, starting May 2008 and ending August 22, 2008, upon or concerning the Property:
concrete work on parking lot, sidewalks, and curb and gutter ("Claim").
1/ f) '16 r Rc;a dO æ<
The Claim is in the principal amount of~J together with interest, reasonable attorney's
fees, and other costs of collection as provided by the laws of the State of Wyoming and by the
terms of the contract between the parties. Claimant previously demanded payment of the Claim.
The undersigned is Claimant or an authorized agent of Claimant. The undersigned has read this
notice and affirms that the statements contained in this notice are true and correct.
SIGNED this 'fo day of\o,\\u(\..n\
,0 ' ,,--,
by: 'j) J,.ë*" ,"~' Ai <- 7 '-é'
BRY , SHUPE, PreSident
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ')-D day of .~o..n\..Ì€À-rl~ ,2009.
\\ \. c .crll (è0t:tLu
Notary Public
RECEIVED 1/20/2009 at 12:52 PM
RECEIVING # 944786
BOOK: 713 PAGE: 322
NOI,\RY J'l 'nul'
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Exhibit A
File 6010615%60 DlKripdoa
The land referred to in thU document is slllWed in the SIa10 of Wyoming, County of LiDcoJø. and is
doscri~ u follow¡:
A parcel or IlIDd located la a par1loa ofTracù 61aad 71, a partiDa 0 the Sauth"Cllt Quarter,
Sccdoll U, aU oftlat raurvcy ofTcnndhlp 11 Nortla. RaøCI1I6 Wu 6111 P oM.. Uacolø
COWlty, City or KIlWDerer, WYOIlÚIII. Sald pan:el hue boaadect 0 the luted,. 'Ide by the
Wate...,. riCht of".a,. ofV.S. Hi£h'waylBJ, aDél belaC bonded 011 th Wett....,. .Idl by the
Eat.rly riClat otwrcy oCW)'omla¡ Stato HlPtnty 133, and btbzC be ded oa the Nortb by a
Clt)r 01 Kemme...r pan:ù d.cribed aDd recorded ill Book 137, pap 63 IUId btbac b1Iuded oa
thl South side bra particular plU"l:d I:ODYeyed to tile State BJcInra)' ommWioa ofWYODlbJ.¡
dete:ribtd aad ncanled m Book 179, pageut. The pAViollS1)' DOled documeab are oa m. at
tlat Lbacobl Coaaty COUrtbOUlt. Tb1t parce! ollaDII beUI¡ dacribal ant pal1icuJarly at
foJlowe: '
Commeada: at comer IlIlmber 1 ofTl"llct 61, of the 1'lll1U'V0)' or Tow Iùp:U North, RaJale 116
Wut, ," P.M., Uaœlll Couty, W10øUIIIr where 11 fOIlDa a bnw, ;
dluee North 8~4S'n" Weet, 1321.57 feet to conaor Damblt 4 oc..· Tract 61;
tblllltD Sollrla 11-33'41" Eut, 576.83 fNt to &hlrumC ofBepubaJ: DC deec:riptiOD. Said
Pabat orBeciaaiD: beJug a polDt 011 the Welte...,. rlCht or__)' oC SHiEInrIf 181' aDd 011
the SOl(therlr bouudary oca particular paml Dflaad COlIYeyed thl City orKlmment,
deecribed aDd reœnled III Book 'J.37, Pac. 163 OD m.at the Uac ill Coaatr Colll1lao...,
when II rouad . %" allUUballDl UPi
theD" Sourla "-13'.11" Wat aloDe Che Southerly boalldary af u.Id Ity Dr KemDlerer Paru&,
15'.73 feet to a ,omt wlaore II fOUlld a1" ahaDlhaum cap;
Cllu.. Norfh 84"10'33" Welt, 161.60 feet to the SollUawut corner or aid City orK.mmlnr
larcc.l. Said Soutlawen conlr abo bdaaZ tla. Sollthea.t conaer 0 . par1lGldar parcel of
bad coanyed to the City or Kemmerer, IaerdJI.ner Imow. .. K II1l11eRr tf1. Parcel,
ducrl~ aad recorded ia bøok 313, paCII109, OD fil, at the Ua III COUlli)' Colll1laoUle,
wbu. .II rood a I" abulliDalll Clp;
thlDte coaliauill! Nort¡ 84"%0'33" Wat &loDe the Sout/aerly boulld oflald KIIDDlIRI''''Z
PuceI, 5-4.43 fRt to the Sautbwltlt conaer or Hid Kemmuor 1#1 .rulud. point OD tII.
Jl:uœrl:r baoclal7 ofW:roDÚIIC Btatl mp".y1JJ wilen b fOil d a Z" alUmlUUDI cap.
S.ill polat bebae. polllt on a c.ln:alar curTI to tllo ric.ht, tbl radl polat or laid CIII'VI
bean SOllda n-2.0'54", 1412.39¡
daea.. Southeri)' 440.%:& !ht alolIl tJae In: ofaald ClIITI to t.be riCht d alODg the Eluterl)' ript
of"ay or W)'omiøc State Ølcbway %33, tb.roulla a ClAtraJ ,.pI r l'rOO'SJ" to the I' .T. or
uld carn to thl rI¡ht, where II fDoDd a Il:udani lúp"ar right fWIY marker;
thealll Soath 4"10'44" Wilt" J!/J.41 fHt tv a pohat''IIt'à.... It rDURd . IIdard IdCb__y ri¡:ht DC
way marker;
dllaace coatiauID¡ the fol1awiaac five (5) caanee ÜOIIC thl Eucwrlr ri bt or".y of Wlom1a,
State IDgJlway233¡
theaCl Soatla 81-48'35" East, 14....9 teet to . polDt wllero ia rouDd a I
boy marJw;
ExJdbit A CDRda.eeI
tø . d ~Ø96 u.s l.0C
. ro:~~ 31111 3:N:I1 TI:r
8~: -i0-ljQ
'_"''''U ............. ._._. ._..
. .. .., -.~...- .,
.__.~_._.__. '10'
····'·.····..··.,..1·..... _...........
Exlúllil Á COlltbuled
theaclI South "·X8'15" Wat, 3<47,16 feet to a POÚlt wlaan II 'ouad.. IId.tIt blp1t'll1 ript of
wa1 lUrker¡
Chellce Soatla 85"37'20" Euc, 200 feet Co . pobac wltere ú loaad . 4.nllúch"Ar rllla~ 01
way IUrkaq
tbeac. SOlltb,..·I7'13" Wat, 243.Ð fecC CO a poblt wben Is Coltlld a dan! .b1¡.hWllY ripC or
th..ee Soutb "·17'13" Wac, 71.13 feet Co a po1a.t DII the J:uterll ri t orWyoDLIal State
Bl;lnray13J IUId the NOI1Jnrr:.cnly COrller or a particular pa oC laad conveyed to tha
SCate BIehwIY ComlDlsslolI OrWI0mla~, described I.d neon! I. Book 179, pa¡:e %24,
on me at the Uucoln COlLldy COllrtbouae .....ben 11 foud al" II IIDI cap;
thellee Soutb 63·07'49" Eat aJOIla: Che Northerly bolÙldary ohald 5 Ie IrIlJnr.y COlØlDÍ.1Iioa
or W,omJa¡ Parcel, '4.517 rue co . polat .....11,1'1 Is ro.ed . .tallela Ialllnra:r ri¡bt or wa:r
thellce lIoatiaalllC SOllth 63·07'4'" Eut, 47.00 reet to I polac COlllmo tv the Eur.rI,. r1¡Jat of
'"y orwyomiar Stae. B"1I1nr'r:zJJ aad tbe Water17 rtpt orw y oru.s.Iß¡Inr.y ]8',
orCaet 87.50 feet or~, ceetarlllle orv.s. HJchw.,. IU .1 dlOa. b Wyomhag WEh1t'lly
ne,.rtmeut Project Dl'-RRS-F 011-3(4), wun II fOlllld a 1" alII 11m cap;
Chmaœ Nortb 1rI4'SIi" Eat, aloag the Westerly rt¡bt 01......,. orsald .S.llI¡hway 189, 177.13
rtet to . polDt .......1'1 b fOUDd .1" alulJllaam cap; .
thmlll North 60-32'09" West, 1.91 feet to . PIIÙII "lau-c .. foulld .1" aluminum cap. Said
poiat bcblC . polnf aD the Waterly rigJat oC-way ofU.S. mp,....,189 as deOal b1
bl.lh'llllleDt DIIDlher 893358 0. me at tlla IhcolJl Co..c Courtbo .. .....here is rOllall a 2"
alamJatull cap;
theau CO.dalÙll( üe,loUcnriI1g .ix (6) COlin. aIolI( the Wutmy ri t or""'1 oC U.S, BJ¡h......,
X19 u dllflucl by.ald l..tnm..:IIC ",J35S. '
dle.o Nortb ;&8-51'47" Eat, ) 0.62 reet to . pohIt "lIere b foud . aclard higbway riebt Dr
-,raYlllArker. Said pola! beAag che polut oCT..C"! co Spinal (TS or a .plOO cUlTe to till
Ie.n. The ceatarl1ae polat of TS 1Na.... SOlllla 61-07'13" Eut, 89.8 reee. Tb. Watwl7 ript
or......,. orv.s. mpw.y 11' beLq deJüacd .. a Uue or oDict 19.8' feet or 10'.91 reet aud
paraJ1e1 to the 'CmterllAe oruid U.s. Ulpnyl89.. dellaed by e roUo"laE. The
cut,rUDe data ror said .piral CIIlTe balDI: Total Delta... 34·3"5 ", D.1ta Spiral"
4·46'Z''', Total Tueeat LeaCtll - 7751.05 feet, RadillJ - 15161.50 et, Sph-al Leagth _
318.oB reet, Clrcalar LeDgth - 86%.891
tbeDce Nortberly from .aid TS, alolIE Chc Wutcri1 rizbt or "'y, oRie 89.89 rut to theleR
(Wilt) of .aid c:earerDaae, throllgh tbe .pinl portio. orüae .plraJ alT. to the pohlt of
Spiral to Cu.lTe (SC), when II fOUDd . ,tullard lúrbway rlpr 0 .ay DUlrkar. Tla. chord
from the TS to dI. SC be.n NOI'Ül27-21'%2" Eut, 331.1 X;
theael NorCIa 65-5]'11" Wat aloOC a radial 11111,10.01 feet Co the SC Cthl.piral CUITI off.et
CrOID tJae ee.terIJ..XO'.91 feet, .....hen Is ro.ad .ltaadanl hf&Inr nght ohray 1IUIrkar¡
danae colltlawlq aloq CIa. I09J11 root oOht ud pa...lkllia. to I.Úd lIIaeerllae ohald
hlebw.y the followilll dal"M (3) toanu¡
Clacaeell".6' reet alOII& the an: ortb. circular portJDII Dr the 'plral c e to the polllr of Clln'e .
to Spinal (CS), .....hen J.a fOllaad . ,taadenl blVnr.y right ofwa)' rker. The chord rrull!
tII. SC to the CS aloDg dae Westerly ri¡.ht or"lI1 bean Nortta 11· 2'46" Ellt, 801.19 Cnt;
rhnc:e Norilaerll' aloa¡ tile 1p1ra.1 portio. ortJae _pinl CDry. to CIae po at or SpiOO cu Tug...t
(ST), ......en .. (oUlld a _taIIlS.tIt lLI¡:h"ay rlEht or way .....lœr. . chord rrom the CS to
Che STalolIl the Wakrl1rt~t of......y b~NOl1b .·13'01" W 318.13 reer;
thmee Nortla 5-"7'09" Wut, 56.15 reet CU the POlat or Be¡baaÙl(.
MOèDS3 a~ 31J.1l :al\;1TJ:
8~I~i ~-iØ-lJO
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