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COMES NOW, Thomas D. Crank, president of Crank Companies, Inc. whose address is
P.O. Box 365, Diamondville, Wyoming, 83116, the lien claimant herein, and being first
duly sworn, does hereby depose and say:
1. That Crank Companies, Inc. is a Wyoming Corporation duly authorized to do
business in the State of Wyoming and is the lien claimant and whose address is
P.O. Box 365, Diamondville, WY 83116.
2. The amount claimed to be due and owing to the lien claimant is $1,736.87, plus
accruing interest on said amount at a rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum
from thirty (30) days after the date of each invoice, plus reasonable attorney's
7. ,~! 3. The name and address of the person against whose property this lien is filed is
Horizon Property Group, LLC, Mr. Marc Fletcher, agent, a Utah Limited Liability
Company, 802 E. Winchester, Suite #100, Murray, Utah 84107 and/or 6699 South
1300 East, #150, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121.
4. A statement setting forth and describing work is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"
and incorporated herein by reference. This work includes civil engineering and
land surveying services for the development of a subdivision proposed to be
designed, and permitted on the hereinafter described property, and said
engineering and land surveying work, was used for the benefit of said property.
5. The names and addresses against whom the lien claim is made are; Horizon
Property Group, LLC, whose address is 802 E. Winchester, Suite #100, Murray,
Utah 84107; Horizon Property Group LLC, whose address is 6699 South 1300
East, #150, Salt Lake City, UT 84121; Mr. Marc Fletcher, whose address is 6699
South 1300· East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121; Peternal Ranch, LLC, whose
address is 190 Dirt Road, Riverton, Wyoming 82501.
6. The date when services Were last performed by the lien claimant was November
7. The legal description of the premises for which the work was performed and to be
benefited by is as follows:
RECEIVED 1/20/2009 at 4:22 PM
RECEIVING # 944791
BOOK: 713 PAGE: 342
That part of the EYzSWY.4 and that part of Lot 15 all of Section 2 of the
resurvey of T. 24 N., R. 117 W. of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming
located east of the east right-of-way boundary line of Lincoln County Road
12-305 (Hams Fork Road).
8. A copy of the Contract between Crank Companies, Inc. and Marc Fletcher, agent
for Horizon Property Group, LLC is attached as Exhibit "B" and hereinafter
included by reference.
9. The total amount due and owing for the above described service is the sum of
$1,736.87, plus accruing interest on said amount at a rate of Eighteen Percent
(18%) per annum from thirty (30) days from the date of each charge as shown on
the invoice attached as Exhibit "A", plus reasonable attorney fees and neither
Horizon Property Group,LLC, nor Marc Fletcher nor Peternal Ranch, LLC have
paid, and which said amount is still due and owing to said Crank Companies, Inc.
10. There are no other just credits on behalf of either Horizon Property Group, LLC,
Marc Fletcher or Peternal Ranch, LLC.
11. You affiant has caused compliance to be had with the provisions of W. S. § § 29-
01-101 through 29-2-109.
Further you affiant sayeth not.
Dated this 20th day of January, 2009
Crmlk Companies, Incorporated
Thomas D. Crank, President
P.O. Box 365
Diamondville, WY 83116
SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this 20th day of January, 2009, by Thomas
D. Crank.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notar ublic
Stacy /', Werner - Notary Public
County of State of
Lincoln' VI/yoming
My C(llnmi~sion Expires 1()~Lq~
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'A' II
Crank Companies I Incorporated
Consulting Engineering & ûOô344
Land Surveying Division
41 us 30/189, Diamondville, Wyoming 83116 · Fax (307) 877-6351
P.O. Box 365, Diamondville, Wyoming 83116 · Phone (307) 877-9093
Marc Fletcher
6699 S. 1300 E. #150
Salt Lake City, VT 84121
Date: January 16,2009
Invoice: 4177-08-3
Bills are rendered monthly for the work done in the preceding month, and are due and
payable within ten days after presentation. A service charge of 1 Y:z% per month, 18% per
year, will be added to accounts 30 days overdue. Client agrees to pay said interest and all
reasonable collection expense and service charge.
01-16-09 Professional Engineering and Surveying services through ,
November 30, 2008 to provide the following:
A. Subdivision - 9 Lots $ 1,080.00
B. Asphalt Road Design
C. Perc Test
D. Groundwater Well Design
E. Water Dis. System Design
F. Powerline Survey, Map &
Easement 1,796.01
Postage: 1.34
$ 2,877.35
August Interest: 17.66
September Interest: 17.92
October Interest: 18.19
November Interest: 18.46
1-9-09 check # 0056647210 $ 1,212.71
TOTAL TillS INVOICE: $ 1,736.87
***resent invoice: 01-16-09
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.. .'
41 US 30/189,
P.O. Box 365,
I ,
April 161 2008
Mr. Marc Fletcher
Arcadia Mortga.ge
802 East Winohester, Suite 100
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Re: eCl4177-06
Door Mr. FJetohor,
This letter is to serve as a foIJow up our meeting in my offi e on April 9, 200 and our I
telephone call this mo~ning. I have ad a.ahance to review th Lincoln County I .
Subdivision Regulations more in-de th. and have more inform tion pertaining to YOW' :
potentia19 lot subdivision in B Y2, Sïtion 2, T.24 N., R. 117 ,Lincoln Count~
Wyoming, This ·is the same area wh ch Crank Companies, . had compJeted e
boundary and topographical mappi for you in June 2007. I so understand Y' met
with the Lincoln County Planning 0 ce staff on April 9, 200 , but I am not if that
meeting was claS.!Jified as a Pre~Appl cation Conference by th Plmu:úng statf. I
My understanding is t.h:¡t you would . e the 9 lots to be one n re each and be 101 ated on
t1le bench south ofBfJaver Creek. A uick glance at Chapter ofthe Lincoln unty
Subdivision Regulations indioate thi will be a mlljor subdivis on and you wiU
required to provide a publio Wàtßl' au ply and may be able to se individual lot
system." The septic system altematie is only availa.ble if it c be provon thEW
groWldwater within 15 feet of the 8I und surface and the cxis 'ng soils have pe
rates less than 50 minutes per inoh. either of the above cort inons cannot bo
my understanding tbitt an "Enginecm Wastewa.ter Solution" . 1 be :required. ato'
other stip1.Jlations concc.núng density of septic systemB and è ' ting ground slop arc also I .
conditions. but r do not feel they wi11 be the controlling faoto in thiti case.) I I' :
From Table 4.3 of the regulations, it appears the determinatio of the septic SY&~ m
option mUlit be identified prior to the 'Sketch Plan Review." do not believe th
percolation rates and depth to ground water need to be identifi d in order to sub it the
Sketoh Plm, but I am certain that the ketch Plan Review will not be consider
complete until the information is av able and the Wyoming ,B.Q: office.bas
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oonuneo.ted on flIld approved your tel' and sanitary sower s ~tcmlJ plW'L The I .E.Q,
tevie.w itself em be expected to take at least 60 days,
\, \.
Other considerations which are requ red in completing a majo subdivision desi n
include the surveying, mapping and ta.tting of the subdivisio . the design of Pat ed
acoess, road and electrical power se ·ce. I
As you can tell, the process gets qui involved and it5timing . s dependent upo several
govemmental reviews and an electri al power company revie and acceptance f design ,
plans. In order to oomplete your sub;dìvision's land surveyin and engineering· sign i
needs, Cr811k Cqmpanies, Inc. proposes to provide nllland eying, mapping d .
pJattlng of th~ subdivision, layout ~ design of a. single road ay (to be built tol ounty i
Road Standards), complete up to nin perco]ation teots (one thin each proposy lot) .~d '
de5ign a water distribution system to the subdivision. assumin a groundwa.ter U which
provides adequate flow and aocepta e water quality for the 5 bdivision can be
developed. As part of the peroolatio tests Crank Cornpaniest Inc. does not hay a
baokhoe to complete any pit excav ons and that task is not' eluded in this pr osal. '
Crank Companies~ Inc. does not hay on staff a Wyoming reg steroo Profession: : 1
geologist which ,will be required as p r "Appðndix F~ D.E,Q. hapter 23 SubdiVl sian
Permit:8, Section 8 (c) (i) (A) so 1hat a new groundwater sourc om be develop . Crank I
Compacies Inc. does not propose to rovida thi6 .n:rvioe.
, .
, .
Should percolation rates and .a bac e test pit identify tha.t th septic system aI, mative
is available, Crank Companies. Inc. roposes to work with yo groundwater h~ lagist:.
in getting the subdivision approved. If the septio system alte ative proves not be I . .
viable a.n '~ngineered Wastewater S lution" wiU'need to be d igned. Crank ¡
Companies, :me. has DOt, at this túne~bUdgeted to oomplete . sewage treatme, desip. :
I .
It is my esti.D4ation that the perrnittin of your subdivision will take at least 6 md ths and :
given our current work IQad, a 9 mOl pennitlingldesígn sch ule is a realistic me .
ftam,e to compXète the project. Subdi 'sion penuitting is rea]l too dependent OJ several .
review agenoy approvals for a tighte time :tram!) to realisticall be oonsidered.' ,
An estimate of the cost for Crank Co panies, Inc. to complClt
is as fol1ow5:
tha taaks identifi
a) Subdivision ButVCy.íng, map!' g and plat preparation
b) Asphalt roadway design (280 ft. max;. length
c) Percola.tjon tests and ground ateX' depth determined *
d) Groundwater well deSign, tcs.ing and analysis
e) Wan head connections änd dikUibutioQ. BystClII desigu
f) Power line BUIVey~ mapping a d easement preparation
g) Construction Engineering
Total Estjma~ed eCl Budget
I .
~/£l'H/~ I' "B"
. ..
'. \
*baokhoe test tronoh exoavation d baokfill by others
*'4< Assume existing power avail Ie within one mile and t provide twõ pri te
property easements, and on-a co ty mad utility lioenso pr pated. . ,
Crank Companiqs, Inc. proposes to (: mplcte the work identi d above as per 0 I ourr~t I
rate schedule with an effective date f January 1,2008 (copy aahed and hereb roade
part of this proposal). Crank Comp les, Inc. also reserves tb right to reflect f~ 1 priqe
escalations. I
If this proposal is acceptable to you, lease let me Imow in WI ting nnd we will I and
groundwater depth data.
Crank Companies. Inc. I
/¿r,hf ~ I
Tom Crank
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Crank Companies, Incorporated
Consulting Engineering &
Land Surveying Division
41 us 30/189, Diamondville, Wyoming 83116· Fax (307) 877-6351
P.O. Box 365, Diamondville, Wyoming 83116 . Phone (307) 877-9093
c:. IIQ I.
¡;:;;;. -,eN IS,r /.J ~
Effective May 1,2004 standard computer and software costs were incorporated into personnel rates and no separate computer
or software charge will be added unless it is a client specified software package. Client specified software package will
require separate fees or negotiated personnel rates. Standard software packages are Microsoft Office products,
AutoCadd2007, Eagle Point 2007, Word Perfect, Quicken 2006 and others as the company may acquire.
Professional Engineer III (> 10 years)...............................................................................................................$110.00 per hour
Professional Engineer II (> 5 years) ....................................................................................................................$98.00 per hour
Professional Engineer I (0 ~ 5 years) ...................................................................................................................$85.00 per hour
Staff Engineer III (> 6 years).................. .................... .............. ....... ............................. .......................................$85.00 per hour
Staff Engineer II (3 - 6 years) ..............................................................................................................................$75.00 per hour
Staff Engineer 1(0 - 3 years) ...............................................................................................................................$68.00 per hour
Professional Land Surveyor.......... ..................................................................................................................... ..$85 .00 per hour
Crew Chief II (> 5 years).....................................................................................................................................$65.00 per hour
Crew Chief I (2 - 5 years)....................................................................................................................................$56.00 per hour
EngineerlDrafter/Survey Tech III (> 6 years) .................................................................................................... $60.00 per hour
EngineerlDrafter/Survey Tech II (3 - 6 years).....................................................................................................$53.00 per hour
EngineerlDrafter/Survey Tech I (0 - 3 years) ......................................................................................................$45.00 per hour
Clerical ......... .................. ................................................................................................................................... $42.00 per hour
Personnel rates vary according to their experience, capabilities and responsibilities. Crew rates per hour will be based upon
classification and number of personnel used on the job and charged as indicated above. Time and one-third (1.33) will be
charged for overtime (Saturday, Sunday and Holidays if work is required by Client). Lump sum fee or proposal fees may be
arranged. We are always willing to negotiate project fees once a scope of work can be clarified.
EQUIPMENT (Equipment rates are charged in addition to personnel)
GPS (Global Position System) Real Time equipment (Base and 1 Rover) ............ $55.001hr with 2 hour/day minimum charge
GPS (Global Positioning System) Additional Rover (add to above Base and Rover) $20.001hr with 2 hour/day minimum
Total Station Electronic Theodolite Equipment ..................................................................................................$18.50 per hour
Electronic (Digital) Level............................................................................................................ ....................... .$15 .00 per hour
Specialty computer/program or specific requests ................................................................................... Negotiated fee per hour
Vehicle Expense (out of town projects)..............................................................................................................$ 0.82 per mile*
Vehicle (local projects)................ ....... .......................................... ....... .................. ............................................ $ 8.75 per hour*
(Vehicle expenses are charge as mileage or hourly time but not both)
Snow Machine ........... ..... ........................... .... ............................................... ..... .......... ...................................... $125.00 per day
A TV .. ................................................................................................................................ ................................. $105.00 per day
Bobcat 763 Skid Steer Loader & Bucket (operator is additional) ...................................................................... $250.00 per day
Bobcat 763 Skid Steer Loader & Auger (operator is additional)........................................................................ $290.00 per day
Trailer for Bobcat ................. ........................ ....... ............................... .................................................................. $40.00 per day
Boat w/Motor and Trailer ..................................................................................................................................... $85.00 per day
*Vehicle and mileage rates subject to change with fuel costs. Rates based on fuel at $2.90 per gallon
Y:\RATE SCHEDULE\Old Rate Schedules\Rates 1-1-08.doc
- 1 -
¿;- X/'Il/j,Ir If B ~
Flagging .......................................................... ..................................................... .....:................... .......... $ 2.40 per roll
Lath ......... ............................................................................................................. .... ......................... ..... $ 0.44 each
Nails (Spikes 7" x 5/16").........................................................................................................................$ 0.22 each
Rebar .................................................................................................... .................... ..... ...... ............. ....... $ 2.30 each
Caps.... ................................................................................................................ .................... .......... ....... $ 2.55 each
*Standard BLM Comer Marker ....................................:.........................................................................$ 30.00 each
Stakes........................ .............................................. ...................................................... ......................... $ 0.24 each
Fence Posts......................................................................................................................................... ..... $ 4.65 each
Spray Paint .............................................................................................................................................. $ 4.00 per can
Panel Material- 12" wide roll................................................................................................................ $25.00 per roll
24" wide roll............. .................................................................................................. $28.00 per roll
Hubs....................................................... ............................ ....................................................... .............. $ .46 each
CERTIFIED LAND CORNER PREP ARA TION & RECORDING ..................................................................$24.00 each
NOTE: These surveying supplies prices are subject to change without notice.
Miscellaneous items not listed above will be charged at cost plus 10% - if charged at all.
* CCl standard BLM markers are 3" aluminum cap on 22" diameter x 30" aluminum pipe. Other monuments are available at
cost plus 10%.
Copies of previously prepared mapping can be supplied at individual copying prices.
Old surveyor certificates can be provided at a cost of $85.00.
Old flood insurance certificates can be provided at a cost of$75.00.
Original client authorization required if requested by new party.
All legitimate expense incWTed in the performance ofthe work including telephone expense, filing fees, board and lodging,
cost of special maps and other similar items necessary for the execution of the work shall be charged at cost.
All charges ftom sub-consultants will be charged at amount billed plus 10% unless otherwise agreed to.
All field charges begin within the hour of departure and terminate at the hour of return to the point of origin, and/or place of
the loading while away ftom the principal office, less time offfor the convenience of the personnel.
Invoices are rendered monthly for the work done in the preceding month, and are due and payable within ten days after
presentation. A service charge of I ~ % per month, 18% per year, will be added to accounts 30 days overdue. Client agrees
to pay said interest and aU reasonable collection expense and service charge.
Y:\RATE SCHEDULE\Old Rate Schedules\Rates 1-I-OB.doc