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Know all men, that THE BANK OF JACKSON HOLE, hereby certifies that a certain Mortgage executed by
CLOUDVEIL RANCHES toTHE BANK OF JACKSON HOLE recorded MAY 16, 2008, as instrument no.
939050, RECORDED IN BOOK 694 PAGE 697 of the records of LINCOLN County, WYOMING, together
with the debt thereby secured has been P ARTIALL Y PAID AND SATISFIED and that the following real
property is released from the effects of said mortgage:
. '1.
See Attached Exhibit "A"
All other real property not herein, or previously released shall remain as collateral securing said debt.
Dated January :;, 0 ,2009.
State of WìY¥ING)
County oCJ£.±an )ss.
On this January t2D1-h ,2009, before me a notary public personally appeared FRAN&YONS, VICE
PRESIDENT OF THE BANK OF JACKSON HOLE who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the
S:;~N~~~ÓfÂÍÌŸPUàî:íC 'iwflffi~-
COUNTY 0' STATED' .(f~ ;,(llic .
LINCOLN WYOMING Residing:!r-ù1f!.ø/V; tê¿;¡¡tfj
MVS2~J.Y.'.!..~~~~~~C,21.2009 Expires: f)tUmbi/l J,1,J.{){)q
RECEIVED 1/21/2009 at 3:30 PM
RECEIVING # 944811
BOOK: 713 PAGE: 404
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Ja~16 2009 1d:20
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PAGE ,1 of 3
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Southwe.tArea '~'West:of:Railroa~,'
, ,., .
JQwnship 24 North, Ranlle 119 Wesl61h P:M.. Lincolnco~nt);~ WyominJr; ,
Tract 45:
All of that part of Tract 45 lying westerly of the' westerly'right..;of"way line of the
Oregon Short Line Railröad. ' ' ' ,
All Of that, pfU't of Tract 59 lying westerl~ 'ofthew:esterly right-of-way' line of the
Oregon Short Line Ralkoad. '
Tract 59:
" .".
Ttact' 58: , Aliofthat part ofTtáct 58 lying weSterly of the westetlyri,~t-of-way line, of the
.'pregon' Short Line Railroad. "
Tract 54; AIl ófthat pJ;\rt,ofTract 54 lying westerly of the westerly rigþt-of.;way line 'of the ,
o~~~n Short Line Railroad. ' " '
Tract 57: ' That.parl 'òfTract 57 described as follows:
, , .
CommeJ]cing at th~, N0r:th~t corn~r (Comer N~. '1): Øf;~äld Tra!X,57 runninç- ~ence .
S 0-05'17" W; 1306,.7.1 'f~et ~oilg"the EaBt'line thereØf.to thè,POINT PF B~,G~G; ,
thencecontmu.ing'S O~OS'17" W, 1312.72feêt'~lb~g'8âíd'BåSdirie:totomerNo. 60f
Tract 58; , ' , , '
thence S 0·41 '54n E, 1308.1,9Jeet ~IQng theEast).i~e:, of said T:ract 57 to the Southeast
comer thereof (Corner No.2 of Tract 57); " , , '
, thence S 89-49'40'" ,w"1336.46 feet along the soQ'th liitepfsfiid Tract 57 to the SouthweSt
corner thereof (CÇlmcr No. JofTract'57); " ," " " , ' ,,:
thence,N 0-14'02n E, 1319.74 feet along the West line o,fsaidTract 57 to Comer No.2
of Tract 56;' ," ,
thenceN 0-04'29'1, W, 1~94.68 feet along the West linç pfsàìd Tract 57 ~o Gomer No.4
thereof; " '
,thence N 89-32'51 "'B, 1318.87f~etto the }JOINT OFJJEGINNJNG. ,
Containing 79.41 acres" more or less.
,Section 20: All of Lots 4,7, 14 a~d 15.
. ','
Jan 18 2009 1d;20
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'PAGE 2 of;. 3
Legal D,.criptioQ
TownshIp 24 North. Ran(l.e 119 West. fjdtP.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming'
Trál1t 45: All of that part ofTmct 4' lying cast of tile euterly right-of-way line of the Oregon
Short Line Railroad. '
Tract 46: All ofthllt plll't of Tract 46 !&wi. State Highw."y 30.
Tract 51: All of Tract' 51 I.l:!s!'landBx.~ the foHowing 4 (fQ~) p~IB:
1'&'1:01 No.1
A parcel containing 3S;Z J acres, marc or les. known as Grandma's Plllec . Houso Tract being
described as follows;
BEGINNING IÛ It point on tho south line of said Tr8.lrt No.5 . NS9'32'4S"W. jSO.S6 feet
from Corner No.2 of said Tr¡wt; , " ,
thence conilnulng N89'32'45"W, 2201.01 feet. along the south lineofsaid ¡ract to an,
inrers,ection with the east right-of-way line of BlatO Highway 30; ,
thence Northerly. 292.40 filet along said ríght-of,wILY line along thl:! III"C of Ii circular curvo to
the ri~t through II central angle 'of 04-27'58" with a radius of 3751.25 feet to II marker;
thenoe N 12'00'41 "B. 354.88 fWt, ,lÌlong said right-of-way line to Ii marker:,
thence Northerly 328,15 feet along said rig!1t-of- way line along th(! arc,ofa I:ircul/ll' ourve to
th(: ¡oft through a centrallUJgJe of 03'1 3'48" with Ii radius of582i.21 feet to a point:
thence 868'S4'00"8. 118.61' feDI, lÙong the north ftnÎ:ø oftbe house roadway to a point:
thence 862.01'58"£, 210.91 feet~ along said fence tÓ a poInt: '
thllJ10e 'N26'10'40"E; 31.99 teet; along saidfenoe to 'Ii point;
thence S80·27'28"E. 1561.03 feet to, a p!>int¡
thonce SI's¡'30'5'"E, 626.49 feet, to me POINT OF BEGINNING.
Parcel No.2
A parcel contaIning 35,030 acres. morc or IÇJS,loçated in Tl'llct 51 of Township 24 North;
Rango 119 West, (jIh P.M., LinooJn County, Wyoming,' being lbO'" partioularly descrlbr::d as
COLbmenQing lit Corner No.2 of said Tract S I (the Sòutheast comer) and running thence
S 89-51'22" W, 3S0.9~ feet along the south line thercofto the POINT OF BEGINNING;
thence N 16-07'23" W, 626.86 feet;
thenoe N 81'02'42" W..11 09.19 feet;
then"a N IZ-36'jS" E, 523.38 fr:et;
thence N 83-'4r42~ W. 833.55 feet to a point lying on ,tha east right-of.wD.)' Une cifHighWB)'
30, said Point lying on a ~rve concEIve to tho Wl:st. the rodlùs point of which bcðß N
85·5155" W, 5804,55 teet; , " , '
thence northerly 286.04 'feet along the årc of said ourve and said right-of-w.ay line through ,a
IXJntnü IIfIgle of 02-49'24",' the long chord of , which bears ?II 02-37'22" £..286.01' feèt tò a
point tat1gant¡, ' ,
thénco N'01-12,'17" E, 94.19 f~et ¡dQng said right-of-way line:
thenoe leavlh¥l,B8id right-of-way line, N 90~OO'OO" E, 1299.48 fqot;
thanœ S ~4ti4Ci'23" B, 817.ð9 tèet:
thenl'C S 00-05'02" E, 1282.2Sfootto the POINT OF BEGINNJNG.
Jan 16 2009 14;20
... PAGE 3 -of .~.
. .clc1iern.~gall)eSctlpJion
PFceJ NO.3
A parcel containing 9.096 acres, more or less, located in Tract'l lifTownahip 24 North, 00&407
~Rc119 Wast, (illl P.M., Linooln County, Wyoming, beIng 'more particularly described lIS
follow:!; '"
Comml,'lncir¡g at Cornør No.2 of said Tract 51 (tho SQuthellllt comer) II11d ruMing thence ,
N 0'0"0'" W. 776.3' feat along the'cast line thereof,
thenceS 89"4'58" W..16J9.56 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. said point I)lingon
the north line of that propOl'ty described lIS "Bltcepdon I, Grandma's Place - H~use Tract" in
the Wllrrll~ty Dead founµ In Boo{ 643 on Page '690 of the Lincoln County Records; thence
along said North Hne the following four (4) courses; , ' ,
I) N IIl'Q2t4;¿" W. 4S 1.30 feet: '
2) S 25·55'17" W.32.17 feet;
3) N 62·47'23" W. 210.34 feGtj
4) N 69·30'14" W, ,120.29 feet to a point lying on the cast right-of-way line of V,S. Highway,
30, said point lying on a cµrve concave to tho west. theradiuB point of which bears N
81·47'5~" W. 5804.55 feet;' ,
thence northerly 422.05 feet along the arc ofsa.id curve and sald right-of-way line, through a
lJerrtral angle of0400?'5'S''. tho lorig ohord ofwhÌl;;h bearS N 06·07'03" E; 421.96 t1::ct;
thènce, Io&ving said rIght-or-way line, S 83-54'42" E, 833.55 Jeet;
thgnce S 12"36'.18" W. S2~.38 fçQt 10 the f'OIJl(T'OF BEGINNING.
larcol No.4
U.S. Hì$hw~y3Ò right-of-way.
TI'IlCt SO: That Pllrt ofOLO Tract SQ. T24N, R119W. LlncDln County. Wyoming deJcrlbed as
tOllows: ' ,
BEGINNlNQ at'the Southwest comer ,of 5ai~ tract No; SO imd rUnning thence N OO·OS') 1 II W,
1320.00 feet alorig the west line therèof 10 the northweJt comer or said Tract: ,
thence N 89·43'17" E. 2705.17 feet IIlong the 'north ,line of said T.,wt to an existing fence line;
thence S 07·02'19" W; 1335.14 feet; along laid fence line to the 50ut'¡ IIno ofs¡¡j'd Tl'lICt;
thence S 89'49'Q5" W,2539.43 feet along "liIld ¡¡,OUtIl line to the POINT OF BEGINNING,
Containing 79.60 acrœ¡ more or less.
" ',";" ,':;." . ','.