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CLOUDVEIL RANCHES, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, Grantor,
whose address is P.O. Box 40, Jackson, Wyoming 83001, for and in consideration of TEN
DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS in the manner set forth
below to BEAR RIVER LAND AND CATTLE, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company
Grantee, whose address is c/o Jayce Howell, 4653 East Iona Rd., Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401,
the following described real estate, situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-
See Exhibit A attached hereto
including and together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and .
improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, but subject to taxes, reservations, covenants,
conditions, restrictions, rights-of-way and easements of record.
Grantor shall and will specially walTant that the title to the aforesaid property is free
from defects or encumbrances created or suffered by Grantor and will defend the property
conveyed by this deed and every part thereof, against every person lawfully claiming the
same, or any part thereofby, through, or;¿-er Grantor, and no other.
WITNESS our hands this 22 day of January, 2009.
) ss.
-The foregoing Special Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me by Bret F. !9ng,
as Manager of Cloudveil Ranches, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, this 2[+'\ day
of January, 2009.
Notary Public. County of Teton
My Commission Expires
March 31.2012
Notar ublic
My commission expires: 3/"61 /1 Z-
RECEIVED 1/27/2009 at 9:48 AM
RECEIVING # 944891
BQOK: 713 PAGE: 641
Ted T. Taggart P.L. S.
Wasatch Surveying Associates L. L. C.
Professional Land Surveyors
906 Main Street
Evanston, WY 82930
(307) 789-4545
(307) 444-4555 fax
Fred W. Coles P.L. S.
Stanton G. Taggart P. L. S. _
Southwest Area - West of Railroad
Legal Descri~tion
Township 24 North. Range 119 West. 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming
Tract 45:
All of that part of Tract 45 lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad.
Tract 59:
All of that part of Tract 59 lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad.
Tract 58:
All of that part of Tract 58 lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad.
Tract 54:
All of that part of Tract 54 lying westerly of the westerly right-of-way line ofthe
Oregon Short Line Railroad.
Tract 57:
That part of Tract 57 described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast corner (Corner No.1) of said Tract 57 running thence
S 0·05'17" W, 1306.71 feet along the East line thereof to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
thence continuing S 0·05'17" W, 1312.72 feet along said East line to Corner No.6 of
Tract 58;
thence S 0·41'54" E, 1308.19 feet along the East line of said Tract 57 to the Southeast
comer thereof (Comer No.2 of Tract 57);
thence S 89· 49'40" W, 1336.46 feet along the south line of said Tract 57 to the Southwest
comer thereof (Corner No.3 of Tract 57);
thence N 0 ° 14'02" E, 1319.74 feet along the West line of said Tract 57 to Comer No.2 of
Tract 56; .
thence N 0°04'29" W, 1294.68 feet along the West line of said Tract 57 to Comer No.4
thence N 89°32'51" E, 1318.87 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Containing 79.41 acres, more or less.
Section 20: All of Lots 4, 7, 14 and 15.
Job No. 07-163
Wasatch Surveying Associates L. L. C.
Professional Land Surveyors
906 Main Street ûO&643
Evanston, WY 82930
(307) 789-4545
(307) 444-4555 fax
Ted T. Taggart P.L.S. Fred W. Coles P.L.S. Stanton G. Taggart P.L.S.
EXHIBIT A J. ô ~ 3
Legal Description
Township 24 North. Range 119 West. 6th P.M.. Lincoln County. Wyoming
Tract 45: All of that part of Tract 45 lying east of the easterly right-of-way line ofthe Oregon
Short Line Railroad.
Tract 46: All of that part of Tract 46 Less State Highway 30.
Tract 51: All of Tract 51 Less and Except the following 4 (four) parcels:
Parcel No.1
A parcel containing 35.21 acres, more or less known as Grandma's Place - House Tract
being described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point on the south line of said Tract No. 51, N89°32'45"W, 350.56
feet from Corner No.2 of said Tract;
thence continuing N89°32'45"W, 2201.01 feet, along the south line of said Tract to an
intersection with the east right-of-way line of State Highway 30;
thence Northerly, 292.40 feet along said right-of-way line along the arc of a circular curve
to the right through a central angle of 04°27'58" with a radius of3751.25 feet to a marker;
thence N12°00'41 "E, 354.88 feet, along said right-of-way line to a marker:
thence Northerly 328.15 feet along said right-of- way line along the arc of a circular curve
to the left through a central angle of 03 ° 13'48" with a radius of 5 821.21 feet to a point:
thence S68°54'00"E, 118.61 feet, along the north fence ofthe house roadway to a point;
thence S62·01'58"E, 210.91 feet, along said fence to a point;
thence N26° 10'40"E, 31.99 feet, along said fence to a point;
thence S80027'28"E, 1561.03 feet to a point;
thence SI5°30'55"E, 626.49 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Parcel No.2
A parcel containing 35.030 acr.es, more or less, located in Tract 51 of Township 24 North,
Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described
as follows:
Commencing at Corner No.2 of said Tract 51 (the Southeast comer) and running thence
S 89°51'22" W, 350.96 feet along the south line thereof to the POINT OF
thence N 16°07'23" W, 626.86 feet;
thence N 81 °02'42" W, 1109.19 feet;
thence N 12°36'18" E, 523.38 feet;
thence N 83°54'42" W, 833.55 feet to a point lying on the east right-of-way line of
Highway 30, said point lying on a curve concave to the west, the radius point of which
be~rs N 85°57'55" W, 5804.55 feet;
thence northerly 286.04 feet along the arc of said curve and said righ~-of-way line through
a crntral angle of 02°49'24", the long chord of which bears N 02°37'22" E, 286.01 feet to
, a poínt tangent;
thence N 01 ° 12'17" E, 94.19 feet along said right-of-way line;
thence leaving said right-of-way line, N 90°00'00" E, 1299.48 feet;
thence S 54 ° 46'23" E, 817.69 feet;
th¿nce S 00°05'02" E, 1282.25 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
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G iiJ¡,f /1- ~ ¿Þ~-6
Teichert Legal Description
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Parcel No.3
A parcel containing 9.096 acres, more or less, located in Tract 51 of Township 24 North,
Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described
as follows;
Commencing at Comer No.2 of said Tract 51 (the Southeast comer) and running thence
N 0°05'05" W, 776.35 feet along the east line thereof;
thence S 89°54'58" W, 1619.56 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point lying
on the north line of that property described as "Exception 1, Grandma's Place - House
Tract" in the Warranty Deed found in Book 643 on Page 690 of the Lincoln County
Records; thence along said North line the following four (4) courses:
1) N 81 °02'42" W, 451.30 feet;
2) S 25°55'17" W, 32.17 feet;
3) N 62°47'23" W, 210.34 feet;
4) N 69°30'14" W, 120.29 feet to a point lying on the east right-of-way line of U.S.
Highway 30, said point lying on a curve concave to the west, the radius point of which
bears N 81 °47'58" W, 5804.55 feet;
thence northerly 422.05 feet along the arc of said curve and said right-of-way line,
through a central angle of 04°09'58", the long chord of which bears N 06·07'03" E,
421.96 feet;
thence, leaving said right-of-way line, S 83 °54'42" E, 833.55 feet;
thence S 12°36'18" W, 523.38 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
Parcel No.4
U.S. Highway 30 right-of-way.
Tract 50: That part ofGLO Tract 50, T24N, Rl19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming described as
BEGINNING at the Southwest comer of said Tract No. 50 and running thence N 00·05'31" W,
1320.00 feet along the west line thereofto the northwest comer of said Tract;
thence N 89°43'17" E, 2705.17 feet along the north line of said Tract to an existing fence
thence S 07°02'19" W, 1335.14 feet; along said fence line to the south line of said Tract;
thence S 89°49'05" W, 2539.43 feet along said south line to the POINT OF
Containing 79.60 acres, more or less.
Job No. 07-146
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