HomeMy WebLinkAbout944893 Hiokman kndl1tle(9 COURTESY RECORLII1\.I This document ;s being recorded solely as a courtesy and acco~modation to the partie$. the rem. land Tít/e Co. Hereby expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for the accuracy content thereat. =SINCE 1904= Alvin Cassidy 629 Colonial Cr. Fullerton, CA 92835 ûOô647 AFFIDA VIT I, ALVIN M. CASSIDY, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the United States of America over the age of21 years, cµ1d a resident of CALIFORNIA. That [was well and personally acquainted with BETTY W. CASSIDY in that certain Warranty Deed dated February 22,1991 and recorded March 27,1991 in Book 295 PR at Page 254, as Filing No. 730266, in the office of the Recorder of Lincoln County County, Wyoming. That I know of my own knowledge that Betty W. Cassidy in the said deed and Betty W. Cassidy AKA Winifred Elizabeth Cassidy mentioned in the attached Certified Copy of Certificate of Death was one and the same person. This affidavit is intended to terminate the tenants by the entireties of said Betty W. Cassidy in the following described properties: LEGAL DESCRIPTION RECEIVED 1/27/2009 at 10:45 AM RECEIVING # 944893 BOOK: 713 PAGE: 647 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Lot 41 Alpine Village, Subdivision as filed and platted in the office of Lincoln County Clerk, Kemmerer, Wyoming Tax Roll No.37l 8-1 9-2-02-003.00 000648 Dated this )J..t#- day of January 2009 A.D. INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF Vtßy~ County of fu¡uh L- ) On the ~ day of January A.D. 2009 personally appeared before me "-..--- ;:J1rJil1 fll. (¡¿j§íct( the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same. Commission expires: 10/1/ {;LDtI Residing in: W~ð Notary Public ....................... :: ~ ~O¡:/~ ~/O ~ S9Jldx:¡ UO!S:I~~~ ~~"." II ~ - - - - = ÕU!WO^M = .= O e¡e¡s Ulooun __- _ O ~unoo _ ; ......... 0!lqnd ¡\Je¡ON - uo¡ue:/'o :: I........................... :e" · · · ... ......... 'I'" I" .. I ...... ... :: D" Fenton· Notary Public = - - :: Gaunty of State of :: = LlnGoln Wyoming = - - - - : My C;ommlsilc,1I1 expires 10/11/2011 = ~"t'I""I"I""'IIII"IIIIIIIIIIII. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES· REGISTRAR.RECORDER/COlJ,NTxct.~~K &1...1£ FILii NUMBER t. NAMI 0' OECI;;DENT -. fIRST lOll/WI) CERTlF ~~&.~pEATH uS!.1JI.ACI' hc:OHLY ItfJ EIVoSUR£S. WKTIOUT8 ORALTERAfIOHI VI·II ~V 3 ZOO~.I 9 0 2 6 20 7 lQ~ ~ISTMTION Nl!MBEF\ 2. MIDDLE ~etty W ~... AKA H.SOKNOWN¡\S_lnr:=lLdlluJotoMIFIRST,MlDOI.E,WT) Winifred Elizabeth Cassidy I .. I"'TH ITATElFORIOON COUNTRY IO.IOCIAL IECUfUTY HUMOER .. CA § 51 frl a Homemaker UI ~ffi !a~ '" 20 DECEDENT"t RESIDENCE ¡11r"11. /IUInII., or Iøø~J 629 Colonial Circle 22. COUNTYIPf\OV tICE Orange 25. STAT&FQREIGN COUNTRY CA 21 CITY Fullerton Ii Iii !1¡z ..~ a;f Si!", UlIi! 'g!l :¡ .,..FOIII.\oyIT'S HA.M!. K1.~Th:¡ ~1P Alvin M Cassidy - Husband II tlAME OF SURVIViNG SpOUSE·- FIRST I\lvin IRJ. LAST 1M""'... t4mel Cássidy 33. LAST Weiss 34. BIRTH ST^T£ CA :U NAMEOfFATHERrFIRST. Will tam 37. LAST (....id-V Humphreys 31. BIRTH STATE "NAMEOFMOTtlER-. FIRST Doro¡thy :18 DISPOSITION DATE III~ 06/21/2004 CA U !1i:¡: ...'" ..... "''' wg ~... 629 ColonialCi.rcleFul terton CA 92835 I 4$. LICENSE NU"1BER " TYPE OF DISPO&lTION(SI CR/RES A.t NAMe OF FUNERAl ESTA8lIStwEfIH,"::;' Rose Hills Mo:pt: -;WòritU~:t ~¡: ~:\ ~ a Los Angeles:,,::' 107 CAUSIOPOEATH IMMEDIATE clouse A) ~d:~::~:'oe.'" 1n4..th 8 :::~~. :. Š =~Ë= ICI a UHOERL YfHO ~ CAUSE~.. or w ::ii~:':"e'I.1\tI 101 ~ "''''IIn, I" N.t.) lAST '" lot.SIOPSV P£RfOFW!D? [[] VEl 0 NO 10. AUTOPSY PERFORMED! [[)VE$ .~NO ID:;i~&l~N~: None n ~§ :? ,i .~ I'o)i V", 8 11ediastinoscopy II'. ICEAf1FYTHAT TOTHEIESTOf"'Y~DEATHOCCUIPEO "1:ø~:==&~œn"TEO==:::;:",. .. 06/18/2004 ~ mñ....#,.ltClffi' :IØJ, mlnfddIco)y " ',' 01/1S/2002 ¡ 06/16/2004 s1'.é hen ShibataiSOÙ :i Duarte Rd Duàrte CA 91010 1It.lœJlnFY1W.TINt.n'~HOHOEATHOOCIJMEO"'ntEHOUR,.OATt./tHJ'lAŒaT"TEOfßO!.I~C\lJSE!UATED I:ZO.~DATWORK1' 121. tNJURY OA.TE ~ IU.HOUA (2'''''''''') IotAHNEKOFDEArn D~~I"II,.OAQ:WenlD Hørn\dII. Dsulda' D=~ ,,[îJ~~be DYES" DNO DUNK 123 PLACE OfIIHJtJRY 1',1,. heIme. CONwctio" tII.. ~ed ..... "0.1 'ii1: _G19 I I i ì I I I I I ! I I I ¡ I I I I I I I 1:Z1,D^TEft'I~ 1111. TYPE NAME. TIn.¡ OF CORONERI DEPU'N COftON~."" .. This Is to certify that this document Is a true copy of the official record filed with the Registrar-Recorder/County clerko,¡"A\JG".1, 9 2.Q04 11~~!~~~rl~~IM¡1 * 1 9 - 0 8 5 7 5 7 S:'!' -~¿~ CONNY B. McCORMÂCK Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk This oopy not valid unless prepared on engraved border displaying Seal and Signature of the Registrar-Recorder County Clerk.