HomeMy WebLinkAbout944902 I'd ,-..."/,,,: . / '" 6010817405 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) SS. RECEIVED 1/27/2009 at 2:25 PM RECEIVING # 944902 BOOK: 713 PAGE: 667 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY OOô667 AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING EST ATE I, Hal Titensor, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of Afton, Wyoming, and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 245PR on page 193 is recorded a Quit Claim Deed. The Quit Claim Deed, dated the 25th day of November, 1986 conveys unto Von S. Titensor and Hilda A. Titensor and their successors, as Trustees, of the Von S. Titensor Revocable Trust dated the 12th day of November 1986, the following described property, to-wit: See attached Exhibit "A" 3. That said Von S. Titensor on the 8th day of July, 2004, died and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true an correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". 4. That by reason of death of said V on S. Titensor by reason of 2-9-102 W.S. (1980), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in the Von S. Titensor Revocable Trust dated the 12th day of November, 1986. continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NOT. Dated / - ;¿ ;;l - ð ¿ ~~ ;//,,' ~ a ~~, ,/ Hal Titensor State of Wyoming) )ss. County of Lincoln) this The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Hal Titensor ~ do day of ~)~~,t:! 1.~008 Q V".-~. c:J ()O 7 Witness my hand and official seal. ØJ!- ¡)d~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: t,.:lÔ-:!)OIl JILL H. LARSON County of' Lincoln NOTARY PUBLIC State of Wyoming . ~.~y Commission Expires June 20, 2011 ......"I....".....,...~.~ .. ..~. // DATE FILED ,BY STATE REGISTRAR: STATE OF IDAHO _._, IDAHO DEPARTM!;NI Of HEAL TH AND W¡¡:LFARE BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL StATISTICS Slale of Idaho ~V. c~or TI..oocu~~~c:~~~~~~~:'~~~~~~TAA~M~"r~~.lfft_~V_1 IIMID "Al. ~""'~l tf.llSI!O AS """"'" fACIE !V1OII!'ICE Of' U" DEArnUl'JDl:II ,,,_,t,,,,,AND ,Jf_Ut.1I)OI1-f(I CODE OO\ìG68 '* ,1. DECEDENT'S LEGAL NAME (lndude AKA's" any (Flrsl. MIddle. llSl, Sumx) ¡ I STATE FILE NO. local neg. No._____~l 3. SOCIAL SECURITY HUMBER TT~t:O ll 'Rm.. ~t:"MAlfI!"T Bv.c~ "K DO NOTUSt: 'I!\.TTP'EH 80 ty...., =- h. RESIOENC .. ., o 6 1924 I Thªy"I!!!.J--.Jolyomimz re. CITY OR TOWN )\ "OR "'S,",UCOOHS ... HANOIllOOKI õ Afton I " r.. APT. Ñõ.-r.-iiPëõoe--l---;- 1.. ïÑšiÕËèïW -- > LIMITS? ð 490 E 4th Ave j!311J! fJ v.. 0 No ( .. ~ ï. MARITAL STATUS AT TIME OF DEATH ----it SURVIVING spouse·SÑÃMË(ifWiiê."V¡ve mø'den name, ::!i ~ ~ ""ntod 0'''.'''0<1. but....'.I.d .D WIdowed U OI,.".d rJ No... ,",,,,'.d 11 u~~_1 Hilda A Anderson ~ if 10. ~~~fs~·s. 1,.. .FATH,.E.R'S NAME (Firsl; Mlddië. \aši,-šûriîi~- -----.------- -- \ - - 'Ilb:eIR~HPLA .C.-.Ë...i...-.~I.Te~-.1..'. ñ1¡¡;;;õt.FO.-,....¡,..ñëõunï~I.-. ~ ~ Clarence RaLI.g!!.!!.s-ºL-_________.___.}l.x.o_min c_______~~--. . IIIC .;: If Yes 12.. MOT~ER'S MAIDEN NAMe IFlrsl. Middle, Las!. SUIOII) t2b. BIRTHP~~,(.SIBle, ~~r IIJf}', C?! t:~elgn Country! I :;7::",;;:::::~:;'" S".... :;::~~m....J::::;1t!:iþ~~åi:.3~ 8 '" U, METHOD OF DISPOSITION. 15. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (~'8me and address of cemelery, * 11. NAMEANo.~ ADDR~SS;O~.,.FU.~~o~~L FACILlTY..-;O- .' jè Burial I r·J.C,re~lIon tn!malory,Olherplftce) Schwab Mo.ftiùary .':.~-:,;~.~. :: ~:~I'..;"d.'ol1Eh'-nl Afton Cemetery 44 E _ 4th; Ave , Aftórt;<WY. I10".,(S Afto Wyoming ..-. * 17.. NAT EE OR PERSON ACTING AS SUCH * 17b.lICENSE NUMBER (OfllcenleeJ M-676 PLACE OF DEAT!!J19-221 *. I., IF DEATH CCURREO IN A SPITAL: '* 1tb. IF DEATH OCCURRED SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN A HOSPTTAl: " .,. ,.'.,- . dO "npttlleril . ,O,;EfVOUlpollenI30 DOA : ~O Hospice 'aclUly ,0 Nursing home/long term care 'aclllly .0 D !~~~SS~home' ,0 ' 'iry;"-~: ': * 20. FACILfTY NAME (If, om "gilly, glVlslreel and number) '" 21. CITY, TOWN. OR lOCATlONoräËÃTH;.~~D,ZIP CO -"',~2.CQUNn~,OF~D~R:~1 . (';':; ';' ":':;::"'\'.".::,'1',,::::; .::- "I I", J . . . ·'.'~:~~;"~'~[1A~~" 25. DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD (~~~~ (S~.e.n ~,~~, , 2.6t¡T!~~ P.R~N.OU~~,ED~E.~f mmm.. .... .......... . . / Jul 8 2004' (2<h,' JulL~O p~431 . 'I'" 21. CAUSE OF DEATH , ,'.....-. .,.-,; ,,_. <., PART I. Enler Ihe ~-:d seases. injuries, or compUcaUons u Ihal dlreclly causl!d the dealh. DO NOT enler terminal evenls sU:(;h_a~:C8I'dIÐC'-.. .^PPto~lmale:lnlerval: ......,. ,..pt,.'o')' 'IT"'. Of ..nlri,u'" 'b,'".!,"n """oul "owin9'" ."oIogy. DO N01 AfYREVIA1E. En'" only one "'. use 00 .. un. ....' c; . ~;0:.,:-t~~Sou.,3f.al~:~_~.'+',:~:..: '''''EOIATECAUSe(Flnal '0'. :1vviy...,-~9...~ r <iI 11~/J{' rL--- ~c.~..' ,EA'-..i:l().ø....V~o-" dlseue OI'condlUon -t ;'. . , _..J. . . '¡':, ";,' ¡:... .. , resulllng In de'lh), ' . DUfJD (or at a !:Q",equi\e IIf):. . ¡ ,b. .o,r,~,;.~.~,f~:-~ ¡'~v\';';' ;·ë. -.. ,~--',I "',1' ' _Due!-o lor II ~ dmleqUlmc. Dl}; _tt.:l:i'fI:n:t:. IF OtATH WAS DUE TO OTHE" THAH NATURAl. CAUSE!. THI! CORONI!R M.\LU COUPLET! ANO SI(\PfMtF. (."(~·U·lCAn t . f ~.--oo- --YY::¡;¡--' 41b. "1>2:O¡-"R, 2tXJY- MM --otr'- yyy '., This IS a true and correct,(eproduction of the document officially registered aM placed on'lIIew:!n the IDAHO BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS. \, DATEISSUED.·r7."h¡ /~2tJú'i 'ð'5z:e Thl. 00" . "M ,." .l.",:;:;;:Z, 00 '"".,,, ""OO, displaying state .seal' and signature of the Registrar, _ ____ _._______~!~TE REGIS::~!.______._____.____ ___._.._______.....o-_.._~__.:...___':~~......._ ..--""'.._.--'-_______.~.._.________ Exhibit A File 6010817405 Description 000669 The land referred to in this document is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: Lot 1 Blocli 5 of Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thercof. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following desrcibed tract of land: The South One Half of Lot 1, Block 5 of the Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming asdescribed 011 the official plat thereof.