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RECEIVING # 945069
BOOK: 714 PAGE: 733
GRANTOR, Vickie D. Astle, also known as Vickie Dawn Astle, of Bonneville County,
State of Idaho, for good and valuable consideration the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
does hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim unto Jay T. Astle, whose current address is 15
North 3192 East, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401, as GRANTEE, and to Grantee's heirs and assigns,
forever, all of the following described real estate, situated in the County of Lincoln, State of
Wyoming, to-wit:
Lot No. 16 of the Forest Meadows Subdivision according to plat as recorded in the
Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County,
Wyoming, and subject to the Protective Covenants and ~;cïvitud(,s a~ recorde3 in
Book 180PR at page 650, and Amendments to the Protective Covem:nts Numhers 1
and 2 and recorded respectively in Book 274PR at page 121, and Book 282PR al
page 278 of the public records in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio
Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
A parcel of land located within the SE1j,¡SW';4 of Section 28, Township 37 North,
Range 118 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the West 1/16th Corner common to Sections 28 and 33, T37N, R118W,
and running thence South 89°35'24" West, along section line, 251.49 feet; thence
North 209.13 feet; thence South 89°14'23" East, 43.32 feet; thence South 68° 1 0'50"
East, 224.24 feet; thence South 123.41 feet to the point of beginning.
[Parcel No.2 is also known as and has been identified as "The east one (1) acre of
the present Monty Nelson Tract, or property, located within the southeast quarter
southwest quarter (SE 1/4 SW 1/4) of Section 28, Township 37 North, Range 118
West, of the 6th P.M., in the town of Alpine, Lincoln County, Wyoming.]
Together with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging.
In construing this deed, and where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural
and the masculine, the feminine and the neuter.
GRANTOR notes that a Quitclaim Deed to this effect was signed by her on April 19, 1994
in connection with her divorce from GRANTEE, but that the deed was never recorded in Lincoln
County, Wyoming, but was instead incorrectly recorded in Bonneville County, Idaho on May 20,
1994 as Instrument No. 877938. A copy of that Quitclaim Deed is attached hereto inasmuch as the
original Quitclaim Deed has not been located and therefore cannot be filed in Lincoln County,
Wyoming. Hence, the purpose of this deed is merely to confirm the transfer that previously occurred
in 1994.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said GRANTOR has hereunto set her hand this
J..~ day of ,-::'A¡jì)A,RY' ,2009.
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County of Bonneville )
On this 'J)... day of ,."SIJ.,JvM,'[ , 2009, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for
Idaho, personally appeared VICKIE D. ASTLE, also known as VICKIE DAWN ASTLE, known or
identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and
acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day
and year in this certificate first above written.
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GRANTOR, Vickie Dawn Astle, of Bonneville County, State
of Idaho, for a good and valuable consideration the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, do remise, release and forever quitclaim
unto Jay Tol Astle, whose current address is Beeches Corner, Idaho
Falls, Idaho 83402, as GRANTEE, and to Grantee's heirs and
assigns, forever, all of the following described real estate,
situated in the County of Lincoln, State of wyoming, to-wit:
See attached Exhibit "A"
Together with all tenements, hereditaments and
appurtenances thereunto belonging..
In construing this deed, and where the context so
requires, the singular includes the plural and the masculine, the
feminine and the neuter.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said GRANTOR has hereunto set
hand this 12.... day of ~, 1994. C?-. ~
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. On this ~ day of ~h, 1994, before me the
undersigned, a Notary public for the State of Idaho, personallY
appeared Vickie Dawn Astle, known to me to be the person whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that
she executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1. nave hereunto set my hanà and
affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
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PARCEl. 3:
Lot r-;o. 16 of the Fo~est Meadows Subdivision
acco~åin~ to plat as recorded in the Office
0: th~ C~~~:y Clerk and Ex-Officio Registe~ of
~eed5 c: ~incoln County, Wyoming. a~d suc~ect
to the ~~otective ,C0~enants and Serv:tuèes 2S
recoråe¿ :"r.. Book 180PR at page 6'5(,. and ADendments
to the Protective Covenants Numbe~s 1 and: and
recorded respectively in Book 2ì4PR at page 121,
and Book 282PR at page 278 0: the pubiic records
ir.. the Office of the'County Clerk and Ex-Officio
Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
The east one (1) acre of the present Monty Nelson
Tract, or property, located within the southeast
quarter southwest quarter (SE 1/4 SW 1/4)'of Section
28, Township 37 North, Range 118 West, of the 6th P.M.,
in the town of Alpine, Lincoln County, Wyoming.