HomeMy WebLinkAbout945102 GRANT OF Et\S~i\1ENT . ~"'2&- 0 ~_~. ~1U1tor ()f(~\JntYOfµ ,tJä)~ ! St1.lte l)f ~ I~. hurcbyackoowlcdge. CONVEY {S) AND WARRANT(~) to. srtVm~ TAn TEUnt.liONf: CO.\tfI'ANY, lNC.,gmnu;coff'>eedol1'J, \v)ï..ming. ao C\£$Cment 1'\>1' Ute: benefil ofthc Omoto>\: Qn the 1b1lowing dellr, 'ibcd tea.! f\6tlllc sittllte 10. tI)(: County pf /":"'-"'1¿-,t~_ UI'1d State of ~~, ,. fie' tho fòJ owlng jUlI'pUIWS ami under Il¡ç :fOJJøw11'18 c(.\nditinmc 7 (;0&813 I. ~of.~1JI. Tbis ~' 'IOl~t 511al! be 1(... tfuJ purpnsc of Righl-(,r- Wß.y fur tu1çĹ“mmunicutioß.S I1nl!H _"d comt 'uc , QPCI;ate. rermir, ma¡nl~lin, retoculc IWd reltlm.:ø tllcreon u~und telaxnnmul11catÎUn. mciJltle.~. 'flle g,nmtoo may 'rim (.It" remove (n)I;!I1 or othet" ohjects thai pI)!JI.1 n threat of ðnl:'l\a~ to. dw: utilities. The GRAN1'BE f;bl.ù1ba~ tJ1e right to i)\.'ltaH lì11Ul:ommunÌ<:aHof1S Hne to M~I'\'C:: GRANTORS property aud IUlf otber adjuc"'lt µropCI'ty or propcrtie.s. pC$(rtvt¡un..Q.fþ9~lt1«mtr The eæle!n!mt shall oooupy «be tbUOWÌflg de.'tCtÎbed property: 2. ~c...f,~ ì q 'Î 3 7 () AU eascmenll! dcrJict\ted. U$ "Road and/or Utility ea~~n.ent~ and COln1't~n "rea·! as depictoo ou the Alpine Vi1f~e J$ PÞnsc #'1_ Pinul pLitts r«;olù"d withtheoltil.:u cf UH(,'I.)ln ('.aunt)' Çlerk hloring receiving nUOlber(lI) i<. Jl3 v0 -""'''"..=....''''...-.. .,..- 3. BÌI:1$fjJ,~l! The t<:t'fM und Wl'lditiol1l1 (l[thi~ <:.IIsemelll !OhldJ be binding UPQn tl~~ inufe t(1 tl1c benefi! (If the hcÌJ'$. succo~rs and a;¡l\igT.lS of the purtic$ named in this :il15trumC:f\ I. W"~~daYOr~¿_2<'" ~ C-u ..~f~ ... ___ Gruntor(s) MANDl TERRY· NOTARY PU6UQ State of Wyoming IN THE STATn OF ) Wff~~~ J $,.'t. COUNTY OF >""fe.. +OV\ County d Un<:oIn My Commission Expires 7/131201' The tbregCi.n.s irmruJnent w,ft 11.. ck1.)(Iw~ bel<¡ru m<: by M.OV\~ O~II ~ S; ._ ..J th¡¡¡~ day of oV~~bc;'Y"" 2008 Witnß.'s my humi tmd official IIcul. ~{,~A" NOrARYPt~ '-1. I?' '\1'\1 I . --MYCOmrlli~iri~' RECEIVED 2/5/2009 at 10:30 AM RECEIVING # 945102 BOOK: 714 PAGE: 813 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY