HomeMy WebLinkAbout945110 'MINERAL QUITCLAIM DEED 000824 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Jeffery Mac Thornock and Connie Sue Bird, Co-Trustees of the Russ and Emma Lue Thornock Family Trust dated June 20, 2001, of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, grantors, in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, convey and quitclaim unto Thornock Minerals LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, of 186 South 550 West, Layton, UT 84041, grantee, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as they have or ought to have, in and to all the minerals and mineral rights, including but not limited to all the coal, oil, gas, geothermal, brine and steam rights, and all other mineral rights, now known to exist or hereafter discovered, associated with, and in, under or upon in the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit: All coal, oil, gas, geothermal, brine and steam rights, and all other mineral rights, associated with, in, under, or upon the following described real property situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming: as more particularly described in that certain Mineral Quitclaim Deed dated August 22, 2001, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on August 24, 2001, in Book 471 PR, page 433, Recording No. 875487. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Jeffery Mac Thornock and Connie Sue Bird, Co-Trustees, have hereunto set their hands as of this:d:11l. day of ~\:-";(>I\},1~V , 2008. RECEIVED 2/6/2009 at 1 0:26 AM RECEIVING # 945110 BOOK: 714 PAGE: 824 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~~ ery Mac Thornock, . Q~~\i' ~il f jLA¿ Connie Sue Bird, Trustee STATE OF 000825 55. COUNTY OF µ . On this ~?!- day of '1 !JVt1~ I 2008, before me personally appeared Jeffery Mac Thornock to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn and put upon his oath, did say that he is one of the two co-trustees of the Russ and Emma Lue Thornock Family Trust dated June 20, 2001, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was signed and sealed by him on behalf of said trust; that said trustee has the authority under the terms of the written trust instrument to execute the instrument on behalf of the trust; and said trustee acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said trust. NaDene Dana - N.otary Public County Of .~,.. ~Of Lincoln WyOmIng. My Commission £xþIiet"ao. ~ ~a,..J ßßè< J fD tì.!1&! . OTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: c..¡;¡ 12[- ~ () J ..:}, 0 () c¡ 0 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF ;!¡A~1/',-", On this J}¡1~ day of f) ¿H:~~, 2008, before me personally appeared Connie Sue Bird, who, being by me duly sworn and put upon her oath, did say that she is one of the two co-trustees of the Russ and Emma Lue Thornock Family Trust dated June 20, 2001, described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that said instrument was signed and sealed by her on behalf of said trust; that said trustee has the authority under the terms of the written trust instrument to execute the instrument on behalf of the trust; and said trustee acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said trust. ss. NaDene Dana - Notary Public County Of eo' State Of Uncoln Wyoming My Com:nilsion£¡cþl" _ 20. 2008 , '. '72-1, ÁY0 A/U j 4âMð-- NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: ~ 12ft d 0 /' ó1 60 7 . 2 QO.þ~t, "vcD :-.¡t·.;ol~:!..~·.j CO!.}\ITY CLEF{K ûOö826 ~BOOK-421-PR PAGE4 3 J MINERAL QUITCLAIM DEED \It("\ r){ ~'I ". 'in 8 1 5 l~ 8 1 0 I ! 0 t ¿ q i.. i .::', '~ ~I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That John Russell T~~~~~f~~~:)ß~~¿ Russell Thornock, Sr., J, Russell Thornock, Russell Thornock, John~'R:"ft1õrrïock and Emma Lucy Thornock, of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, convey and quitclaim unto John Russell Thornock and Emma L'ucy Thornock, Trustees, of the Russ and Emma Lue Thornock Family Trust dated June 20, 2001, .all such right, title, Interest, property, possession, claim and demand as they. have or ought to have, in and to all the minerals and mineral rights, including but not limited to all the coal, oil, gas, geothermal, brine and steam rights, and all other mineral rights, now known to exist or hereafter discovered, associated with, and in, under or upon in the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to~wit: An undivided one-half (1/2) interest in the following: 1. Mattson Place A parcel of land situate in Section 1, 11 and 12 of Township 22 North, Range 120 West and Sections 6 and 7 of Township 22 ~'~~~~in Rê~iftÝ ;:l'~Y~~f~g';~~é'~i~;':rb~~~"'1:~3:~pnä~~J'tè~l~:r¡'~i~~e;t~ and bounds referred to in the plats made by the General Land Office of the United States of America under date of March 31, 1909, and the amendments thereto, as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point upon the East boundary of Tract 47 from Whence the Northwest corner of said Section 7 bears South 72°08' West, 42.18 chains, thence West 109.17 chains along the South boundary of the land known as the North Part of the °MJB lands to a point situate in the center of the channel through which Bear River flows; thence meandering the central thread of the c1;1annel of Bear River, South 14007' West 13 03 chains; North 83°51' West 6.54 chains~ South 46°38' East 7.43chaips;South 14°25' Eoast, 3.61 chains' South 23 ° 35' West 17.124 chains; South 42 14 West o 66 c~ains to the end of said meander~ thence East 119~~9 hains to a point on the East boundary of said Tract ; ~hence North 36.83 chains to the point of beginning; containing 419. 82 ares, more or less. ç:_o~.y' -~~. "'>..J~_I" '-I .......,. 434 An undivided one:-h~;¡'; HL~~ ;i!)~~.f.~!?!; in 1:hE! following: ûo.&827 2. BQ Place Being a Parcel of land situate in Section 1 of Township 22 North, Range 120 West; Section 36 of Township 23 North Range 120 West; Section 31 of Township 23 North, Range 119 West; and Section 6 of Township 22 North, Range 119 West; all West of the 6th Principal Meridian and situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, said parcel of land being composed of 591.00 acres in Tract 43, 81.80 acres in Tract 51 and .' 327.20 acres in Tract 73, said acreages of land being contiguous to. each other and being described in particular with reference to the plats made by the General Land Office of the United States af America under the date af March 31, 1909, and the several amendments thereto. as fallows, to-wit: Beginning at Corner No. 4 af Resurvey Tract No.. 49 of said Township 22 Narth, Range 119 West, from whence the narthwest Corner of said Sectian 6 bears North 44°15' West, 35.04 chains; then~e West 100.00 chains along a line that is the prolongation of the North Boundary of said Tract No. 49 to. the Western Boundary of -said Tract 51; thence North 06000' East 41.125 chains alang the Western Boundary of said Tract 51 to the platted locus of Corner No. 4 thereof; thence East 39. 78 chains along the North Boundaries of Tracts 51 and 73 to the platted locus of Corner No. 3 of said Tract 43; thence Narth 60.00 chains along the West Bo.undary 0 of said ,Tract 43 . to. Carner No . .4 thereof I thence ~~sðo;~~~O N~~àtn~h:;:~fJ··t~~:~CZ"~~~~u~~~rtfu~~al~~d aI~~:t t~~ East Boundary of said Tract 43 to Corner No.. 2 thereaf; 'thence West 38.28 chains along the South Baundary of said Tract 43 to. Corner No.. 1 of said Tract 73. thence Sauth 06°00' West, 41.125 chains alang the Eastern Boundary af said Tract 73 to the paint af beginning; containing 1000.00 acres mare ar less. An undivided one-half (1/2) interest in the following: 3. Kiddy/Taylar Praperty Lots 16, 17, 28 and 30 in Sectian 31, and Sauthwest Quarter of Nathwest Quarter (SW~NW~) and Southwest Quarter (SW\) af Sectian 32, Township 23 North, Range 119 West af the 6th Principal Meridian, Linca1n County, Wyaming, cantaining 295.68 acres, mare ar less. AND The Lots Numbered Six (6), Eight (8) and Ten (10), all in Section thirty-two (32), resurvey, Township 23 Narth, Range 119 West af the' Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming,a nd containing 107.32 acres more or less. 2 435 "'. c:~"'1 0875-11;0 { 00&828 An undivided one-fourth (1/4) interest in the following: 4. All of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 and SWl/4 and SE1/4 of Section 32; all of Lot 3 of Section 33, TI5N, R08E; all of NEl/4NW1/4, SWl/4NWl/4, SEl/4NWl/4, SWl/4NEl/4, NWl/4SEl/4, NEl/4SWl/4 and NWl/4SWl/4 of Section 17; all of the SEl/4NE1/4, NE1/4SEl/4, and SEl/4SEl/4 of Section 18; all of the NE1/4NEl/4, SEl/4NE1/4, NEl/4SE1/4, and SEl/4SEl/4 of Section 19; all of Lots 3 and 4 of Section 4; all of Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Section 9; all of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Section 16, TI4N, R08E, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Rich County, Utah; and the south 2949 feet of Section 34, T23N, R120W; and the south 2949 feet of Section 35, T23N, R120W, lying and being situate westerly of the centerline of the Cokeville-Utah Line County Road No. 12-207; Encompassing and area of 1585.7 acres, more or less; all in accordance with the plat prepared and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, titled, "Joseph James Buckley" and dated 22 December 1980 and those plats of the General Land Office approved 3 March 1909 for TZ3N, R1Z0W and 9 September 1897 for T14N, ROBE and for T15N, ROSE. 5. SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN Tract 19,a Being a parcel ofland situate in Section One (1) of Township Twenty-two (22) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West; Section Thirty-six (36) of Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West; Section Thirty-one (31) ofTownsrup Twenty-three (23) North, Range One Hundred N'meteen (119) West; and Section Six (6) of Township Twenty-two North, Range One Hundred Nineteen (119) West. Said parcel of land being composed of Five Hundred Ninety-one (591.00) acres in Tract 43; Eighty-one and Eighty Hundredths (81.80) acres in Tract 51, and Three Hundred Twenty- seven and Twenty Hundredths (327.20) acres in Tract 73. Said acreages of land being contiguous to each other and being described in particular with reference to the plats made by the General Land Office ofthe United States of America under the date of March 31, 1909, and the several amendments thereto as follows, to-wit: 3 va~~q~7 ~0U Beginning at Comer No.4 of Resurvey Tract 49 of said Township Twenty-two (22) North, Range One Hundred Nineteen (119) West, ITom whence the North- west Comer of said Section Six: (6) bears North 44015'00" West Thirty-five and Four Hundredths (35, 04) chains; thence West One Hundred (100.00) chains 00.0829 along a line that is the prolongation of the North boundary of said Tract 49 to the western boundary of said Tract 51; thence North 06000'00" East Forty-one and One Hundred Twenty-five Thousandths (41.125) chains along the western boundary of said Tract 51 to the platted locus of Comer No. 4 thereof; thence East Trurty-nine and Seventy-eight Hundredths (39.78) chains along the North boundaries of Tracts 51 and 73 to the platted locus of Comer No, 3 of said Tract 43; thence North Sixty (60.00) chains along the West boundary of said Tract 43 to Comer No.4 thereof; thence East Ninety-eight and Fifty Hundredths (98,50) chains along the North boundary of said Tract 43 to Comer No.1 thereof; thence South Sixty (60,00) chains along the East boundary of said Tract 43 to Comer No.2 thereof; thence West Thirty-eight and Twenty-eight Hundredths (38,28) chains along the South boundary of said Tract 43 to Comer No. 1 of said Tract 73; thence South 06000'00" West Forty-one and One Hundred Twenty-five Thousandths (41,125) chains along the eastern boundary of said Tract 73 to the Point ofBegirming, containing One Thousand (1000.00) acres, more or less. . ALSO, that part of Tracts 37, 72, and 71 ofTownsrup Twenty-three (23) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West, tying and being situate westerly of the following-described line: Beginning at a Point on the North lineòfsáH:rrräcf37,'Nol'th89051'00" W'est, Trurty-f9ur and Six: Tenths (34,6) feet from Comer No, 7 of Tract 53 of said Township Twenty-three (23) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West; thence South 00032'00" West One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty and Two Tenths (1730,2) feet; thence South 24032'00" West Two Hundred Thirty-two and Four Tenths (232.4) feet; thence South 73044'00" East Three Thousand Sixty-six and Two Tenths (3066.2) feet; thence South 16016'00" West One Hundred Ni~ety-four (194,00) feet; thence South 18002'00" East Two Hundred Twenty-five and Nine Tenths (225.9) feet; thence South 41058'00" East Five Hundred Twenty-one and Nine Tenths (521.9) feet to a point; thence South 34047'00" West Two Thousand One Hundred Twenty-nine and Seven Tenths (2129.7) feet to a point; thence South 29030'00" East Two Hundred T~enty- four (224.00) feet, more or less, to the thread of~he Channel 0rBe~r River. identical with the Center of a Bridge across the Pixley Canal DIversIon Dam, thence southerly One Thousand Ninety (1090,00) feet, rn,ore or less along the said thread of Channel to an intersection with the South hne of Tract 72, ALSO Lots 16 17 28 and 30 in Section Thirty--one (31); Lots 6, 8, and 10 s~uthwest 'Qu~e; ofthe Northwest Quarter (SW'ANW'A): and So~thwest Quarter (SW~) or Section Trurty-two (32), Township Twenty- three (23) North, Range One Hundred Nineteen (119) West. 4 Of~ . ~ 1.;.)1"'1 __...J ~~ -.37 ALSO, a parcel orland situate in Section One (1), Township Twenty- two (22) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West, and Section Six (6), Township Twenty-two (22) North, Range One Hundred Nme- teen (119) West, described in particular by metes and bounds referred to the plats made by the General Land Office of the United States of America under date of March 31, 1909, and thereafter as follows: 00ù830 Begirming at Corner No, 1 of Tract 47 trom whence the Northwest Comer of said Section Seven (7) bears South 70047'00" West Forty- two and Fifty-two Hundredths (42,52).chains; thence North 06000'00" East Forty-one and Thirteen Hundredths (41.13) chains to Comer No. 1 of Tract 49; thence West Eighty-seven and Forty-six Hundredths (87.46) chains along the South boundary in part, of the lands now known as the Thornock Lands to a point situate in the Center of the Channel through which Bear River flows; thence meandering the central thread of the Channel of Bear River South 48024'00" West Twelve and Nmety-six Hundredths (12.96) chains, South 15016'00" West Six and Eighty-four Hundredths (6.84) chains, South 12038'00" East Seventeen and Eighty-three Hundredths (17.83) chains, South 75009'00" West Eight and Forty-five Hundredths (8.45) chains, North 45000'00" West Five and Thirty-seven Hundredths (5,37) chains, North 23000'00" West Eighteen and Sixty-nine Hundredths (18.69) chains, South 18026'00" West Seven and Fifty-nine Hundredths (7.59) chains, South 15024'00" East Seventeen and Thirty-two Hundredths (17 ,32) chains, South 14007'09" \V.e~tFive~l1d One Hundredth (5.01) chains to the end of said meander ofí3ear River, the intent being to deed to the Center of said Channel as measured midway fiom the top of the bank escarpments at normal ground levels' thence East One Hundred Nine and Seventeen Hundredths , (109,17) chains along the North boundary ofthe lands now known as the Central MJB Lands to the East boundary of Tract 47; thence North One and Six Hundredths (1.06) chains to the point ofbeginning,..containing Four Hundred Eighteen and Ninety-six Hundredths (418,96) acres, more or less. EXCEPTING therefrom, that part of Tract 49, Tract 73, Tract 50 and Tract 47 ofTownslùp Twenty-two (22) North, Range , \ One Hundred Nineteen (119) West, and Townslùp Twenty-two (22) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) described as follows: Beginning at Corner No, 2 of said Tract 49; thence North 06000'00" East One Thousand Two Hundred Twenty-eight and Sbcty-six Hundredths (1228.66) feet along the East line ofsai~ Tra~t 49 to a point; thence West Six Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-rune and 5 Sbcty-four Hundredths (6269.64) feet, more or less, to· an inter- section with the thread of the Channel of Bear River; thence coursing the thread of the Channel of Bear River as follows: South 12038'00" East Six Hundred Nmety-one and Ten Hundredths (691,10) feet; thence South 75009'00" West Five Hundred Fifty-seven and Eighty- three Hundredths (557.83) feet; thence North 45000'00" West Three Hundred Fifty-four and Sixty-eight Hundredths (354.68) feet; thence North 23000'00" West One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-three and Twenty-one Hundredths (1233.21) feet; thence South 18026'00" West Five Hundred and Eighty-seven Hundredths (SOO.87) feet; thence South 15024'00" East One Thousand One Hundred Forty-three and Nineteen Hundredths (1143.19) feet; thence South 14007'00" West Three Hundred Thirty and Sixty-six Hundredths (330.66) feet and leave Channel of Bear River; thence East Seven Thousand Two Hundred Five and Twenty-two Hundredths (7205.22) feet to an intersection with the East line of said Tract 47; thence North Sixty-nine and Ninety- six Hundredths (69.96) feet along the said East line to the Comer of Beginning, Encompassing an area of Two Hundred Twelve (212.00) acres, more or less; and it is further certified that the original tract has excessive closure and that an accurate decision cannot be made without extensive surveys and that no actual field survey was made and that no monuments were set for tms description. Tract 19b ALSO, That part of Section Thirty-five (35), Townsmp Twen~y- three (23) North, Range One Hundred Twenty (120) West, lymg and being situate easterly of the centerline of County Road 207. Tract 19c ALSO, Beginning at the East Quarter Corner of Section Seven (7) TownsWp Twenty-two (22) North, Range One Hundred Ni~eteen (119) West, running thence South 00004'00" East Twenty-one and Seventy-two Hundredths (21,72) chains along the East boundary of Section Seven (7); thence West Two Thousand Four (2004.00) feet to the West boundary l~ne oft~e Ore~on Short Line (OSL) Railroad right-of-way (now Uruon PacIfic RaIlroad (UPRR) right-of-way); thence northeasterly along the West line of said right-of-way One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-six (1476,00) feet; thence East along the North line of Tract 54 One Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-three (1933,00) f~et to the Place of Beginning. 6 4,) d ûOû83:1 · ",:--,\._~ It:~ .5,,'I...J" 4 3 ~J 6. An undivided one-half (1/2) interest in the property referred to as the "Pine Creek Ranch" attached hereto as Exhibit "A", 00&832 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, John Russell Thornock aka John Russell Thornock, Sr., J. Russell Thornock, Russell Thornock, John R. Thornock and Emm.a Lucy Thornock, husband and wife, have hereunto set their hands this .21. ~ day of á1'lVit- ,2001, ~4 ~ -2J.~.J.. John Russell Thornock ~~~¡J.~ Emma L cy Tho ock STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN 55. The foregoing Mineral Quitclaim Deed was adknowledged before me by John Russell Thornock aka John Russell Thornock, Sr., J. Russell Thornock, Russell Thornock, John ¥noCk and Emma Lucy Thornock. husband and wife, this 221'! day of ,2001. Witness my hand and official seal. LAYNA HADERUE· NOTARY PUBUC County of State of Uncoln Wyoming My CommissIon expIres 2/26/2004 My commission expires: February 26, 2004, 7 'i (I U EXHIBIT "A" Pine Creek Ranch: TownshlD 24 North. Ranoe 118 West of the 6th PrinciDle Meridian Section 6: Lots 9, 14, 17,23,24, and 25; Township 24 North. Range 119 West of the 6th Principle Meridian Section 1: Lots 5,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,16,20, 25,36,37,38, and 39 (now described under U. S, Government resurvey as TRACT 98); Lots H, I, J, and K (now described under U. S. Government resurvey as TRACTS 97H, 971, 97J, and 97K); Lot 46; ,-. 0 ," 0 <") ", U· VCJ~û Section 2: Lot 38; Township 25 North. Ranoe 118 West of the 6th PrinciDle Meridian Section 21: Lots 16,17,25,26,27,28,29 and 30; Section 22: Lot 6; Section 28: SW1/4NW1/4, Lots 5, 6, 20, 21, NW1/4NW1/4, N1/2SE1/4 Section 29: NE1/4SE1/4, SE1/4NE1/4, and Lots 23 and 24; Section 32: SE1/4 (now described under U. S. Government resurvey as TRACT 40 and embracing Lots 18, 19,20,25,26,27,30,31 and 32); Lots 3, 4, 15, and 16; Section 33: ALL (now described in U, S. .Government resurvey as TRACT 39, and embracing Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12 of Section 28; Lot 25 of Section 29; Lots 1, 17,28 and 29 of Section 32; Lots 2, 3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,16,17. 18,19,ofSection 33; all in Township 25 North, Range 118 West of the 6th P.M.), Above tracts of land containing a total of 2,000 acres, more or less, Together with all water, water rights, ditches, appropriations, privileges and easements on, connected with, or usually had and enjoyed in connection with the real property herein described; and, Together with all buildings, improvements and appurtenances; and, 0""/' " (11...)1"';.1 1.:1 (J '(0 . ¡ 00&834 Together with all rights and obligations under State of Wyoming lease covering Tract 38, Township 25 North, Range 118 West; and, Together with all privileges, rights and Interests of Grantor under all grazing permits in public lands and national forest lands issued by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretaty of Agriculture of the United States and based on said lands but no warranty or representation is made by Grantor to Grantees that such permits, or any of them will not be canceled, or will be continued in effect by the appropriate Federal agency, Together with 51 % interest in and to all oil, gas and other minerals of every kind and character, in, on and under and that may be produced from said lands together with the right to receive and have 51 % of all bonuses and all delay rentals that may hereafter, after January 1, 1977, be paid on the above described land to extend the term within which a well may be commenced under the provisions of any oil and gas lease or leases that may now exist or that may in the future be placed on said land; and EXCEPTING THEREFROM a 49% interest in and to all oil, gas and other minerals of every kind and character, in, on and under and that may be produced from said lands, and 49% of all bonuses that may hereafter, after January 1, 1977, be paid on the above described land to extend the term within which a well may be commenced under the provisions of any oil and gas lease or leases that may now exist or that m~y'"JpAþ~:i,future"ÞE3 pl.§'ced on said land;.émd subject to' right.in the owner of the suñac'e of said lands to receive and have a"lI'dëlaY'r'éntals as afore$aid,heretofore reserved to Eli C, Lund, also known as Eli Chris Lund, and as E. C. Lund and as E. C, "Buck" Lund. SUBJECT to all mineral leases, exceptions, reservations, easements, rights of way and encroachments in sight or of record. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the 1 Q-acre parcel conveyed to John and Connie Bird and more particularly described on the attached Exhibit "A-1". EXCEPTING and RESERVING unto sellers an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in all oil, gas and other mineral rights owned by sellers associated with the described real property as more fully set forth above. 2 - '.... · -..j ··it lJ .,(" EXHIBIT "A-l" ..- .. -~.._. --..,.- .""-" ' ',-" DES'CRIPTION 11'0& J. RUSSELL THORNOCK PINE CREEK . 000835 4 4 ~Z ___~__.._ on.., ~... ......~~~.~ ... '.,.- . ~:~ ,,).: \ I. :r '.. .~,,:..' t.J To-wit:- 'Ibat part olTract No. 39 ofT25N, R218W, 1Jnçoln COWlty. Wyoming _~becf as (OUOWl: BEGINNING at Comer No. Z otsaid Tract No. 39 ida111ca1 with Comer No.3 o(Tract No. 38 found u describcc1 in. the Cam£r Record filed in ths,OŒce oftha CJerk of Li~1n CountY; . the.ace West, 660.00 reet along the south Ilue·ofsaid Tract No. :39; thence North. pa1"81101 wi1b tho east line ofÍiaid Tract No, 39, 660.00 feet; . thence East, parallel with the south line of'saId Tract No, 39 to an intcracction with the cut line of said Tract No. 39; theuoc South, 6tiO.OO feet along the: Blid ew Uno to tho CORNZR or 8EGINNING. ENCOM2ASSING an macr 10.00 acr~,.moro or lesa; it 11 fwther noted ~t no actual lurve)' wašmaðe, that no monl.UDeø.ts we,;e .sct, and that J,Q plat . J:epaRId. ~,~~ 7 August 2000 2Sn I Jaw J. fUssel' thOftlock.œ.