HomeMy WebLinkAbout945227 .,.,. ,~ (:OÚJ27S When recorded return to: Rocky Mountain Power Lisa LouderlRandy Privett 1407 West North Temple Ste. 110 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RECEIVED 2/12/2009 at 11 :26 AM RECEIVING # 945227 BOOK: 715 PAGE: 278 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Project Name: Christal Bills Tract Number: WO#: 005157930 RW#: RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT For value received, Michael L. and Dana G. Stroud ("Grantor"), hereby grants to PacifiCorp, an Oregon Corporation, d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power its successors and assigns, ("Grantee"), an easement for a right of way 10 feet in width and 857 feet in length, more or less, for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, enlargement, and removal of electric power transmission, distribution and communication lines and all "1 necessary or desirable accessories and appurtenances thereto, including without limitation: supporting towers, poles, props, guys and anchors, including guys and anchors outside of the right of way; wires, fibers, cables and other conductors and conduits therefor; and pads, transformers, switches, vaults and cabinets, along the general course now located by Grantee on, over, or under the surface of the real property of Grantor in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming more particularly described as follows and as more particularly described and/or shown on Exhibit(s) A, B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: Legal Description: See exhibits A and B Assessor Parcel No. anser! Parcel No. Here) Together with the right of access to the right of way from adjacent lands of Grantor for all activities in connection with the purposes for which this easement has been granted; and together with the present and (without payment therefor) the future right to keep the right of way and! adjacent lands clear of all brush, trees, timber, structures, buildings and other hazards which might endanger Grantee's facilities or impede Grantee's activities. At no time shall Grantor place, use or permit any equipment or material of any kind that exceeds twelve (l2) feet in height, light any fires, place or store any flammable materials (other than agricultural crops), on or within the boundaries of the right of way. Subject to the foregoing limitations, the surface of the right of way may be used for agricultural crops and other purposes not inconsistent, as determined by Grantee, with the purposes for which this easement has been granted. Page 1 of2 C:ûv279 The rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be binding upon and shall benefit their respective heirs, successors and assigns. Dated this 'f..¡Æ day of 'PEC6;1"1/5Eft.. ,200 ß. INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of C)/~ ~"!;7 .J; ,.) ) } SS. County of ~ ./.-7"7<: t:,...,¿.4./ This instrument w ackn¡;>wledged before me on this ~ day of j).J1--r- ().-?'77 -ik1 d2BtYir, byllJJ ...(. -I- '1. -. 5 ðud . Name(s) ofindividual(s signing document C¡p-u,¿ j1'ß,yAL Public My commission expires: (p ~ I~r - t9ô I I KAROL CLARKE - NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING rMv_Cºi¡\~ission Exp~es ~/5- - (I ~-- Page 2 of2 Nolthwe8t Comer Parcel KD 8 ~ W> . ~ -- «§. ~ l! ~ Centerline 20' Wide Waterline Easement Southwest Comer Parcel KD 8 -E Grantor's Initials I (·G02t30 Lot 1 Diamondville South Subdivision \ IÎ I ~ I III Ii \ '1 \1 1\ 1'1 1.1 III \Î 11.1 III \ ¡I 1·1 I \ I ¡'" pO\0 ~CZ> \\\ '\4+'\ô.'\o ~e'l4 1\\ ~ 5\3. I I I ~.. Parcel KD 8 of the K D Parcels I I Tracts 39 and 41, T21N, R116W '1'1.11 ~ 1/)- Owners - Michael L. and Dana G. Stroud . ;::¡¡¡; Total Length· 857.05 feet or 51.942 rods III ~ g IiI ;;.. ' "11 ~¡ ?o\e~ \., c-... ,\() ~0'l4 \ \ I CI) 5\3. '\1+'2'\' . 11\ I ¡I r'" Centerline 10' Wide I Powerline Easement III f:; (See Detail) Iii ;;t; 1,1 '" I ! I"'.. :: '" E9.Se!t\en\ c). " 1 ? o.¡;,· II~ // S\a. '\9+15.4' ~ \i~e , ?3~ce Lot 2 Diamondville South Subdivision .. \ Co lö~/9 O/, (2. ðo'"",,.... r8~.:"'''~ . "'7O'Þ#1(J S 89"12'28" E, 571.26' Sf;¡. 11+18.42 p Co .O.8./Ea C'4j..~/9~ sef!7ef1t e"J)"J)e ~OÐ.,.. 1'9.... '" I~ E Southeast Comer partel KD 8 N 83"30'33" W, 1747.4ð' Iii /(- ,.//1-.1:;' . ., '.' '}(,st,ng /In/¡ /Dad to De 'mþ/DVr:ld relocated Parcel KD 7 ~ ! 1-1-- Centerline 10' Wide ~: .. ¡ Powerllne Easement I ' Edge Easement . i Detail No Scale This drawing should be used only as a representation of the locations of the easement being conveyed. The exact location of all structures. lines and appurtenances is subject to change within the boundaries of the right of way herein granted. Rev. Date: 11/10/2008 ~~!~~ EVAN8TON. WYONING 906 Main Street Evanst0ll,¡ Yf{ 82930 (30, J 789-454:1 Job No. 08-103 Desc. Jason Bills Exhibit "A II Easement Through Stroud Property Parcel KD 8 of the K D Parcels Tracts 39 and 41, T21N, R116W City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming ~. ....ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DM$ON OF PACFICOAP RW# Scale: 1" = 200' .. ~ ,'. 2101 '. \)'V <9 .~. frQperty Description \. An easement for powerline purposes across Parcel KD 8 of the K D Parcels, City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as said Parcels are laid out on that Record of Survey Map recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk under Receiving Number 922290, being located in Segregated Tract Nos. 39 and 41, Township 21 North, Range 116 West, 6th P.M., said easement being 10.00 feet wide, 5.00 feet each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the Northwest comer of said Parcel KD 8 and running thence S 89"12128" E, ! 134.25 feet along the North line thereof to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 2"34'35" W, 857.05 feet to a point on the South line of said Parcel KD 8 and the POINT OF ENDING of the easement, from which point the Southwest comer thereof bears N 83·30'33" W, 50.02 feet. I Said easement being 857.05 feet or 51.942 rods in length. With the sidelines of the easement beginning and ending on the same lines the centerline begins and ends upon. I.,:, .""..,:'~'" .. ..-.. cO#: WO#: NAME: DRAWN BY: EXHIBIT B PaclftCoro SCALE: SHEET OF I ROW"