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KNOWN BY ALL THESE PRESENTS, That Morris A. Farinella, Trustee for the
Farinella Family Trust dated July 3, 2002, does hereby certify that mortgage bearing the
date of June 13, 2007 made and executed by Star Valley Cheese Corporation, a
Wyoming Corporation, as mortgagor(s) to Morris A. Farinella, as Trustee for the
Farinella Family Trust, or his assigns as mortgagee(s) conveying certain real estate
therein mentioned as security for payment in full as therein stated, which mortgage was
recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deed of Lincoln
County, State of Wyoming, on July 3, 2002 in Book 493PR, Page 607; Amendment to
mortgage recorded March 10,2006 in Book 614PR on page 71; and Notice of Amended
Mortgage recorded March 10, 2006 in Book 614PR, page 75 all in the records of the
Lincoln County Clerk mortgagmg the following described real estate in said County, to
See attached Exhibit "A"
Is, with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied,
released, and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby
release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and
Witness my hand this >-1 H... day of December, 2008
State of ClAL.-J Fe> ¡tN ( A
County of t.-ÞS hNtiB'W59
This Instrument was acknowledged before me on J g,K day of February ,2009
By Morris A. Farinella, Trustee for the Farinella Family Trust dated July 3,2002.
RECEIVED 2/24/2009 at 10:42 AM
RECEIVING # 945516
BOOK: 716 PAGE: 120
Commllllon . 17fMt.,
Notary PublIc . CGllfomIa
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Exhibit A
File 6010817279 Description
The land referred to in this document is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is
described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of
Section 23, Township 34 North, Range 119 West ofthe 6tbP.M., Lincoln County Wyoming, and
running thence West 652.0 feet, more or less, to the East Right of Way of U.S. 89 North Highway,
Thence Southeasterly along said East Right of Way 369.3 feet, more or less, to the North Bank
of the East Side Canal;
Thence along the North Bank of said Canal South 73°13' East, 520 feet, more or less, to the
East boundary of subdivision;
Thence North 476.5 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.
Beginning at a point on the Easterly side of Highway U.S. 89 North, said point being
East 679.84 feet from the Southwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
of Section 23, Township 34 North, Range 119 West, 6tbP.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and
running thence East 470.12 feet to the Westerly side of the county road;
Thence along said Westerly line North 4°26'20" West 450.75 feet to a fence corner;
Thence along a fence South 83°45'50" West, 120.68 feet and South 83°30'10" West, 499.67 feet to a
fence corner on the Easterly side of HighwayU.S. 89 North;
Thence along said Highway South 25°30'20" East 420.76 feet to the point of Beginning.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in QuitClaim Deed recorded January 22,1985 in Book
222PR on page 665 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Special Warranty Deed recorded June 16, 2000 in
Book 447PR on page 314 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded January 16, 2001 in Book
458PR on page 316 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded November 2, 2006 in
Book 639PR on page 135 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded November 21, 2006 in
Book 641PR on page 48 ofthe records ofthe Lincoln County Clerk.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Quit Claim Deed recorded November 1, 2004 in Book
571PR on page 363 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
LESS AND EXCEPT Right of Way for Hokanson Avenue as described on Plat of Survey for the
Town of Thayne of Hokanson Avenue recorded Decemberl6, 2003 in Instrument No. 895989 of the
records of the Lincoln County Clerk.