HomeMy WebLinkAbout945538 j ~',,~ ,--- --- i liu."k"'AA knd lìtJe -C9mpaAY, ' SINCE ,904 í)Oô21. 4 SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the undersigned, ENTERPRISE BANK. N.A. is the Trustee of record on a DEED OF TRUST made by James VarQason and Tamera VarQason, Trustors, to Enterprise Bank, N.A., as Beneficiary on the 24th of June, 2008, and filed of record on Julv 11, 2008, Book No. 699, Page 667 in Mortgage Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the following described real estate, to-wit: é ,,<":'b ,,~$( ('\'d .ì"~- SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" (l NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned, ENTERPRISE BANK N.A. does hereby expressly subordinate the above-described DEED OF TRUST to the lien of the DEED OF TRUST placed upon the real estate in favor of ENTERPRISE BANK in the amount of $119,000. Executed this 18th day of Februarv. 2009. ENTERPRISE BANK N.A. tr'-' ~ (--_ By \. ~ru~D.0~ Wendy Kirk, Asst. Vice President STATE OF NEBRASKA ] ] ss COUNTY OF DOUGLAS On this 18th day of Februarv, 2009, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared WendY Kirk, Asst. Vice President of Enterprise Bank, N.A., Omaha, Nebraska, who acknowledged the execution of this instrument to be hislher voluntary act and deed on behalf of the Enterprise Bank, N.A. ~~N~P~ .J;£NERAl NOTARY-State of Nebraska , BRITTANY M. BESSE .., My Comm. Exp, June 28. 2010 RECEIVED 2/25/2009 at 12: 18 PM RECEIVING # 945538 BOOK: 716 PAGE: 214 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY OOû21.5. ., : I ·1 .~~t~PIš!f\" , ì '. ·O.?9G A tract of land located in the SEU4SW1I4 of Section 1, T 33 N. R. 119 W. 6111 P,M., Lincoln County, Wyomina. beiI! _. ~ desc:ribed .. fòDows: Commcac;"g "'doe NortIrwe.. ""'- of aid Secâon I ood ......8 theaœ S33 09'42' II. 4855.0 feet to the poÎId ofbesimüns , - poÎId OCbcg;nm"g bci.g. W,.,.." S_ hishwaJ U.s. 19....... S....... 1229>32..2; - S 24 41'00' W. 132539 feet...., aid Jùshwoy riFt al'way; theaœ s 24 41 '00' W, \325.39 1....1aQø "'"' highway risht ofWIJ: dJeace N 6S 19W' W. 743. 23 rea; _ N J. 52'29' W, 67.&1 rea; tIIence N 32 24'42' W, 119.34 rea; "- NO 00'00' W. 8OS.63 rea; "- S B9 18'40' II. 1187.95 Øet to · pain¡ .. .... Weat ript-ol'way tine oflfishwa, u. S. 89, - point beiI! Oft. """'........ to ~ W',U"vio¡¡'ndb ofl883.48 feet; ....... -,5.6\ feetaloagdoe... of....1úshwoy ~'--sh. _ angle 0(0 10'14' to the poin¡ ""-' - aIoas. ius fa "'"' '"""- risht of _ S 65 19'00' E, 140.00 teet to the point otbesûmiog. A""", oCIand '-cd Ie the W1I2NEI/4NW1/4 and NWU4SEU4S\VtJ4 of Scaion 12 and SWII<I.mU4SWI/4 ofs...;.", 1, bmh fa T33 N, R 119 W. 6":P.1d.. LIaccIa County, Wyo.,;ns. beIag more JIU1icuIuIy dcoorib.d OS -- Commeø.:&.g ""'" NcnJa.",. c....,. DC said Sectúm; I1IIUJioa S 13 4a27" I\. 6623.47 Øet to · Wycm¡"g _1Iishway nq"."..,. richt..,r- way madter 60 feet left OfBishway U.S, 19 CenterJiDe Station 1203+00; THENCE N 6S 37'31- W, 15.00 feet aloas....tD bway riafu.ct.way jc¡ to the pcim ct'heeiœioe; "IBENœ <oatimUng a10as l!ighway rigI&.ct'_1iœ N 6S ]7'31' W. 25.00 rea; 1IIENCE S 24 41'00" W. 425.1' feet; TImNœ NO 00'00' II. 20]2.72 feet; 'IBENc¡¡ S 3Z 24'4Z"J;, 119.114 feet; DIENcE S I' 52'29' II. 339.11 rea; 1BBNCB S I 04'O!>' II. 344.16; 1'!II!Nœ S I OZSS'II. 261.75 feet THEN'CE S 1257'00· Eo '}J)7.67 ~ 'ffiENœ S81 51'24" E, 40,00 feet; T.BENCE S 8 08'36 "W. 421.42 feu to the point oftJesinnirtg, B£RE.n'lAFTER. REFE1lRED TO AS '"TRACT A"; aad - The SWll4SWII4 aCSetûoo 1 IIDd the WII2NWI/4 ofSccticn 12,011 in T 33 N, R 119 W, 6" :P.M., W!CÐÙII& .........1iIere£um, J.cwew.; bods prcv;.",¡, deeded to the Stale of Wyomin8 for U.S. Highway Number 89 JÏght-of..way. , Abo .....,.;.,g the IòIIowi.a dcoorib.d puœJ, ......: Bog;...;." the Scutbeut Comer of the SWU4NWI/4 of aid Setûoo 12; 11oIIIiog North ...., Nortb-soud, .........;.. of"¡d NWI"'. 1 056 feet; 11mNCE W...!>SO feet; 1BENœ South ] 056 feet... ..... 00 lb. .South IJnc or"", SWl/4NWl/4; 'I1ŒNœ aIoag aaid South.line, East 950 feet to tbc point ofbcginning, liER.EINAFT.ER. REFEIuœn TO AS '"TRAcT Boo, Also F>o:.pting 'Ihet!efra,: AÒy. porti... Df the above described premises herein: The Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE%SW%) of Section 1, T33N, Rll9W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyohling. For inlonnation purposes only, the property address is purported to be: 95987 Highway 89 'l1mync, Wyoming 83127