HomeMy WebLinkAbout945596 NTL-2179 When recorded mail to: SUSAN D. ANDERSON 145 LONESOME DOVE TRAIL ALPINE, WY 83128 RECEIVED 2/27/2009 at 11 :24 AM RECEIVING # 945596 BOOK: 716 PAGE: 423 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ÜO&423 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That I,SUSAN D. ANDERSON have made, constituted and appointed, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint ARDEN C. ANDERSON, MY true and lawful Attorney for ME and in MY name, place and stead and for MY use and benefit: FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXECUTING ALL DOCUMENTS CONNECTED WITH THELOAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 145 LONESOME DOVE TRAIL ALPINE, WY 83128 PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 36 NORTH RANGE 119 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ON THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SECTION 4 AT A POINT WHICH IS WEST 1945. IO FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 4 AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 664.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE NORTH 660.00 FEET TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 4; <./ THENCE NORTH 89° 54' 07" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH BOUNDARY LINE 330.00; THENCE SOUTH 660.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 54' 07" EAST, 330.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING /' e '-! LESS AND EXCEPT LAND CONTAINED IN QUITCLAIM DEED RECORDED AUGUST 22, 1996 IN BOOK 387 PR ON PAGE 258 OF THE RECORDS OF LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. to ask, demand, sue for, recover, collect and receive all such sums of money, debts, dues, accounts, legacies, bequests, interests, dividends, annuities and demands whatsoever, as are now or shall hereafter become due, owing, payable, or belonging to ME, and have, use and take, all lawful ways and means inMY name or otherwise, for the recovery thereof by attachments, arrests, distress or otherwise, and to compromise and agree for the same, and acquittances or other sufficient discharges for the same, for ME and in MY name to make, seal and deliver; to bargain, contract, agree for, purchase, receive and take lands, tenements, hereditaments and accept the seizing and possession of all lands, and all deeds and other assurances in the law thereof; and to lease, let, demise, bargain, sell, remise, release, convey, mortgage and hypothecate, lands tenements and hereditaments, upon such tenns and conditions and under such covenants asHE shall think fit. Also to bargain and agree for, buy, sell mortgage, hypothecate, and in any and every way and manner deal in and with goods, wares and merchandise, chooses in action, and other property in possession or in action, and to make, do and transact all and evelY kind of business of what nature or kind soever, and also forME and in MY name and as MY act and deed, to sign, seal, execute, deliver and acknowledge such deeds, covenants, indentures, agreements, mortgages, hypothecations, bottomries, charter parties, bills of lading, bills, bonds, notes, receipts,\ evidences of debt, releases and satisfaction of mortgage, judgment and other debts,and such other instruments in writing of whatever kind and nature as may be necessary or proper in the premises. GIVING AND GRANTING unto ARDEN C. ANDERSON said Attorney full power and authority to do and perfonn aU and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present, and I/WE am hereby ratifYing and confinning all thatMY said Attorney, ARDEN C. ANDERSON shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents. I also acknowledge that this Power of Attorney is not affected by subsequent disability or incapacity of the Principal. /...__~ WITNESS WH~ERE~O.E' ha~e hereunto/set hand and seal. I .'.! '" . ", . / /. .:«. ¡¿ ./;Jl!: / /., /~ " p.y USAN D. ANDERSON State of Wyoming } County of LINCOLN } ss: On FEBRUARY 19,2009, personally appealed before me SUSAN D. ANDERSON who duly acknowledged to me that SHE executed the same. ..---. Dyanna Parker . Notary Public county of . state of Uncoln Wyoming My comml8llon June 29, 2011 ". " . . , ~i,'·~ \(>._"'\1\ (\,L \--¿ 1,--l Nmary~j&c ----