HomeMy WebLinkAbout945643 Recorded at the Request of John R. Madsen, Esq. Ray Quinney & Nebeker P.C. 36 South State Street, Suite 1400 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Mail Tax Notice to: Roderick A. Stookey 36 West Vine Street Grantsville, UT 84029 RECEIVED 3/2/2009 at 3:24 PM RECEIVING # 945643 BOOK: 716 PAGE: 542 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ûOú542 S ace above for Count Recorder's use Lincoln County. Geo Pin #12-3219-20-4-00-255.00 EXECUTOR'S DEED (Estate of Clark Scott Stookey, Wvominq Ancillary Probate No. 2008-02-DC) Roderick A. Stookey aka Roderick Ajax Stookey, as Executor (Personal Representative) of the Estate of Clark Scott Stookey aka the Estate of Clark S. Stookey, such appointment evidenced by Order Admitting Will to Ancillary Probate and Appointing Executor and Letters Testamentary dated January 25, 2008, Third Judicial District Court of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, Ancillary Probate No. 2008-02-DC, Grantor, of 36 West Vine Street, Grantsville, Utah 84029, Pursuant to Order Approving Final Report and Accounting, Decree of Distribution and Application for Allowance of Attorneys' Fees and Costs entered by the Court in the above- referenced Estate on October 28, 2008, a copy of such Order being attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and recorded together herewith, hereby TRANSFERS AND CONVEYS to Roderick Ajax Stookey and David Gray Stookey, in equal shares, as tenants in common, Grantees, of 36 West Vine Street, Grantsville, Utah 84029 (Roderick Ajax Stookey) and P.O. Box 25, Pacifica, Washington 98047 (David Gray Stookey), respectively, for the sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the following described tract of land in Lincoln County, Wyoming: See Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. WITNESS the hand of said Grantor, this // day of ~ ' 20a£. ESTATE OF CLARK SCOTT STOOKEY (AKA ESTATE OF CLARK S. STOOKEY) By: Roderick A. Stookey aka Roderick Ajax Stookey Its: Executor (Personal Representative) [SIGNATURE NOTARIZED ON NEXT PAGE] 989949v3 STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF --Too.¿ l.e- ) : ss. ) úOii543 On the ! tb day of l)-eeeJV\Þe.Jì' ,20J?.[, before me, Änn¿ T. 0o,'n.$;; I personally appeared Roderick A. Stookey aka Roderick Ajax Stookey, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. ~/J1IJ1JU d). 4~~ Notary Public ..--...........---.---, Notary Public I/,. .~~ ANNE I GOINS I I ~ " ¡;j, '~ Commission '574860 I ...., ....li My Commission Expires I ""..~ July 1 2012 I . '..,.. State of Utah 1.__________.1 2 Exhibit A ÜOú544 All of the right, title and interest of Clark Scott Stookey aka Clark S. Stookey, deceased, (constituting an undivided one-third (1/3) interest in certain real property owned by decedent together with Roderick Ajax Stookey and David Gray Stookey), together with any and all improvements thereon, easements and other appurtenances, mineral rights, leases, permits, water rights (ground surface, reservoir, and stockwater), growing and/or harvested crops, livestock and/or brands, and fixtures of a permanent nature and any other personal property currently on the premises, in their present condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, in and to the following Real Property: SW1/4SE1/4 and Lot 4 of Section 20; SW1/4SW1/4, NE1/4SW1/4, the North 10 rods of the SE1/4SW1/4 (being the north 5 acres), W1/2SE1/4 and the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 21; SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 22, all in Township 32 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOllOWING DESCRIBED LAND: The North 10 rods of the SW 1 /4SW 1 /4 of Section 22 (being the north 5 acres) and the North 10 roads of the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 21 (being the north 5 acres), all in Township 32 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. AND ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND: A portion of the property referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 136PR, on Page 138, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 21 and the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 22, T32N, R119W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the Metes and Bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the B.l.M. type Monument found marking the Paul N. Scherbel (RLS 164) 1979 location for the Southeast Corner of said SE1/4SE1/4; thence S89°12'58"W, along the South line of said SE1/4SE1/4, 1,316.75 feet to the Spike marking the Paul N. Scherbel (RlS 164) 1979 location for the Southwest Corner of said SE1/4SE1/4; thence No011'02"E, along the West line of said SE1/4SE1/4, 1,158.63 feet to the Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe marking the Southwest corner of the Nield property as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 116PR, Page 501, with said Office, within said SE1/4SE1/4; thence N89°22'46"E, along the South line of said Nield property 1,318.79 feet to the Cotton Gin Spike set marking a point in the West line of said SW1/4SW1/4; thence N89°51'15"E, along the South line of said Nield property, within said SW1/4SW1/4, 1,342.18 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe set marking a point in the East line of said SW1/4SW1/4; thence Soo09'11 "W, along said East line, 1,155.02 feet to the B.L.M. type Monument set marking the Lloyd B. Baker (PE/LS 698) 2002 location for the Southeast Corner of said SW1/4SW1/4; thence S89°51'35"W, along the South line of said SW1/4SW1/4, 1,344.90 feet, to the Point of Beginning. 3 FILE D tJ;'ð~(O}' ArT 'J Ç' .-....,-, v (_., Geoffrey J. Phillips, Esq. 00v545 JAMES E. PHILLIPS, P.C. 822 Main Street P.O. Box 770 Evanston, Wyoming 82931-0770 Telephone: (307) 789-9370 Attorneys for Personal Representative KENNETH D. >::r- F:~-:-::';'3 CLERK,)¡::D:~';:··:"~.·; ~:,..I;. r 3rd .IUD"~;'·\· :. :,'" -":-: LINCOLN COL':-"';, .- John R. Madsen, Esq. (Wyoming Bar No. 5-2373) RAY QUINNEY & NEBEKER P.C. 36 South State Street, Suite 1400 P.O. Box 45385 Salt Lake City, Utah 84145-0385 Telephone: (801) 532-1500 Attorneys for Personal Representative CLARK S. STOOKEY, I I I I I IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF LI~COLN COUNTY I I I I I I I ORDER APPROW¡ ING FINAL REPORT AND ACCOUNT NG, DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION AND APPLICATION FOR ALLOWANCE OF ATTORNEYS' FEES AND COSTS I I I I I I Probate No. 200B-02-DC I I Judge: Dennis Sknderson I STATE OF WYOMING IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DECEASED. I NOW on th~ay ~w , 2~¡he above-captioned matter comes on for hearing before the Court on its regular order, on the Final Report, I I I I I I I I I I OOû546 Accounting and Petition for Distribution and Application for Allowance of Attorneys' Fees and Costs ("Final Report") as presented to the Court at this time on behalf of the Personal Representative of the Estate, and the Court, having examined said Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution and Application for Allowance of Attorneys' Fees and Costs, the Court finds that it has full and complete jurisdiction over the subject matter and all interested parties, and therefore this matter ought to proceed on to final hearing and determination on the merits. THIS MATTER proceeding on to final hearing and determination, the Court specifically finds that each and all of the statements made in the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution and Application for Allowance of Attorneys' Fees and Costs are true and correct and are approved, that the conduct of the Personal Representative in the administration of the Estate as reflected in the Report is in accordance with law and the prior orders of this Court, that the administration of the Estate in the State of Wyoming is fully and finally concluded and that the Estate is ready for distribution and that, therefore, order ought to be entered at this time fully and finally approving, ratifying and confirming the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution and Application for Allowance of Attorneys' Fees and Costs, and all doings of the Personal Representative in the premises, and decree ought to be entered providing for the full and final distribution of this Wyoming Estate, and the closing thereof. 2 úOú547 I IT IS, THEf1EFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: 1. Thatithe Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution and Application for Allqwance of Attorneys' Fees and Costs be, and the same hereby is, fully I and finally ratified,: confirmed and approved, and all of the doings of the Personal Representative in the premises be, and the same hereby are fully and finally approved. 2. That; no Wyoming assets having been heretofore distributed by the I Personal Representative, the Personal Representative shall proceed to make final distribution of all Wyoming assets of this Estate as follows: All of Decedent's right, title and interest in and to the real property located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, described in the Inventory filed together with the Final Report and further described in Exhibit A attached hereto ("Real Property"), be distributed directly to Roderick A. (Ajax) Stookey and David G. (Gray) Stookey, as equal tenants in common, in accordance with the Final Report and the terms of the Real Estate Purchase Contract entered into between Rhonda J. Parsons and Rachel Parsons (each as a "Seller" and together as "Sellers") and Roderick A. (Ajax) Stookey and David G. (Gray) Stookey (each a "Purchaser" and together as "Purchasers"), with such Real Estate Purchase Contract attached hereto as Exhibit B. In making such distribution, the Personal Representative shall execute and deliver such legal instruments, including for example a Personal Representative's Deed, as shall be necessary or appropriate to effectuate said distribution. 3 000548 3. That the costs and fees allowed to the attorneys for the Estate as set forth in the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution and Application for Allowance of Attorneys' Fees and Costs, pursuant to W.S. Section 2-7804(a), shall be paid by the Personal Representative prior to the closing of the Estate as described in the Attorneys' Fee Affidavit filed with the Court, plus such additional fees and costs as may be necessary to complete and close the administration of the Estate in Wyoming. 4. That when the Personal Representative has completed the distribution of all Wyoming Estate assets, as ordered herein, with all documentation necessary with respect t r to, the Personal Representative shall file with the Court his Petition for DATED: od-o lø~(" , 20,Qß 989851v2 STATE OF WYOMING 1 COUNTY OF UNCOLN 55. I, Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third Judicial District Court within and foresald county and in ~t)e St;:,,::e of foresaid, do hereby certify ~i':':: ;:y-,üjng to be a full, true, ðnd com¡:;\·: ... SIGNED(Œ'V,~~l(.~~n'lð 4 ÜO&549 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF REAL PROPERTY All of Decedent's right, title and interest (constituting an undivided one-third (1/3) interest), together with Roderick A. (Ajax) Stookey and David G. (Gray) Stookey, together with any and all improvements thereon, easements and other appurtenances, mineral rights, leases, permits, water rights (ground surface, reservoir, and stockwater), growing and/or harvested crops, livestock and/or brands, and fixtures of a permanent nature and any other personal property currently on the premises, in their present condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, in and to the following Real Property: SW1/4SE1/4 and Lot 4 of Section 20; SW1/4SW1/4, NE1/4SW1/4, the North 10 rods of the SE1/4SW1/4 (being the north 5 acres), W1/2SE1/4 and the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 21; SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 22, all in Township 32 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND: The North 10 rods of the SW 1 /4SW 1 /4 of Section 22 (being the north 5 acres) and the North 10 roads of the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 21 (being the north 5 acres), all in Township 32 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. AND ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND: A portion of the property referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 136PR, on Page 138, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 21 and the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 22, T32N, R119W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the Metes and Bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the B.L.M. type Monument found marking the Paul N. ScherbeI (RLS 164) 1979 location for the Southeast Corner of said SE1/4SE1/4; thence S89°12'58'W, along the South line of said SE1/4SE1/4, 1,316.75 feet to the Spike marking the Paul N. Scherbel (RLS 164) 1979 location for the Southwest Corner of said SE1/4SE1/4; thence Noo11'02"E, along the West line of said SE1/4SE1/4, 1,158.63 feet to the Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe marking the Southwest corner of the Nield property as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 116PR, Page 501, with said Office, within said SE1/4SE1/4; thence N89°22'46"E, along the South line of said Nield property 1 ,318.79 5 ÜOv5S0 feet to the Cotton Gin Spike set marking a point in the West line of said SW1/4SW1/4; thence N89°51 '15"E, along the South line of said Nield property, within said SW1/4SW1/4, 1,342.18 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe set marking a point in the East line of said SW1/4SW1/4; thence Soo09'11 "W, along said East line, 1,155.02 feet to the B.L.M. type Monument set marking the Lloyd B. Baker (PE/LS 698) 2002 location for the Southeast Corner of said SW1/4SW1/4; thence S89°51'35'W, along the South line of said SW1/4SW1/4, 1,344.90 feet, to the Point of Beginning. 6 EXHIBIT B REAL ESTATE PURCHASE CONTRACT (See Attached) 7 ûO&5S1 REAL ESTATE PURCHASE CONTRACT 000552 THIS REAL ESTATE PURCHASE CONTRACT ("Contract") is made and entered into effective as of August 1, 2008, by and between Roderick Ajax Stookey and David Gray Stookey (each a "Purchaser" and together "Purchasers"), and Rhonda J. Parsons and Rachel Parsons (each a "Seller" and together "Sellers"). RECITALS A. In accordance with the report issued by Rocky Mountain Title Insurance Agency dated April 1, 2008, Order A7432, the real property described in such report attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, together with any and all improvements thereon, easements and other appurtenances, mineral rights, leases, permits, water rights (ground surface, reservoir, and stockwater), growing and/or harvested crops, livestock and/or brands, and fixtures of a permanent nature and any other personal property currently on the premises, in their present condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted (the "Real Property"), is owned of record by David Gray Stookey, Roderick Ajax Stookey and Clark Scott Stookey, to share and share alike (determined by the Executor of the Estate of Clark Scott Stookey to mean as "equal tenants in common"). B. Clark Scott Stookey passed away on February 1, 2005. The Estate of Clark Scott Stookey is being administered in the State of Wyoming as Probate Number 2008-02-DC in the Third Judicial District Court of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming. C. Roderick Ajax Stookey was appointed by the Wyoming Third Judicial District Court as Executor (Personal Representative) of the Wyoming Estate of Clark Scott Stookey on January 25, 2008, as evidenced by Letters Testamentary issued by the Wyoming Court. D. As Executor of the Estate of Clark Scott Stookey ("Decedent"), Roderick Ajax Stookey has, or will petition the Wyoming Court to authorize the distribution of Decedent's undivided one-third interest in the Real Property directly to David Gray Stookey and Roderick Ajax Stookey, in equal shares. as tenants in common, subject to approval of such transfer by the Court and the Court's issuance of an order approving such transfer. E. The parties intend that the closing of this purchase and sale take place upon the issuance by the Court of the above-described order. 1 AGREEMENT OOô553 In consideration of the recitals listed above, and of the terms and mutual covenants set forth below, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which the parties hereby acknowledge, the parties hereby agree: 1. PURCHASE AND SALE. Purchasers hereby agree to purchase from Sellers all of Sellers' right, title and interest in and to the Real Property. Under the Last Will and Testament of Clark Scott Stookey dated August 22, 1995, Second Codicil dated December 18, 2003, Sellers, together, are to receive twenty-five percent (25%) of Decedent's one-third (1/3) interest in the Real Property. Therefore, all of Sellers' right, title and interest in and to the Real property constitutes an aggregate one-twelfth (1/12) interest in the Real Property (the "Interest"). The parties agree to treat the purchase and sale for income tax purposes consistent with this Contract. Therefore, the purchase and sale of the Interest shall be treated for income tax purposes as a purchase and sale of the Interest between Purchasers and Sellers, and not as a sale of the Interest by the Estate of Clark S. Stookey to Purchasers. 2. PURCHASE PRICE. The aggregate Purchase Price to be paid by Purchasers to Sellers in exchange for the Interest is Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000), with Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) to be paid by Purchasers to each Seller. As stated in the Petition for Ancillary Probate of Will and Appointment of Executor, paragraph 9, filed with the Wyoming Court on January 17, 2008, Roderick Ajax Stookey, as Executor of Decedent's Estate, determined that Decedent's one-third (1/3) undivided interest in the Real Property has a value of $240,000. Therefore, Sellers' combined interest in such value has been determined as such stated value multiplied by Sellers' aggregate 25% undivided interest in Decedent's Wyoming Real Property ($60,000 = $240,000 x 25%). The Purchase Price shall be paid by Purchasers to Sellers at Closing in cash, certified or banker's check, wire transfer or other form of payment acceptable to Sellers. 3. CLOSING. Except as may be postponed under Section 4, closing shall take place within forty-five (45) days after the Wyoming Court issues its order approving this Real Estate Purchase Contract, at a time and place as mutually agreed upon by the parties ("Closing"). All closing costs shall be paid by the Estate of Clark Scott Stookey. 4. TITLE. Title to Decedent's interest in the Real Property shall be conveyed directly to David "Gray Stookey and Roderick Ajax Stookey, as equal tenants in common, without first being distributed to or titled in the name of Sellers. Sellers hereby release and waive any and all homestead rights, if any, in the Real Property. Title is subject to general taxes for the year of closing, local improvement districts, guaranteed revenues to utility companies, building and zoning regulations, city, county and state. subdivision and zoning laws, easements, restrictive covenants, and reservations of record. Except as stated above in this Section 4, if title is not merchantable or otherwise recordable and written notice of such defects in title is given by Purchasers to Sellers within thirty (30) days of the date the Wyoming Court issues its order approving 2 úOú554 this Contract, and shall not be rendered merchantable within thirty (30) days after such written notice, then this Contract, at Purchasers' option, may be specifically enforced or may be declared void and of no effect, and each party hereto shall be released from all obligations hereunder and any payments made hereunder shall be thereupon returned forthwith to Purchasers; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in lieu of correcting such defects, Sellers may, within said thirty (30) days, obtain a commitment for Owner's title insurance policy in the amount of the Purchase Price reflecting title insurance protection in regard to such defects, and Purchasers may elect to accept the then existing title . insurance in lieu of such merchantable title, in which case Purchasers shall be deemed to have waived such defect. If required, the Decedent's Estate shall pay the full premium for such Owner's title insurance policy. 5. CONDITION OF REAL PROPERTY. Each Purchaser, as a current owner together with Decedent of an undivided interest in the Real Property, is familiar with the Real Property and accepts the Interest purchased hereby and such undivided portion of the Real Property purchased in its present, "as is, where is" condition without any implied or express warranty by Sellers to Purchasers. Sellers represent and warrant to Purchasers that to Sellers' knowledge, there are no known violations of applicable city, county and/or state subdivision, zoning, building and/or public health codes, ordinances, laws, rules and regulations and any recorded covenants in force and effect as of Closing; provided, it is understood by the parties that Sellers have limited knowledge of the condition of the Real Property. Purchasers acknowledge that they are not relying upon any representation(s) of Sellers as to any condition which Purchasers deem to be material to Purchasers' decision to purchase the Real Property. 6. INSPECTIONS. Purchasers may at their option obtain such electrical, mechanical, structural, environmental and/or other inspections of the Real Property by qualified professional inspectors and/or engineers as Purchasers deem necessary. The cost of any such inspections shall be paid by Decedent's Estate. If any repairs or other remedial action is required or advised pursuant to any such inspection, then the cost of such repairs or remedial action shall be paid one-third (1/3) by Decedent's Estate and one-third (1/3) by each Purchaser, in accordance with such parties' present undivided ownership interests in the Real Property. 7. RISK OF LOSS. Risk of loss with respect to the Interest shall remain with Decedent's Estate until delivery of a Personal Representative's Deed from the Executor transferring title of the Interest from Decedent's Estate to Purchasers. In the event the Real Property is damaged by fire or other casualty prior to Closing, in an amount of not more than 10% of the total Purchase Price, Decedent's Estate shall be obligated to repair the same before the date herein provided for delivery of said Personal Representative's D.eed. In the event such damage cannot be repaired within-said time - or if such damage shall exceed such sum, this Contract shall be voidable at the option of Purchasers. Should Purchasers elect to carry out this Contract despite any such damage, then Purchasers shall be entitled to any and all insurance proceeds resulting from such damage. 3 ÜOû555 8. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. Time is of the essence hereof, and any party who fails to tender any payment, or perform any other condition hereof as herein provided, shall be in default of this Contract. In the event of default, the non-defaulting party may elect to either treat this Contract as breached and recover such damages as may be proper, or may treat this Contract as being in full force and effect and require specific performance of the terns hereof. This provision shall not limit any other remedies to which the parties may otherwise be entitled. 9. MISCELLANEOUS. a. Bindinq Aqreement; Assiqnment. This Contract is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the parties and their respective permitted successors and assigns; provided that no rights hereunder may be assigned by a party without the written consent of all of the other parties. b. Governinq Law. The validity, interpretation, performance and enforcement of this Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Wyoming, without reference to principles governing choice or conflicts of laws. c. Attorneys' Fees. In the event that any party shall become in default or breach of any of the terms of this Contract, such defaulting or breaching party shall pay all reasonable attorneys' fees and other expenses which the non-breaching, or non- defaulting party may incur in enforcing this Contract with or without formal proceedings. d. Counterparts: Siqnature. This Contract may be executed by the parties hereto on any number of separate counterparts, and all such counterparts so executed constitute one agreement binding on all the parties notwithstanding that all the parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. Further, any signature sent by facsimile or e-mail on any counterpart of this Agreement shall be deemed to be an original signature for all purposes and shall fully bind the party whose facsimile or e-mail signature appears on the counterpart. e. Entire Aqreement. All prior representations made in the negotiations of this purchase and sale have been incorporated herein, and there are no oral agreements or representations between or among any parties hereto to modify the terms and conditions of this Contract. THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT, CONSULT LEGAL OR OTHER COUNSEL BEFORE SIGNING. 4 ûOii556 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. PURCHASERS: ~A~ David Gray Stookey ~ SELLERS: ~:¡fL.Þ~) Rhonda J. Parso.ris I / 1/ i:4iJ<&- Rachel Pa sons APPROVED, ESTATE OF CLARK SCOTT STOOKEY By: c ;{c Roderick Ajax Stookey Executor Its: 981738v5 5 EXHIBIT A (See Attached Report by Rocky Mountain Title Insurance Agency) 6 ûOú557 Rqcky ¡Mpu~tàlil Tilt~'It)$,Wêl.npe, Agency PO BQX 1042 110Ö .pine Ävenue -Suitè 2A K~Jìimefe'(VVY 8310'1 00v558 ThëRocky Mountqin Tltl~'hl$µr$nc..E} Ä9.e.ncy o.f ¡Jncoln CQUnty, .~ lioel1sE}d,title GOff\pany DerebY ~tå.te~ that tne· fÓIlÖWihgìt1fQrtrÜ~.tiòil hä$ p.sen oÞh:1ined frQm 9, cäreful search of th~ record€¡ in thl:? office of the County Çlerkand the Couh'ty Treasurer as to the following. to-wit: I-eg~[ ,pesc:riptibp:· $W1J4S~114 and ÞotAof..$ªction\2p;·SW114$W114, NE114SW1I4,. the· North 10 rods pf Ùiè,:SE114"SVV1l4 (bèing tlqe. ïiörth '5ti¢r~$.J¡W1i2$.Ë1'¡4 ªf\d the SE114$~114 of S'eçtìoll .21-; SW1i4$W1/4' of Sectiöh 22, aU in Township 32 Nö.rth, Range 119 West of the 6lh P:M., Lincoln County, WyomIng LSSSANDËXCEPTTHE FqþLO'WING DE$CR1BEQ:LAND: The Nörth. to rods' of thêsW1/4SW1l4 of Section 22 (beIng the north 5 acre~) and the N.orth 1 0 rQd$of·th,~':$"E1J4S61/4 of $ection 21' (þeing the nôrttd5;:1crE}!,;), alnn Township 32North, Rangé11'9Wë'$föfthé6Ihþ.ii~t, Lincoln COWrïty, Wyoming ANQ ALSO LESSANlJ EX.~'E,P't THE FOLLOWING DI;.SCR1BED l:.fJ.ND: A .portion of the prG>p~rty ref(;¡rred to in the De~d recÇ>rded' in Bpok 13l)ÞR¡ on ;page 138, with the Offjceoftþ'$. QI~rk öf 'J,J.l1coln. .é,Ql,Jnty, Wyoming', wfth.i,nfhe $E114SE114. of Section 21 ahd theSWlf4'$W1/4, öf ,sectiön 22, T32N I R119W¡ of tbe6~h P.M., UnG.oln County, WyotnínQ, the Møte;3~nâ Bound~ being more,particuI9rly, desçribed as follows: 8ËGINNING at the:B;LJv1; type,Monumentfoundmarkihg the Paul N.Scherbel (RLS '1Q4j 1979. location ,fQrthe$oPth:e~st b'orner oL$aid ,SE1/4$E,1I4;~th~nceS89ò12'5'8"W, along the Squthlineofsaid SE114SE11.4¡ 1,316)75 feet 'to th$ SpIke: marking the Paul N. m$Qtferbel'(R,~S164) 1.'S79:iocatior't;fodhe South)w.e~t'çQrnerorsaiâ SE114.$B1/4; then<:;e ;Noo 11'02"6, äiongt1'rè: Wêl;tlltìé of' said, SE:lI4S'E1i4. 1..1-~8. P;HèèttØ tt1èAIµrrîinum Gap on an Iron P,ipe 'marking. the Sóutl1iw¢stëörner öf tMe Nield 'þføpertya~ ,referred to in the De¢d reco.r.dêd in Böþk Ü$'PR, P~'9~ 501, w.ith $~ip, ,Qffk~E¡j,\, wJthitl sa,içt ßË:1/4SE1/4; thehcê' N89~22'4a·E¡ aJóf,t9 théSòuth ' j1'1è þf said Meld;pto.þätty' 1,318.79 feet to the' CpttOJ:l éin $'þik~ set I1lé':!tkÎng a poiot in the W~~t IìnePf s~içr :S.W1/4$W1/4¡then.ce N89Ø51'15"!::1 along the $outh Hne of said Nield ÞrÇi,þerty,withill $aiçt 'SW1/4SW1/4, 1,342.18 feet to an AluminUm Cäp on an IrOil Pipe ,setrtrarl<ing ä point in,thê East Une of saia SW114$W1/4; {h~nce$o¡,o..ã'j;,i;'W, alo[19sai¢ ~asHne', i,1$5.Ö2,feetto the B.L.M. type Mohument set m~:rkjDg: thè~ioyð'8,8aker (PE/LS6S8j 2002 løcation for the $(;,)utheast Cornerdf",saioSW114SW1f4; thence S89D51'35"W¡ ,åloi1¡¡j the South line Of said SW1/4SW114, 1 ,344,fJ'0' feet, to the PÖÎntof Beginning . Aþ'þâre.nt RecordSurfaceOWlier: Dayid Gray Stookey, RoderiçkAj~xStool<ey and Clark.Sço~t $toqkey í o· $hareand sharealÎ.l<e Unsatisfied MQrtg;1:gesanQ; Ot~er Liens: I ') _._~...-.~_.- ....- ...... . ..,.., ...",..",... .".. .,.. None of Record Re.al Estate Taxes: ûOû559 2007 taxes (TaX: ID# ~219~Ö40Q25'!)OO) are,paiq ill the àmour'¡t of $430.58. 2Q08 taxes .are not yefdu$ o¡"payablè,bÚt à'te e.stîinateq în theaihöuntbf $ This se.arc~l is mc¡de solely for theHbenefit of BtYao'Bassett, 8.ay'Quìnney & Nebe~er,ÞC. 3$ south Stf.'it¡;) $tt~ßt,t Suîte 1<4QO, , $$ltLake CUy, UT 84111' for the purpOse of assisting jllac!ete~mjnatioi1 of the ~pþa'reht oWnërshiÞ. ,of the IMç!~ lnvó,lved~ PROVIDED, HOWI3lER, ¡tf:¡ç)Í no ex~rnjnàtíon:'ha~ pe,eo;made: relatìng to lode or placer m1hing cláÍJns, owfìèrship br title to tbe miner¡¡Ü fnt~fes~,€!à$e.ments: a~~:! ,patel'll r~servatiOÌls. We Ø:$sµme nò H~þjl,ityir1 cònnectiöii' With this $~ârch~nq wnl.)~pt,be' respon~lþl~ f<;>r èrrOf$ iproml$.siot)s, hèr~:rI1' T,h~ fn~t~urnen':ts 'feferr:èdtQ" if.any, ,have not been eX3m!l1ed, to â~t~tmine :tbêi~¡legaJ sûff¡øié,t\'~Y a'nt1 this i$ OQlto',be P9IJ~~(µ~g tQ c.Q.t1stitute a t!tlø' ,opip!qn, !o9r '~fJuå'r'åntybf title. The tharg~ for tñís,s~rvjçé is $100.00, and will riólinClü<:ie' sUþ.þlemental reports; 'recnecks orotMer services, Qated thjs f·l day,of April, 20M. Order A7432