HomeMy WebLinkAbout945660 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN TERMINATION AFFIDAVIT i i ¡ i , ) )55. ) ûOû630 WE, James D. McMurdo, Matthew W. McMu~do, and Misty L. McMurdo being of lawful age and duly sworn according to the law, and Heidi B. McMurdo, being a minor and in the custody and guardianship of Matthew W. McMurdo, her brother, upon oath depose and say: ' I I 1. That Grover B. McMurdo was our grandfather. He passed away on I October 9,2003; Cary Lynn McMurdo was our father, who passed away on January I 12, 2009; April Willmeto McMurdo was our mother, Who passed away on January 4, 2009. A certified copy of the Death Certificates of each are attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A"; "B" and "C" respectively; 2. That by certain Lincoln County, Wyoming,i Certificate of Title No. 0523-97595, Grover B. McMurdo and C. Lynn McMurdo owned a 1999 GMC Pickup, VIN 1 GTGK29U9XZ533982, a copy attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit "0"; ! 3. That by certain Lincoln County, Wyoming,l Certificate of Title No. 12-0218711, Lynn or April McMurdo owned a 2004 ~MC Yukon SUV, VIN 1GKEK13Z54J144485, a copy attached and made a; part hereof as Exhibit "E". 4. That there is no probate in effect for the Estate of Grover B. McMurdo, Cary Lynn McMurdo or April Willmeto McMurdo and that we, James D. McMurdo, Matthew W, McMurdo, Misty L. McMurdo and Heidi B. McMurpo are the legal owners of said property by the fact thatwe are their only surviving cpildren and grandchildren at the time of their deaths, which is more than 30 days past; 5. The funeral and burial expenses of April Willmeto McMurdo and Cary Lynn McMurdo are unpaid, as shown by Exhibit "F", attach~d and made a part hereof. The 1999 GMC Pickup shall be payment to satisfy this oQligation; , 6. The value of these vehicles are far less th,an $150,000.00, as shown by Kelly Blue Book, attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "G". The 2004 GMC Yukon has an unpaid debt with GMAC Financing of approximately the value of the vehicle; 7. We are requesting that a new title be issued for the 1999 GMC Pickup in the name of Lee Schwab of Afton, Wyoming, and a nbw title be issued for the 2004 GMC Yukon in the name of James D. McMurdo. The new titles can be sent to: James D. McMurdo P.O. Box 646; Afton, WY 83110 RECEIVED 3/3/2009 at 3:24 PM RECEIVING # 945660 BOOK: 716 PAGE: 630 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY TERMINATION AFFIDAVIT McMurdo Page 1 of3 ûOû63j. 8. Affiant sayeth not further. DATED this tl.4t1 day of /1J1f1,,1/ ~ -a ~~ Jj) 7nr ~ <lh1~7 if JAMES D. McMURDO .M~~ïCff L--LÅ'U1 Me M {/¡,Jed(J-1 ~". JI1~ l-Ü1ffiv tt~·~ MISTY L. McMURDO ,2009. ~V~ MATTHEW W. McMURDO ~yj[tl ff\c)J\f\lWOO HEIDI B. McMURDO SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me; a Notary Public in and for the State and County above mentioned, personally by James D. McMurdo in my presence this J- 1 day of _(-cb r- 1A.-t..-1^""! 2009. ' \ WITNESS my hand and official seal. MARGE BAllS COUNTY OF LINCOLN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 25, 2010 NOTARY PUBLIC . STATE OF WYOMING .\~tJ~ NOTA y' UBLlC My Commission Expires: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me; a Notary. Public in and for the State and County above mentioned, personally by Matthew W. McMurdo in my presence this,..;/t1I day of ~(Yh /('!l-A ,2009. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ON NIMMo WINE.~. '. NOlary Public eounty of ' '" 51 t f LIncoln' a e 0 . Wy mlng My CommIssion expires d "I. , /Z ) .~ . (/ . V!~ n~m~ \1 ~l{M Ç>TARY PUBLIC , My Commission Expires:0Š-t ~¡'I../ð II TERMINATION AFFIDAVIT McMurdo Page 2 of 3 , STATE OF ¿;..:;-r If\.' n CI- ) r} )SS. COUNTY OF "1'1100 lù ) ûO&632 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above mentioned, personally b~, isty L. McMurdo in my presence Ll this ~g-th day of 1e.hrVd..f;j 2009. J~a ((\.~ f;¡ ~ir.J .J líI~mv¡"do ~II , éJ,}qð !Y\ì'Q d hiM) tfe.?(\-.Q. ì'" ...M I I WITNESS my hand and official seal. , 7 ROD R. JENSEN NOTARY PUBUC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EX1'IIIE8 OCTOBER 31, 2012 STATE OF WL.. rrMl""r ) I ) SS. COUNTY OF L,",c.d~ ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me" a Notary Public in and for the State and County above mentioned, personally by Heidi B. McMurdo in my presence this ,).l day of F "brk- I. 1'-7 ' 2009. WITNESS my hand and official seal. MARGE BALLS NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY. OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION !!XPIR¡¡S MAY 26, 20W VV\ û\..{" .(J ~. NOTAAY ~UBLlC My Commission Expires: TERMINATION AFFIDAVIT McMurdo Page 3 of 3 ûOù633 ~ I I I I I I I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ¡ Iii .~ I ~ EXHIBIT "A" 000634 EXHIBIT "B" 000635 EXHIBIT "C" OOó636 / , O)~~ - q WYOMING ' TITrÉ NUMBEfí 7~'S' '12-0192571 OFFICE-OF COUNTY CLERK LINCOLN COUNTY 1<E~1,~1ERER, \¡OIV FEE 6.00 DATE ISSUED 9/09/99 .CERTIFICATE OF TITllE ",' , VEHICLE 1DENl:!FIC""pgN, NO.>", '! BODY, ~T,YLE' '. " . - -.. . I ~~:..~"":.. ._.. ...'.' ". ,. -.. - .'". -: _ _. . .;:t·--', 1'" .. . .- .... - . i1 äTŒ<~9U9XZ.$g~~'è2J ,PI1.·, :,,;,':; .PRIORtTITl,f;.'.NO, j I ,',. J" "'. ' ~ '. ~~,..I I..R .T'" .,':, 1'- , : EXHIBIT "D'I' ûOú637 re "\ " , . . .,' WYOMING' OFFICE OF COUNTY CL.ERK LINCOU; COUNTY ,.,~rWl ¡ LINCOLN ¡COUNTY CLERK TITt.$:N\.Ì~~~R Ü..œ18'111 PAGE 01/01 01/22/2009 10:25 13078773101 I PEl? $9.00 DATE ISSUED ~/4I~ " 1\'iJ}:"(¡1¡¡lJtii:~· !i:, ,,;t."mil!~':;h~li'J' ';.;J,¿, ìi)ìil'-:" '{¡dl;i~, "'. "..: "J",c.J'" ~~\'__" MAI<E VEM CERTIFICATE OF TITLE . VF.HICI.E ID¡;:NTIFICATION NO. . BODV GTV~E GMC 2004 1 GK'EK.13ZS4Jl44485 urt.Þ xx FACïOlW PRICE STATE PRIOR TITLË NO. SELLI<R ODOM¡;:UR $32,g49 MSO .:\&A WACKERU IDAHO 1. ID 50 PURCH. DATE 2/Z7/2004 OWNER MCMUR:OO. LYNH OR AP.tUL PO BOX 4¢4 AFTON, WY B311 0. :, ':"0 VEHICLE BRAND AS JOINT TENANTS wrJ:1l'1UGHl' OF SU'RVIVOP.SmP AND NOT nN'ÅNl'S I.N ' COM1rION, puty , J'sml& P£tiiltE~~) AulJItœ Cleix U FOR COUNTY CLE S USE ONLY U ' . ''2 REC, NO, 129734 $-40,lOS.~O F1LED J/4/JO04 2:53:l1 PM First Lien Released ~. OMAC, COCKEYSVILu., MD Jl030 ~ JItA.NN~ WAaNE~CQU~r:Y CLERK . , , 'i IN W.ITN.ESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto caus~thlS CÐrtlff. cate.tIJ bealgned and the official seal of th' eEl'1o be placed thereon. , ,. ; l~ I '''7~ ·'i·.·. I , . " Y I , :5' '~: ~w (Onto) (;Q\fnty Clnrk DEPU -ÿJ0ØUIV Second lien RelsBsed IDols) ÇQ~nly Clork D.o~ Iy Third I./en Released (Dalsl County ¡';I.rk . I EXHIBIT "E" I ~cbb1ah :fflortuarp OOO~3Cð ~cbb1ah jfuneral QCbape1 44 E.st 4th Avenue· P.O. Box 1121 Jepperson Subdivision Alton, Wyoming 83110 Th.yne, Wyoming 83127 (307) 885-3316 (307) 885-3316 STATEMENT OF FUNERAL GOODS AND SERVICES SELECTED Ch.rge.s .re only for those Items th.t .re used. If we .re required by I.w to use .ny Items, we will eX'pI.ln In writing below. If you selected. funer.1 which required emb.lmlng. such .s . funer.1 with viewing. you m.y h.ve to p.y for emb.lmlng. You do not h.ve to p.y for emb.lmlng you did not .pprove If you selected .rr.ngements such .s. direct crem.tlon or Immedl.te burl.l. If we ch.rged for emb.lmlng, we will expl.ln why below. D. CASH ADVANCED: I Certificated caples of de.t certificate............ Clergy Honor.rlum.............. ................................ Musicians Honorarium........ .............................. H.lrdre..er........................... ............................. Cemetery: Opening & tlosl g............................. Other..:.............·....·:·,"·:........··t·....·..·..·...........·..·...· TOTAL CASH ADV1\.NCED......._.~...... ..._.........._............. , I SUMMARY OF CHARGES ! A. SERVICES......_.................................................... .......................................................................... $ B. MERCHANDiSE............................................................................:.............................................. $ C. SPECIAL CHARGES........................ ........................... ...... ................................. .......................... $ D. CASH ADVANCES....................................................................................................................... $ TAX (on. merchandise only)..................................................................................................... $ TOTAL OF All SElECTION5..................................................................................................... $ 2% discount on Total of All Selections If p,ld within 30 days..............:................................. ¡ $ Discount balance when paid by: Æ 6... /7,,';¡ ()b.,...................................... . $ .. 4% dl~count on Total of All Selectlons~ald within 5 days...................................................,. $ DISCOUNT BALANCE when paid by: ;jÆA. .:l ( :1 ðD "...................................... ! $ fluh ~'t: u, ~ tJ:j; .. April McMurdo FUNERAL SERViCE FOR A. CHARGE FOR SERVICES SELECTED 1. ProfenJonal Services: Servtce. of Funeral Director and Staff....................... Emb.lmlng................................................ Funer.1 Service Director by Wyo. Ucensed Funeral Director....... Grave Side Service.................................. Memorl.IServlce................................... Other prep.r.tlon of body.................... Other.......................................................... 2. Fadlltles & Equipment: Use of Prep.r.tlon Room...................... Housing of Remains...........................,.. Use of Mortuary for Public Viewing....... Use of Mortuary for Funeral Service..... Use of Ch.pel for Public Viewing........... Use of Chapel for Funeral Service......... 3. Automotive Equipment: Hearse...................................................... Limousine................................................. Flower Transport.tlon........................... Specl.1 Tr.nsport.tlon........................... Horse Drawn horse fee Total........................................... $ Re.son for embalming: January 4,2009 DATE OF DEATH January 10, 2009 DATE OF FUNERAL SERVICE ~ 845.00 785.00 $ 475.00 $ 150.00 $ 175.00 ~ 270.00 245.00 8. CHARGE FOR MERCHANDISE SELECTED: 1. Caskets/Containers Casket..................................................................... Outer Buri.1 Cont.lner......................................... Z. Supplemental Goods and Service: Clothing..................................................................... Memorl.1 Folders (Progr.ms)............................. Register Book............:........................................... Flowers.................._.........................................._ ACknowledgement Cards...,.._......................:..... He.dstone............................I............................... Other.....................................l................................ TOTAL MERCHANDISE SElECTED....¡..........._................. C. SPECIAL CHARGES: i Forwarding of rem.lns to: I Receiving of remains from:, $ 2,350.00 S 719.00 $ 75.00 $ 132.06 35.00 15.00 20.0 $ 3.346.06 $ $ 280.00 Immedl.te Burl.I................. ............................... Direct Cremation................. ................................ TOTAL OF SPECIAL CHARGES........... .........._......_......_. 75.00 $ $ 100.00 $ 350.00 $ 450.00 3.300.00 3,300.00 3,346.06 450.00 167.30 7,263.36 (145.27) 7,118.10 (290.53) 6,972.83 If any I.w, cemetery, or crem.tory requirements h.ve required the purch.se of any Items listed above, the law or requirement Is explained below: Ce.P1f'..~7 Y~r{"~J c:; ·f/;; ,</:1- Leg.1 rate of Interest shall be due 30 days alter ; I/We the undenlsned, IcknowledCf thlt the foregol", 5tltement his been read to me/us and I{we hereby Icknowledl~ receipt of.completed copy. I/We -Issume responsibility for payment Ilonl with such additional services Indlor Items ordered by me/us, and agree to terms of payment described above. Th~ lIabll~ 'hereby assumed Is In a~dltlon to the Illblllty Imposed by law upon the estate and others and shall not constitute I release thereof. (PURCHASER) (PURCHASER) James McMurdo PO Box 646 Aftdn, WY 83110 ·DATE . The Schwab Mortuary agrees to provide the services and merchandise described above In consideration of the payment of the abov~ stated amount. TIME (Slan.ture of,funer.1 senllce licensee representln. the funeral home) EXHIBIT "F" I ~cl)wab ;fflortuarp 000 CO 68 -A ~cl)bJab .:1funeral ~bapel 44 East 4th Avenue - P.O. Box 1121 Alton, Wyoming 83110 ¡.pp.rson Subdivision Thayn., Wyoming 83127 Charg.s are only lor those It.ms that are us.d. II w. are requlr.d by law to use any It.ms, w. wlll.xplaln In writing b.low. II you s.l.ct.d a luneral which '.qulr.d .mbalmlng, such as a fun.ral with vl.wlng, you may have to pay lor .mbalmlng. You do not have to pay lor .mbalmlng you did not approv." you s.l.ct.d arrangem.nts such as a dlr.ct cr.matlon or Imm.dlat. burial. II w. charg.d lor .mbalming, w. wlll.xplaln why b.low. SUMMARY OF CHARGES A. 5 ERVICES... ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ._.... ......... ......... ..................... ............................. I $ B. MERCHANDiSE.............................................................................:............................................. ! $ C. SPECIAL CHARGES.................................................................................................................... ! $ D. CASH ADVANCES....................................................................................................................... $ TAX (on merchandise only)..................................................................................................... $ TOTAL OF ALL SELECTIONS..................................................................................................... $ 2% discount on Total of All Selectl~ I~pald within 30 days................................................. $ Discount balance when paid by: rr:.tJ. /7. :¡ t:)tJ ( ..................................... , $ 4% discount on Total of All Selections if paId within S days..................................................;.. $ DISCOUNT BALANCE when paid by: $11. :? 6.. ~ 009 ...................................... $ (Ju6l,,- V 1(-> (""/Iiy Cary lynn McMurdo FUNERAL SERVICE FOR A. CHARGE FOR SERViCES SELECTED 1. Professional Services: S.rvlces of Funeral Director end Staff........................ Embalming................................................ Fun.ral Service Director by Wyo. lIc.ns.d Fun.ral Director....... Grave Sid. S.rvlc................................... M.morlaIS.rvlc.................................... Other pr.paratlon 01 body.................... Oth.r.......................................................... 2. Facilities & Equipment: Use 01 Pr.paratlon Room...................... Housing 01 Remains.............................. Use 01 Mortuary for Public Viewing....... Us. 01 Mortuary lor Funeral S.rvlc...... Use 01 Chap.llor Public VI.wlng........... Us. 01 Chap.llor Funeral S.rvlc.......... 3. Automotive Equipment: Hearse................................, ..................... limousine................................................. Flow.r Transportation........................... Sp.clal Transportation........................... Horse Drawn horse I.. Total........................................... $' Reason lor .mbalmlng: (307) 885-3316 13071885-3316 STATEMENT OF FUNERAL GOODS AND SERVICES SELECTED January 12, 2009 DATE OF DEATH January 17, 2009 DATE OF FUNERAL SERVICE $ 845.00 $ 785.00 $ 475.00 $ 225.00 $ 175.00 $ 270.00 $ 245.00 B. CHARGE FOR MERCHANDISE SELECTED: 1. Caskets/Containers cask.t...Alplne Gre.n Stainless St.. I................... Out.r Burial Container......................................... 2. Supplemental Goods and Service: Clothlng....................................................~................ M.morlal Folders (Programs)............................. Reglst.r Book.............:.................,....................... Flowers.................................................................. Acknowl.dg.ment Cards.................................... H.adston...........................,................................. Oth.r...................................:.................................. TOTAL MERCHANDISE SELECTED................................... C. SPECIAL CHARGES: Forwarding 01 r.malns to:¡ . R.c.lvlng 01 r.malns Irani: I I Immèdlate Burial...............:................................. Dlr.ct Cr.matlon...............L................................ TOTAL OF SPECIAL CHARGES.........!................................. I D. CASH ADVANCED: ¡ C.rtlflcat.d copl.s of d.a~h c.rtlllcat............. . Clergy- Honorarlum............l.................................. Musicians Honorarlum......[................................ Hairdresser.......................... ............................... C.m.t.ry: Op.nlng & closing............................. Oth.r...................................................................... TOTAL CASH ADVANCED.................l............................... I I $ $ 280.00 75.00 3,375.00 3,375.00 5,4D5.06 450.00 270.25 9,500.31 (190.01) . 9,310.31 (380.01) 9,120.30 "any law, c.met.ry, or crematory requlrem.nts have r.qulr.d the purchas. of any It.ms IIst.d above, the law or r.quir.m.nt is .xplain.d b.low: Ge.m,.. ...4..y ~"fU/M.; r .:;¡ Uc; 1./11- It I: ti [, I, f· I, ~ 4.495.00 719.00 $ 122.06 ~. ~9.00 :..:' , 0.00 $ 5.405.06 $ $ 100.00 $ 350.00 $ 450.00 l.gal rat. of Int.r.st shall b. due 30 days alt.r I/We the undersllned; acknowled8e that the lore801"1 statement has been read to me/us and I¡we hereby acknowledge receipt of completed copy. I/We assume responsibility for payment Ilong with such addltlon.1 services andlor Items ordered by me/us, and agree to terms of payment described above. The liability hereby assumed Is In ~ddltlon to the liability Imposed by law upon the estate and others and shall not constitute a release thereof. (PURCHASER) (PURCHASER) James McMurdo PO Box 646 Afton, WY 831ío DATE The Schwab Mortuary agrees to provld. the services and merchandise d.scrlb.d above In consld.ratlon of the payment of the abov~ stated amount. TIME i (Sllnlture of funeral se~ce licensee representlns the funeral home) EXHIBIT "F" 2004 GMC Yukon - Private Party Pricing Report - Official Kelley Blue Book Site n__..______..._."________________________,______··_________..__ . ~~I!~I!~~!~~~ Home New Cars Used Cars Research & Explore News & Reviews Ready To Buy Classlfleds Loans & Insurance KBBiI> Green Welcom. a_ell; Used Car Prices I Search Used Car Ustlngs I Certlfled Pre-Owned I Compare Vehicles I Perfect Car Finder I Most Researched Vehldes I CARfAX Vehicle History Recently Viewed You Might Also Uke Free Dealer Price Quote Trade-In Value Private p'arty_"a.lue.. Suggested Retail Value Photo Gallery Compare Vehicles NI[W Blue aook Review Consumer Ratings And Your Next Car SpeCifiCatiOns. i "'~"¡-:-' ~';.~'~.~'~oj.. 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SF ~IFft!Wl[;t'6H.1'ry _ ._._.___ _'u"'__ . ....__,..___....,. ~.~ BLUE BOOK" PRIVATE PARTY VALUE ""',,,., '"''' r.;i,;.,·;~·~,,'.·(j...¡:.~;..'.-'·~"C1·J',.".,,'...'..iJ.\'..:.,,\· ',.;.1.",," .-.-....-..-..-.....-- Page 1 of2 úOú639 1 http://www.kbb.comIKBB/UsedCarslPricingReport.aspx?YearId=2004&MiIeage=781 00&... 2/1812009 '" '":.. ~7';:\*i", 4_~-~ -"'~ ~ . Iii! EotI m.ted P.yments : .208 Jma ð 5.54"- APR Condition .u,,"m "',,,. Value ébe ¡ fø,'Dli'la.¡.t. Excellent Good Fair $11,345 $10,645 $9,745 Get a Pre-Owned Loan from 6.34% APR Get Your CredIt Score Now More Photos Get a Free Insurance Quote NEXT S T E p: SEARCH LOCAL LISTINGS - advertliiemeht··- rree CARrAX Record Checl( VIN, : Poworod by .-..,. "t!.!!1 No VIN1 No Probleml 1¡;?.t:II1';'$;tn...,:>;'...:,\ '.:",¡o;"','ihó..,¡s.~1';;11.I.':' ~.1; ~;·~d!'j,;,;;if"I'>I>I.(".bJ\;oi¡·..,.,b.ii..·~.;:õ.;;t,,:I;',1'.:.'·.;::NJ-',,'¡....::,~~~;Ii>.:;;~ .,.i;¡¡,..,~.. ;,,, Ayerag. Con.umer Rating (420 Reviews) Read Reviews ~1!rh~ 4.7 out of II Review this Vehicle Similar New Vehicles 2009 GMC Yukon 2009 pord Expedition EL .æ . fb2I!1i B<YIm - More Results ~=.:::~~~~g¡;;~:J¡¡;;..'u..Ÿ.;.¡....;...,<.<"~J,;.:;;..;:i.o~,:¡,¡lò;',¡,jO'J;.¡',tI.:~;,.þ¿;'L,,¡':,¡;..~¡k!.::¡j'bt-~i:¡¡'¡;,'¡¡,iI2t;:,;"-;r...:", I MII.aael ! Inalna. I Trln.mlnlom ! Drlvetr.lnl 78,100 VB 4.8 Liter Automatic 4WD -- ..- -.~_...,~.._........_. _... Selected Equipment ...d.... Chlnge Equipment SLl NT COndlUGnlng 1\00< Air Powar Stwr1ng Po,"" Windows PoWif"' DoGr løcka TIlt Wheol 01d.. Cootn>I AMlFM Stereo cu..tto Single COmpact Disc Dual Ftunt Air Blp A85 ('-Wheel) TRello" Control Power Silt RoofRock Privacy Glass Alloy Wheols ~.__ __.__._____...._._._.. __........ ..1.. ..'__m_....___~....' _,____.. ... ·_...._'.'._n.·___. ~'ÖU.\Y.1i~~\iUj;r,;tl~.g;;\""'.iIII1..f."'.a,~j ,i\,¡;¡:¡;~~~j f,;..,.,"'M;....H~I>!..:~;1;¡¡;;,~>lii;; I Blue Book Private Party Value Prlntl party Value 18 what I buyer eln expect to pay when buying I used I ~~ ~~:l~~~~ Pnaart~~~~~rt(O~~·.~~~n ~~I~~:~~~~~: ~~~~~I~:~~:~. ¡ The nnllllle price may vary depending on the vehicle's actual condition and EXHIBIT "G'!' ..- ...-.- ------.---.---- .__._.__n_...__.._._____...__.. _ _.."__....... _... Page 2 of2 2004 GMC Yukon - Private Party Pricing Report - Official Kelley Blue Book Site local market condItions. This value may also be used to derive Fair Market Value for Insurance and vehicle donation purposes. Vehicle Condition Rating. Check Vehicle Title History Excellent 00000 $11,345 · Looks new, IS In excellent mechanical condition and nel!!ds no reconditioning. · Never had any paint or body work and Is free of rust. Clean Utle hIstory and wUl pass a smog and safety Inspection. Engine compartment Is clean, with no fluid leaks and Is free of any wear or visible defects. · Complete and verlnable service records. Ll!!ss than 5% of all used vehicles fall Into this category. Good ceeo';,- $10,645 Free of any major defects. Clean tltJe hiStory, the paints, body, end Interior have only minor (If any) blemlshe., and there are no major mechanical problems, Uttle or no rust on this vehicle. Tlres match and have substantial tread wear left. A "good" vehicle will need some reconditionIng to be sold at retail. MOlt consumer owned vehicles fall Into this category. Fair OCC;:¡\'.') $9,745 · Some mechanical or cosmetic defects and needs servicing but 15 stili In reasonable running condItion. · Oean title history, the paint, body and/or Interior need work performed by a professional. T1res may need to be replaced. There may be lome repairable rust damage. Poor C .i~',:'$ r..". N/A · Severe mechanIcal and/or cosmetic defects and Is In poor running condition. · May have problems that cannot be readily fixed such as a damaged frame or a rusted-through body. · Branded title (salvage, Rood, etc.) or unsubstantiated mileage. Kelley Blue Book does not attempt to report a value on a "poor" vehicle because the value of these vehIcles varies greatly. A vehicle In poor condition may req~lre an Independent appraisal to determine Its value. " Wyoming 2/18/2009 Accur.te Condition Appr.I..1 Change Condition Accurately Ippralslng the condition of a vehicle Is an Important IIpect In dltennlnlng Its Blue Book value, Taking our 16 question condition quiz will ensure you know the correct condition rating. NEXT S T E p: SEARCH LOCAL LISTINGS CI 200P K.,,.y SIw Book Co., Inc. All r41"ts rttServed. 2IUI200g·2IJJ/200g Edition. 71r. rP«/fIC information required to determIne the ve/ue f'or this pert/culllr ve"~ we. .uppllN by the p.,.on ~n.,.t/ng th/$ report. Ve"lcle vlllulltlons lire opInion. IInd mlly very I'tnm vehicle to vehldfl. ActUII' ve/ulltlon. will very billed upon mllrlcet conditions, .pecJfk,tIonl, vehlde œnd/tJon or oth.r PlrtJcullr clrcumUllnas pertinent to this part/allll' ....hfcle or the trllnøctlon or the PIIrt/es to the tnlr'lSllctfØlt. This report I. Infended for the Inr1fvldu,l use of the person generating thr. report only ,nd sh." not 1M .ofd or ttwnsmftted to IIrrother party. K.,/ey Blue Soøk ...urnes no responSlÞlllty for errors or omfufons. (If. 09022) On KBI.com Harne New Cars Used Cars RIIsearch a. Explore NIIWS 8t Reviews Ready To Buy Classlfleds loanl 8t Insurance KBS!BIGreen KBSi&Mobne Motorcycle, PeabNtIIg Auto Show 10 Romantic RId.. ror ZD09 Chicago Auto Show New York Auto Show 5 Greet CAr Dul. Car Reviews Car AdvlclI c.r Vldllos ",boY," U8 About Us Contact Us Caree,.. FAQ Media Advertising Unklng PrIvacy SIte Map Copyrtght &. Trademarks Terms or Service o lns..ZOOI ktnlY BlueBook CO., Joe. ...--....--.----....-.- ...-......-...........-.........- . .'''.'--'..---...-.-.-.--..- úOÙ640 ~. http://www.kbb.comlKBBlUsedCarslPricíngReport.aspx?Y earId=2004&Mileage=78100&... 2/18/2009 EXHIBIT "G 'i' , 1999 GMC 2500 Pickup - Private Party Pricing Report - Official Kelley Blue Book Site - - ...-. -.--- _.---.- .---.--.----.--- ...--- --- . ~1!~l~lD~~! With the largest selection anywhere, find the car that's right wrU'( Home New Cars Used Cars Research a. Explore News a. Reviews Ready To Buy Classlfleds Loans a. Insurance KBB~ Green W.ICDma a.ck Used Car Prices I Search Used Car Ustlngs I Certified Pre-Owned I Compare Vehicles I Perfect Car f1nder I Most Researched Vehicle. I CARFAX Vehicle Hl,tory You Might Also Uke Trade-In Value __..... ..."_. h..,.__ Private Party.Value Suggested Retail Value Photo Gallery Compare Vehicles NEwl Blue Book Review Consumer Ratings And Your Next Car Specifications !",~",,~,;r.;, ;;"";¡"¡';¡!:"¡\',G,\>'í~{1 ~M;;\""(l.'c;r..,;¡"",,·rt:; i ¡ ! , ð Shopping Tool. Free CARFAX Record Check Get Your Credit Score Now Get oil Free Insurance Quote I Payment Calculator Extended Warranty Quote L,_.P~~~.F~~_ Sale s~~.~__.._. ......... _. t i)l~~~j"';;.:.w;.;,¡¡~I1;,:,~fl.\$~.i{.¡.II.-i(\tr;!i::.¡,1".i;:¡-:.'<l\oi'ì.¡:¡¡ ~ I , BUY A USED CAR I : on Blue Book CI.lllfled."" ! ~ Powered By Aø~ GMC PiCkup 25 Miles or lelf ZIP Code S3UO To View Ad., Click j~;:W:~~'¡';':<""'¡',;jt.«;'."¡~' .'õ,l"'""t;~",!;;!,W·¡',..w:-I·.t ! LlSTYOUR CAR FOR SALE Sp.d., P.ck... orr.rl j"SDlÖ-' :~ ~~:c~~~~:~/:fu ~_..- used Clr 'hoppers. L..rn more now i!t:.t'IJ.\\"~gJr;c~.If~~.~Ø; ~'¡¡¡'-'-;;I' :'i:c""....~~ ! ! FIND THE RIGHT ill . ¡ Comp.r. U.ecI v.. New J Under $5,000 Both New and Used PIckup To View Un, Click viïíŸAÑõfïlÊÍÎ vliirèLï Select Year... Select Make... Select Model... SF éRIIfdI,'2íl't'6airy Recently Viewed Free Dealer Price Quote BLUE BOOK" PRIVATE PARTY VALUE nu",," "'" "'¡':'~;"".""i: !.~jW,-,:,'.:. ~-<.I;.~.,...\.,!¡',:", ..cr_...:: .-1" , .. ," .-) I.!.A "":'''.1' -. ,._,~~--.. J- , .. - ' ¡ .\'~ -"',' ,: l ,~ H f" J 1 ¡ t ",' : Ii E.lmated P.vments ~ .98 1m. GI 5.54% APR Condition ..'".,'""". Value :;.:IJ(!: feu l)~t"I~ Excellent Gaod Fair $5,425 $4,975 $4,425 ; Get a Pre-Owned loan (rom . 6.34% APR ; Get Your Credit Score Now More Photos Get I Free Insurance Quote NEXT S T E p: SEARCH LOCAL LISTINGS . . ~ advêrtlserriëiif"-~ prae CARPA)( Record Check _dby~ .---------- VIN: No VIN? No Probleml ---_.__.~-_.. ...----..---.-.-.--.. ..-.-.-... ----" ~---_.- Averag. Con.um.r Rating (54 Review.) Read Reviews .~;~. t1ÍfÍ'itriJ 4.5 out of 5 Review this Vehicle "' '. f~j.~~~I!.~,&;~:IJl,"'""\iII..¡ ¡lI1ï9f.~1l;~;j'.;'m.i~r"'lJ1i;~.ii'I\rt.'<f!;!,,!.'iM~!Ji"'N<i<I!~i"~~:;r",¡'!i)I"''')ÇL''''~I:':IZ~;'¡'AA~;:\¡;;~-'< ; Vehicle Highlights ., . --..' '1 "" :. ~~"> ~ ..'-. of: ~'~. -:;~::~., :., .... -... .: I " , ~ i MII..gel . Inllln.. : Tr.n.ml..lonl Drlv.tralnl 150.000 VB 5.7 Uter Automstlc 4WD ..... ... ..... ._~.. _ ''''_'.u..._."___._-'._.. r.. '.., ,.:~~ ~'. . ~ '- fi.:Mi ,I,ð:¡:~J·~,I.U\Ò-'I' ;:',.~;:¡~~i! ;:ti'i,,¡!.':~~Lic¡J;·:;~;;';'tl'.::"!¡.oJ'!~L.';,;j #·:,¡:'~¡;¡i.l;';''\.;,::..i''~ø.~.;'"<\-);;';;Ï:ôI.-I;;''·~':'i11';4::¡~V~~.!j·:: J.. ¡ Selected equipment Change Equipment ¡ I I i' ...! ; ItIInd.nI Sl AIr Conditioning ABS (4-Wheel) "~"'''':'.,, , Power Steering AM/FM Stereo " ... ....~". '-.;, . I':~ ... '. :~ "'. " l"'_,"¡~~~þi¡rt·;;'mr."fa;t.;"-~,;¡.&"'¡::~/) ¡:Lì:\~J;;.1Unp'¡:'WJ;Ayr.i.lî:;il:¡;;"~~t~',J.'I.'<j¡,~'j':;:i....'·)t:'¡¡fJ..\~tII~;¡:;Il~ i Blue Book Private Party Value ! Private Party Value 15 what a buyer can expect to pay when buying a ulld \ car from a private party. The Private Party Value aSlumes the vehlde II laid : "AI Is" and carries no wsrranty (other than the continuing factory warranty). ¡ The "nlls.le prlce-mey vary depending on the vehicle's actual condition and i local market condition.. This value may also be used to derive Fair Market : Value tor Insurance and vehlde donation purposes. I Vehicle Condition Rating. Check Vehicle Title History Excellent DDCQCJ $5,425 . Looks new, Is In excellent mechanical condition iIInd needs no reconditioning. Never had anV paint or body work and Is free of rust. Clean title history and wil1 pass a smog and safety Inspection. Engine compartment Is dean, with no fluid leaks and 15 free of any wear or visible defects. http://www.kbb.com/KBBlUsedCars/PricingReport.aspx?Y earld=1999&Mileage=150000... I EXHIBIT "G ,:, Page 1 of2 ûOû641 " 2/18/2009 1999 GMC 2500 Pickup - Private Party Pricing Report - Official Kelley Blue Book Site · Complete and ver1Rable service records. Less than 5% of aU used vehIcles fait Into this category. Good COCO. $4,975 · Free of any major defl!cts. · Clean title history, the paInts, body, and Interior have only minor (If any) blemishes, and there are no major mechanical problems. Uttle or no rust on thIs vehlde. llres match and have substantIal tread wear left. A "good" vehlde will need some reconditioning to be sold at retail. Most consumer owned' vehicles fall Into this category. Fair DDD..:' $4,425 · Some mechanical or cDsmetlc defects and needs servicing but Is stUlln reasonable running condition, · Clean title history, the paInt, body and/or Interior need work. performed by II professional. · TIres may need to be replaced. · There may be some repairable rust damage. Poor D..· N/A · Severe mechanical and/or cosmetic defects and Is In poor running condition. · May have problems that cannot be readllv fixed such as a damaged frame or a rusted-through body, · Branded title (salvage, flood, etc.) or unsubstantiated mileage. Kelley Blue Book does not attempt to report a value on a "poor" vehIcle because the value of these vehicles varies greatly. A vehicle In poor condition may require an Independent appraisði to detennine Its value. . WyomIng 2/18/2009 Accurate Condition ApprBls.1 Change Condition Accurately appnalslng the condItion of a vehicle Is an Important aspect In determining Its Blue Book value. Taking our 16 question condition quiz will ! enlura you know the correct c011dltfon rating. NEXT S T E p: SEARCH LOCAL LISTINGS 02009 Kelley 8lvtJ Book Co., Inc. An rlghu reserwtd. 2/J3/2Q09-2/1.9/2009 Edition. The 6pedf1c Inlbrm.tfon feqll/nld to determIne the VlI/ue for th,. p.rtJa¡mr vehlele Wll' $upplled Þy the person genttratfnø this ~rt. Vehldtt vlIlulltfon$are opinion' lInd may nry rrom veh1de to veh1cle. Actual vlIlIIlItlons wIll very b.sed upon mllrlc,t condftlons, .".clflclJt/On', vehlde condition or other parttcu/er clrr;umstancl!J I'@rtlnent to thl. Plrttcu/ar vehk:le or the tl1lßSlIctton or the Plrt/a fO ttre tnmuctlOn. ThIS report Is Intttnded for the IndlvldulIl use of the person generatlllfJ thIs report only lInd shall not be sold or transmItted to lInother pørty. K.ltflY Slue Book ,lIsumes no responslbfllty Ibr .,.,.",. Grðlfllulons. (v.09022) On KBB.com Home New Cllrs Used Cars R.search & Explore News & Revl.w$ Ready To Buy Classlfieds loan. &. Insurance KBBQ!lGreen KBB\IIMobUe Motorcycles I I I L_ ............. Auto Show 10 Romantic Rides for 2009 Chicago Auto Show New York Auto Show 5 Great Clr Deals car Reviews Car Advice Car Videos "'t O. About Us Contact Us Careers FAQ Media Advertising Unklng Privacy Site Map Copyright &. Trademarks Terms of SQf"Vlce C 1"50-2009 KeNey Bfue Book Co., Inc. .....--_._----.., .. "_"""U '.'_".h_n. ........-..-. .-.... . http://www.kbb.com/KBBlUsedCarslPricingReport.aspx?Y earId=1999&MUeage=150000... EXHIBIT "G f¡' Page 2 of2 000642 2/18/2009