HomeMy WebLinkAbout945677 VERIFICA TION OF SUCCESSOR SOLE TRUSTEE OOG757 MARIJANE SUTTON ASHBY, being first duly sworn upon her oath according to law, certifies and states as follows: 1. That on the 7th day of August, 1990, Ralph S. Sutton, acting as Settlor, and Ralph S. Sutton, acting as Trustee, entered into an agreement creating the Ralph S. Sutton Living Trust, which trust, for formal purposes, has heretofore been referred to as: RALPH S. SUTTON, Trustee, or his successor(s) in trust, under the RALPH S. SUTTON LIVING TRUST, dated August 7,1990, and any amendments thereto. 2. That Ralph S. Sutton died at Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the 19th day of December, 1993, as reflected by the copy of his Certificate of Death attached hereto. 3. That upon the death of Ralph S. Sutton, Marijane Sutton Ashby, acting as sole trustee, succeeded to the trusteeship of Ralph S. Sutton under said trust, all in accordance with Section 3.a. of Article Eleven of said trust. 4. That said trust, by and through Ralph S. Sutton, Trustee, is the record owner of the minerals described situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on Exhibit A attached hereto. 5. That for purposes of holding title to trust assets, beneficiary designations, transfers directly to the trust, and formal correspondence, said trust shall hereafter be referred to as: MARIJANE SUTTON ASHBY, sole trustee, or her successor(s) in trust under the RALPH S. SUTTON LIVING TRUST, and any amendments thereto, dated August 7,1990. ..~~ M 'ja Sutton Ashby, sole trustee the Ralph S. Sutton Living Trust, dated August 7, 1990 RECEIVED 3/4/2009 at 10:46 AM RECEIVING # 945677 BOOK: 716 PAGE: 757 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY The State of Washington ) 00\)758 County of 1tIN~ : ss. ) The foregoing instrument was ackno~J.0tl~lWfli~t9re me this "2f..fl... day of fr;rJ~~ ' 2009, by Marijan~~~h~ç61~~)t.:~'~le trustee of the Ralph S. Sutton LIvmg Trust dated August 7, 1990. g S¿....~~~ $fò.i~ % ==.¿ :'0 ~OTAR r (\)~ rt" ::: - .. "'·N::: Witness my hand and official seal. ~ ;.... PU;~ ./ ::: -;;. ->1....... I. .' o~ ~ ~ (::··Ç?:17-20\~····'" $' ~ ........ <:> ~ // "" '//¿ " { My commission expires: \0 I~VlO 1 JD-rt TYPE OR PAtHT .. PERMANENT INK FOR INSTRUCTIONS SEE HANDBOOK LOCAL FLE NUMBER 1 0 2 6 1. DECEDENT -NAME FIRST STATE OF WYOMING DIVISION OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SERVICES CERTIFICATE OF DEATH Finl MOOLE LAST STATE FIlE NUMBER 3. DATE OF DEATH (Mo., Day. Yr.' 4. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 8. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo.. O.y, Yr.) .._-- HOSPITAL: 0 lr4tatleot 0 ERIOulpølleol 0 DO... OTHER: 7b. FACILITY NAME (II no' 1n,IIIuIlon, give .".., and tIWrIber) 1 10. SURVIVING sPOuse (If ....1(.. glVfI maiden (111m.) 13b. COUNTY 13c.ClTY, TOWN OR lOCATION LINCOLN 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN? (SpecKr no or ve.·U Y.', speelly COO." Mexican, Puerto Rican, Elc.) 16. DECEDENT'S EDUCAnON (Specify Only hlghes' grade cOtJJpMled ~ v.. 0 (5".cllr/ Middle bIt Sutton Lebanon 2Oc. CEMETERY OR CREMATORY-NAME io 45036 20d. LOCATION STATE ,,.. ~ 23d. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Mo.. DBy, Yr,) 23.. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Hour J IJos- J7CKJeJ"v /uYð ~ M M IMMEDIATI CAUSE IFtnaI diseaseD!' condtllon r..u/Ung In dealhl .... !calkin. lhat cllUled death. Do not enter lhe mode 01 dyhg. INCh a. cardiac att lallure. U.t only one caus. on each line. ~, c=;-- ()¡z~~a.: .~ ' DUE TO (OR AS A. CONSEQUENCE OF): ~ ~~~/'~h~~, DUE TO {OR AS A CONSEQUENCE Of): I :::~~::'en ~, I .- I ~ b. Sequentially list condlllons, If any, lelldlng 10 Immodløt. cause. Ern. UNDIRL YINO CAIIII (DM.a.e or ~V lhallnltialedevenla resulting In death) LAST DUE TO (OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF): SUIckI. Dp...."" lnYeatlgellon o Could not be .. De4...rnhød 30b. TIME OF INJURY 3Oc.INJURY AT Y«)AI<? (Specify yes or noJ --- --... -' M 3Oe. PLACE OF INJURY -AI home, Iwm, .!reel, IltCloty, ofllce building. etc. ($pøcllyJ 301. LOCATION (Streel and Numb'-,:, ~~ Raul. Number, CM)' or Town, SI81el _Ide ...- THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this reproduction is a true copy of a record on fi 1 e in Wyomi ng Vi ta 1 Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Thi s copy sea 1 and Registrar is not valid unless the signature of is in red. it the bears a Deputy raised State Date Issued December 28, 1993 9'k~Á- þf:;; EXHIBIT A "( 51/ß Township 22 North, Range 117 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Sections 1 and 12: Resurvey Tract 51 (160.00) Resurvey Tract 52 (80.00) Section 11: SV2SE1A Section 12: Lots 2 (32.01), 3 (0.07),4(0.11),5(0.12), NE14SW1A, SY2SW1A Sections 12 and 13: Resurvey Tract 49 (160.00) Section 13: Lots 2 (32.01), 3 (31.93), EV2SE1A, Resurvey Tract 48 (80.00) Section 14: NW1ANE1A, NE1ANW% Containing 936.25 acres, more or less; and Township 24 North, Range 118 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Section 25: SW1ASW14 Section 26: SY2SE%, NW%SE14 Containing 160.00 acres, more or less