HomeMy WebLinkAbout945733 WHeN RECORDED MAIL TO: Hal B. Cornie and levll'ly J. Com/I P.O. Box 404 Cokøvlki, WI 83114 I I I I I , I ,I. . QUIT CLJUM·Þ.EED· . , I · , I êOv044 -1 , , K-H CORNIA INvmMf5NT$ ~JMITED COM!'ANV, A UTAA!~I~IT$J UABtLITYCOMPANY '. . I' ,r ';, . GRANTOR(S) OF COKEVlLUS WYOMING. OOUNTY OF LINCOLN', STATe OF YVYOMfNQ,' HEREBY caAANT, CONVEY AND FOREVER QUIT'CLAlM n> . :' . HAL ·B. CORNIA AND'IMRL Y J. CORNiA. HUIMNÞ Á~I) W~E !'. . i .'. , GRANTEE(S) OF LINCOLN COUN'TY, STAT! 011 WYOMING FOR THE',EI~M OF.::($10.00).TeNDOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONaDERATION: THe !l'01.LOWING DI!SCR~ED.~ OF L~D IN OOUNTY OF L.INCOLN, iTATI: OFWYOMING:, . .", ; , " :. F'roperty In LI~1n. County, Wyoming II dBICIÍÞsd 01'1 thel!lt~f1ed Exhlblt"A" und by thIe r*'noo mtde.1I ¡JaJ't~.' Ì" .' , I ! v Wllney my ~~n~ Ù1I114~ Day of MtV¿,· _2OOit..... ' ! IJ /J I /):: ;2 ,c . ~ ·1~,{/1-vu¡þL) Manegll1lJ MfmQtr ',,,, I(..H Cornia Inveaarn.nla L.1m1t4cl CQmpøny, . ¡utah Limited UablNty Capan¡i , I I I " STATEOF ())~~ð'). ,"8& COUNTY OF· , r ! . . ON THe If ~ DAY OF rJ1 ~ . 2009, PI!MONALL Y~ II~PCEC B5FORE! ME ~l fl· ~a..... ; '_ .TH!, IS GN!~() OP' 'tHe YnrtiN INSTRUMENT, WHO DUL. Y ACKNOWLiWr,iED ,0 Me THAT ( )~) !XI!CUTI!iO '!"ME ~Ei " , " I ,: i Ylcr ~ jJ cU-t ~ Náoe.neJiJafta'>.,. ÄR PU County Of:' ..: .0, . Lincoln . .. 'NY9mlrig My Commission Expires M-W 2qJ 2009 Ii 1.1 Ii ! : I I RECEIVED 3/6/2009 at 3:39 PM RECEIVING # 945733 BOOK: 717 PAGE: 44 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY ~lll'llf"""". '.H,.", ,.,.."""'"....~1.. .,.........""'....... ~.:=:~,~ '...A,......' ....~.........,." ... '*"-JWl""" IIJI, MI, ~bo_A.I...... ","'.........,..... 7~~~1b\"TQ, ~= . ........,... »ESC.aIPTION lIOR UAL B. CORNIA FOR ,"Ov045 MORTGAGE TRACT To-wit:- That part of.'I'ract ~o. 66 ofT25N, R1.l9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming described as foJJoW&: BEGINNING at a point S79v-45'E, 2100 feet from Cornel' No.6 of said Traot No. 66 found as described in the Comer Record fHed in tbe Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; tl,enoa East, 500 feat; thenoe South, SOO feeti thence West, 500 feet; thence North, 500 fcet to tbc POINT 0Ji' BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH 0 non..e¡¡c]usive access roadway over and acron for ingress and egrcss dcsctibed as follows: A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width being parr of Tract No. 45 WId said Tract No. 66 wltn tbe center-line described as follows: BEGINNING at CO¡"01' No.5 of said Tract No. 66 within tbe bounds of State Highway 30; thence 889"-30' E, 2659.80 feet along the SO\1th line of said Tract No, 66 to ComoI' No. I of said Traot No. 45; thence North, SOO feet, more or less, along 'the extant roadway; thence East, 590 reet, more or Ius., along an extant roadway to an Intersection with the w"st line ofllie foregoiJIg desoribed tract, South, 200 feet from ltø northwest corner; it js further stipulated that DO actual field survey was made, tbat no monuments were found o~ set and that no plat was prepared and filed in tlla Office of tbe County Clerk; 1110: Cornia Mort Do. t:V~w. ~ Au ... lfA.~.'RIØ.. .~ <1\ '. .1 \ IttiG .~ "U"rllflt'Elltlnn In an" \o\I.cw nf IhQ {nrannln" ,4r.1co,.rl"'I...... '..._1__'__ II_I. tlh