HomeMy WebLinkAbout945780 KI:.\..I:.IVI:.U ,J/ fU/¿UU::I dl IU.,JU f"\IVI RECEIVING # 945780 BOOK: 717 PAGE: 205 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SHERIFF'S CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASE úOô20S I, Shane Johnson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, do hereby certify, pursuant to the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage dated August 17, 2007, given by Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, Larry G. Miller, Member and Lance B. Miller, Member, as mortgagor, to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., as mortgagee, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 21, 2007, in Book 669 at Page 664; to secure the payment of a Promissory Note in the amount of $1,121,200.00 of even date therewith, which mortgage further secured the renewed and extended obligations of the borrowers to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., pursuant to the Promissory Note in the amount of $700,000.00 dated August 17, 2007, both of which notes were executed by Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, Larry G. Miller, Member and Lance B. Miller, Member, and Larry G. Miller, individually and Lance B. Miller, individually; a Partial Release of which Mortgage was recorded on August 21, 2008, in Book 702 at Page 762, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and a second Partial Release of which Mortgage was recorded on September 22,2008, in Book 705 at Page 337, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and pursuant to a Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure and Sale of Personal Property Subject to a Security Interest of said mortgage which was duly published for a period of four consecutive weeks on February 5, February 12, February 19 and February 26, 2009, in the Kemmerer Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, published in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, a copy of which Notice of Foreclosure is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Certificate of Purchase; .~ that at the hour of 10:00 a.m. on March 10, 2009 at the Lincoln County Courthouse, Kemmerer, Wyoming, I did offer for sale at public vendue to the highest and best bidder, for cash, hereinafter described lands and premises as well as items of personal property described below, and that Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. did bid at said sale the sum of $ 1,300,000.00 property. I further certify that I first offered to sell a part or parcel of said land less than the , which was the highest and best bid for said whole thereof, if applicable, but could obtain no bid for any parcel of said land, and I then offered the whole of said tract described as follows: A parcel of land located in the southeast y.. of Section 15 and the southwest y.. of Section 14 of the resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., of the Sixth P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Tract 56 and the Northwest corner of Tract 55 in said Section 14 for the Point of Beginning where is found a standard GLO brass cap; 000206 Thence, along the west line of said Tract 55, S 00° 06' 45" W for 765.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 68° 17' 52" W for 298.48 feet to a point on the common line of said Sections 14 and 15, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence, along the common line between said Sections 14 and 15, N 000 09' 19" W for 505.77 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 880 01' 55" W for 501.40 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 000 03' 11" W for 301.11 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 55° 36' 32" W for 283.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence S 62° 31' 09" W for 284.00 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 27° 28' 50" W for 540.56 feet, to the southerly right of way of U.S. Highway 30, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 63° 57' 00" E for 1455.09 feet, along said southerly right of way, to a standard concrete highway right of way monument; Thence, continuing N 630 57' 00" E along said southerly right of way for 6.33 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Tract 64 in Section 14, of the Resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., where is found a 2" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS,; Thence N 890 46' 56" E along the southerly boundary of Tract 64, for 201.16 feet, to the southeast corner of said Tract 64 and being on the west line of said Tract 56, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS; Thence S 000 06' 50" E along the westerly boundary of said Tract 56, for 1320.27 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Less and except the following: Lot 6 of Block 1 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Also, less and except the following: Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof; AND ALL INVENTORY, EQUIPMENT, ACCOUNTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL HEALTH CARE INSURANCE RECEIVABLES), CHATTEL PAPER, INSTRUMENTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL PROMISSORY NOTES), LETTER OF CREDIT RIGHTS, LETTERS OF CREDIT, DOCUMENTS, DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS, INVESTMENT PROPERTY, MONEY, OTHER RIGHTS TO PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE, AND GENERAL INTANGIBLES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL SOFTWARE AND ALL PAYMENT INTANGIBLES); ALL OIL, GAS AND OTHER MINERALS BEFORE EXTRACTION; ALL OIL, GAS, OTHER MINERALS AND ACCOUNTS CONSTITUTING AS- EXTRACTED COLLATERAL; ALL FIXTURES; ALL TIMBER TO BE CUT; ALL ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSIONS, ACCESSORIES, FITTINGS, INCREASES, TOOLS, PARTS, REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, AND COMMINGLED GOODS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL ADDITIONS, REPLACEMENTS OF AND SUBSTITUTIONS FOR ALL OR ANY PART OF THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL INSURANCE REFUNDS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL GOOD WILL RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL RECORDS AND DATA AND EMBEDDED SOFTWARE RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL EQUIPMENT, - 2 - ÜOG207 INVENTORY AND SOFTWARE TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS AND DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA; AND ALL SUPPORTING OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED OR WHETHER NOW OR HEREAFTER SUBJECT TO ANY RIGHTS IN THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; AND ALL PRODUCTS AND PROCEEDS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL INSURANCE PAYMENTS) OF OR RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY. AND ALL OF THE FOLLOWING WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED, WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, AND WHEREVER LOCATED: (A) ALL ACCESSIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSORIES, TOOLS, PARTS, SUPPLIES, REPLACEMENTS OF AND ADDITIONS TO ANY OF THE COLLATERAL DESCRIBED HEREIN, WHETHER ADDED NOW OR LATER; (B) ALL PRODUCTS AND PRODUCE OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COLLATERAL SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (C) ALL ACCOUNTS, GENERAL INTANGIBLES, INSTRUMENTS, RENTS, MONIES, PAYMENTS, AND ALL OTHER RIGHTS, ARISING OUT OF A SALE, LEASE, CONSIGNMENT OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (D) ALL PROCEEDS (INCLUDING INSURANCE PROCEEDS) FROM THE SALE, DESTRUCTION, LOSS, OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17,2007, AND SUMS DUE FROM A THIRD PARTY WHO HAS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED THE COLLATERAL OR FROM THAT PARTY'S INSURER, WHETHER DUE TO JUDGMENT, SETTLEMENT OR OTHER PROCESS; AND (E) All RECORDS AND DATA RELATING TO ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, WHETHER IN THE FORM OF A WRITING, PHOTOGRAPH, MICROFILM, MICROFICHE, OR ELECTRONIC MEDIA, TOGETHER WITH ALL OF GRANTOR'S RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST IN AND TO ALL COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUIRED TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS OR DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA. and that Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. offered and bid for the whole of said premises and personal property the above-stated amount. I That the same being the t¡ghest and best bid I could obtain for said premises and personal property by reason pf said sale, the same was sold to Commerce Bank of WvominQ, N.A. for the sum of $ 1,,300,000.00 I further certify that out of the sum so received, the same was applied toward the discharge of the debt for which same was sold including the expense of publication of the notice of sale, my fee as officer selling said property and attorney's fees. Attached hereto and incorporated herein is an Affidavit of an attorney admitted generally to practice in this state representing the mortgagee, or its assignee, the party instituting this foreclosure. Also attached hereto and incorporated herein is an Affidavit reflecting that written notice of intent to foreclose the mortgage by advertisement and sale was served upon the record owners and persons in possession of the mortgaged premises by Certified Mail, return receipt requested. I further certify that unless said premises and personal property as so sold are redeemed as provided by law before four (4) months from the date of March 10, 2009, the said purchaser, Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. will be entitled to a deed to the same, conveying to it all of the right, title and interest of the said mortgagor in and to the above-described premises and personal property. - 3 - DATED March 10, 2009. OOiP208 SHANE JOHNSON, SHERIFF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING By: J.~hf(c:,¡Jt Deputy Sheriff 1¿ rd- --- :J STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) I, {~\\I(U\'f\r\ -t\ü\\\\:.e~ , a Notary Public in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, do hereby certify that (,.) - ~~\C~JC<).\Î \ c...h. who is personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing SHERIFF'S CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASE and (Deputy) Sheriff of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and designated therein as such officer, appeared before me this 10th day of March, 2009, in person and acknowledged that _he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument, in writing, as h_ free and voluntary act as (Deputy) Sheriff of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for the use and purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and official seal. '-::~~'.,...~ --,_.;~.,.-- - - ~ SAVANNA L<J 11?1k.;LS ~ NÒ ~RY' PUBLIC COUNTY or STATE 01' LINCOLN , .¡. .'1' WYOMING .. ~.~YJO!J1ll]SS!On£xi;I;"S:'L{ 1"2171 . '~;:"~iÞ- . {~(~U rTlI"MVJ-- -¡::J ~J. \).)bJ2 j~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: - 4 - ----.........................__... __.... ........ ......LJ_'-'-....... Kemmerer, W} NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE . FØRECUOSURE·AND·SAL:E.OFPER80NAL, .PROPERTY SUBÆCT TO A SECURITY INTEREST '. Defaùlt having oc~utred on that certain Mortgage dated August 17, 2007, gl.venby Larry G. Miller. Member, and Lance B. Miller, Member, Antelope Ridge Development- LLC, to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., to secure the payment of a Promissory Note in the amount of $1,121,200.00 of even date therewith, which mortgage further secured the renewed and extended obligatiòns of the borrowers to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., pursuant to the Pr0rr?ssory Note in the amount of $700,000.00 dated August 17. 2007, both of which notes were executed by Larry G. Miller, Member, and Lance ~. ~ler, Member, Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, and Larry G. Miller, mdiVldually and Lance B. Miller, individually, and which Mortgage embraced the following-described real property: A parcel of land locàted in the southeast 1/4 öf Section 15 and the south- West 1/4 of Section 14 of the resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 w., of the Sixth P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particu- l¡iI'ly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest comer of Tract 56 and the Northwest comer of Tract 55 in said Section 14 for the Point of Beginning where is found a standard GLO brass cap; , Thence, along the west line of said Tr!.\Ct 55, S 00° 06' 45" W for 765.27 (eet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying LLC PLS 6450"; , , Thence N 68° 17' 52" W for 298.48 feet to a point on the common line of said Sections 14 and 15, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence, along the common line between said Sections 14 and 15, N 00° 09' 19" W for 505.77 feet, where is found a3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; . . Thence N88° 01' 55~' WfodOJAO feet, where is found a 3" aluminum Càp stamped"Pence Suryeying,)..LC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 00° 03' 11" W for'301.11 feet, where is found a 3" aluffiinum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC. PLS 6450"; Thence N 55° 36' 32" W for 283.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence S 62°31' 09" W fO{' ~:t.00 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying .i' "Ol..S 6450"; Thence N 27° 28' 50" W t~ ,. ;:et, to the southerly right of way of U.S. Highway 30, where is' aluminum cap stamped "Pence Sur- veying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 63° 57' 00" E ~Ür 1455.09 feet, along said southerly right of way, to a standard concrete highway right of way monument; , Thence, con~nuing N 63° 57' 00" E along said southerly right of way for 6.33 feet to a pomt on the southerly boundary of Tract 64 in Section 14, of the Resurvey ofT. 21 N., R. 116 w., where is found a 2" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS,; , . . Thence N 89° 46' 56" E along the southerly boundary of Tract 64, for 201.16 feet, to the southeast corner of said Tract64 and being onthe west line of said Tract 56,where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped CCI. PE&LS; . Thence S 00° 06' 50" E along the westerly boundary of said Tract 56, for 1320.27 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Less and except the following: Lot 6 of Block 1 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Also, less and except the following: Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof; and which Mortgage was duly recorded on August 21,2007, in Book 669 at Page 664, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and WHEREAS, a Partial Release of said Mortgage was recorded on August 21, 2008, in Book 702 at Page 762, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and WHEREAS. a second Partial Release of said Mortgage was recorded on September 22,2008, in Book 705 at Page 337, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and WHEREAS, default has also occurred with respect to the Commercial Security Agreement which also secures the above-referenced Promissory Notes. which Security Agreement pertains to collateral more particularly de- scribed as follows: All inventory, equipment, accounts (including but not limited to all health care insurancè receivables), chattel paper, instruments (including but not lim- ) f ited to all promissory notes), letter of credit rights, letters of credit, docu- ments, deposit accounts, investment property, money, other rights to payment and performance. and general intangibles (including but not limited to all software and all payment intangibles); all oil, gas and other minerals before extraction; all oil, gas, other minerals and accounts constituting as-extracted collateral; all fixtures; all timber to be cut; all attachments, accessions, acces- sorie.s, fittings, increases, tools, parts, repairs, supplies, and commingled goods relatmg to the foregoing property. and all additions, replacements of and sub- stitutigns for all or any part of the foregoing property; all insurance refunds relating to the foregoing property; all good will relating to the foregoing prop- erty; all records and data and embedded software relating to the foregoing property, and 'all equipment, inventory and software to utilize, create, main- tain and process any such records and data on electronic media; and all sup- porting obligations relating to the foregoing property; all whether now exist- ing or hereafter arising, whether now owned or hereafter acquired or whether now or hereafter subject to any rights in the foregoing property; and all prod- ucts and proceeds (including but not limited to all insurance payments) of or relating to the foregoing property. . " And all of the following Whether now owned or hereafter acquired, whether ~ow existing or hereafter arising, and wherever located: (a) all accessions, attachments, accessories, tools, parts, supplies, replacements of and additions t9 any of the collateral described herein, whether added now or later; (b) all produ~ts and produce of any of the property described in the collateral sec- t~on of the commercial Security Agreement dated August 17, 2007; (c) All ~ccounts, general intangibles, instruments, rents. monies, payments, and all other rights, arising out o~ a sale, leas~, consign,?~nt or other disposition of ú00209 ) ss. Coumy or Lincoln I, Michael Jensen, do solemnly swear that I am the publisher of the Kemmerer Gazette,' a weekly of general paper circulation, published once a week at Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming; that the notice attached hereto, and which ¡ is part of the affidavit, was published in said newspaper for ~ insertions, the first publication having been made on the ,JR1lUù1hhff-- A.D., 20123--, and the last publication on í day of the -2J.¿ day of .£blutt./,\1¡f-- that said nOlice was A.D., 20-I:fL; published in a regular and entire issue of the paper(s) in which it was published; and that said libtice was published 111 tbe newspaper and a proper, nol In supplement. .~(} . MIchael Jensen, Publisher Subscribed in my presence and sworn to .-.--..... the .[2~'" .~ l..1-,C,~· 1 Notice '", 54(' 56 \1.' . lor """ rouúd ,,3 " ;.; r.'T I <-I')) and WHEREAS, the default has occuned by reason of the failure of the Mort- gagors to pay the principal and interest due thereon when the same became due and payable, and other defaults of perfomlance under the tenus of the Mortgage. Commercial Security Agreement and the Promissory Notes se- cured thereby, and the Mortgage providing that the entire balance will be- come due at the option of the Mortgagee or its Assignees upon default, and the Mortgagee or Assignee having elected to declare the entire debt secured th~reby to be due and payable as provided by law; and WHEREAS, no suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt remaining secured by said Mortgage and Commercial Security Agree- ment or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the secured party to sell said personal prop- erty as described above at the same time as the real property. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above-de- scribed real property as well as the personal property will be offered for sale and sold by the Sheriff of Lincoln County, or his deputy, to the highest and best bidder for cash. at public vendue, at the.hour of 10:00 a.m. on March 10, 2009; that the amount due and owing at the date of this Notice is $1,329,190.17, (inclusive of unpaid principal, interest calculated through and including Feb- ruary 5, 2009, late charges calculated through January 12, 2009, attorI1e~'s . . . r r-. L _.. 1 n .,f\no ..._...:1 ...:+1.... ...ð...........9"f- .çO:U:~L" tnrT""thp1" 'Ul1th · NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE '. FORECLOSURE AND SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO A SECURITY INTEREST Default having occurred on that certain Mortgage dated August 17. 2007, given by Larry G. Miller. Member, and Lance B. Miller, Member, Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., to secure the payment of a Promissory Note in the amount of $1,121,200.00 of even date therewith. which mortgage further secured the renewed and extended obligations of the borrowers to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N .A., pursuant to the Promissory Note in the amount of $700,000.00 dated August 17, 2007, both of which notes were executed by Larry G. Miller, Member, and Lance B. Milled Member. Antelope Ridge Development. LLC, and Larry G. Miller, individuafly and Lance B. Miller, individually, and which Mortgage embraced the following-described real property: . A par~el of land located in the southeast 1/4 of Section 15 and the so~th- west 1/4 of Secûon 14 of the resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., of the SiXth P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County. Wyoming, and being more particu- larly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest comer of Tract 56 and the Northwest comer of Tract 55 in said Section 14 for the Point of Beginning where is found a standard GLO brass cap; . Thence, along the west line of said Tract 55, S 00° 06' 45" W for 765.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap ~tamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; . Thence N 680 17' 52" W for 298.48 feet to a point on the common line of All inventory, equipment. accounts (including but not limited to all health said Sections 14 and 15, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence care insurance receivables), chattel paper, instruments (including but not lim- Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; ited to all promissory notes), letter of credit rights, letters of credit, docu- Thence, along the common line between said Sections 14 and 15, N 00° ments. deposit accounts, investment property, money. other rights to payment 09' 19" W for 505.77 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence and perfonnance, and general intangibles (including but not limited to all Surveying, LLC. PLS 6450";' software and all payment intangibles); all oil, gas and other minerals before Thence N 88° 01' 55" W for 501.40 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum extraction; all oU, gas, other minerals and accounts constituting as-extracted cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; collateral; all fixtures; all timber to be cut; all attachments, accessions, acces- Thence N 00° 03' 11" W for 301.11 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum sories, fittings, increases, tools, parts. repairs, supplies. and commingled goods cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; relating to the foregoing property, and all additions. replacements of and sub- Thence N 550 36' 32" W for 283.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum stitutions for all or any part of the foregoing property; all insurance refunds. cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC. PLS 6450"; relating to the foregoing property; all good will relating to the foregoing prop- Thence S 62° 31' 09" W for 284.00 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum erty; all records and data and embedded software relating to the foregoing cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; , property, and all equipment. inventory and software to utilize, create. main- Thence N 270 28' 50" W for 540.56 feet. to the southerly right of way of tain and process any such records and data on electronic media; and all sup- U.S. Highway 30. where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Sur- porting obligations relating to the foregoing property; all whether now exist- veying, LLC, PLS 6450"; , . , ing or hereafter arising. whether now owned or hereafter acquired or whether Thence N 630 57' 00" E for 1455.09 feet, along said southerly right of now or Hereafter subject to any rights in the foregoing property¡ and all prod- way, to a standard concrete highway right of way monument; ucts and proceeds (including but not limited to all insurance payments) of or Thence, continuing N 63° 57' 00" E along said southerly right of way for relating to the foregoing property. 6.33 feet to a point on tþe southerly boundary of Tract 64 in Secûon 14; of the And all of the following whether now owned or hereafter acquired, whether Resurvey ofT. 21.N., R. 116 W., where is found a 2" aluminum cap stamped now existing or hereafter arising, and wherever located: (a) all accessions, CCI. PE&LS,; attachments, accessories. tools, parts. supplies. replacements of and additions Thence N 890 46' 56" E along the southerly boundary of Tract 64, for to any of the collateral described herein. whether added now or later; (b) all : 201.16 feet, to the southeast comer öf said Tract 64 and being on the west line products and produce of any of the property described in the .c.ollateral sec- , of said Tract 56, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS; . tion of the commercial Security Agreement dated August 17, 2007; (c) All Thence S 00° 06' 50" E along the westerly boundary of said Tract 56, for accounts, general intangibles, instruments, rents, monies, payments, and all 1320.27 feet to the Pöint of Beginning of this description. other rights, arising out of a sale. lease. consignment or other disposition of Less and except the following: any of the property described in the Commercial Security Agreement dated Lot 6 of Block 1 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase I, Lincoln August 17, 2007; (d) All proceeds (including insurance proceeds) from the County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof sale, destruction, loss, or other disposition of any of the property described in Also, less artd except the following: . the Commercial Security Agreement dated August 17, 2007, and sums due Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase I, Lincoln from a third party who has damaged or destroyed the collateral or from that County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof; party's insurer, whether due to judgment. settlement or other process; and (e) and which Mortgage was duly recorded on August 21,2007, in Book 669 all records and data relating to any of the property described in the Commer- at Page 664, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; cial Security Agreement dated August 17, 2007, whether in the fonn' of a and ' . writing, photograph, microfilm, microfiche. or electronic media, together with WHEREAS, a Partial Release of said Mortgage was recorded on August all of Grantor's rigl;1t, title, and interest in and to alloomputer software re- 21, 2008, in Book 702 at Page 762, in the Office of the County Clerk of quired to utilize; .create; 'maintain and process any such records or data on lfincoln County. Wyoming; and.. ., .\ . ' dectronicmedia. .'. . '. ' .' ' '---:WHflRB*S;-necowParthttRete<tSe-uhaitl-Mortgagecwasrecorded on . and . September.22, ~008, .w.~BþQ~ 105'\'-t¿1l~e. ~,37; w-,t~ Office of the County' ,WHEREAS, the default has occurred by reason of the failure of the Mort- Clerk of Lmcom C01irltý,,~J¡ß~;ab~LlH:'VJJI.:.' '. . . .. gagors to pay the principal and interest dUe.thèi:eonwhen the same became WHEREAS, default has also occurred with respect to the Commercial due and payable, and other defaults of performance uriderthe tenilsofthe Security Agreement which also secures the' above-referenced Promissory Mortgage. Commercial Security Agreement and the Promissory Notes se- Notes, which Security Agreement pertains to collateral more particularly de- cured thereby, and the Mortgage providing that the entire balance will be- scribed as follows: . . ,tome due at the option oithe Mortgageeodts Assignees upon default, and _, the Mortgagee or Assignee having elected to declare the entire debt secured thereby to be due and payable as provided by law; and . . WHEREAS, no suit otþroceeding has been instituted atJaw to recover , the debt remaining secured by said Mortgage and Commercial Security Agree- ment or any part"thereof; and . ;'. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the secured party to sell said person~ prop- erty as described above at .the same time as. the reM property..,. .' NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that theabové-de- scribed real property as'well as the personal property will be offered for sale and sold þy the Sheriff of Lincoln County; or his deputy, to the highesflind best bidder for cash, at public vendue, at the hö1.Ìr of 10:00 a.m: on March 10, 2009; that the amount due and owing at the date of this Notice is$1,329J90.17, (inclusive of unpaid principal, interest calculated through and including J:1eb- ruary 5, 2009, late charges calculated through January. 12, 2009, attorney's. fees calculated as of Dec.ember 19. 2008 and title report fees); together with additional interest to the date of sale from February 6. 2009, addiûonal1ate charges im;urred after January 12. 2009, additional attorney's fees incUrred after December 19,2008 and additional costs of the foreclosure action; said sale to take. place at the Lincoln County Courthouse. 925 SageAvenue. Kemmerer, Wyoming: . '. . The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other llens and encUmbrances:that,wiUnotbe extinguiShed át the sale and any prospec- tive bidder should research the status of title before submitting a bid. .·,.DATED February 5, 2009. OOû210 , êömmerce Bank of Wyoming. N.A. . By: DRAY, THOMSON & DYEKMAN, P.C. Pnh1ish:February 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2009 Kemmerer_ø~ette 0205A STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LARAMIE ) 000211 AFFIDAVIT Gregory C. Dyekman, being first duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. That he is an attorney for Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., the current holder of that certain real estate mortgage and security agreement covering real and personal property described as: A parcel of land located in the southeast % of Section 15 and the southwest % of Section 14 of the resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., of the Sixth P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Tract 56 and the Northwest corner of Tract 55 in said Section 14 for the Point of Beginning where is found a standard GLO brass cap; Thence, along the west line of said Tract 55, S 000 06' 45" W for 765.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 680 17' 52" W for 298.48 feet to a point on the common line of said Sections 14 and 15, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence' Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence, along the common line between said Sections 14 and 15, N 000 09' 19" W for 505.77 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 880 01' 55" W for 501.40 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 000 03' 11" W for 301.11 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 550 36' 32" W for 283.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence S 620 31' 09" W for 284.00 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 270 28' 50" W for 540.56 feet, to the southerly right of way of U.S. Highway 30, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 630 57' 00" E for 1455.09 feet, along said southerly right of way, to a standard concrete highway right of way monument; Thence, continuing N 630 57' 00" E along said southerly right of way for 6.33 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Tract 64 in Section 14, of the Resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., where is found a 2" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS,; Thence N 890 46' 56" E along the southerly boundary of Tract 64, for 201.16 feet, to the southeast corner of said Tract 64 and being on the west line of said Tract 56, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS; Thence S 000 06' 50" E along the westerly boundary of said Tract 56, for 1320.27 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Less and except the following: Lot 6 of Block 1 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Also, less and except the following: Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof; 00021.2 AND ALL INVENTORY, EQUIPMENT, ACCOUNTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL HEALTH CARE INSURANCE RECEIVABLES), CHATTEL PAPER, INSTRUMENTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL PROMISSORY NOTES), LETTER OF CREDIT RIGHTS, LETTERS OF CREDIT, DOCUMENTS, DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS, INVESTMENT PROPERTY, MONEY, OTHER RIGHTS TO PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE, AND GENERAL INTANGIBLES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL SOFlìNARE AND ALL PAYMENT INTANGIBLES); ALL OIL, GAS AND OTHER MINERALS BEFORE EXTRACTION; ALL OIL, GAS, OTHER MINERALS AND ACCOUNTS CONSTITUTING AS- EXTRACTED COLLATERAL; ALL FIXTURES; ALL TIMBER TO BE CUT; ALL ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSIONS, ACCESSORIES, FITTINGS, INCREASES, TOOLS, PARTS, REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, AND COMMINGLED GOODS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL ADDITIONS, REPLACEMENTS OF AND SUBSTITUTIONS FOR ALL OR ANY PART OF THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL INSURANCE REFUNDS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL GOOD WILL RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL RECORDS AND DATA AND EMBEDDED SOFlìNARE RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL EQUIPMENT, INVENTORY AND SOFlìNARE TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS AND DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA; AND ALL SUPPORTING OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED OR WHETHER NOW OR HEREAFTER SUBJECT TO ANY RIGHTS IN THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; AND ALL PRODUCTS AND PROCEEDS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL INSURANCE PAYMENTS) OF OR RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY. AND ALL OF THE FOLLOWING WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED, WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, AND WHEREVER LOCATED: (A) ALL ACCESSIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSORIES, TOOLS, PARTS, SUPPLIES, REPLACEMENTS OF AND ADDITIONS TO ANY OF THE COLLATERAL DESCRIBED HEREIN, WHETHER ADDED NOW OR LATER; (B) ALL PRODUCTS AND PRODUCE OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COLLATERAL SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (c) ALL ACCOUNTS, GENERAL INTANGIBLES, INSTRUMENTS, RENTS, MONIES, PAYMENTS, AND ALL OTHER RIGHTS, ARISING OUT OF A SALE, LEASE, CONSIGNMENT OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (D) ALL PROCEEDS (INCLUDING INSURANCE PROCEEDS) FROM THE SALE, DESTRUCTION, LOSS, OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, AND SUMS DUE FROM A THIRD PARTY WHO HAS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED THE COLLATERAL OR FROM THAT PARTY'S INSURER, WHETHER DUE TO JUDGMENT, SETTLEMENT OR OTHER PROCESS; AND (E) ALL RECORDS AND DATA RELATING TO ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, WHETHER IN THE FORM OF A WRITING, PHOTOGRAPH, MICROFILM, MICROFICHE, OR ELECTRONIC MEDIA, TOGETHER WITH ALL OF GRANTOR'S RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST IN AND TO ALL COMPUTER SOFlìNARE REQUIRED TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS OR DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA. which mortgage is dated August 17, 2007, and was executed by Larry G. Miller, Member, and Lance B. Miller, Member, Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, as mortgagor, to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., as mortgagee, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 21, 2007, in Book 669 at Page 664; said mortgage secured the Promissory Note of even date therewith in the amount of $1,121,200.00 and further secured the renewed and extended obligations of the borrowers to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. pursuant to the Promissory Note in the amount of $700,000.00 dated August 17, 2007, both of which notes were executed by Larry G. Miller, Member, and Lance B. Miller, Member, Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, and Larry G. Miller, individually and Lance B. Miller, individually. 2. That on January 14, 2009, a notice of intent to foreclose, a copy of which is attached hereto, was addressed to the mortgagor and record owners at their last known addresses and mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, with copies addressed to all known persons in possession, and all known parties of interest, and mailed by certified mail, as follows: Page 2 ~ Antelope Ridge Development, LLC 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 Larry G. Miller 2129 North Glendon Way Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 Lance B. Miller 3054 East Slick Rock Road Washington, UT 84780 60\)12:1.3 3. That on January 29, 2009, a notice of real estate mortgage foreclosure and sale of personal property subject to a security interest, a copy of which is attached hereto, was addressed to the mortgagors, lienholders, record owners and all known parties of interest, at their last known addresses, and mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, as follows: Antelope Ridge Development, LLC 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 Larry G. Miller 2129 North Glendon Way Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 Lance B. Miller 3054 East Slick Rock Road Washington, UT 84780 Fox Materials, LLC c/o Robert Bernard Fox 10283 State Highway 233 Kemmerer, WY 83101 Lance B. Miller 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 Jeremiah Falsev, Estimator Consolidated Paving and Concrete, Inc. 1705 West 2450 South Ogden, UT 84401 Inberg Surveying Company, Inc. dba Inberg-Miller Engineers 124 East Main Street Riverton, WY 82501 Legacy Mortgage Financial Services, LLC Larry G. Miller, Manager 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 L&N Real Estate Consulting, LLC, 2129 N. Glendon Way Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 Freehomeloan"com Real Estate Services, Inc. 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 Nancy R. Miller 2129 North Glendon Way Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 Jerry Greenfield Lincoln County Treasurer 925 Sage Avenue Kemmerer, WY 83101 Veri A. Jensen Living Trust Veri A. Jensen and Margene Jensen, Trustees 10318 N. Golden Oak Lane Highland, UT 84003 DATED March 3, 2009. dÕ~¿~<j~ðH G gory C. kman Acknowledged, subscribed and sworn to before me by Gregory C. Dyekman on March 3, 2009.' Witness my hand and official seal. JC1n~ N. ~6TrZCl~ Notary Public COUNTY OF LARAMIE: Page 3 9~ap~ !/XOmdO/t ¿¿. 9peÆma/t~ 9. ~ 60&21.4 W. PERRY DRAY WILLIAM J. THOMSON GREGORY C. DYEKMAN RANDALL B. REED NICHOLAS G. J. HEALEY MICHELLE L. BUSH* BRIAN J. HANIFY TIMOTHY L. WOZNICK L. BARTON PEACH* A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AlTORNEYS AT LAw 204 EAST 22ND STREET CHEYENNE, WYOMING 82001-3799 WNW.DRAYLAW.COM TELEPHONE (307) 634-8891 TELEFAX (307) 634-8902 E-MAIL Greg. Dyekman@draylaw.com JANAIA GONZALES PARALEGAL OF COUNSEL: MICHAEL D. BASOM "ALSO ADMITTED IN COLORADO January 14, 2009 Antelope Ridge Development, LLC 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3804 6966 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Larry G. Miller 2129 North Glendon Way Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 0500 0000 5550 5525 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Lance B. Miller 3054 East Slick Rock Road Washington, UT 84780 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3804 6959 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE RE: Real Estate Mortgage to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. Dear Mr. Miller and Mr. Miller: Pursuant to that certain mortgage executed by Larry G. Miller, Member, and Lance B. Miller, Member, Antelope Ridge Development, LLC to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. dated August 17, 2007, which mortgage secured the Promissory Note of even date therewith in the amount of $1,121,200.00 and further secured the renewed and extended obligations of the borrowers to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. pursuant to the Promissory Note in the amount of $700,000.00 dated August 17, 2007, both of which notes were executed by Larry G. Miller, Member, and Lance B. Miller, Member, Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, and Larry G. Miller, individually and Lance B. Miller, individually, which mortgage encumbers the following-described real property: Antelope Ridge Development, LLC Larry G. Miller Lance B. Miller January 14, 2009 Page 2 ÛOô2j.5 A parcel of land located in the southeast % of Section 15 and the southwest % of Section 14 of the resurvey of 1. 21 N., R. 116 W., of the Sixth P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Tract 56 and the Northwest corner of Tract 55 in said Section 14 for the Point of Beginning where is found a standard GLO brass cap; Thence, along the west line of said Tract 55, S 00° 06' 45" W for 765.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 68° 17' 52" W for 298.48 feet to a point on the common line of said Sections 14 and 15, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence, along the common line between said Sections 14 and 15, N 00° 09' 19" W for 505.77 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 88° 01' 55" W for 501.40 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 00° 03' 11" W for 301.11 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 55° 36' 32" W for 283.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence S 62° 31' 09" W for 284.00 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 2r 28' 50" W for 540.56 feet, to the southerly right of way of U.S. Highway 30, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 63° 57' 00" E for 1455.09 feet, along said southerly right of way, to a standard concrete highway right of way monument; Thence, continuing N 63° 57' 00" E along said southerly right of way for 6.33 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Tract 64 in Section 14, of the Resurvey of T.21 N., R. 116 W., where is found a 2" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS,; Thence N 89° 46' 56" E along the southerly boundary of Tract 64, for 201.16 feet, to the southeast corner of said Tract 64 and being on the West line of said Tract 56, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS; Thence S 00° 06' 50" E along the westerly boundary of said Tract 56, for 1320.27 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. - - -. - - ... Antelope Ridge Development, LLC Larry G. Miller Lance B. Miller January 14, 2009 Page 3 û0021.6 Less and except the following: Lot 6 of Block 1 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Also, less and except the following: Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED: 1. Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., hereby declares the following sums secured by the above-referenced mortgage to be immediately due and payable: Loan No. 58188 Outstanding principal: Accrued and unpaid interest: (through 1/14/09) Late charges: TOTAL for Loan No. 58188 : $454,289.77 15,740.68 2,677.80 *$472.708.25 Loan No. 58189 Outstanding principal: Accrued and unpaid interest: (through 1/14/09) Late charges: Attorney's fees: TOTAL for Loan No. 58189: $799,137.63 26,407.52 3,417.42 14,767.42 *$843.729.99 * Does not include attorney's fees after December 19, 2008 and additional foreclosure costs. 2. Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. hereby invokes the power of sale under the mortgage and by this letter gives notice of its intent to foreclose the mortgage in accordance with Wyoming law. Therefore, if payment in full is not received within ten (10) days after the mailing of this notice, we shall begin foreclosure proceedings, pursuant to law, by commencing publication of the notice of foreclosure sale in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the property to be sold is located. These are commercial loans. Antelope Ridge Development, LLC Larry G. Miller Lance B. Miller January 14, 2009 Page 4 00û21.7 If you believe that you are entitled to claim the benefit of the provisions of the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. 501 et. seq.) please provide us with written notice of your desire to do so immediately, together with a specific statement of the date upon which you were called to active duty, your branch of military service and your current status. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact an attorney of your choice. Yours truly, DRAY, THOMSON & DYEKMAN, P.C. ~;:¿r~ jmg pc: Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. Veri A. Jensen and Margene Jensen, Trustees, Veri A. Jensen Living Trust F ox Materials, LLC Jeremiah Falsev, Estimator, Consolidated Paving and Concrete, Inc. Inberg Surveying Company, Inc., dba Inberg-Miller Engineers Copies sent by regular first class mail 0\ 0\ ...... '000 -.:rOO '0 N N -.:r 00 If"I -.:r' If"I QJ a.. z: cc· ~ J 8 o eo ON O\~ .IE IJ)C O~ ~ <r :;J 19::E 0001'- -.:tl'-I""I i"')'OON ......I'-N to.¡ \!) < 1-< (J] o :I. +: +: ~- .. +: +: i 0> Z 0> ~ ~ ~~ ~>WÕ O:>WO c:ß' D..:S ~ N ~ 0:: ~ 113 Q) Oc(O" ~ UU)ZZ ...J)-N- J ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ \.)"J 0:: N ffi 0.. ~ c( :I: ~ U ~ · Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. · Print your name ant;j,address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on th~,front If space penn its. 1. Article M'?:2ssed to: .,.,.~~ Antel\'~, ;'dge Developm~"ll 42 NoMl":r200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 .- --..-.-------- .... B.l\ecelved by ( p¡(nted NBm ~ L)..JT· <J C '. '\,"'- D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: o Agent , Addressee t~ of ¡y,IIvery 0/ (0 DYes DNa 00&21.8 3. ~rvlce Type ~ Certified Mall 0 Express Mall o Registered 'J!i¡ Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. --._-. _.. "-' 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service labeO hH Fohnl381 hI. P.ebruá,lylidd4i ! "' ~~ C'I'- 0) "{?~ ~ .?: ~ ~- ...... j r4 '.: ?L~~~ a a Lf a <tJ a a I'- C'\ '_ <C ·~c CIJ'o;: Sa: cl- 0- '"O- r:: ( .....j¿. Q)c.9í.. = 1- ~..cC) ..::;; t .... . 0 :'- c.9Zro ~(J) ~ I-NQ) CIS T"" -- -I No... 7008 11400003 3804 6966 I Idomest\J RetLIn Receipt 102595-Q2-M-1540 0'1 o .... CCt o .... 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OØ¡;¡¡O ~F¡¡jp.3 -6' < ¥ ~. ~ ¡¡¡- .!D ø P !II >< .þ. f" :IJ ~ OO:EJ:f ::;;/ñ @ ~![ ã [l i £. en <' ~. - ~ a. ,[ i!~~-<, i~ c- '< c ~!~i -.. ~ m :tJ ~ ~ ~ S· .§. o;a: 0 ~ ~ [ ~ ~ f i P ¡ f m ~ .œ. 0E' c-[ if Þ 3 !!.if .... ~ ~ ~ 3 P !!!. ~ .... :¡ .", ~ g- OD <D DO 0 ~ ~if Q, 6: 6- <D ~ ~ ~ if 9- !'J ~. ~ 9: .:.c CD Iß g>~ap.-.. YÆomdon &- ~e.£man-, ~ ~ . A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAw 204 EAST 22ND STREET CHEYENNE, WYOMING 82001-3799 'NWW. DRAYLAW. COM W. PERRY DRIlY WILLIAM J. THOMSON GREGORY C. DYEKMAN RANDALL B. REED NICHOLAS G. J. HEALEY MICHELLE L. BUSH" BRIAN J. HANIFY TIMOTHY L. WOZNICK L. BARTON PEACH" OF COUNSEL: MICHAEL D. BJISOM TELEPHONE (307) 634-8891 TELEFAX (307) 634-8902 E-MAIL Greg.Dyekman@draylaw.com JANAIA GONZALES PARALEGAL I ûOû220 ! NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE AND SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO A SECURITY INTEREST "ALSO ADMITTED IN COLORADO DATE: January 29, 2009 TO: Antelope Ridge Development, LLC 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3804 6980 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Lance B. Miller 3054 East Slick Rock Road 'Nashington, UT 84780 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 114000033804 7000 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Fox Materials, LLC c/o Robert Bernard Fox 10283 State Highway 233 K,emmerer, WY 83101 CI::RTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3804 7024 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Inberg SUNeying Company, Inc. dba Inberg-Miller Engineers 124 East Main Street Riverton, WY 82501 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3805 4589 RI::TURN RECEIPT REQUESTED L~N Real Estate Consulting, LLC 2'129 N. Glendon Way Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3805 4640 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Nancy R. Miller 2'129 North Glendon Way Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3805 4626 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Veri A. Jensen Living Trust Veri A. Jensen and Mlargene Jensen, Trustees 10318 N. Golden Oak Lane Highland, UT 84003 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 114000033804 7017 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Larry G. Miller 2129 North Glendon Way Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3804 6997 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Lance B. Miller 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3805 4664 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ·Jeremiah Falsev, Estimator Consolidated Paving and Concrete, Inc. 1705 West 2450 South Ogden, UT 84401 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 .1140 0003 3804 7031 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Legacy Mortgage Financial SeNices, LLC Larry G. Miller, Manager 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3805 4596 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Freehomeloan.com Real Estate SeNices, Inc. 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3805 4657 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Jerry Greenfield Lincoln County Treasurer 925 Sage Avenue Kemmerer, WY 83101 CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7008 1140 0003 3805 4633 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE AND SALE OF !)ERSONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO A SECURITY INTEREST C:Oi.J221 RE: Your possible claim against or interest in property owned by Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, Larry G. Miller, Member, and Lance B. Miller, Member. PURPOSE: This purpose of this notice is to advise you that we are currently involved in fOfieclosure of a mortgage and a security interest against the property described below. We have been advised that you may hold or claim an interest in said real property and personal property, and therefore, this foreclosure may materially affect or terminate your rights in said property. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: I A parcel of land located in the southeast % of Section 15 and the southwest % of Se,ction 14 of the resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., of the Sixth P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: Be~ginning at the southwest corner of Tract 56 and the Northwest corner of Tract 55 in said Section 14 for the Point of Beginning where is found a standard GLO brass cap; Thence, along the west line of said Tract 55, S 00° 06' 45" W for 765.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thl3nce N 68° 17' 52" W for 298.48 feet to a point on the common line of said Se,ctions 14 and 15, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence, along the common line between said Sections 14 and 15, N 00° 09' 19" W for 505.77 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Tht3nce N 88° 01' 55" W for 501.40 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thl3nce N 00° 03' 11" W for 301.11 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 55° 36' 32" W for 283.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thl3nce S 62° 31' 09" W for 284.00 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thl3nce N 27° 28' 50" W for 540.56 feet, to the southerly right of way of U.S. Hiøhway 30, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thl3nce N 63° 57' 00" E for 1455.09 feet, along said southerly right of way, to a standard concrete highway right of way monument; Thl3nce, continuing N 63° 57' 00" E along said southerly right of way for 6.33 feet to ;8 point on the southerly boundary of Tract 64 in Section 14, of the Resurvey of T. :21 N., R. 116 W., where is found a 2" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS,; ThlEmce N 89° 46' 56" E along the southerly boundary of Tract 64, for 201.16 feet, to the southeast corner of said Tract 64 and being on the west line of said Tract 56, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS; Thl3nce S 00° 06' 50" E along the westerly boundary of said Tract 56, for 1320.27 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Le:ss and except the following: Lot 6 of Block 1 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the offici91 plat thereof Also, less and except the following: (:0&222 Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof TOGETHER WITH ALL INVENTORY, EQUIPMENT, ACCOUNTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL HEALTH CARE INSURANCE RECEIVABLES), CHATTEL PAPER, INSTRUMENTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL PROMISSORY NOTES), LETTER OF CREDIT RIGHTS, LETTERS OF CREDIT, DOCUMENTS, DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS, INVESTMENT PROPERTY, MONEY, OTHER RIGHTS TO PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE, AND GENERAL INTANGIBLES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL SOFTWARE AND ALL PAYMENT INTANGIBLES); ALL OIL, GP,S AND OTHER MINERALS BEFORE EXTRACTION; ALL OIL, GAS, OTHER MINERALS AND ACCOUNTS CONSTITUTING AS-EXTRACTED COLLATERAL; ALL FIXTURES; ALL TIMBER TO BE CUT; ALL ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSIONS, ACCESSORIES, FITTINGS, INCREASES, TOOLS, PARTS, REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, AND COMMINGLED GOODS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL ADDITIONS, REPLACEMENTS OF AND SUBSTITUTIONS FOR ALL OR ANY PART OF THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL INSURANCE REFUNDS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL GOOD WILL RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL RECORDS AND DATA AND EMBEDDED SOFTWARE RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL EQUIPMENT, INVENTORY AND SOFTWARE TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS AND DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA; AND ALL SUPPORTING OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED OR WHETHER NOW OR HEREAFTER SUBJECT TO ANY RIGHTS IN THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; AND ALL PRODUCTS AND PROCEEDS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL INSURANCE PAYMENTS) OF OR RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY. AND ALL OF THE FOLLOWING WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED, WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, AND WHEREVER LOCATED: (A) All ACCESSIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSORIES, TOOLS, PARTS, pUPPLlES, REPLACEMENTS OF AND ADDITIONS TO ANY OF THE COLLATERAL DESCRIBED HEREIN, WHETHER ADDED NOW OR LATER; (B) ALL PRODUCTS AND PRODUCE OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COLLATERAL SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (C) ALL ACCOUNTS, GENERAL INTANGIBLES, INSTRUMENTS, RENTS, MONIES, PAYMENTS, AND ALL OTHER RIGHTS, ARISING OUT OF A SALE, LEASE, CONSIGNMENT OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (D) ALL PROCEEDS (INCLUDING INSURANCE PROCEEDS) FROM THE SALE, DESTRUCTION, lOSS, OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, AND SUMS DUE FROM A THIRD PARTY WHO HAS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED THE COLLATERAL OR FROM THAT PARTY'S INSURER, WHETHER DUE TO JUDGMENT, SETTLEMENT OR OTHER PROCESS; AND (E) ALL RECORDS AND DATA RELATING TO ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, WHETHER IN THE FORM OF A WRITING, PHOTOGRAPH, MICROFILM, MICROFICHE, OR ELECTRONIC MEDIA, TOGETHER WITH ALL OF GRANTOR'S RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST IN AND TO ALL COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUIFtED TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS OR DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA. SALE SCHEDULE: Date: Time: Place: March 10, 2009 10:00 a.m. Lincoln County Courthouse, 925 Sage Avenue, Kemmerer, Wyoming ENCLOSURE: Copy of "Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure and Sale of Personal Property Subject to a Security Interest" as submitted to Kemmerer Gazette for publication SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name. and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, or on th~ front If space permits. 1. Artlcle.Addressed to: ~ i~ Antelo¡ie Ridge Development, LL~! 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 84003 2. Article Number (Tiansfer from servIce labelj PS Form 3811, February 2004 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY , A Signature x Cu o Agent o Addressee ,<O;::!":'(iV- B. Recelv è:t by (Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery { ¡ {,-e1h Wc;(fTs' 2 1- (0'1 D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? 0 '(es . . I '~0 If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No 00ö223 3. ~rice Type I!;I Certified Mall 0 Express Mall o Registered ~ Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (ExtIB Fee) 7008 1140 0003 3804 6980 DYes Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Complete Items 1,2, and 3..Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that. we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front jf space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Lance B. Miller 42 North 200 East Suiíe 3 American Fork, UT -MDU3 2. Artlcle,Number (TlBnsfer from servIce labelj PS Form 3811, February 2004 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A Signature x D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type o Certified Mall o RegIstered o Insured Mail o Express Mall o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (ExtIB Fee) 0 Yes - "-- -- ._'.-...-..._.._- DomestIc Return Receipt 102595.02-M-1540 7008 1140 0003 3805 46b4 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Complete Items 1 J 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on the front If space permIts. 1. Article Addressed to: Fox Materials, LLC c/o Robert Bernard FO,>X.;:j, 10283 State Hi.9bw~~t~ Kemmerer, WY_tð·r 2. Artlcl.e Number (TlBnsfer from servlce'labelj D. Is de Ivery address different from Item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type þÓ Certified Mall o Registered o insured Mall o Express Mall OQ Return Receipt for MerchandIse o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (ExtIB Fee) 0 Yes 7008 1140 0003 3804 70~4 .... M·1540 · Complete Itel1l~ 1 J 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, or on the front If space permIts. 1. Article Addressed to: _._.~-_.. Jeremiah Falsev, Estimator _ '.'" Consolidated Paving and Conc.~~:· 1705 West 2450 South Ogden, UT 84401 ':.,£ 2. Article Number sfer from service label) o Agent o Addressee C. ~teRl.pelivery ~ luDS D. is delivery address different from Item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No c.. 3. Service Type 1JQ CertIfied Mall 0 Express Mall o Registered '1(:i Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (ExtIB Fee) 0 Yes . J'J' nn...... _. 7008 PJLI:1~DOD3 3804 7031 ."'.. ..~ .. . . · Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: In berg Surveying Company, Inc. dba In berg-Miller Engineers 124 East Main Street Riverton, WY 82501 ___n__ ___ __~.._. 2. ArtIcle Number (Thlnsfe, from servIce labelj PS Form 3811, February 2004 ._--._-_._~--- COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY . ~gent o Addressee c::'i-;1P?e~ D. Is d liv address erent from item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter dellve~ address below: ~No ÜOv224 3. Service Type b6 Certified Mall 0 Express Mall o Registered 10 Retum Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mall Ö C.O.D. 4. Restricted Dellve~? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes --------- -,- "---- 7008 1140 0003 3805 4589 ----.-.-----..--- Domestic Retum Receipt ~' .. . . · Complete Items 1,2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, or on the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Legacy,¡Mortgage Financial Service Larry (3E1'Miller, Manager 42 North 200 East Suite 3 American Fork, UT 8~,tj. 2. Article Number (T1'ansfe, fromserv/œ1àbel) I RS Fprm 38~ 1h F,eb 1¡larvf2004 , - --------_..._- 1 02595-D2-M- !~40 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Slgnat~re o Agent o Addressee LLC 3. Service Type 1Íl Certified Mall 0 Express Mall o Registered ~ Retum Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) I:] Yas _... __...... __m 7008 1140 0003 3805 4596 1 n.,¡;;:cu; nO) "" 1.5.dI) ----. .-----.----'-.--.--.-------..---..-.-.---..---.---~-....- ,.-...--. " I Dom!l:¡JJQ1ßßtumBeceIDt SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Òomplete Items 1, 2,' and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, or on the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Freehomeloan.com Real Estate S 42 North 200 East Suite 3 AmerH:;an Fork, UT 84003 2. Article Number (frans'e, 'from servIce labeQ PS Form 3811, February 2004 . . . . . A. Signature e D. Is de"ve~ address different from Item 1? If YES, enter dellve~ address below: 3. Service Type 'fii Certlfled Mall 0 Express Mall Ö Registered 00 Retum Receipt for Merchandise D Insured Mall Ö C.O.D. 4. Restricted Dellve~? (Extra Fee) DYes 7008 1140 OD03 3805 4657 1 02595-D2-M:1~~ Domestic Retum Receipt SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mall piece, or on the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Jerry Greenfield Lincoln County Treasurer 925 Sage ¡\Venue Kemmerer, WY 83101 ..... _"~'.___n____ .. --- --~-._------_.. 2. Article Number COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY 3. !32rvlce "TYpe !XI Certified Mall D Express Mall o Registered tiI Return ReceIpt for MerchandIse D Insured Mall Ö C.O.D. 4. Restricted Dellve~? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes ?nnA 1.1,L,¡n nnn::¡ ::¡An t¡ L¡(..,::¡::¡ , o..o\l~ \()OO :~~ ~Joo U"1N CD a.. z: <: ~ ..., 8 ¡¡¡ ° Q. " O\Ñ ~ ...:t ~ ~ .fE >, Lf\C . O~ (/] ;;¡¡: Þ fÐ::?: ° 00 """ """00\ ° 00 \() or- f'- N 12J \.)1 '<C. UJ .... Q:3:UJO ~\ ~''$ ¡: ~ 'V 0:: .....(J)CX) 0«1:\C) J~ ~ ~~.~ oZ"'o _O::(J)~ (J)0¡1j$ ~ ~ ~ð ~ 0:: C'\ z Q. UJ ~ '\ « J: .~ 0 ~ · Complete Items 1 J 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front If space perm. its. 1. Artlc~ddressed to: . Veri A. Jensen Living Trust Veri A~ensen and Ma,rgene Jens 10318,£N. Golden Oak Lane Highland, UT 8400~: 2. Article Number (Transfer from service labeQ PS Form 3811, February 2004 //; I' ,/ / .I / / /1 AI., / , l.1 "t, / .~' 0 o .Ç,' ~. .0 Q ,~ .;¿. 1ff -~, Ì) ~ ,,/'" ~ 1 ,. t:»;.'!! o ::r M M I:(J o o 1"- LJ' LJ ' :':; \l\ o¡ I:(J : _ fTlj -- '~ C. Date of Delivery - ~ -rJ , D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No , Trustees 00ú225 3. Service Type 1Q Certified Mall 0 Express Mall o Registered ~ Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mall [j C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes --..---.------- 7008 1140 0003 3804 7017 ~_.--._------~-----_._---_._.~-_.._---- Domestic Return Receipt 10259S-D2-M-1540 .- "- '" .- ...... .- .- - - (\1 ';;;t P 1.1:. i~! tit FJ (\1 ..¡.. () in ".. ;::1' Ui ~"7;: '-. :::: '" .- .- .- .~ - .- '-' ..-.. .- .- .....:;; ., ....... - '-=3 lJ ~ CIJ cr ~ ~ 3 '" ~ (.ù~z (X)~~ ~ :;¡ g- . "'., !" <D , a> ~. 0- 2 <D DJ i!r -< t:r I\:) ~ 0 0 . :>. "\..! 0 ~ 0 3 [):r !£ I:-' õ' :II I:-' ~ ..J:' 0 3 ~ :II LJ ~ ~ CD 0 "[ 0 ~ W a. W 0 [):r . m. :C' 0 ~ ..J:' "\..! i 0 0 ~ 0 ..æ. ~ 0 m< I}' ! t --- -- . "-- "~.~_.._.__..., - "-,",-,'.-'.---.- '-'~-'-'~'....._'- \.. ' \--0--..----_____. \ \ .'. \', .\ I , I ! ii, f'I 00 g:cn -:Ili~ f,! c2J o' ~ ~ Cf>''; CDa.-C š:: ~ š:: Cf> m, m, 0'8.0 O:IlC¡¡ b ~.-S Þ 3 m ~~ <D _. "[- ~ š:: Cf> ¡:¡ ::r g¡ a. ~. .- .--. -~. - .--- " \ ~wr Q)QQ) C/) CJ'1::J ::r,J:..o -. m CD ::JQ){JJ cs. 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That he is an attorney at law admitted to practice in the State of Wyoming, is a member of the law firm of Dray, Thomson & Dyekman, P.C., 204 East 22nd Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001, and that said firm represents Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., the current holder of that certain real estate mortgage and security agreement covering real and personal property described as: A parcel of land located in the southeast 'X of Section 15 and the southwest 'X of Section 14 of the resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., of the Sixth P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Tract 56 and the Northwest corner of Tract 55 in said Section 14 for the Point of Beginning where is found a standard GLO brass cap; Thence, along the west line of said Tract 55, S 00° 06' 45" W for 765.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 68° 17' 52" W for 298.48 feet to a point on the common line of said Sections 14 and 15, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence, along the common line between said Sections 14 and 15, N 00° 09' 19" W for 505.77 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 88° 01' 55" W for 501.40 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 00° 03' 11" W for 301.11 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 55° 36' 32" W for 283.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence S 62° 31' 09" W for 284.00 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 27° 28' 50" W for 540.56 feet, to the southerly right of way of U.S. Highway 30, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 63° 57' DO" E for 1455.09 feet, along said southerly right of way, to a standard concrete highway right of way monument; Thence, continuing N 63° 57' 00" E along said southerly right of way for 6.33 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Tract 64 in Section 14, of the Resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., where is found a 2" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS,; Thence N 89° 46' 56" E along the southerly boundary of Tract 64, for 201.16 feet, to the southeast corner of said Tract 64 and being on the west line of said Tract 56, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS; Thence S 00° 06' 50" E along the westerly boundary of said Tract 56, for 1320.27 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Less and except the following: "0 ." 2 to. U' 30 Lot 6 of Block 1 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Also, less and except the following: Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof; AND ALL INVENTORY, EQUIPMENT, ACCOUNTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL HEALTH CARE INSURANCE RECEIVABLES), CHATTEL PAPER, INSTRUMENTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL PROMISSORY NOTES), LETTER OF CREDIT RIGHTS, LETTERS OF CREDIT, DOCUMENTS, DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS, INVESTMENT PROPERTY, MONEY, OTHER RIGHTS TO PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE, AND GENERAL INTANGIBLES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL SOFTWARE AND ALL PAYMENT INTANGIBLES); ALL OIL, GAS AND OTHER MINERALS BEFORE EXTRACTION; ALL OIL, GAS, OTHER MINERALS AND ACCOUNTS CONSTITUTING AS- EXTRACTED COLLATERAL; ALL FIXTURES; ALL TIMBER TO BE CUT; ALL ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSIONS, ACCESSORIES, FITTINGS, INCREASES, TOOLS, PARTS, REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, AND COMMINGLED GOODS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL ADDITIONS, REPLACEMENTS OF AND SUBSTITUTIONS FOR ALL OR ANY PART OF THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL INSURANCE REFUNDS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL GOOD WILL RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL RECORDS AND DATA AND EMBEDDED SOFTWARE RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL EQUIPMENT, INVENTORY AND SOFTWARE TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS AND DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA; AND ALL SUPPORTING OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED OR WHETHER NOW OR HEREAFTER SUBJECT TO ANY RIGHTS IN THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; AND ALL PRODUCTS AND PROCEEDS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL INSURANCE PAYMENTS) OF OR RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY. AND ALL OF THE FOLLOWING WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED, WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, AND WHEREVER LOCATED: (A) ALL ACCESSIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSORIES, TOOLS, PARTS, SUPPLIES, REPLACEMENTS OF AND ADDITIONS TO ANY OF THE COLLATERAL DESCRIBED HEREIN, WHETHER ADDED NOW OR LATER; (B) ALL PRODUCTS AND PRODUCE OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COLLATERAL SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (C) ALL ACCOUNTS, GENERAL INTANGIBLES, INSTRUMENTS, RENTS, MONIES, PAYMENTS, AND ALL OTHER RIGHTS, ARISING OUT OF A SALE, LEASE, CONSIGNMENT OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (D) ALL PROCEEDS (INCLUDING INSURANCE PROCEEDS) FROM THE SALE, DESTRUCTION, LOSS, OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, AND SUMS DUE FROM A THIRD PARTY WHO HAS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED THE COLLATERAL OR FROM THAT PARTY'S INSURER, WHETHER DUE TO JUDGMENT, SETTLEMENT OR OTHER PROCESS; AND (E) ALL RECORDS AND DATA RELATING TO ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, WHETHER IN THE FORM OF A WRITING, PHOTOGRAPH, MICROFILM, MICROFICHE, OR ELECTRONIC MEDIA, TOGETHER WITH ALL OF GRANTOR'S RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST IN AND TO ALL COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUIRED TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS OR DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA. which mortgage is dated August 17, 2007, and was executed by Larry G. Miller, Member, and Lance B. Miller, Member, Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, as mortgagor, to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., as mortgagee, which mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 21, 2007, in Book 669 at Page 664; said mortgage secured the Promissory Note of even date therewith in the amount of $1,121,200.00 and further secured the renewed and extended obligations of the borrowers to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. pursuant to the Promissory Note in the amount of $700,000.00 dated August 17, 2007, both of which notes were executed by Larry G. Miller, Member, and Lance B. Miller, Member, Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, and Larry G. Miller, individually and Lance B. Miller, individually. Page 2 2. That Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. has a perfected security interest in the above described personal property. ÜOô231 3. That default has been made in the payment of said mortgage and that the mortgagee or current holder of the mortgage has proceeded to foreclose said mortgage under the power of sale therein contained. 4. That under the terms of said mortgage the mortgagee is entitled to recover an attorney's fee and that a reasonable attorney's fee in this case is the sum of $6,074.00. 5. There has not been and is no agreement, express or implied between Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. and its attorneys in this matter, nor between the said attorneys and any other person for sharing or division of the attorney's fees as allowed by said mortgage and as added to the debt therein involved. 6. The attorney's fee as allowed by said mortgage represents compensation for services actually rendered in the foreclosure proceedings by the affiant. 7. This Affidavit is given pursuant to W.S. Sec. 34-4-112, 1977. DATED March 3, 2009. :~<~~J(~ Gregory . Dyekman Acknowledged, subscribed and sworn to before me by Gregory C. Dyekman on March 3, 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. J t. A n _~ \ _ C"\ 0Xl~ \Vl. don LL.U.0 Notary Public Page 3