HomeMy WebLinkAbout946032 EASEMENT (With Release of Prior Easement) 0001.75 Charles M. Hardesty and Angela M. Hardesty, husband and wife, of 1371 Wyoming State Highway 241, Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming 83110, grantors, for and in consideration f Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is acknowedged, grant and convey to Larry Schieffer Electric Inc. Profit Sharing Plan, of 342 Orsi Road, Oakdale, CA 95361, grantee, the following des ribed perpetual right-of-way easement for the following purposes: 1. Purpose f Easement. This easement is for the purpose of providing a nonexclusive, perpetual 6 -foot wide right-of-way easement for ingress and egress and all utilities from the U.S. Highway 89 to the property described in paragraph 2, including the right to construct and maintain a roadway t provide that ingress and egress and construct, install, and maintain any and all utilities, including t e right to inspect the easement. 2. Property B nefited by Easement. This easement is for the benefit of the fOllowing described real property of the grantees in Lincoln County, Wyoming: T27N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County. WyominQ: Section 19: Section 20: Section 29: Section 30: E1/2SE1/4; SE1/4NE1/4. W1/2SW1/4; SW1/4NW1/4. W1/2NW1/4; NW1 14SW1 14. All of Section 30 except the following: NE1/4NW1/4NE1/4; NW1/4NW1/4. Section 19: E1/2SW1/4SE1/4; E1/2W1/2SW1/4SE1/4; E1/2NW1/4SE1/4; E1/2W1/2NW1/4SE1/4; E1/2SW1/4NE1/4; E1/2W1/2SW1/4NE1/4; NE1/4NW1/4NE1/4. Section 30: Section 31: Those lands described in that certain Warranty Deed dated May 3, 2000, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on May 18, 2000, in Book 445 PR, Page 776, a copy of which is attached marked as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. RECEIVED 3/20/2009 at 9:30 AM RECEIVING # 946032 BOOK: 718 PAGE: 175 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ûOv1.76 3. Description of Easement. The easement is described as follows: Section 25, T27N. R120W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, WyominQ: Lot 1 NW1/4NE1/4 NE1/4NE1/4 SE1/4NE1/4 South 60 feet South 60 feet South 60 feet The East 60 feet to a point that is 60 feet South of the Grantee's Northwest property corner. 4. Release of Prior Easement. Execution and recording of this easement releases, replaces, and supersedes that certain Easement dated October 10, 2002, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on October 14,2002, in Book 501PR, Page 647, Recording No. 884758, which easement is hereby declared to be terminated, null and void, and of no further force or effect. 5. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors in interest and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. 6. Waiver of Homestead Rights. The grantors hereby waive and release all rights to the described easement under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming to the extent that such rights may interfere with the purposes of this easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands as of the 3rd day of March, 2009. t)MJA- 'þ1 #<1/141' Charles M. Hardesty , 2 ÜO&1.77 Larry Schieffer Electric, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan By' STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Easement was acknowledged before me b], Charles M. Hardesty and Angela M. Hardesty, husband and wife, this 5r-d day of M.J2rc ,2009. . Witness my hand and official seal. County of Uncoln State of Wyoming ~~~ NOTARY PUBLIC "..V¡¡,,~ GERALD L. GOULDING - NOTARY PUBLIC My CommlsGi,m !;xplres Ma)1 2, 2011 My commission expires: May 2, 2011. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF STANISLAUS The foregoing Easement was acknowledged before me by Larry Schieffer, Trustee, as the authorhed officer of the Larry Schieffer Electric, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan, this ~ day of mlAY"C ,2009. Witness my hand and official seal. riÞELLANORE L. LARGENT"( ... COMM. # 1630296 U} .. NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA m STANISLAUS COUNTY ... 1. My CONII. Expo JAN. 13. 201~ t r2~,._~~./~.. '~... '~.~:~;--,...._~) /'::;;-- .. . . , / / ..~y't /' ,",. ..~. - ..' .,,_ If' .,- .-..... ,- . ',...... . NOTARY puáLlc My commission expires: OIIÍ~/ ÒfJIO / / 3 AUG-29-é 20P FRctI: LIi'DA+I'1ILLER 841717121 TO: 1ØHI28813121i'8 P:5/10 00&1.7B . EXHIBIT A . ....~"...F 865965 !1 'RECEIVED :../NCOlN COf)NTY GLEQI 00 MAY' 8 Pi'i /2: 02 , ~EANN£ ~"i',t,(jNER fŒMMÊRER. WYOMING BOOK 445 PKPAGE 776 Warranty Deed .....1'.. This Indenture, made this 3rd day of May, 2000 by and between David Whitney Minerals, Inc. (formerly known as Phosphate Industries, Inc.) a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Michigan and having its principal office in the County of Wayne, the Grantor, and Larry Schieffer Electric, Inc. Profit Sharing PIan. whose address is 342 Orsi Road, Oakdale. Californi~ 95361 the Grantee. r WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in conisderation of the sum of Eighteeen Thousand Dollars ($18,000.00) in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. does. by these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey and warrant unto the said Grantee all that certain tract, lot, piece, and parcel of land situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming,. and described as follows, to wit: the same parcel conveyed by the U. S. Government on June 17, 1915 and recorded July 1, 1915 in Book 4 of Patents on Page 43, Lincòln County Records, a copy of which description is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference and is there described as containing 41.322 acres; commonly knòwn as the Japan and China lode mining claim EXCEPTING however any mineral rights including (but not by way of limitation) coal, phosphate. and oil and gas rights which are retained by the Grantor, together with an easement in gross over the lands of the Grantee to access such rights. C(ó } / -z"Oc!Jð f}ß· /' ..~' '. ûOvj.79 Ots6C:-U~-""" ~" '\JI.~ 777 "'~-,., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affIxed and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officer, the day. and year first above written. DAVID WHITNEY MINERALS, INC. (fonnerly known as Phosphate Industries, :;,) ~ af~ Jon ~k, its President The State of Michigan County of Wayne On this 3rc!day of May, 2000 before me personally appeared Jon H. W, Clark, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the President of David Whitney Minerals, Inc. (fonnerly Phosphate Industries,Inc.) and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of s that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporaüon by authority of its Board of directors and said Jon H. W. Clark acknowledged said -",' instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. ss My Commission expires onf the 11 tlday of June, A. D. 2001. Given under my band and notarial s~ this 3rd day of May, 2000. ./ £ ~ DOI\'NAL HARC'f ' Notary Publicacting in, NOTA.r.¡y JIJSI.ICþJI.ACOMSCO~Mf Wayne County, Michigan NY C06a1MliSIOtt E^P1:W¡JóM\ 11. ~ '_.'~. TD:101028B13078859590 P:7"~ ,;\ : -:' -' , II ,,/1": 1-, " . " 'lV' ~¡'I I, I ,I, ,I "I '1'1 I ,::t>t ..,., '778' !IOOv18o I I: -,~ ~'2ØB2 B4:21P FROM:LINDA+MILLER 8477170 ":" , .... ¡ I ' .. ' ŒS65~65 Œ1Jt 1Ittiteà &tattø of Amttint- EvanstQn 037ðl. O¡cr aU to wfpulI tIpø prfl1l1Uø øJraU nutIt. Ckntú1U: i I , ! 'j I ¡I' I! , ¡' " ' ! " I !:I, , WIÆIŒAS, In PUrlllaGC. of t~'; P ovlslon! of Ih, R..'wd Sl,lutll ar IhI Unlt.d SI.,", Chplcr SIJ, TI'II, -Thlrly.lM, .nd Iog/ ,.N':' ,upplamenlal tb,nto, th." h.n bun daposUtd In tbe Gonar.' Lud o.C. .r th. United SI.III th, PI,t and Fldd NUn of Sur"1 and th. Ctrtllett. .fth. R~lstcr orth. llnd Offln II EvanstOl1, l]om1ng. ICÇlII IUII,d by othll' ,.Idonce whereby It ',p.." tbat tha United Stat~8 Pbospllaté Oompany ~.I hS ,nllreel ,8d paid for the . Japan and Ohina lods mIning Qlaims, , i "1-" I . I 1" d:.I",'I.;' 'llhi Sumlor 0.....1 ,~ 5u"ÐJ' No. 4GG, embraoing a. porU 6n of SeBHon ~ ' thirty-one in Township tWflnty-seven north of Bange one hundred nineteen west of the Sixth Prinoipal Ker1dLan, in Lincoln County, W,yoming, .nd bo.nd~'( , dlllorlhed, and plaltd II (dlloWII B'8Inolnc- for the dosoripti on of the Japan lode claim at comoI' No.1, on sloping quartzi te ledge and not- establiøhed. from which the quarter aotner betwaen Beotion ~ix in Townehip tYen~-: six north and Beotio~ thirty-one in TownBhlp twenty-seven nortb all in;;' Benge one hundred nineteen \fest of the Sixth PrinoiplÙ lleridian beare',: south six degroèB five minutes west one thousand three Hundred forty- " two and sh:-tenths feet distant; . Thence. first course, ,south e ig'ht¡-five degrees for ty-e1x I mi~utee eBst fifteen and 1'our-t(lJlths teet to "itnes8 corner to said I' corner No.1, 8 pine post four feet long, four inchBs aqaare, marked W. C. 1-466-J., in mound of earth and stone; 8i~ hundred feet to I corner No.2, 8 pine post four feat long, £our inches square, marked - i ,¡ 2-466-J.. i1\ ftlound of 98l'th aDd stone: ....... L .....) ,¡ ! -i 1'1 . '. ¡111~h ,_ ,,¡,:i " . I 'i, , , . ',1 (, , ,- ' i , I' , , '.: , : ~:: I I j ',I ¡ I, 1,- . I ." J ir ,., 1-11'T~\ 'II \1"'III1( fUjl1 J~ 't I ~ 1.... I... ~ .'. I 779 0865965 Theme, seoond course, north four degrees fotIl'teen minutes east one thousand five hundred feet to corner No.3, a pine post four ft'let 10D€;, four inabel squre, _rhe! 3-2-466-J. C., in mound of earth and stone; Thence, third course, north eighty-five d'gTees forty-six minutes ~ost three hundred feet to a point trom which discOV8r,y bears south four degrees fcartes minutes '!fest one thousand three hundred forty-six and seveu-tÐntbø feet distant; six hundred feet to oorner No. ~, a pine post four {1st long, four inohes s~ar8, marked 4-1-466 J. C.. in mound of earth and stone; Thence, fourtb OOUTS8, south four degrees fourteen minutes '!fest one thousäDd five hundred feet to corner No.1, the p1aoe of begin- ning: the survey of tt.e lode olaim as abOTe described extend 1ng one , I' thouænd fin hunðTtld feet '1n length along øåid Japan vein or lode; I Beginning for th~ ðeeoription of tbe Ohina lode claim at corner No.1, identioal with cornor No.4 of Baid Japan lodfl olaim from. which said qua1'tor S(tt=t1011 corner bears south five degree8 six minutes thirty eeoonds \Test two thouoand eigbt hundred forty-two and two-tenths iet1t diøtant; Tbenoe, first oourse, south eighty-f1 VI degrees forty-six nlnutss east six hundred feat to comer No.2, identical with corner Bo. 3 of said Japan lode olaim; Tbence, second oourse, north four degrees fourteen minutes east ono thousand five hundred feet to,oorner No.3, a pine post four f&et l( nff, rour lnches square, marked 3-465-0., in m.ound of earth and stone; Thenoe, third course, north eighty-five degrees forty-six ~inute8 west three hundred feet to a ~oint from whiah disoovery bears south four degrees fourteen minutes wost one hundred íaet distant; six bundred feet to ao~er No.4, a pine þost four feet long, four inches ,', .\ I~ or I i ûOú:1S1. , I,! ¡ ,. . I I I ' ¡;U¡;-29-2I!Ii:Iö! Ið'l: 2CF' FRa'1: LII'I:J q+MILLER 8'177170 i· . , II ......-- Ij, ' -, I t i " I~ il TO:101028813078859590 PlaJ'~ ,,-. OStiS96S I IT.I~ i -, ÜO&182 I 780 square marked 4-466-0., in mound of earth and stone: Thence, fourtn coarse, south four dcgree5 fourteen lIiD- -I: utes west one tbousand f'1ve bundred feet to corner No. I, tœ pIaoe of beginniJJg; thll SIlrve;r of tho lode olaim aB abovo desoribed ex- tending one thousand five hundred feet in length along Baid China vein or lode: tbe premises, h~rein granted, oontaining forty-one and tbree ./mndred twenty-ho-thousandths aores. 3. Iii " " j 781 i ' 6061.83 I NOW KHOW YE, Thai Ih.... '$ t_rol'ar" pun .. ,_ .,.n!' M'" ..."" ~ ... U.,~ ",. ~ ... "" I I, i I, 1il' ·1'1 lII. ¡aId ml./n, prlmlnl here/Db,ra/t dncrlb.d, I~d ndl .pr'.'''y ",aopti. ~:l.- ,lotioS, vr led¡t8,lnd ðrall.olhu y.lns, 10dll,lO' ledl"th"UlhU1 th,lr Intlr, , United States Phosphate Oamp rroRlI"'., pte..nll, Ind ell Ihll pOrtIon of I" cltplh, th top. or 'PUll or wblch II, INlde 0 aCI IIoUlda., lilt' or &!lId cranttd pr,ml... In -.lei IUn'r ...tend", downward ; vlr1tcal "" IIn.. or laleI pr..,I..,. prnld r dowftwlU'd .oun. ma,lO r" dep.rt froRl a'p.rptlUlleulv II to eattlld IUllld, th'l the rlpt of ,......10n ta luah .lItlld. partl of ""d "III, lodl" or I,elrl eIIllI fit I vlr1tcally, althoulh well YOr.., lockI, or 1l1li oOllftn,d 10 luoh partlone Ihreor It II, bat Inl plM" dra\Yl1 downWlII'd Ihr0"lh I" end 11101 of Itld ,urvlf 10 cOfttI..,.d I. Ih"r i Olin dlrecth,. !hlt ',ch pllnel win Inler. .>IIlrlor plr'll of ..Id yaln.. lad", or l.cIp I And proylded furlher, nat nalhlng h'/tln I 10 HAY[ AlID TO HOlD uld to enllr .p.n Ib, IU:facl or I claim awned or pIM"...d .1 IRoth." mnl.e., ta¡tlhllt with all th rISbl.. prhUI¡t" /luunltls¡, Ind appurt.nanutf of, What.OUIf I ¡ ÇOllûnld ahlll allthorln the VOnl.. nltur. Ihlr.unt. ",Ions'n" unlo tb. aboye nlll1tdanel 10 its 8UCOeSSors .. ....Ia. forlvor, 'abloel, na'lmb Ih. .bovo-mtlUoMd ..,d to Iho ronawlnl aa.dlllonl and IUpulltlo.. I ,"Inur.ct~tnr, or Olh.r palJO'''' I I'1IIt.<I .bell be "'d ~ ¡,et tp 1111 reded Ind accruIJ wlter rl¡hll for mini",. 1l\'rl.ultlll'lll, II, I . '( II. i to dllch... .nd ,,"rvolr ultd In co.necll,n Wi111U.h wl1tr rlCkt.. II m.y be r,oll11ln<1l11d ' And Ihlrt 1. ru.rv.d rp/n the lande ..rebylr....td. rlCht of woIY ad bl the luthDrlly Dr tho U I.d SI.ln. IICknowled¡ed by Ih. I cell 11111", th.reon ror dllchll or .an.l. SECOND, That in the . of nuesury l'r"'aUol by Ca .,.,'. .1.1. .. ,..,. ....1 rUl. the Llgillature of WyQming mlY pro.ld. nil.. ror work i ran lid, Involvlllr .ulman!,. drain"., and olber neceew)' 1Ì1~' Co '" ¡ .' 'II eamplel. dlYIIDpmanl. ~ IN TESTIMONY WKE:RIOF, I, No odrow Wll son, . PreaJdul .r lUll Un lIed Slate. 01 Amar!.., hi" Cluted thon ,.ltll'll I~ bl IIldc, Pltlll, IIId Ih. Seal or th., Generel Lind elllu to bl hereunto I/!Iud. GIVEN under my hend,al th Cily ar Wllhln¡ton,lht 8£YENTEE1tTH , JUIJE . ., . I I;. dlyof " I In the year or our Lord o.~ ihGu...d I . al.. hundred and rl"EEI and or Iho Il\d~ptnd,nct of tbo I ! ' Un1l0d Slet", th on' .undrt~ and TiuRn..NlftTHv '~! : ç. il _____J.. _ !..J~ . . \ i 81th PrtJldenl';{.-r;¿~~=""'7/-'_M_"'~-'-' . i' Bl'-'-"'-"~"~'" : ..-.. .L~ "11cn:nlarl,' ~_. /..:¿ \ ;1 ¡ A I""lOI'"')~l')