HomeMy WebLinkAbout946065 When Rec~rded Mail To CitiMortgage, Inc. 5280 Co~orate Drive # 0251 Frederick MD 21703 û0\7352 RECEIVED 3/23/2009 at 12:23 PM RECEIVING # 946065 BOOK: 718 PAGE: 352 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY PARTIAL RELEASE AND MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENT This Agreement, made this 31 st day of October 2008, by and between Val K. Clement and Pamela June Clement, husband and wife, hereinafter called Mortgagor and Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc., hereinafter called Mortgagee. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS: Val K. Clement and Pamela June Clement, husband and wife, by a Mortgage, dated October 25,2004, and recorded November I, 2004, as Document No. 904244, in Book 0571 at Page 0378 by the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, conveyed to "MERS" Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., a certain real estate, to secure the payment of certain Note dated October 25, 2004, for $116,000,00, in favor of Mortgagee and covering the following described property: " See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, <:- l Whereas, Mortgagor and Mortgagee desire to modify the above-described property and to do so it is necessary for said Mortgage to encumber all of the Modified parcel, and: Whereas, the description as shown on the face of said Mortgage is no longer the true and correct description of the property, which description is set forth below and the parties hereto now describe to correct and amend said Mortgage. Now, Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing and other valuable consideration, the parties hereto do hereby amend and modify, said Mortgage by deleting therefrom the entire description of real property set forth on the face thereof and substituting in place thereof the following description: See Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mortgagor hereby grants to said Mortgagee the real property last described, in trust, with Power of Sale, for the purpose and under all of the provisions contained in said Mortgage, to the same effect as if said real property last described had been originally described thereon; and Mortgagee hereby reconveys to the persons legally entitled thereto, the real property not described in Exhibit "B". Except, as hereby modified, said Mortgage shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and the personal representatives and successors in interest of each of them. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first written above. Mortgagor(s) Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc. ~ý/l~ 000353 A:tt'h ~. (ììí lIer ' Vice President J)c-t t!. ~ Val K. Clement ~ c::r·lJu~~ Pamela June Clement \\111 \II" 1111"" "" C. REGISr, "'-' " ~\ ........... ~-1 ',-, ~ <ç0...·~? OR~"" J;.. '8. ~ ^' ··...9 ;-.~. 9... -::. .... CJ . v ,,.. -p - :::UJ·~ "-.CJ):: ;:....; SEAL :-<= _ill· :(/)- ~ \1.1:. 1995 : -¡ :2 ~ r,!)'.. :~~ -;. ¿,....() <V." ~ ~ -=; "0( ···~l.A W ~t.., .~ $' 'r, &0 ......'.. 'j¥--' ,....' II( It \,\ "lllill II \1\\\\\ STATE OF MARYLAND }SS: COUNTY OF FREDERICK On this day of October 31, 2008, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared 9a.+T, \L-. ('1Y¡ \\.¿( , Vice President of Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc., personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to within the instrument and acknowledge that she executed the same for the purposes therein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal:) ~ ~ LU¥ld.A r.>I- &J ~cv Saundra W. Pierce, Notary Public 1\11111111" "III ~III A W '1/, ß'~''(','f\ . þ/ "t~ , .;s.~v _....,~ '\~ (i% ~<:,~~y)~) \\ ,oUSL\C /1. f J ) .,~ ~~~ )§ "'~ ~.t, ....... ~~ ,II' I· I . ~~_. COUNT'i \ 11,1'" County of .unc,-)!..t1 )~'''''''''''''I''''\ On this day of 9, ~-;6r1.l¿; /14 200~ before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said state, personally appeared Val K. Clement and '¥>amela June Clement, personally known to me OR provIded to me on the basIs of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: August 9. 2011 State of Wyoming My commission expires ~ d l..,ø l.Jn ¡ i;'''';':'¡~~L'f::>:¡~~~':'rH . i il' ':~) ;1) Counly of ~ Lincoln ~ My Commission [>: ~~~~iI."..,¡.., "',"-' -',;'" ".\ , ,~.)¡ "'-"~"""L'¥">'~, .......~......,.--.,.:....,..~, i"Pi;',· PUBLIC ~ " Stale of Wyoming ;'::,;:/!Æ~!f}!~J{" .Jm, Exhibit "A" 00û354 THAT PART OF THE SW 1/4 NB 1/4 OF SECTION 31, T3lN Rllaw, OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, ifYOMING BEING PART OF LOT 19 OF THE COTTONWOOD SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN THE OFPICB OP THB CLBRK OP LINCOLN COUNTY AS PLAT NO.223 AND THOSB TRACTS OP RECORD IN SAID OFFICH IN BOOK 126 PR ON PAGS 53; IN BOOK 108 PR ON PAGE 225 AND IN BOOK 200 PR ON PAGE 85, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 3/8"X12" STEEL SPIKE ON THB WEST LINB OP SAID SW 1/4 NB 1/4 S 00 DEGRBBS 17.0'W, THB BASB BEARING FOR THIS SURVBY. 656.13 FBET FROM THB NORTHWBST CORNER OP THE SAID SW 1/4 NB 1/4, FOUND AS DBSCRIBBD IN THB CERTIFIBD LAND CORNER RECORDATION CBRTIPICATB PILHD IN SAID OPFICE; THENCE N 89 DBGRBES 36.9'B, 25.12 PEET TO A BATHBY ON THE BAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ON THE SMOOT COUNTY ROAD NO.12-1S1¡ THENCE CONTINUING N 89 DEGREES 36. 9' E, 304 . U PEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THS WEST LINE OF LOT 22 OF SAID SUBDIVISION, MARKED BY A BATHBY. THENCB S 01 DHGRSES 32.2'W, 350.45 FEET, ALONG SAID NEST LINE AND ALONG THB WEST LINE OF LOT 23 AND LOT 21 OF SAID SUBDIVISION, TO THB NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 19 OF SAID SUBDIVISION, MARKED BY A BATHBY; TH!mCS N 49 DEGRBES 20.7 'W, 387.55 FBET TO A POINT ON SAID BAST RIGHT-OP-WAY LINE; THENCE CONTINUING N 49 DEGRBBS 20.7'W, 35.00 FEST TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID SW 1/4 N8 1/4, MARKED BY A 3/8"X12"STEBL SPlIƓ¡ THENCE N 00 DEGRBBS 17.0'E 73.11 FEET ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING - .-....-.-.- Exhibit "A" OOó355 All of Parcel B - Adjusted wi thin the S Wy.NE II, of Section 31, TJI N R 118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, in accordance with that plat filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "COTTONWOOD SUBDNISION AMENDED SECOND FILING IDENTICAL WITH LOT 19 COTTONWOOD SUBDIVISION AMENDED WITHIN SW1I4NE1I4 SECTION 31 T3lN R1I8W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dated 30 July 2008, as revised, with Accession No. 9'+1250; 3 September 2008 " land Surveyors ,erbel Iration No. 164 ,alion No. 1670 Iralion No. 3990 slralion No. 6805 erbe'