HomeMy WebLinkAbout946145 Prepared by: Cindy A. Gtamke 1681 Troy Ct. Kemmerer, Wy. 83101 RECEIVED 3/26/2009 at 11 :23 AM RECEIVING # 946145 BOOK: 718 PAGE: 776 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY After recording return. to: Cindy A. Gramke 1681 TX'oy Ct. Ke:nunerer, Wy. 83101 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) OOú776 Above: this liue reserved for officW use Qnly QUITCLAIM DEEr> KNOW ALL M:EN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: For valuable consideration 0£$10.00, and other good and valuable conside.rntion, the receipt otwbicb is hereby acknowledgc[4 Christine A. Gramk:e, noUnarrie[4 of3275 Orange Sun St. Las Vegas ,Nv. 89135, and Angela. M. Graxnke, m8Iri.od, of 370 Rushing Crð~ Ct. Henderson, Nv. 89014, (col1ectively the "Grantor'~. docs hereby grant and qujtcJ.aim. unto Cindy A. Gramke, not married. of 1681 Troy Ct. K.e:mmcrer, Wy. 83101, (the "Grantee"), the following tands and property, together with all ånprovcments attached to the property, lying in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming: Lots SB, 6A and 6B. Block I, Lincoln Heigbts 5th Addîtioo. First Filing, to the City of Kemmerer, LincQln County, Wyommg as described on the official plat thereof. Prior instrument refacnoc: Book 438, page 115, document No. Quit Claim Deed, of the reoorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Subject to aU easements. rights-or-way, protective coven.mtS and mbJ.~a1 reservations of rr:cord. if any. TO HA VB AND TO aou> same unto the Gnntee and unto tb.c Grantee's heirs and assi p1S forever, with. all appUrtenances attached to the property. rN WITNESS WHEREOF this deed was c.x:ocutcd by the Grantor on tbis f).J;l" day of January, 2009. PtJlge1 00&777 s:~f5").cI, s:..t.d ou:ui :Deli,,=,,"d In the PttSc:nCC of; Si~:~ 71Î~ Name: .&CU\t JI\L ß'\1.u1.6'E. Sj,gn: Name: Spous.al Rights 1, :Rowdy Lœ Wright of370 Rushing Creek Ct. Henderson, Nv. 89045, spouse of Angela M $f1J-r. c f ¡J-{~ Gramke, in consideration of the: above: sw:n and other good and valuable: çonlridCl1ltion received, do Wlfl,fI.~ D f C lat2.k- hc:rcby waive and release to Grantee all ri.gb.ts of dower, curtt:sy, homts~ community property, and aU other right, title and in~ if an~.· and to the bove property. rJ.-(;/tA..oÍ'ki~ ,0Yt J../I /0 r ./? ~ ~ I.AL. 11 At Spouse's Signatur¥'¿;" ~ - ;K/ '.' . ... S. JOe.IION .....,....... - III..... Grantor Acknowledgement ~1ImØ No. 97._,·, STATE. OF ~~:OMRffi Nuø..O.G-) .., Appt. --- New .. ... 1'1 \ I. ) ss. COUNTY OF L-Lo.rt:.. ) On this ~ day of .:ra.nwu-"" . 20.Qi, before me, a Notary Public in .and for the said state, personally appeared ~stine A.. GrauJke, and Angela M. G:nttukc, known to me or proven on the basis of satisfactory mdmcè to be the persons whose name9 are subscribed to the foxcso1ng instruIncnt. and aclOlowledged to me that they executed the same. Witness my hand and official seal. ~ ~ N...J.. Notary Public, e ofWy~~ County of Clt¡r"k- Name: t:;l1t\L'lnl N\u.r\1I"Z- ....,.... F >''Ii4O FRANCINE MUNOZ 'tI NOTARY PUBUC 5 STATE OF NEVADA DATE APPOINTMENTëXP: 04-18-11 CERTIFICATE NO: 07-2652-1 My Commission Expires: ~/¡, -a 011 State of Nevada County of C.\.Ar"k Send tax statements to: This instrument wa~:Wledged before me on Cindy A. Graøke OIl \7..IZ()()Q by elrt M. (;¡~k''''' 1681 Troy Ct. Kemmerer, Wy. 83101 (date) (name person) (Notary stamp) SHARON BLECKER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEVADA APPT. No. 07-1917-1 MY APPT. EXPIRES JAN. 4, 2011 ©Z002-2009 LawDepot.comnt' Page 2