HomeMy WebLinkAbout946178 I 6010817401 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) SS. , ûOD86t;? AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH I, Marv L. Gardner, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of Afton, Wyoming, and the Affiant herein. 2. That said GLENN L. CORSI on the 22nd day of October, 2008, died and a copy of the original Certificate of Death, Certified to as true an correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 3. That by reason of death of said Glenn L Corsi and by reason of 2-9-102 W.S. (1980), the decedent's interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the Certificate of Title for Motor Vehicle for the 1978 Chickasha Trailer Caravan 16' X 85' - VIN #4205W conveyed thereby was vested absolutely in Glenn L. Corsi and Eleanor Mae Corsi as of the 9th day of May, 1978, continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Dated ...;J - / ;y- .;2 ¿'7(?t! 9 State of Wyoming) , ¿? //'" k /tt~ll .".{ ¿:¡tMß~ .> . á a L. Gardner / )ss. County of Lincoln) The foregoing instrument was subscribed Gardner this i/J-I-ß day of .JaMar)', 2009 Fd;,~ Witness my hand and official seal. and sworn to me by Mary L. County of Lincoln Sta te of Wyoming /" ~~¿t) tary Public LAYNA HADERLlE . NOTARY PUBLIC MyC 1 . 'Ójj~1lJ j__1L, ¿J')/~~ RECEIVED 3/27/2009 at 4:23 PM RECEIVING # 946178 BOOK: 718 PAGE: 867 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF VITAL RECORDS AND HEALTH STATISTICS ,:'.I:lil';:¡ CERTIFICÄTE OF DEÄTH "'I""" . iNPvEYM!B:E;R 17, 2008 State File No. 2008-09187 " ~ ' 1;\':\\:,1\;\ ': ',;ii:::,.',~, :!' .,;- I,~ ,,'.,;- i ¡ SOCIAL SECURfTY NUMBER AGE DATE OF BIRTH 86 YEARS OCTOBER 16, 1922 BIRTHPLACE PLACE OF RESIDENCE ( GROVER, WYOMING AFJON, WYOMING , ,MARITAL 8TATUS A-rTi~E OFDft-TH '...,¡WI D;I¡l~:'E D~:,;¡ FA THEA - NA..MŒ;;':: _' :\','¡\" '. ARCANGELO CORSI NAME OF SlJR\IlVING SPOUSE (If 'IoifÐ, maiden namfJ) WAS OECEOENT EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES? NO BIRTHPLACE \ WYOMING MOTHER· MAIDEN rJA:.1E BIRTHPLACE EDITH LEE WYOMING CREMATION FUNERAL SERIIICE LICENSEE ,METHOD OF DISPOSITION BOB M. CORNELISON NAME AND ADORES8 OF FUNERAL FACILITY SCHWÄ~ MORTUARY, AFTON, WYOMING DATE OF DEATH TIMEOFOEATH CITY.TOWN OR LOCATION OF DEATH COUNTY OF DEATH 12:00 NOON POCATELLO, IDAHO BANNOCK /~\ Approximate Interval Between Onllet and Death 1 WEEK & ¡SURGERY 1 WEEK 1 WEEK RENAL INSUFFICIENCY, CHF, MYOCARDIO INFARCTION, DEMENTIA WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? NO OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO DEATH but nol reeuldng In the underlying cau.. given above ACCIDENT NAME OF CERTIAER dM QUICK CORONER SUBSEQUENT CERTIFICATION IF NECESSARY TITLE '"'' MANNER OF DEATH CORONER OCT!. "15, LOCATION WHERE INJtJHY QCGLlRRED 425 SOS'PRING CREEK DR, SODA SPRINGS, IDAHO A.M. HOME DESCRIPTION, OF HOW IN,¡UR'( ÓCCURRED FELL "\ I This is a true and' correct reproduction of the document officially r8gistered and placed on file with the IDAHO BUREAU OF VITAL RECORDS AND HEALTH STATISTICS. MARCH 19, 2009 ~1-~~' J A¡NE S. SMITH STATE REGISTRAR ~""",,,.\\\\,,\ ~~...-; "'~' / "I -' #' :; :; :: iÆ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1"., DATE ISSUED: This copy Is nO,t valid unless prepared on 8ngr8v8d border displaying sta\å seal and signature of the Registrar.