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) SS.
RECEIVED 4/7/2009 at 11 :27 AM
RECEIVING # 946384
BOOK: 720 PAGE: 23
KAMIE C. HANSEN being duly sworn depose and state:
1. That she are the identical party who made, executed and delivered that
certain WARRANTY DEED to the Bank of Star Valley dated the _ day of April, 2009,
conveying the following described property:
Section 12, Township 31 N, Range 119 West, óth P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming
Beginning at a point which is 120 rods West of the Northeast corner of Section
12; and, running thence South, 20 rods; thence East 40 rods; thence South 20
rods; thence West, 80 rods; thence North 40 rods; thence East 40 rods to the Point
of Beginning.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded August 13,
1975 in Book 120 PR on Page 266 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded September
12, 1978 in Book 149 PR on Page 230 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
TOGETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the
property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of
the property.
Which is known as 541 Highway 236, AFTON, LINCOLN COUNTY,
WYOMING, 83110.
2. That the aforesaid Warranty Deed was an absolute conveyance of the title
to said premises to the grantee named therein in effect as well as in form, and was not and is not
now intended as a mortgage, trust or security of any kind, and that possession of said premises
has been surrendered to the said grantee; receipt of consideration for said Warranty Deed is
hereby acknowledged, together with the full cancellation of all debts, obligations, costs, and
charges, heretofore existing under and by virtue of the terms of a certain mortgage heretofore
existing on the property therein and hereinbefore described executed by KAMIE C. HANSEN,
as mortgagor, dated July 15,2008, and recorded July 15,2008 in Book 700 PR, Page 60, in the
office of the Lincoln County Clerk, State of Wyoming, and the delivery of this affiant of the note
or other evidence of debt secured by said mortgage, duly cancelled, receipt of which said
cancelled note is hereby acknowledged.
3. That the aforesaid Warranty Deed and conveyance was made by the
deponent as the result of her request that the grantee accepts such deed and was her free will and
voluntary act; that at the time of making said deed, these deponent felt and still feels that the
mortgage indebtedness above mentioned represented a fair value of the property so deeded; that
said deed was not given as a preference against any other creditors of the deponent; that at the
time it was given, there are no other person or persons, firms or corporations, other than the
grantee therein named interested, either directly or indirectly in said premises; that the deponent
is solvent and has no other creditors whose rights would be prejudiced by such conveyance, and
that deponent is not obligated upon any bond or other mortgage whereby any lien has been
created or exists against the premises described in said deed; and that deponent in offering to
execute the aforesaid deed to the grantee therein, and in executing same, is not acting under any
duress, undue influence, misapprehensions or misrepresentation by the grantee in said deed, or
the agent or attorney or any other representative of the grantee in said deed and that it was the
intention of the deponent as grantor in said deed to convey and by said deed the deponent did
convey to the grantee therein all her rights, title, and interest absolutely in and to the premises
described in said deed.
4. The Affiant hereby waives and releases any right or equity of redemption
that they may have under the laws of the State of Wyoming as mortgagor.
This affidavit is made for the protection and benefit of the aforesaid grantee in
said deed, its successors and assigns, and all other parties hereafter dealing with or who may
acquire an interest in the property described therein, and shall bind the respective heirs,
executors, administrators and assigns of the undersigned.
) SS.
d The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by KAMIE C. HANSEN, this
¿9'Y- day of April, 2009.
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