HomeMy WebLinkAbout946398 00û075 f-ß JOHN C. B.@ill.Y & SONS, INC., and Idaho corporation whose address is P.O. Box 28, QUITCLAIM DEED Tetonia, Idaho 83452, the Grantor, for and in consideration of ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to the Bank of Jackson Hole its interest in the real property described below and hereby releases and waives all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to wit: See exhibit attached hereto Including and together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging. Witness the due execution and delivery hereof as of the '3 ,d.- day of tÂp ~ i I , ,2009. tfi JOHN C. B5RRY & SONS, INC. BY:~~ Its: fJ ~ _ STATE OF ~ ) .... \ . ) ss. COUNTY OF I ~ ) This instrwnent w,,!\ acknowledged before me on dir; I 3, 2009 by l1o-otl Id. J30rrj as ~resí' dll/C'-t of John C. ~y Sons, Inc. Rß Witness my hand and official seal. ~~,W~Á Notary Pubhc My commission expires: ~.-/ Y -J If 4479352_1.DOC ,."" '·.....1'...Yi'>..'.1____~..r.ir.....1I~_a:.I_·",·". \-~ -'.- ...- _.._--------_.._----...~------. ---. ! VICKY R WADE : Notary Public Îï State of Idaho ,;: ;..,;;;;:..n.~;:;:;-_.__...;:_~r.:;~;;:.;;:,~:,.,7.¡,.L:::;;..;::;j RECEIVED 4/8/2009 at 9:17 AM RECEIVING # 946398 BOOK: 720 PAGE: 75 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000076 PARCEL 1: A portion of the properties as referred 0 in the Deed recorded in Book 458 P.R., on Page 316, and in Book 447 P.R, on Page 31 ,with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the Southeast Qu er (SE Y4) of Section 23, Township 34 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th P.M., Thayne, incoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bOW1ds being more particularly described as foil ws: . BEGINNING at an Alwninum Cap on Iron Pipe, m 'og a point in the East Right-of- Way line of U.S. Highway 89, said Point of Beginni being 1,652.43 feet, North 20°20'27" East, from the B.L.M. type Monument, m king the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1986 h~l.)ation, for the Southwest corner of said SE Y4 also said Point of Beginning being 2,609.98 feet, North 52°25'38" West, from the B.L. . type Monument, markìng the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1976 location. for the South comer of said SE Y4; Thence North 23°58'43" West, along said East Right f-Way line, 147.48 feet, to an Ahuninwn Cap on Iron Pipe, marking the Southwest orner of the Thayne Village Center; Thence North 85°01 '45" East, along the South line 0 said Thayne Village Center, 313.51 feet, to an Iron Pipe, marking a Northwest comer of ct No.2 - Dana Lands, of the Star Valley Cheese Corporation property as referred to in eed recorded in Book 337 P.R., on Page 661, with said Office; Thence S01,1th 00°28'04" West, along a West line ofs 'd Tract No.2, 113.05 feet, to an . Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe; Thence South 79°00'05" West; 256.18 feet, to tbe Po nt of Beginning.