HomeMy WebLinkAbout946410 OOú1.28 STATE OF WYOMING TERMINATION AFFIDAVIT RECEIVED 4/8/2009 at 1 :43 PM RECEIVING # 946410 BOOK: 720 PAGE: 128 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ) )55. ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN WE, James D. McMurdo, Matthew W. McMurdo, and Misty L Heiner, flk/a Misty L. McMurdo being of lawful age and duly sworn according to the law, and Heidi B. McMurdo, being a minor and in the custody and guardianship of Matthew W. McMurdo, her brother, upon oath depose and say: 1. That Grover 8. McMurdo was our grandfather. He passed away on October 9, 2003; Willa F. McMurdo was our grandmother. She passed away on August 28, 1998. Cary Lynn McMurdo was our father, who passed away on January 12, 2009; April Willmeto McMurdo was our mother, who passed away on January 4, 2009. A certified copy of the Death Certificates of each are attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A"; "8", "C" and "0" respectively; 2. That by certain Lincoln County, Wyoming, Certificate of Title No. 12-0089098, Grover 8. McMurdo and Willa F. McMurdo owned a horse trailer, Serial No. 0772215. An Application for Duplicate title is attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit "E'" , 3. That by certain Lincoln County, Wyoming, Certificate of Title No. 12-0180115, Lynn or April McMurdo owned a 1997 Flat Bed Trailer, Serial No. 189011423V1481053. An Application for Duplicate title is attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit "F"; 4. That by certain Lincoln County, Wyoming Certificate of Title No. 12-76084, McMurdo Enterprises, in care of Lynn or April McMurdo owned a 1975 GMC Pickup, VIN TKM2458-509,896. Said Certificate of Title in attached as Exhibit "G"; 5. That by certain Lincoln County, Wyoming Certificate of Title No. 12-0168820, Lynn or April McMurdo owned a 1993 GMC Pickup, VIN 1 GKGK26NXPJ722222. Said Certificate of Title is attached as Exhibit "H"; 6. That by Certificate of Origin for a vehicle, Lynn C. or April P. McMurdo owned a 1998 Polaris Big Boss 4-Wheeler, VIN 4XME50A2WD066988. Said Certificate of Origin for a Vehicle is attached and made a part hereof as Exhibit IT'; 7. That Lynn McMurdo owned a D4C Caterpillar with a 6-way dozer blade, VIN 45V74503, owned by Lynn McMurdo until his demise. To be bargained and sold by the heirs of Lynn McMurdo by Bill of Sale; 8. That there is no probate in effect for the Estate of Grover 8. McMurdo, Willa F. McMurdo, Cary Lynn McMurdo or April Willmeto McMurdo and that we, James D. McMurdo, Matthew W. McMurdo, Misty L. Heiner, f/k/a Misty L. McMurdo, and Heidi 8. TERMINATION AFFIDAVIT McMurdo Page 1 of3 0001.29 McMurdo are the sole legal heirs and owners of said property by the fact that we are their only surviving children and grandchildren at the time of their deaths, which is more than 30 days past; 9. The value of these vehicles are far less than $150,000.00; 10. We are requesting that new titles be issued for the appropriate vehicles as titles or duplicate titles become available, in the name of Matthew McMurdo. These new titles can be sent to: Matthew McMurdo P. O. Box 404 Afton, WY 83110 8. Affiant sayeth not further. DATED this ;Z <t' day of f11).( v~ ,2009. ) ~1"-t'~ -t2 c.¡~.,;t1~ JAMES D. McMURDO ~~~U/t/ /-~v-~4-- MATTHEW W. McMURDO ~ ~m ~. ti-f>1 fle~ MISTY L. H8!t4ER flk/a Misty L. McMurdo ~dJ b. \Y\~~\,\11in 101 B. McMURDO SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above mentioned, personally by James D. McMurdo in my presence this À'-j/ day of f1Mt~ ,2009. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ir~~::~~:~~1¡ LINCOLN WYOMING Ii ~~~%, A""". "'" Ii '- ·_·...·......·-....._~................._..._......;::::::...~~...;:::·,-.:.1 ~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: Jft.') ~ '2tØi SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above mentioned, personally by Matthew W. McMurdo in my presence this .;2. Y day of 1'1" II"" e t..... 2009. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~---....._- [TRiSrAÑšMITH ::: '" ~;~y PUBùCj COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING ~. Ç.Q.~ISSION EXPIRES APRIL 22 2009 , ....._......~~~~----~~~\ ~ft---- NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: Jr'! ~ ;)ðd1 TERMINATION AFFIDAVIT McMurdo Page 2 of 3 ouv~30 STATE OF ~ ií?tvV~ I COUNTY OF J,'p{~Jt^- ) )SS. ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above mentioned, personally by Misty L. Heiner, f/k/a Misty L. McMurdo, in my presence this ,;¿q day of ^...~J-..... . ,2009. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~---- TRISTAN SMITH NOTAR;;;;'~~1 COUNTY OF . LINCOLN . STATE OF WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 22, 2009 ~:-::~~) ~ß- NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: j¡r,j Pq ::UK) 1 STATE OF W/t'f'\I'1 COUNTY OF J.'fIf ð } "^'- ) ) SS. ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above mentioned, personally by Heidi B. McMurdo in my presence this A f{ day of (11M Co ~ , 2009. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 22, 2009 ~ :--:,,=-:;=:::::..: TRISTAN SMITH COUNTY OF LINCOLN ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: fo I ;?~ 2ØÎ TERMINATION AFFIDAVIT McMurdo Page 3 of 3 ûOÚi13:1 M I I I I I I I S1>\"Æ WYOMING AVE., AFTON ........ I3c.HOUR OF DEATH M 13e. PRONOUNCED DEAD.(HowI -...."..-- .....- ..-.. cauø. Ernr UNDERLYING CAW. (DMuH cw Inþy ....1_- _",_ILAi'r' ~.~~i ~ DUE TO 100 ASA SI!·~HCEOFI: .t1 '. .. ,. ~ t~~ki~~+ ÏJuE ~,(OR . .A··CONSE~ENCe OF): ':;:.,.. ,=:::...., 10nMI; .... o.Ih. 1 I I I , ( I I I I 1 , .. OUE TO .IOR ~:"._9?HSEaIJENCEpf):_:._. EXHIBIT "A" 00&1.32 a I~'·I " . 'I ,It ~I ~. I i~ ~,;I,¡~.: ¡~ ~, ï I·.~I " ~ I ~. ~I- I. t'~ ~~ ~II 1.1 f I: ;}; ~i;'~.'.~, I fl¡!~ I 1 '~I !\j" ~ ~ ~ ~, ~I'·:1 ~ ~ MlIden Surname LIPE I ~ I I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ .~ ~ .~ ~ ~ i ~ .~ ~ I ~ EXHIBIT "B" ih\; I ~ ~ ,.'~ ~1 I I I!: 1 , ~ I ~, i I I ~. ~ ~ ~ ~¡ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~.I ~~ I 1£ ,. - -. }133 iSTATÈ>ot=meiNllNG ./ DEpAgTM~NT OFHEALTH'\" .:.: ' ..:. .....-...-;. . . . . \"'.' . .. Deèedent: . Name: .............. Gender:. Date óf Birth: DEATHCERTI~lCATE StåteFUê,Nðmber: zOo9-åo0184 .,i',i / ...............,.",. Soci91·$ecurityNurpb€;).r:,. :"..- 1\ge atth~lim~of Deat9: 57 y~ar" Cary Lynn McMurdo .Male ..' ".,./ ..'. Julyt7, 1951. 'Ii .... Date and Place of Death: DãteOf Death: City of Death: Location: 'd\AdditicmaIDecedënt Ihformáti6n:(" Place of Birth: ' "Lodi¡Califorriia" ~~~I~~~~~ius:~âgw';rJ?~i~9 ""',.' ",. Armed Forces:, YES. . ...i. .i\ Name of Father: Grover Burton McMÙrdo Maiden Name of Mother: Willa Faye Highfil Informant: "James Mct\4urdo/\ Disposition: Method of Disposition: Place of Disposition: I ~ ~ I I ~I I I ~ I ~ ~~ I !I I I ~ I ", -;",. 2ft~~'þ~~e~~tý" Âffon I W¥ô~iég)!": Funeral Home or Facility:- .. Facility: ,Schwab Mortuary, lUton, WYÐ\l1ing Cause of Death: _ :..', - , ,,'~' .-....--':,: ..: >_,<.,;_", ":~'~ The immediate. cause is listedónfhfi! fif.sfJine,fol/oWfjdbY13nyuQ.derfyio.g causes, ~{h~~§~~o~f¡~~~~i§~;~nl~~~~~~~~~~;f~~~I 'i:' "(it "'¡ .\,)\/ Manner of Death: Naturpl Deäth> Interval: Not Recordêa- Certifier: Name: Address: "" Michael RRichim~,.Goroner,. .............. I 274 N St,Box??; G,tdver,pYyomlp9, \ January 15!2009 Date Filed: 1 '\, This Is a true certification of the document on file In the office of Vital Records Services. Cheyenne, Wyoming. DATE ISSUED: February 05{2009 EXHIBIT "C" t:Ov134 ~ ~ I i~ ~ ~, ~~~ '~ ~I ~~ ~ ~. ! ~."'~ ~ ~ tP.: I I~ ~ ~ ifi ·I~.I .' ~ I, 1.\ i ~ ~ If· 1 dj ~ ~\~ Interval: Not Recorded- Certifier:. Name: Address: Date Filed: "' ',' ..... ..... .... .... ..... ...... ... ... ." .. .... .. . .. . .. .. ", .," ",'.. ',' ," ,', ," . . . . . . . . . . . , .. ... . . . ,. . . ., ," ... . . . Januäry 12, 2009p i \ \ \ This Is a true certification of the document on file In the office of Vital Rec.ords Services. Cheyenne... Wyoming. .. . . ." .. ... ......... ·~ebruary05¡?ôb9....·. ·b~ Gladys K. Bre Jden Depüty State Registrar EXHIBIT "D" ( { ûOÚ1.35 _. _. ..... '_', ....'~ _ _' .Á. '_'. ..1_' L l. HI.;UU· \.:01_: ·IT·/ CLERI, .I, _, /.' . ,_ , , _, j, 1_,.1. PAGE 02/04 ." \ AFFIDAVIT AND APPUCAllON FOR OBTAlNING DUPUCATE CERITFICATE OF TITLE To tile County Clerk of ¡ I AI (!() L ,J County, Wyoming. I hercbycertífY that Certific:lt~ of Title No. ¡ d,-Da'!Jq'[)CPi of i. oj t'IJ. ¿d County, Wyoming, w¡u i3$ued to me foc :he roo tor vehicle: ~cribed hereon, to wir: Make of Ca r: Y C3.r: , è Body Style: ViD #; 0 "71 'J. ;). I ,j Li~I1BC P\¡¡CG #: U JJ K1 J /) 1../') A/ and thAt to the best of my knowledge Ilnd bclicfthc uid O:rtificatc: of Title bas been mutillL~d, \ost I;Ir dC3lToyc:d, IllId th:\t It Is not :l33ignc:d to or in the possession of :lny other p¡¡rson, and there arc: no =-ddlUolllll tien~ on ,:tid motò¡' vc:hlcle other th;¡D ,howin¡ on the orlgin;¡1 Cc.rtif¡c;ate QfTHle: I hereby l11&.k~ applicntion for dupliCõ\te Certificate arTitle coverins that sllid râotor vebicle, and lIuthow.c tile ~lIme to be deliverc:d to tho fOllowing tame ;md address: ,dIÙ'f&6 v.. ~-c/>/~~ .?'I-£(M(/h.o1/ VV' ";.J.....V/~¿r- U M olÅ 'ß VYì p ,\,v\VVvcl-tJ JIÍi ~ L t}.f Ù\_ÂA~ I &tt3ch herelo the ucce.1W'Y fee ofNitle DÒ!1U3 (S9.00) .,' . ~.,' . .: . ,..;. ALL OWNERS ON THE ORIGINA.J~ rITLE MUST BIGNd .kM.¿S D. Mcf'1vf"do.l (Y' "j-f-h('.j ¡J, ('1c1'1lJoI' 0.1 Y"1I'S~)' t. J)t.I·I'I~ý'./ ¡)tl'c1,. S.' f?c.Mv'rdo Signature of AppJioant: MVS1' BE NOT AR.lZEP l. /Jc"""f',lIud¡ e,. ('Ie fr/vrJo Suböcn'òcd and sworn to me by~1'U 'i)' T\",,,,Jo. M...~1oJ ù. f'1'~f'JO J (' ,¡~!. th.i3 ~'õ day , of ",",,,I-.. , 20~_. .' ~ TRISTAN SMITH NO""' p",uc ~r Co..,> CI;'~k COUNTY OF STATE OF )/1 e: TiimDóUa~ ) WYOMING ,My COmmi3~iol1 EIl\"VC$:...yv(,1 ;JJ, !2 ðð1 MY COMMISSION.§g~') APR~~ WHEN YOU MiL Y FOR A DUl'LlCATE Tr:tLE PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: THIS DUP,...xCATE TITLE VOIDS THE ORIGINAL TITLE. U' YOU FIND THE ORIGINAL TITILE1iËFORE THE DUPLICATE IS ISSUED, rLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AND W1t wn.L DESTROY THE DUPLICATE TITLE Al':PLICATION AND REFUND YOUR S9.00 TI1U: ,FEE. IF YOU FIND nm oroGlNAL TITLE AFTER Tm: DUfLICATE TITLE HAS BEEN ISSUED, YOU MUST DESTROY OR R.E~ THE OlUGINAL TInE TO OUR OFFICE. THE QIUCilJYAL TITLE IS NO LQNGER JlA.l.lJ}!1 " \ - "'~" ~ . - EXHIBIT "E" 00&136 " ¿bl 4t)t:)'j 1~,); ~J.;i / / l":U...b... ....ilUl L lIICOU'j cou·¡r'( ~::LERk PAGE 02/04 " I '\ AFFIDAVIT AND APPUCAll0N FOR OBTAlNING DUPUCATE CERITFICAìE OF ffiLE To tb.c County Clerk of /...../ AI é D L ¡...J County, Wyoming. r hereby certifY that Certificate of Titlc: NoJ~ -0; <¡{DIl $"" of L-I N (I()L¡.{ County, Wyoming, was ¡:¡sued to me for ~e motor vehicle described hereon, to wit; ] MakeofCàr: T=LAr Ai-£) I R.Rll..f¿ Body Style: ViIJ #; / ßq 0 IIi ~3 tl Nß{ 0.53 Year; I f.{'( 7 Lic\!m8C Plate #: tl.../J K¡..}ouJA &nd!hILt to the best ormy knowledge nod !Jcücftbc 3nict Ccrtifica.tc of Tic Ie bils becu mutila.tecl, ~O$t or dç~tTOyc:d, Ilnd th:\t it l~ nDt aS3igncd to or in the poss~S$tOI\ of ;&ny other person, uud tne~ nrc no ~ddltfl)nl\llíen~ on ~a¡1i rnotòr vehicle lither th:¡n showing on the orlgin:d CcrtiJicate QfTHle: 1 hcrli:by ma.ke applicntioD. fOf dupliC;\te Ccrtifiçate cfTitlc covering that so.id· motOT "cbicle, !Iud ;uthow..e the ~nII1e to be delivered to t~c following IWnI: and address: lJ1/îrrHfw tL), ¡YJ¿jV}~~rOD {JD iJOX 4D4 AFro}.} t~J~ ß3ilD ~.};:'t:.; ":. . I, ...,Y} ,,""'f~_ "'7-4..- ~VJ/Vc'S- /./.. /'~, Lo' ?--t/í/þ¡/~-- VV ~u!.'1'- ALL OWNERS ON THE ORIGINAl. TITLE MUS'r SIGN \~ R ;\ ot\ '\? Yy\'~"v~{ D , .' \M'~ÝL L- ' N'-C". f'\..£.1L J . ) Sl~ature of Apphcant: . pt.iq; ð f'Ilrf1.J¡do (Y/;~brL..#(I·Y\.t.-r MUS1:BENOTA.RIZ~D Subscribed and sworn to me b~' 'v. r1r MwJiJ y1 ..m,,,, w. Mcmvf ð 0 of Ma.... (~ ''Z0.!!!1-_' r &ttaeh hcrclo the ueccjSary fee ofNínc Dollus (0$9.00) this ~11"" ,day' ~~.- ......----",.. TRISTAN SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . . STATE OF ~ e; N~b't\U$ . WYOMING ~'02.q!~~5.!9.~'~~~~_~1!!P9 ....---.--------- -------~ ~,~ Notary Public (If County Cleric My CO=niS~ioA ElI.Pire'$:4'\·/ ~q :;;COJ WHEN YOU Al''p,L Y FOR A DU1'LICATE TJ'TLI£ PLEASE NOTE TIIE FOLLOWING: THIS DUPPCATE TITLE VOIDS THE O.RIGlNAl TITLE. .œ YOU F1ND TH.E ORIGINAL 1'I'ITLEDßFO.R.ETHE DUPUCATE IS ISSUED, PLEASE CONTACT OTJR OFFICE AND WE WILL DESTROY THE DUPLICATE TIlLE Al'PLICA TION AND R.EliUND YOUR S9.00 TI1LJi: .FEE. IF YOU FIND THE ORIGINAL TITLE AFTER THE DUPLIÇATE TITL,E HAS BEEN I~UED, YOU MUST DESTR.OY OR RETURN TIn: ORIGINAL TITLE TO OUR OFFICE. .THE QIUJJIlYAI.. TITLE IS NO LONGER VALl!)!1 / ~ ;. ;' .v EXHIBIT "F" ûOú137 ~ STATE OF WYOMING OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK LINCOLN COUNTY KEMMERER. WYOMING No. 12 76084 \ ¡ Q12rlifitaÍ£ of mule far ¿tHItotnr We~itl£ $2.00 DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLE p.::."ed_m~_=~_~.:_}.2 G.M.C. 1975 TKM245S-509,896 Make__ --_______u___u _ __u__u___u Year __________________ V .I.N '-------________u____u_______ Body Pickup Veheicle Truck 4x4 'I'ypeu_______h_Uh__ -- _u_ Typeu--u------u_____u_____ModeL_______u________ New '1Irifnd _ MSO Factory 5895 Previous Title N 0._ --------_________ ___State__________ _ ______.----- _ CO.L_u__u_______u_______ , McMurdo Enterprises, c/o Lynn or April McMurdo . Name of Owner --- --____ _ ____u__ _ _u_____ ________ ____ _ _u___ _u _ ______ ______ __________ __ _ u__ (Slo"'''''' .f Owner) Box 80 Alpine Wy AddrMa____u___ ------__ ___________________ City u____ __________________ State __________________ Date PUrduued_m_~::__~?_:15u__ Purchued From -mI?-·__~:u~_~5:~~~~~--~~:--________m AddruL______ u_____m __m ______u_____ City ----~~~_~~u!'.:~~~~___ State _m~_~~~~__u__ VEHICLE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING LIENS AND NO OTHERS SPACES BELOW FOR COUNTY CLERK USE ONLY 12- U-33802 Natun 01 LieD_____i.?L~___m_______ Amo~~~yJjt~_~?_º_ Date ot FilliY-u--º--::3-:-15-________ LIeD Holder -ÇLM.!41·-º-'---"'-"'T-u I------u-- AddreaaMb-º~ ~m;Þ..-J-~!l'1---------- Clerk'å -Slauatun__~__~~__~__~__~_€?__~E_________ By __ {1;:.ëcz::c~..H.?LL- Deputy Above lien diac:barged from County Clerk'l Recorda. Date ~~u.o:;¡~~_q~____________ Clerk'. Si&'DAtlln'--U:~~~lL(;Gl!!:i1Yl;¡JlìlCG.DlDŒ.__u__ By _~~_~____ Deputy . F/s SECOfE_!::!..E2.~ 12-3-79 U-46898 NaLure 01 L.eD___u___u__u________ AmounL__u_________ Date ot Fillna'----------_______U__h_ Lien Holder _JìtID:._YJ11ky _ JitAt e...Jlank______ Addreu____.AfJ;.Qo....._\Y~Qming.. ____ ____ _ ____ ___ ~J::~·Ii~n~::;~-~~~!:þ~~ç.:-~~~~~;0-;~-;;a~-ot-~ð{wh~~X~;;¡~21LZ_~:~~~ Clerk. SI&'DAture~Ý~ ~.U/~_ By _l.\!_____ --________u_______________ Deputy THIRD LIEN NaLure 0.1 Lien__u__,u______________ AmounL_______.______ Date ot Flling__________u__~______u_ Lien Holder ------______ u__ ______________ _______ Addre.._ _______ __ _____u_ ____ _________ _ ________ Clerk'. Si&'D4tun_____________u__u______u_______ By ----------------------__________u__ Deputy Above lien diacharged from County Clerk'. Recorda. Date 01 Diac:barge -------__u______u__u_______ Clerk'. SI&'D4Lure___u______u__ u_ __u____________ By ________________________________ ____ Deputy CERTIFICATE I, --------~__ ALAN E. ZIEGLER u_________County ClerL________ LINCOLN _____u__Collnty. Wyoming, do cerLify tbat the above applicant bas .tated under oath tha~e i. the owner of the above de.cribed moLar vehicle and that such motor vehicle II lubject La the Hens listed above and no oLben. I hereby certily tbat rensonable diligence baa been oxerciled In asccrtaining that the tacts .tated In the appJicaLion for a CertlficaLa of Title are truo, and Lbat this InaLrumenL waa liIed for record on the ____uJ..?____dey oL___Mª'Xu_______________u_. 19___7;¡ at ---.5.1-=_º.Q___o'c:loek_~_'___M.. and duly recorded In Book_nI~____u, PaI\'87§.9_~~_u, of the records of thil office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have bereunto caused this Certificate La be signed and the oI!icial .eal of this otlice to be placed thereon. . . (SEAL) B,~~~-AJ.-~~-",--~-J.~S-¡,¡;,.-- 76084 (Do not .Ir.r or t'On thl, C.,lIflca.. .. II mUlt bI pr...nl~ II ,hi County Tr...ur.,', oHic. when procvr1nv molot vehicle 11u.n... .nd mu.t be uMd In m.klng I &al. Of trlnder. WMn Till. I, tr.nsf.rred, .ppllc.tlon for new certificate mull be mid. to . County CI.,k within len dlY. .her th. ...Ignmenr on ,h. reveuI ,Id. her. IXKUted.) ~ "".,,,u.....,.,...,.. ......_" 131..11 I \ EXHIBIT "G" J \ 00&1.38 .,: TITLE NUMBER .,'~ //j 3/ F~ 2 3 f19 12-0168820"-· FEE 6 . 00 OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK WYOMING DATE ISSUED 3/30/95 .CERTIFICATE OF TITLE ' VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NO, ',80DrSTYLE' 1GKGK26NXPJ722222 SELLER B A WACKERLI CO -IDAHO~AL~S_ ID. ~u .oDOMETER ,PURC;H. DATE j :. <"'.. - ~~ .,,~:. ~.·~~¿/I :- ;.;: ,:~;:}:. i~;;~ 98.8.:"""_2/2,0/95.' ,. ':J . IN JOINT¡ TENANCV·-WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS-. TENANTS IN C~1MON ' r;' t, I \- - . '"' I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto caüsedtlÍiS; Certif- icàte lobe signed and the officiàlseal of-this. otf!ce.'.tohe placed thereoe. . .. . ,_- I By----MARSf: A-.-MoL_.....:..._~~___~~~ ' . "County Clerk. '. '. '_'..' . . \ For County Clerk's'Use Only ... . ..... FST-301 (7/09) I '.' .. . . , ;,U#-093558 ~f:¡ ·stLlenReleased j.... , . -. . (I)~t~) County Clerk Deputy , '. Second Lien Releasèd ...---.. , , County Clerk . , (Date) Deputy Third\ LlenR~I~Me(k' . . ,. - ~ ... ',. (Date) Couflty Clerk "r o 919 2-41' EXHIBIT "H" :'d- 1\ f , , \ .... I' .. ..~. \ ûOö139 . -.---------- r í EXHIBIT "I" . ,-.'J.-tI."fL ,)..,/ ¡.', \ 9~f{ ~ip <J il (1) rue: and correct is SUBJEIT. _,20 09 \ .---"