HomeMy WebLinkAbout946500 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ROICE LA V ARD JACKSON 231 CEDAR CREEK ROAD FREEDOM, WYOMING 83120 . RECEIVED 4/13/2009 at 2:40 PM RECEIVING # 946500 BOOK: 720 PAGE: 390 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY QUIT-CLAIM DEED 006390 ROICE LA V ARD JACKSON Grantor, of FREEDOM, LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming, hereby QUIT -CLAIM to: ROICE LA V ARD JACKSON TRUSTEE OR SUCCESSOR TRUSTEES OF THE JACKSON FAMILY TRUST, for the sum ofTen Dollars and other valuable consideration, the following tract ofland in LINCOLN , County, State ofWYOMlNG: Document No. 819833, in Book 383PR Page, with the Office of the Clerk QfLincoln County, Wyoming BEGINNING at the Southwest comer of the D. Jackson property, as referred to in the Deed recorded with Document No. 630952 in Book 224PR,on Page 88, with said Office, said Point of Beginning being 704.00 feet N89'08' 16"W, along the North Ling of the NW 1,1.. of Section 2, ofT34N , of said Rl19W, from the Marlowe A. Scherbel RLS 5368, 1995 accepted location for the Northeast Comer of said NW \4; thence N89'16"W, continuing along said North line,703.43 feetto a Point of the approximate Center Line of the East Side Canal, said Point being 1,228.36 feet S89 '16"E , along said North line, from the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368, 1991location for the Northwest Comer of said NW Comer of said NW 1,1..; thence Northerly along center Line the following:Nl7 '32 '31 "W 68.75 feet; NI5'37'09"W 58.41 feet;N23'06''E 108.49 feet; andN2'49'18"E 175.55 feet; thence S89'OS'16"E 50.08 said North line, 718.48 feet to the Northwest comer of said D Jackson property, thenceSO' 48 '07"W parallel wi~ tje East line of said SWII4, 620.0Ö feet, to the Point of Beginning, Encompassing 1O.56± Acres ofland ,/ l} SUBJECT TO: The30 feet wide right-of-Way Easement for Cedar Creek County Road 12-118, as shown on the County Road Plat, recorded in Slot 118, and recorded with Document No. 54500, in Book 192PR, on Page 564, with said Office. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: ALL Easements, Exceptions, Restrictions, Reservations, Right-of- Way, Improvements and Conditions of sight and or record, including but not limited to those shown heron. Witness the hand of said grantors, this 1.) day of J'ILV\ l~(}-V-'1 ~1 ¡~A}/t-vL ~,~ ROICE LA V ARD h(CKSON ,2009. STATEOFWYOMlNG ) County of LINCOLN ) On the ,.:) 7 day of ::fa /Il it a v j , 2009, personally appeared before me, ROICE LA V ARD JACKSON, signer of the foregoing inst:rüínent, who acknowledged to me that he executed the same. My commission expires: 6' -";.,;' -;;èJ I U CLAUDIA ANDERSON NotQry PublIc , ~ My Coi'nmIlIIôi\:bpiMI Residing in LINCOLN County. NOTARY PUBLIC éJallrJ/;è; ÔUC¿lA,j t/l.--- <t. .+- ~~ _"'T S >- 1: ~ ...... CtI 8~ °õ G co- B .1: c:.5!E~ CtI ._~ 00~ 0.. ("1')- ' Q) ("1')'0 Q)~ ;" 00 Q):5a::: 0 en t:..c: . E a;.e~~ en .~~M.S ~ ~ CtlI-~1{ §@~~ E Q)oo 0 c: ::I Q.Q) ts e (.) e C) Q).o o ð..-C'C (j) E o ,;:;u. ::I ..c: I/) C Õ (.) ==20 c: ~ I-";~ LU '0 ~ T"'"O Q)=~~ c: 'E E C'\I (j) C'C 8¡f"=t'~ ~ ~c~Cñ~ '00oQ)c Q)~cc~ ::I Q)(.)c~o o (t).- cCO Q) ""') oo"~ ,.g ..c: Q)("I').-- '0 -:S..... ~ . 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