HomeMy WebLinkAbout946552 ASSIGNMENT OF OVERRIDING ROYALTY INTEREST 00\1494 STATE OF WYOMING ) )§ COUNlY OF LINCOLN ) This ASSIGNMENT OF OVERRIDING ROYALTY INTEREST, Is made and entered Into by and between PALACE EXPLORATION COMPANY, 5 East 59th Street, 5th Floor, New York, New York 10022, and ZENECO, INC., hereinafter referred to as ("Assignors") and NEVADA PETROLEUM CORP.,1345 NW Wall Street, Suite 100, Bend, OR 97701, hereinafter referred to as ("AssIgnee"). For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consIderation, the receipt and sufficiency of which Is hereby acknowledged. Assignor doeiS hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer, assign and convey unto each Assignee, their successors and assigns, a one percent (1%) overriding royalty Interest in and to the oil and gas leases described ¡nExhlbit "A," attached hereto and made a part hereof. The income accruing to the overriding royalty Interest herein assigned shall be free, clear and discharged of all costs, save and except gross production taxes or other governmentaf taxes properly chargeable thereto. If the above referenced oil and gas leases coYer less than the entire undivided mineral estate In the described lands and/or if Assignor owns less than all Interest In and to said 011 and gas leases, then the interests herein assigned shall be proportionately reduced. This Assignment Is made without warranty of title either express or Implied. IN WITNESS WHEREOF thIs Assignment is executed October g¡.ff, 2008, however, effective for all purposes as of the effective date of April 1. 2008. Assignor: PALACE EXPLORATION COMPANY ~~ By: Paul A, Howard, ce Pres. ~ RECEIVED 4/14/2009 at 2:14 PM RECEIVING # 946552 BOOK: 720 PAGE: 494 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) §. COUNTY OF NEW YORK } OOii495 BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this ~ day of '0 e. ~, 2008, personally appeared Paul A Howard, to me known to be the Identical person who subscribed the name of Palace Exploration Company to the foregoing instrument as Its Vice President and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed and as 1h6 free and voluntary act and deed of such Corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commission expIres: r:ß I tI JACK GF:ORGE Jb. r;£Æ~ £ Notary Public, State of New York N ry ubllc líJo. ,j -':·",6~OùO Qualified in New York County Commission Expires July 9, 20ßL STATE OF OKLAOMA ) )§. COUNTY OF.:R::I1:SA ) lUtkAr!h1-l ~~ORE ME, the }.Inderslgned,. a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this if day of /Jf (!nnbi( 2008, personally appeared Robert M. linke, to me known to be the identical person who subscribed the name of Zeneco, Inc. to the foregoing imJtrument as its President and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed and as the free and voluntary act and deed of such Corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. GIVEN under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: HER FLEIING Notary Public S_ ofOldlhoma Commission t06009815 Explr..: October 2. 2010 . , ~N Ir!~r~rf~¡riifir g ~ I I;;' f It I~ " ..~~~ .. o. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ =-~5~~~---g~-~~~-&~- ~ ;:;- 5" ~ if ~~ pfjp. ~~~. !'~PPP~. ~ P P P .. ) ?O lif~!frif¡i~it~~fiiI ¡ t i z f ~, !~ m "" ~ >~ r~ I 5; ~~~fi~~ ~~ »m 3 ;Þ ;U t=: (¡,... gj0 ;II :tI ::: ~~ iJliiJi~ifll!~rifili !I: i ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ;;¡¡ C , 5' r~ [[!::i:fi~:ªtt !?~! :i ! ! ~J.(...iêDi..lim. i· 4!~" '< g g CD ~I f e. ~ i~ ~~i[i' iil! ~ ell 1 I ~:~i~~ ..i~ ¡ r~J~i~ §. :ï:: êD F ~ ~~ 1llllllllllill~lilll ~ i j " ~ ~ i· Si It:; ~ ~ §i OJ ( ) g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'~œ~"'~m~m~'" -I o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zzzzzzZZZZZZZ%zzzzzzzzzzzzzzžzzzzZŽI~ if i ~ i i i i i i ~. i i i i i i ¡ i i i ¡ i ~ ¡ ~ ¡ ~ i i i i ¡ i i i ill ; !~lil;;t~~~~;;;;;~i;;;ti~i~I~I~I!I~:1 ! ! f[llfitiiiiiii tl[I[:~:~:~~&Ž~~g'i ! ~ i![ti[lilllil[![¡[!~B~~~B~~~B~B g i iim~œæ mm,m~..im~..~~~~~~~~~~~~ CD ¡ICQ¡I~~ ~~I~ø~øœøm>-~->~>-~~>- ð t bßOØØðOOOiiilig~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ä -=---~- - ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~ i g 8lglllllr¡ .. 5~g~9;¡~i~!~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~¡¡æ~~~~~~~~~~~~:i!~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~·~~~~~~·~~~~b~~mYm~mYmym~ffi~ ~ ~ ~~~~0&0~~0~m~ii~~i~~~m·l~ø~ø~Ø~ ~ . ~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~·~~~~~~J;:I··~~·~~;·~~ . g ·....F ~.... ¡..... j"" i"" j....I~~.... . . . .... m r- r-: ~ ~ ~ ~ ,... ~ t "tI IIt:tt:t~.t. ~ :t:ttttt~......~. ~......~;:¡~. .~:p § ~ ~ææ~æ ~~.æg~æØ~Q~Ø~Q~a~Q~ ¡ ~ ~~~¡~¡gil~l!i~~~,~~~ø~ø~ø~~~~~ø~ êD ï ¥ o~~~os¡,o~~¥r~~¥¥~~~.~~!~~~.$~~ ~ I ~mB!~~- - = ~m~~~~mjœ~m-l"'~m~Q ¡ ~ !i!!l!¡~i:i~I!!~~§~~~ð~~~~~m~ffi~ ~ ~ 1~I~illtíítfJÐI~~~IF$I!~~~~~$~~ ~ i;~~~ii~iiiii~~~~~~~i~~~~¡I¡~~1 ~ ~~~~f~ifififf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ãºg ø ~i~i~~~~~~~~~~~§~~ ~~~ ~ ffi~m~ffi~ffi~ffi~ffi~ ~ il~~~i~~ ~W~$~~~~~~~~ G'J IB ø Q G'J G) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q) CI) ø <:i> ø ~ 6 is ~ ã õ :!I :!I ~ ~ :J § ~ 2 ,... ~ ~ ~ m m ~ m m m ~~ ~~~~~~g¡~~ ~Iß!!~~ ¡,¡~~ 8) m g¡ en !2 m8 ... ..... <.o<.o(l)Ø>'" N ,þ.,QØ)Cb'" '-I ... .... .... ... ~~ ~~*"" mØ ~~~~... ..... ..... .... ~ ... ..... mli ~"'<.o ~m ~~~8~"'ON œ~~8 g¡ !¡g ( ) 0; ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~$~ !i !!Ì !!Ì. !!Ì !!Ì co g~ 8~~ N~~~~ ~~~ - .... ~ .... m g¡ I ~~~~~t....~t~~O~ml~m~lml~~ Co) .... ...... t;î .... 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