HomeMy WebLinkAbout946570 Mar zr zuu~ lJ:ZZ t'UU1/UUlI SECOND 1'I10DIFICA~ION 01' MORTGAGE OaXG!~ALLY aSCORDID AT BOOK 567 PAGB 20S nocuKBNT NUMDER 906944 ûOô567 ADJUSTING ACREAGE JIBLDS 01' oollD, ~1:,0 A tlX'DMIW LIMITBD LIA8XLI'1'Y COMP./UfY', Oli'_ 2142 CQlln~ road 123. B.fo~d, WI B:J1U " (hareln aalleotively glll.d -MORTGAGOR"), to ,eeLlr.'the Plym8t'1t of CBS MILLION 'IVIS HtlNDMD M:¡:QTY IIU:: '1'JIOt1BAND JX)L~s "1, $IIG. 000.00)', wlÜ1lntlren thereon, 81 provided In and .,vldln~.d by II promluory notlil of even date herewf1h (the ultimate maturity datu of whløh II the 2nd dlY of June, 20101 Bnd all rllnlwlIl., modlflolltlon aolf Ixtenelonl tourlof. do herlilby monglgl unto DIRQt,,¡, sUraR AW JBAIOOiI strrBa, HUS8AÞn A1m WIn 1)1' 12045 1'umbltv..ot Dl'ivø. Stol'l1nJ. CO 80l~1 , lI1111r.ln oalled "MORTGAGeE"11 thll following . described rell property, slWlltCl In th. CCll,lnty àf lIOIIOrn, Stat. af WyomIng, hl"'by reroltlng and wlilvll1S III rights und.r and by vlrtul of thl hom8ltl.d IHempdon 'aw, of th, State of Wyom.lng. to-wltl SiB ATTAcamc iXklB¡~ A FOR LBaAL nZøCR!~~tOK. MORTGÂGOA egru.. to pay the Indlbt.dnlll hereby ,tcurfld¡ to pay all tax", alllllssments and chargls levIed luelnlt th. Property, 1111 the Ilmll become due and peYablel to lecuru, malntlll/n Bod furnllh MORTGAGEE e\lldlncu thereof, InsLlrance with an Ir!Iur8naa cen1ør or carriers Icoeptable to MORTGAGEE, cO\lllr/ng the Ineurana, ImprClVlrmClntl Oh the Propenv IIgalnst 1081 by fIre and f,Ianhqulk", wIth IICtBnded coverly" In II,.. ømoùot not lesl than the unp,rd ballnce of thlll debt hClreby sucured, Qr the Inlu/'IIbl. vlluø!repllgemlnt gOltl of such Improv.lTllnts whlch.lllr ,. le81, which Insurance 1111111 gantaln an 'PPI'Dprlate 1111.. p.yøbll provlelon protlctlng MORTGAGOR anØ MOFlTGAGEE ..thelr ruplatll,ølnt8l'lil8tl mey 8ppear from Ulnu to tlm.. In the ovent MC;rrtJAI30R falls to pay euch tlXI. or "Iø".ment., or fIll. to ku.p anrl maIntain such Insuranco III hareln p(l vldadl MORTGAGE£; rnsy PlY .uch t.~es and 118lell*"'lInta Clnd mey "cure and plV for lIuch Inlur.llnel, and allIum. io þ.'d lhall be added to Bnd conl dlred Q pan of the Indabttdnasl heraby IØcl.lr8d and snail drBW Jntortlt Bt thll slime ( ~te. In c:u.ø dlf.ult. shell bll mado In thll p.ymem of tho abovu BUrn ¡ horeby ..cured, Dr In the payment Of thllmur8lt tOIl(OOn, ar IIny PIII'1: of III.lë:h prlnolpll·or Interelt, whan the illme 8hllll beoome duej or In .cillrO of, r:tëflult shall be mlde In lU1y, of tha oovenants IInd .greemlllntl thareof, or In th. avent MORTGAGOR 88/1B or convllya the Prop,artV. Or IIny part thereof, or al1Y intarast t~erøln, wh~out the prlo~. written conllnt of tOe MORTGAGeE first hlld 8nr;f obtained, then the whole Indebtednlls hereby .lIoured. Y(lth IntBrllat thlrøon, .h.1I b.oome dLle Bnd Plvable,.lIt the,optlon of MO~iGAGëE, Bnd MORTßAGEE'S leoal r.preaontetl\le. Ind IIs.lgn., may praOllJd 'by advertillment Ind lilia/or Ie cth.rwls8 authorIzed by governing law; to fOf.alo" on and leU tt l~ Pròpilrty, .nd out gf the procCløde af ,uch 1Iul., MORTGAGEE .hull pay elllluml dug hereljnder, togather with all oOBta.of lallil incrudln; re.'lIInabla attorney'; fell. If the proceeds of toe foreclQ8Url II1de Ire fnlluftlaiønt to PlY th. Indebtednuse hereby securCld and forlcrolll,lro cOlli., MORTGAGEE shIll be entitltó to II deflal'ncv l.Idgment. In the IilVllnt of any dafllult wherlby the right of f(lreclOlrure oocurll horlundllr, MORTGAGEE shIll at «:Ince blloome entltl.d ,g eKclu"ive POI"lllon, use Clnd enjoyment af the Propeny, and to .1/ r8nt\l; luuell IInd profIts from thl lIr¡cru ng of InV such rights and dUring the pendenr:y of the forecloliure þl'OcBsdlngli, end·the pgrfod of Ì'lIdllmptlon, If Inv ther.e be. MORTGAOOflwørrants tItle to-the Propeny lIS to pllnl.e chtlmrng, by· through or under the MCRTGAG,OR only. , i~ο .LL Wltne" OUr hllnda thl, £-¡ ....:. dllY of rrp. r. ¡ : ¿J.,() {j Cj RECEIVED 4/15/2009 at 3:44 PM RECEIVING # 946570 BOOK: 720 PAGE: 567 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ':IELDS OF GOLD LLC . ASfl~n .H,¡[s Vc::.vdo p rn '~ø~ .."¡nltte' shi!'J5B, - Mlfnber . A-c-ttiw ïi z-I!:!.-d "'srðY1.«..·&t r-e.,.. lia~lF.í.j ....·...1. .. ;~'~:',¡ji~ . t~ .1..' I state of Wyoming) } SB County of Lincoln) . Mar 27 2009 13;22 ü00568 POO2/00d ThK foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Lynette Sharpe this .llifb.day of Æt~ ' 2009 . _.... . NANALE EKO PAUL - NOTARY PUBLIC Witness my hand and officIal seal County of State of . Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires May).Ð;-2Q1· "'-- / . .-....' My Commission Expires HALj i 0 Z.()\ \. .. . Mar 21 2009 13:22 00ó569 JOOmIlT A sv..NBI4, NE\4SBW, LotJ 1 md 2 of Section 3, T33N IUlSW of tho 6th P.M., lJncoln County, Wyom1Dg. LBSS AN]) BXCarr any land conwMd in Quit CJahn Deed recorded Novcrnbln' 13, 1985 In 'Book 233PR. on page 10' ot the ~ords of the Uneo!n County Clerk. I.BSB AND BXCBP'r th~ fallowing dCBCrlbcd Jand: A portion of the SUt\!r property, aa n:fcrrtd 10 in tho Deed J.'O~on:Icd In Book 186PR On P/lBI: 4$0, witb this Office of the Clm: of Uncoln County, Wyamin¡, withiQ the SWI4NBW of Section 3, T:J3N R118W of the (jth P.M.. LIncoln County, Wyoming, the metcB And boundu belns moro pardC1)Jar!y d;scrlbed liB follOWS: I· BEGINNING at tho Northwe.t c:orncr of the Jeny SQt!n' Pl'Operty, u refmcd to tn thc Deed ,.corded in Book 146PR on PQgc 670, with IIld Ofl1co,nid Point of BeBinnillB baJna 327.50 feet N 0·18'40" B, along the Bast line of tho NWI4 of..id Section 3, from the Mllrlow!: A ScherblS.! PLS 5368, 19S191ocati\In.for tIl!: Southeaet COrÞør of 81IId NWI4: thence N OD18'4{I" B, ~ODIInu1ng a)QPI.aid Butlil1e, 300.83 t\::CI; . thence: S 89828'43" B, pamIJe1 With the Sollth Une Df .aid SWI4NEW, 446.06 feel: thOJNC S 0·18'40· W, pan¡11e1 with Rid But )1De, 5(i8,'S feet: . thence N 89'28'43" W, paQUe1 with Did South line, 313.06 feel to Point in tho But line øf said ¡my Sutor property: thence N 0'18'40· H, alOI1l lIid But line, panlle with laid Batt I1no of said NWI4, 267.50 f=t ta tho N.orthcut comer thereof: thence N 89·28'43" W, along the North line of saLd Jerr¡ Suter propcny parallel wiJh saleS South 11no, 133.00 teot, to the POINT. OF BBGXNN1NG. LBSS AND BXC:an!he following described land: A portion of the SUter property, II 1'fIferrcd 10 in tIl= Deed reconfed In Boole 186PR OIl Pago 430, wit!l rbc omce of the Clark of LII!COIn CoulUy, Wyoming, within the NE\4 of' 8eçtfcm 3, T:3:3N RU8W of tb= 6th P~M., Lincoln Coun!)', WyominJ, \tu:I meles and )(lund, being !norc particu ~l)' doscri'bed as foUl)w~: BBOINNINa at the U.S. Oe.DCral Land Offlcc 1908, locution fur the SoutbWtst Comer of the SBW ofSectJon 34, T34N Rl18W: thence S 89'36'35" a, along the South line of 8tlid SEW, 2660,61 fCClt ta Ihe U.S, Ocmera1 Land Ofnco 11123, loclltion for the Northwë.t Corner of the: NW\4 of BcçtioD 2 of Bald T33l'i R.1l8W; thence S 0'20'05" W,'aIOD¡ the West Uoe of said NW\4, 818.75 feet; thence N 8p836'36Q WI parallel wtlb laid South line, 2660,28 feet to II. Polnl in tbe But Jlne of tho NWI4 of uld SectioXl 3; . thenco N 0'18'40" a, along said nut u~, 818.75 feet, to tho POINT Of ~BGINN1NG. TOO~'I'1mR with a 60 ftiet wide R;ight...of-Way Elltemcnt to Heiner SUter Count)' Road No. 12~ 127, the cenler line bolng more partlcuJarly describe" 8S f01!Dw.: BEGINNING at a :Point in tho Blllt line of !he 1my SUucr property, II rofmcd to in the Deed Rcorded ill Boo). l~R, on p-":e 670, with raId Office l)'i1Jg wlthm the bounds of the Right ot Way tor said County Road recorded in .Book 181P.R on Paae 407. with s.dd Office: .aid POINT OF BBGJNNINO bc1Dg 133.00 feet S 89"28'431' 8. aloDg the North II.ne of tho SBW of laid St:lIlttOQ 3, Imtn the Marlowe A. Scharbe1 PLS 5368. 1999 location for the NorthWéSit Corœrof Bail! 8BI4, to tho Southl:\A$t corJU:f of said Jlln:y Suter property and 30.00 feet N 0"18'40" B. Hlong said &It line to the POlNT OF BBOINNlNG: Ihç:nco S 89'28'43~ B, paraJlelwithsaid North line, S43.06 fèct; thence N 0"18'40" E, pmnel with pld :&sI: Uno, .628.33 feet; then= N 89'28'43" W, pal'l¡)]el with said North line,·446.01i feet: Ihcncc N 0818'40. S, parallel wJth IlIjd Ba.lline, 1263.48 feet 10 1\ :Point in tho South line of tho above desçribod PfOPctJy. CON'l'XNUF;O lIB. IVI. ~"':'n'Á¡:I~ . .t.,'./ ""- . P003/00d Mar 27 2009 13:22 POOd/OOd EXHIBIT A CONTINUED ûOû570 TOGETHER WITH: A PORTION OF THE SUTER PROPERTY, AS REFERRED TO IN THE DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 166PR, ON PAGE 430, WITH THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, WITHIN THE SWI4NEX OF SECTION 3, T33N, R118W. OF THE 6TH P,M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, THE METES AND BOUNDS BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE JERRY SUTER PROPERTY, AS REFERRED TO IN THE DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 146PR, ON PAGE 610, WITH SAID OFFICE, SAID POINT OF BEGINNING BEING 327.50 FEET Noo18'40"E, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NWXI OF SAID SECTION 3, FROM THE MARLOWE A SCHERBEL PLS 5368,1999 LOCATION FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NW~ OF SAID SECTION 3; THENCE Noo18140nE, CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 341.45 FEET; THENCE S89~28143"E, PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE QF SAID SWY4NE~, 416.32 FEET: THENCE S0018'40" W, PARALLEL WITH SAID EAST LINE, 608.95 FEET; THENCE NB9D28'43'W, PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTH LINE, 283.32 FEET TO POINT IN THE EAST LINE OF SAID JERRY SUTER PROPERTY; THENCE NOo18'40"E, ALONG SAID EAST LINE, PARALLEL WITH SAID' EAST LINE OF SAID NWY4, 267.50 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF; THENCE N8SD28'43IW, ALONG THE NQRTH LINE OF SAID JERRY SUTER PROPERTY, PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTH LINE, 133.00 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH: . . . . W1/2 SW1/4 NE1/4 OF' SECTION' 3 T33N R118W O~ THE 6 P.M" LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING LESS AND EXCEPT: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 3 T33N R118W, 6'J'H P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING AND RUNNING THENCe NORTH 327.5 FEET. THENCE EAST133.0 FEET. THENCE SOUTH 327.5 FEET, THENCE WEST 133.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING FROM ALL PROÞERTY HEREWITH: LOTS 1 r 21 3, 5, 6 AND 11 OF SUTER'S CANYON SUBDIVISION RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27. 2001 AT DOCUMENT NUMBER 933480 IN THE OFFIce OF THE CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING