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000861. Lien Statement Dairy Systems Company, 4004 North Highway 91, Hyde Park, Utah 84318, files this lien Statement: /' Dairy Systems Company. 4004 The name and address of the person seeking to enforce the lien: North Highway 91. Hyde Park. Utah 84318 2. The amount claimed to be due and owing: $220.836.12. 3. The name and address of the person against whose property the lien claim is filed: Laze. LLC.. 431 Chesapeake. Pocatello. Idaho 83202. 4. An itemized list setting forth and describing materials delivered or work performed is attached hereto as exhibit A. 5. The name and address of the persons against whom the lien claim is made is as follows: 1. __ Morris A. Farinella Masson Cheese comp 6180 Alcoa Avenue Vernon, CA 90058 Rick Lawson 431 Chesapeake Avenue Pocatello, Id 83202 Don Zebe 465 Berrett Avenue Pocatello, Id 83201 RECEIVED 4/21/2009 at 9:45 AM RECEIVING # 946648 BOOK: 120 PAGE: 861 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Gaylen Clayson 710 East 600 North Firth Id 83236 6. The date when labor was last performed or services were last rende!"~!:!: Decem be! 2..3. 2008. 7. The legal description of the premises is attached hereto as exhibit B. 8. The contract between the parties was oral, there was no written contract. -----.-.-. _..... Dated this 2Q.day of April, 2009 ',/ '..~..; Dairy Systems Company, Inc. By=-,{"~ Jl .~~ Its: \( (L C Pc-c ..L . '" On this~ day of April personally appeared before me Kt ¿,/k.. ß. G 1:« ~o acknowle~~ed to me that he signed the same. . ..... ....... (\j~ " ~ryPUjIC G~:F.¡ ~:~ :Vi~;ki ~ ':; ~ ¡~,_. { i'.:' I'.; L~- ~., :Vt1 ~ì. f'.¡~·,: . ¡-',"1';' " .~~~\: :.n E';:~-:~,¡:-:-~n '1 , .¡ }ÎY"; 1, "L ~:~ .·~rr/ ."fro' ; ":-':": i ,tL..'~.-:··,~ ...........-........,.,.." .. ........ ~ > ' " ¡'+-- /l- Dairy Systems Company 4004 North Highway 91 Hyde Park, UT 84318 Invoice DATE INVOICE # 8/29/2008 39299 I BILL TO Star Valley Cheese OOóS62 TERMS REP PROJECT KEG QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH AMOUNT 1 Circuit Breakers 7,142.68 7,142.68 1 Conduit & Fittings 4,363.92 4,363.92 1 Load Center & panel boards 10,303.56 10,303.56 1 Boxes, Hardware, & Connectors 3,787.24 3,787.24 1 Wire 18,813.50 18,813.50 3 Transformers 3,624.46667 10,873.40 1 Fuel & Lodging 1,763.00 1,763.00 1 Labor & Service 17,250.00 17,250.00 Utah Sales Tax 6.50% 0.00 Total $74,297.30 Dairy Systems Company 4004 North Highway 91 Hyde Park, UT 84318 Invoice DATE INVOICE # 9/30/2008 40144 I BILL TO Star Valley Cheese OOii863 TERMS REP PROJECT KBG QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH AMOUNT 1 Concrete Cutting 1,373.00 1,373.00 1 Electrical Supplies 21,523.52 21,523.52 1 Labor & Service 24,853.00 24,853.00 1 Fuel and Lodging 2,104.48 2,104.48 .. Total $49,854.00 Dairy Systems Company 4004 North Highway 91 Hyde Park, UT 84318 Invoice DATE INVOICE # 10/29/200 40813 I BILL TO Star Valley Cheese 00&864 TERMS REP PROJECT KBG QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH AMOUNT 1 Electrical Supplies 16,190.18 16,190.18 1 Custom Motor Control Center 97,500.00 97,500.00 1 Shipping Charges 960.00 960.00 1 Fuel and Lodging 705.88 705.88 1 Labor & Service 5,980.00 5,980.00 4 sheets frp board 34.95 139.80 Total $121,475.86 Dairy Systems Company 4004 North Highway 91 Hyde Park, UT 84318 Invoice DATE INVOICE # 12116/200~ 40253 I BILL TO Star Valley Cheese 00&865 TERMS REP PROJECT Net 15 KBG QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH AMOUNT 1 Labor & Service 1,040.00 1,040.00 1 Propane 80.00 80.00 Total $1,120.00 Dairy Systems Company 4004 North Highway 91 Hyde Park, UT 84318 Invoice DATE INVOICE # 12/23/200 40254 I BILL TO Star Valley Cheese 00&866 TERMS REP PROJECT Net 15 KBG QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH AMOUNT 1 Labor & Service 3,250.00 3,250.00 Total $3,250.00 Dairy Systems Company 4004 North Highway 91 Hyde Park, UT 84318 Statement I DATE I 3/31/2009 I BILL TO Star Valley Cheese OOô867 AMOUNT DUE AMOUNT ENC. $220,047.09 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE 02/28/2009 Balance forward 215,970.43 03/31/2009 INV#FC 5001. Due 03/31/2009. Finance Charge 4,076.66 220,047.09 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER 90 DAYS AMOUNT DUE DUE DUE DUE PAST DUE 4,076.66 4,076.66 3,858.95 8,614.84 199,419.98 $220,047.09 Dairy Systems Company 4004 North Highway 91 Hyde Park, UT 84318 Statement I DATE I 4/6/2009 6008GB I BILL TO Star Valley Cheese AMOUNT DUE AMOUNT ENC, $220,836.12 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE 07/31/2008 Balance forward 0.00 08/29/2008 INV#39299. Due 08/29/2008. 74,297.30 74,297.30 09/16/2008 PMT#1038. Thank You!!!! -50,000.00 24,297.30 09/30/2008 INV #FC 4761. Due 09/30/2008. Finance Charge 511.24 24,808.54 09/30/2008 INV#40144. Due 09/30/2008. 49,854.00 74,662.54 10/29/2008 INV#40813. Due 10/31/2008. 121,475.86 196,138.40 10/31/2008 I~ #FC 4796. DlI:e 1 0/31{;0~_~. fin~,!-~e Ch!l,.gi! 1,Jl1.47 197,649.87 - -- .-- .-.........-.. - ._. - - - 11/28/2008 INV #FC 4832. Due 11/28/2008~ Finance Charge 1,770.11 199,419.98 12/16/2008 INV#40253. Due 12/31/2008. 1,120.00 200,539.98 12/23/2008 INV #40254. Due 01/07/2009. 3,250.00 203,789.98 12/31/2008 INV#FC 4863. Due 12/31/2008. Finance Charge 4,244.84 208,034.82 01/30/2009 INV #FC 4893. Due 01/30/2009. Finance Charge 3,858.95 211,893.77 02/28/2009 INV#FC 4927. Due 03/02/2009. Finance Charge 4,076.66 215,970.43 03/31/2009 INV #FC 5001. Due 03/31/2009. Finance Charge 4,076.66 220,047.09 04/06/2009 INV #FC 5007. Due 04/06/2009. Finance Charge 789.03 220,836.12 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER 90 DAYS AMOUNT DUE DUE DUE DUE PAST DUE 789.03 4,076.66 4,076.66 7,108.95 204,784.82 $220,836.12 \)"l'f"'" ~" (Attached to and farming a pa~t at ~'_ht~ t~nit'-,"":1¡~Jn~ l;t."t~,i'Ï ei:'\t'è'~ .''It::: nr f~(:i",:":bt;t' i';;¡:;¡:: by H~Sltl;!lri} D:'U"\'II_'::H C.:wp.e¡.-a tlVt:! t 1 hC.. t,¡) S ~ \r _ ;:'"}!(Tt:'Sii:! 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